The Complete Works of Wolf Road

Chapter 6 Survival of the fittest, the able one is king

Chapter 6 Survival of the fittest, the able one is king (2)
After the director left, a big yellow cat came out of the bushes.This yellow cat who lived in the zoo since he was a child has a good understanding of humanity. He guessed that interesting things will happen here, and he came to join in the fun and watch the strange things.The yellow cat sneaked around the iron cage, and suddenly yelped loudly at the wolf.The two wolves only moved the tips of their ears slightly, but didn't even open their eyes.The yellow cat was very happy when he saw that the wolf was dying, and wanted to play tricks on the dying wolf.But it couldn't think of a trick for a while, and left after turning a few times.Although it is a dying wolf, the smell still makes the yellow cat feel uneasy.

On the fourth day, the director came again.He still used the small wooden stick to test the old wolf.This time the two wolves had become very numb, and apart from the occasional heaving of the abdomen, it was difficult to find a trace of life in the wolves.The director decided to withdraw the cage and start filming that night.

If the wolf does die, the filming plan will fall through.

As soon as the director left, the yellow cat that gloated at other people's misfortune came to the cage again.This time it has already thought of a way to play tricks on the wolf.It wants to climb to the top of the cage to shit and pee on the old wolf.It was holding back a lot of urine, intending to play tricks on the old wolf.The yellow cat began to climb up the cage wall.This is a cat's forte.

At this moment, the male wolf's eyes suddenly showed a slit, suddenly raised his head, and quickly rushed towards the yellow cat.This is something the yellow cat never expected.The male wolf wanted to bite the cat's claw, but its extreme weakness made its movements no longer accurate, so it only bit the yellow cat's tail.

The yellow cat screamed and grabbed the iron bars desperately to prevent the wolf from pulling it into the cage.In fact, the male wolf almost used up all his strength in this pounce, and he no longer had the strength to pull the cat into the cage.The male wolf's teeth were shaking.

The she-wolf struggled to open her eyes.The scene in front of him strongly stimulated it.It raised its head vigorously, struggling to help the male wolf.But it failed to do this, it was weaker than the male wolf, and could not even lift its paws.

The panic-stricken yellow cat was pissing its ass off, spraying hot urine on the male wolf's head.It was this urine that saved the life of the yellow cat.The extremely thirsty male wolf hastily let go of the biting cat's tail, and licked the water that came from nowhere.The yellow cat escaped from the iron cage in embarrassment, fled to the roof, licked the tail that was bitten off by the wolf, and shook for a long time.From then on, the cat would be frightened out of its body when it saw wolf fur.

At this time, the director took his film crew to the grass.The director sent someone to remove the iron cage, let the two old wolves lie down on the grass, and asked someone to feed the two wolves a little water, so that the wolves could recover a little bit of vitality.

The male wolf opened his eyes first, with a faint green light in his eyes, full of hatred and murderous aura, and stared at the camera facing him.The female wolf also opened her eyes, but turned to the male wolf.The male wolf noticed the behavior of the female wolf, lowered his head to look at the female wolf, and made a hoarse sound with difficulty in his throat.The female wolf moved her body and rested her head on the front paws of the male wolf.The male wolf whimpered and touched the female wolf's cheek with the tip of his mouth...

The director is very satisfied with the performance of this pair of old wolves.This is how the movie script is written: A pair of old wolves who have gone through hardships depend on each other, lying peacefully in the wilderness, gradually losing their vitality... The director said happily: "It's so exciting! It's so touching!"

Under the mercury lamp, the two old wolves rested their heads on their heads and slowly closed their eyes, without even a little movement.Everyone thought they were really dead.It was late at night when the shooting ended, and the director took people away.The management staff of the zoo didn't deal with the "dead wolf" in time because they were sleepy, so they all went back to sleep.

The director returned to his place of residence, lying on the bed, still thinking about the pair of old wolves who were starving to death, and he didn't know how to deal with the pair of dead old wolves.The director is really an emotional person, so I can't fall asleep thinking about it like this.According to the contract, the film crew is also responsible for handling the dead wolves.

Early the next morning, the director rushed to the zoo.The director's hair stands on end as he walks through the barbed wire, through the bushes, and casts his gaze on the dead wolf.The male wolf miraculously came back to life, and stood proudly, with a faint fierce light in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were covered with purple blood clots.The female wolf was gone, leaving only a pile of gray-white fur and gnawed bones.Afterwards, the male wolf jumped out of the barbed wire fence and disappeared into the night.Since then, no one has seen the wolf again.

The strategies that wolves use to achieve their goals are constantly changing.They sometimes use very sophisticated tactics to hunt down their prey.

6The kingly demeanor of teaching wolves to fish

Give a man a fish and you can feed him for only one day; teach a man to fish and you can feed him for a lifetime.In wolf society, such wisdom also exists.The wolf will resolutely leave the cub when it has the ability to be independent, and give the cub a chance to exercise independently and let them learn survival skills from an early age, because the wolf knows that if it cannot become a real wolf, it can only be a wolf. weak sheep.If their "offspring" become weak wolves, they will not be able to survive in the cruel competitive environment and will be ruthlessly eliminated by nature.

Normally, the death of an adult wolf does not seriously endanger the entire pack.Because the wolf clan cultivated the cubs from an early age on how to find a safe lair, raise the cubs, search for target prey or find reliable water sources and other knowledge.It won't take long for the little wolf to learn all the skills of the adult wolf, and according to different environmental conditions, the little wolf will continue to improve on the basis of the original various hunting skills.Therefore, the basic common sense of wolf survival will not disappear with the death of an old wolf.

Fortunately, the elders in the wolf clan constantly teach and remind the young wolves, creating opportunities for the young wolves to experience failures, learn and grow from them, until they become leaders.

It is a basic characteristic of the wolf clan that young wolves respect older wolves.It can also be seen from this point that young wolves are good at learning from older wolves with an open mind, and older wolves also unreservedly pass on all their knowledge and experience to young wolves, and teach them all the skills they must have. kind of spirit.These spirits are a powerful magic weapon for the wolves to defeat the natural world.

Therefore, the death of an intelligent wolf does not cause long-term fatal damage to the wolf population.Because the wisdom possessed by the old wolf has already been taught to the young wolves. The young wolves can not only learn and apply it, but also creatively use the knowledge and skills they have tasted from the old wolf.

From the experience of pups playing with adults, pups can also learn the leadership skills they may have to assume in the future, and understand that the future development of the entire wolf pack will be an important responsibility in their lives at that time.

Through different methods and different environments, wolves constantly pass on some wisdom, knowledge, and experience of the wolf clan to the little wolf, so that the little wolf has some survival ability, survival wisdom and wolf must have from an early age. the spirit of the nation.

7 groups fight, the weak defeat the strong
The wolf also wants to be the king of beasts, but it knows that it is a wolf and not a tiger, so it rarely attacks animals stronger than itself alone. Even if it is inevitable to encounter such enemies, the wolf will not use its own strength to head-on. They always adopt the method of group combat, attacking the enemy with the power of the group to strengthen their own strength.

Like a wise strategist, wolves are always fully prepared before attacking their opponents. They respect each opponent and will not act rashly.Even if the opponent is a few thin sheep, the wolf will observe carefully to see if there is any other situation, such as the protection of hunting dogs, the protection of human beings, and always act with caution, so as to be foolproof before attacking.

In short, before each attack, wolves will carefully understand the prey, observe and remember many subtle personality characteristics and habits of the prey. In order to ensure their own safety and hunting success, they have to wait a long time for each predation.During this long wait, they have to endure the torture of hunger.But the wolves never attack recklessly. They must wait until they have fully grasped the opponent's strength and know the enemy before attacking at the most unexpected moment.

As mentioned earlier, wolves are most afraid of humans. Once their targets are protected by humans, they generally will not attack lightly.For example, when attacking herdsmen's flocks, they usually choose at night, and after the herdsmen are asleep, they will hunt sheep by surprise without noticing.

When wolves attack sheep, they also have to worry about the number of sheepdogs.Shepherd dogs are quite ferocious. If wolves fight one-on-one with them, although they can win, they will be injured themselves, so they generally avoid head-on confrontation with shepherd dogs.

Before taking action, wolves generally test the number of shepherd dogs by howling. If the barking of the dogs in response is loud, it proves that there are a large number of shepherd dogs.At this time, the wolves will generally give up the attack plan or lead the shepherd dogs out, and then start attacking the sheep.

Wolves generally seldom attack animals stronger than themselves, because when fighting such an opponent, even if they can win, they will pay some price.Wolves absolutely do not want such a scene to appear, they always take the minimum loss in exchange for the maximum benefit as the principle of action.But wolves also often attack horses, musk oxen and other animals that are physically stronger than themselves.Although the opponents are stronger than themselves, the wolves are rarely injured, which is due to their cautious and cautious fighting style.

When attacking animals that are stronger than themselves, the wolves usually follow and observe them for several days, and they will not start attacking until these herbivores have eaten enough food, because at this time these animals cannot run fast at all. The ability has also dropped a lot.

Wolves generally adopt the strategy of driving away.Once the wolves appeared, these animals immediately scattered and fled in all directions. At this time, the wolves would each chase after the targets they had already fixed, and these targets were determined during their observation.

The targets are all opponents who are old, weak, sick, disabled or have some obvious defects.Wolves are extremely sensitive to such obvious targets.

In this way, the wolves can avoid the danger of killing those powerful opponents, and generally adopt the strategy of several wolves chasing an opponent.This ensures success and your own safety.

Let's take a look at such a story.

A rich man was hunting in Africa. After three days and nights, a wolf became his prey.When the guide was about to skin the wolf, the rich man stopped him and asked, "Do you think this wolf can still live?"

The guide was very surprised at what the rich man said, but he said nothing, but nodded.

The rich man turned on the communication equipment he carried with him and let the helicopter parked at the camp take off immediately. It turned out that he wanted to save the wolf.The helicopter flew away with the seriously injured wolf and flew to a hospital 500 kilometers away.

(End of this chapter)

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