Chapter 31 Wolf Unity (3)
Competitive choices in human society must be fair, orderly, and ethical.Otherwise, if the treacherous and evil side of human nature is allowed to act recklessly, competition will inevitably lead to adverse selection—survival of the fittest and reverse the wheel of history.Since morality is the premise of competition, then competition and collaboration go hand in hand, and there is no contradiction at all.

The spirit of cooperation is also one of the various psychological qualities that modern people should possess.With a good spirit of cooperation, we can create a harmonious and resonant working atmosphere, establish a democratic and interactive working relationship, which is of great help to cultivate our independent spirit and dynamic attitude.

So how do we "direct" the collaboration between team members?
First, establish a harmonious relationship and create a good working atmosphere.

Psychologists believe that if we can form a good relationship of trust with colleagues and bosses, then we may be more willing to get along with colleagues and bosses, consciously accept the teaching, help and support of colleagues and bosses, and at the same time we will give They also help and support.

This mutual respect and understanding can form a friendly and relaxed working environment.This environment allows us to maximize our intelligence and speak freely about our thoughts at work.This environment also maximizes our enthusiasm for work.There is nothing more important than a good mood.If we are in a company and feel that the interpersonal relationship is tense and the working environment is dead, are you still in the mood to work?Not to mention being creative.

Second, give play to one's own subjective initiative and actively participate in group activities.

Marx pointed out: "The characteristic of human beings is precisely the free and conscious activities." In the process of human activities, human beings always exist as the subject;Therefore, it is very necessary to exert one's own subjective initiative and actively participate in collective activities.

Actively participating in group activities can enhance our spirit of collaboration.With the spirit of collaboration, we can give full play to our own subjective initiative.When encountering difficulties, we all think of ways and come up with ideas together, "Three cobblers are better than one Zhuge Liang", the collective wisdom is infinite.In such a group, we have to be forced to think about problems.

Third, it created a strong competitive atmosphere, which filled the whole process of work with an atmosphere of chasing each other and striving for victory.

When we encounter difficulties at work, feel fear, helplessness, and hesitation in our hearts, what do we need most at this time?It is the encouragement from the heart of the players.This kind of encouragement allows you to overcome yourself, and allows you to take a step that will determine your life. At this time, you will strongly feel the great power from the collective, the healthy competition, and the happiness brought about by surpassing yourself.

Since encouragement will bring us such a huge effect, we should also encourage our players from time to time so that our team can form a good competitive atmosphere.

Fourth, fully trust colleagues and those around you.

When dealing with our colleagues, we must fully trust others.Don't always think of how high your ability is, always think of yourself very high, and be humble.Some people may be less capable, as long as we can give them full confidence, they will definitely do well.Trusting others is a good virtue.

Fifth, give full play to the role of departments and encourage cooperative learning.

Cooperative learning is a common, open, and inclusive learning that requires study group members to share goals and resources, participate in tasks, communicate directly, and rely on each other.

The implementation of group cooperative learning can increase our information exchange, expand the depth and breadth of our thinking, and at the same time exercise our personal abilities.Collaboration and group decision-making can not only promote the learning of knowledge and skills, but also help cultivate the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance.

7 Strengthen the sense of honor of achievement and success
The tacit cooperation between wolves has become the decisive factor for the success of wolves.Several scattered wolves become a cooperative, powerful and united team in hunting. They all know the tasks they must perform, and no matter what they do, they can always rely on the strength of the group to complete it.They can also sacrifice themselves for the realization of collective goals.

To learn the team spirit of the wolf is to cultivate the sense of honor of the wolf team.

A team without a sense of honor is a team without hope, and an employee without a sense of honor will not be an excellent employee. West Point's "Code of Honor": "Every student will never lie, cheat or steal, and will never allow Others do.” It’s the sense of honor that separates the good from those who have yet to accomplish anything.

In the education of West Point Military Academy, honor education has always been given priority, and honor is regarded as the highest.In the military academy, every cadet is required to memorize the styles and differences of all military ranks, badges, epaulets, and medals, and remember the meaning and rewards they represent. At the same time, they must also remember the definition of military materials such as leather and even campus water storage. How many liters of water is stored in the pool and so on.Such training and requirements will virtually cultivate students' sense of honor.This is worth learning from all enterprises, because an excellent employee must have a comprehensive and clear understanding of his work and the company he works for.

Soldiers regard honor as life, and any language or behavior that damages the honor of soldiers should be absolutely prohibited.Similarly, if an employee has enough sense of honor for his work, is proud of his work, and proud of his company, he will definitely glow with incomparable enthusiasm for work.Every enterprise should educate its employees on the sense of honor, and every employee should arouse a sense of honor for their position and the company.It can be said that the sense of honor is the soul of the team.

If an employee has no sense of honor, even if there are thousands of rules and regulations or requirements, he may not do his job perfectly. He may not understand some requirements, or think they are redundant, and feel tired and troublesome.

Anyone who has stayed at a Hilton Hotel has this experience.When you wake up in the morning, as soon as you open the door, the waiter standing at the end of the corridor comes over and says, good morning, and calls you by name.How could they know your name.You ask her, how do you know.She will tell you that when they went to bed last night, they had to remember the names of the guests in each room.

Maybe everyone has had such an experience, but they just thought it was normal and ignored it.But I think these seem to be small things, but they reflect a very profound truth.If the waiter didn't have a sense of honor that Hilton was proud of, how could she behave so conscientiously?Achievements can create honor, and honor can allow you to achieve greater achievements.Can an employee without a sense of honor become a proactive and self-motivated employee?If you can't realize the importance of honor and what it means to yourself, your work, and your company, how can you expect such employees to strive for and create honor?

8 The overall situation and self-sacrifice of the team

The wolf's will to fight may be the strongest in nature, and the most important part of the wolf's art of fighting is: "self-sacrifice, take care of the overall situation."

Whether it is the hunger caused by waiting for a fighter plane, or facing the hooves of reindeer; whether it is facing a mighty lion, or human firearms, when it is really necessary to fight, the wolf has never flinched.Wolves often use the cost of individual lives to maintain the dignity of the race.

When we work in a company, we must also have this kind of thinking.When personal interests or departmental interests conflict with the overall strategy and team interests, we must not hesitate to abandon personal interests and take the overall situation into consideration.

When we are working with all our strength on a certain subject; when we are about to succeed with great enthusiasm for a certain topic; Let us give up the work at hand and do other work. At this time, we need to deal with it calmly and rationally.First of all, we need to find out the intention of the boss. Maybe what he asked us to do is an extremely important thing, which is related to the rise and fall of the entire company. He just asked you to temporarily give up the work in hand and do the most important thing first. matter.At this time, we must not be stubborn, and must have the idea of ​​​​"giving up small interests and considering the overall situation".

Microsoft's Michael experienced such a severe test.

New Year's Day in 1984 was a far-reaching milestone in the world's computer history. On this day, Apple announced that they had officially launched their first personal computer.

This strange visitor, named "Macintosh", has a unique graphical "window", which is a personal computer for the user interface. "Macintosh" went to the market with its better user interface, thus launching a strong offensive challenge to IBM PC personal computers.

Bill Gates was moved upon hearing the news, and immediately formulated corresponding countermeasures, deciding to abandon the design of "excellent" software.At this time, Michael and the programmers are sweating and working hard, and the "excellent" spreadsheet software has also begun to take shape.After much deliberation, Bill Gates still had to make a heart-wrenching decision. He formally notified Michael to abandon the development of "excellent" software and turn to develop the same software as Apple's "Macintosh".

After hearing the news, Michael was puzzled, and rushed into Bill Gates' office in a hurry:

"I really don't understand your decision! What are we working on day and night? Ginrad beat us in software development! Microsoft is here to get back what it lost!"

Bill Gates patiently explained to him why:

"In the long run, the 'Macintosh' represents the future of computing. It is the best user interface computer available, and only it can give full play to our 'superior' functions, which cannot be matched by IBM personal computers. From Focusing on the overall situation, gaining experience in the Macintosh first is precisely for future development."

Seeing that the project he was responsible for developing and researching died halfway, Michael ignored Bill Gates' explanation and shouted angrily: "This is an insult to me. I will never accept it!"

The young and energetic Michael submitted his resignation letter to the company in a fit of anger.No matter how Bill Gates persuaded him to stay, he never let go.However, the designer's work ethic drives him to do the finishing work with all his heart.

Michael transplanted some of the designed programs to the Macintosh computer, and made a video tape of how to operate "Excellence".

After that, he quietly left Microsoft.

Michael returned home and thought about it carefully. Although he couldn’t talk back to Microsoft, he not only missed Microsoft in his heart, but also admired Bill Gates’s personality and his genius creativity.

The next day, when he appeared at the gate of Microsoft, Bill Gates was completely relieved: "God, you are finally back!"

Michael, who was overwhelmed with gratitude, hugged Bill Gates who had already been waiting in front of the door.Since then, he has devoted himself to continuing the finishing work of the "excellent" software, and he has also worked overtime to add a very practical function to this software-analog display, which is one step ahead of others.

King Ruide, which has a keen sense of smell, is by no means incompetent. They also realized the importance of "Macintosh" and developed special software called "Angel" for it. This is what worries Gates the most.

Microsoft is determined to speed up the development of "Excellence", and successfully launched the "Excellence" series of products before the "Angel".Half a month later, "Excellence" was officially successfully developed. This product far surpassed the "Pioneer" software in many aspects, and it had more complete functions and more perfect effects.Therefore, once the product came out, it immediately achieved great success, and sellers from all over the country came to place orders one after another. For a while, the supply was in short supply.

Since then, Apple's Macintosh computers have been heavily equipped with excellent software.Many see this marriage as a "match made in heaven."

However, the "Angel" of Jinruide Company was almost 3 weeks behind the "Excellence".These three weeks have determined the different fates of the two companies.

The subsequent market research report showed that the market share of "Excellence" far exceeded that of "Angel".

Both Bill Gates and Michael must be very clear about the relationship between small interests and the overall situation.As long as the overall situation is grasped, sometimes it is worth giving up a little bit of profit.

We must obey the company's assignments and transfers at work. The boss always starts from the overall situation and has his own goals.

In fact, the same is true for our personal work. It is necessary to distinguish which are the most important things and which can be temporarily abandoned.

This will make our work better.

Sometimes when we are at work, our personal interests conflict with the interests of the company.At this time, you should give up your own interests without hesitation.Maybe you give up now, and there will be greater gains in the future.

As long as a team has such a group of employees who dare to give up their personal interests, then such a team will eventually be a team with extremely strong combat effectiveness.

9 Cultivate cooperation ability and creative play

With the increase of knowledge workers and the increase of intellectual content in work content, more and more work needs to be done by teamwork.

The biggest difference between the traditional organizational management model and the team collaboration model is that the team puts more emphasis on individual creativity in the team and the overall collaborative work in the team.

How to coordinate the relationship between individual and team growth so that they can interact and develop together is a topic worth discussing.

The teamwork model has high requirements on personal quality. In addition to the professional knowledge of the advantages, the members should also have excellent teamwork ability. This kind of cooperation ability is sometimes even more important than the professional knowledge of the members.

As a member of the team, what aspects should we cultivate our teamwork ability?
Look for positive qualities in your team.In a team, every member has different strengths and weaknesses.You should take the initiative to find the positive qualities in the team, learn from them, and overcome your own shortcomings and negative qualities, so that they can be weakened or even eliminated in teamwork.

The team emphasizes working together, generally without orders and instructions.Therefore, the working atmosphere of the team is very important, it directly affects the work efficiency of the team.

If every member of the team actively seeks out the positive qualities of other members, then the team's collaboration will become smooth and work efficiency will increase.

Have hope in others.Everyone has the need to be valued by others, especially those knowledge workers with creative thinking.Sometimes a little encouragement and praise can make him release unlimited enthusiasm for work.

Always check your own shortcomings.You should check your shortcomings from time to time, for example, you are still not so calm, and your words are still not so sharp.In individual combat, these shortcomings may be tolerated, but in teamwork, they will become an obstacle to your further growth.

Team work requires constant discussion among members. If you are stubborn, unable to listen to other people's opinions, or unable to reach an agreement with others, team work cannot proceed.

Team efficiency lies in tacit cooperation. If this tacit understanding cannot be achieved, teamwork cannot be successful.

If you are aware of your shortcomings, you might as well speak out frankly in a discussion, admit your shortcomings and let everyone help you improve. This is the most effective way.

Of course, admitting your flaws in public can be extremely embarrassing.But you don't have to worry about being ridiculed by others, you only consider getting understanding and help from others.

Make everyone like you.Your work needs to be supported and recognized by everyone, not opposed, so you must make everyone like you.But how can a person be liked by others?

In addition to working with everyone, you should also try to go to various activities with everyone, or care about everyone's life politely.

In short, you have to make everyone feel that you are not only their good colleague, but also their good friend.

Be humble enough.No one likes a proud and arrogant person, and this kind of person will not be recognized by everyone in teamwork.

You may feel that you are better than others in one area, but you should focus your attention on other people's strengths. Only in this way can you see your own superficiality and ignorance.Because any member of the team may be an expert in a certain field, you must maintain enough humility.

Humility will allow you to see your weaknesses, and this pressure will drive you to improve as a team.

(End of this chapter)

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