The Complete Works of Wolf Road

Chapter 7 Survival of the fittest, the able one is king

Chapter 7 Survival of the fittest, the able one is king (3)
The rich man sat on the grass and was lost in thought.This is not the first time he has come here to hunt, but it has never touched him so much like this time.In the past, he had captured countless prey, goats, calves, antelopes, hyenas and even jackals. Most of these prey were regarded as delicious meals in the camp and eaten on the day's share, but this wolf gave him a "let it continue to live" thought.

While hunting, the wolf was chased by him to a fork in the shape of a "T", with a guide approaching him right in front of him, holding a gun in his hand, and the wolf was caught in the middle.In this case, the wolf could have chosen to escape from the side road, but why didn't it do so?Was that fork more dangerous than the guide's muzzle?

Faced with the rich man's confusion, the experienced guide told the whole story: "The wolf in Etosha is a very smart animal. They know that as long as they succeed in taking the road, they have the hope of survival; they choose the side road without a shotgun. , there must be a dead end. Because there must be traps on that seemingly smooth road, this is the truth they have realized during their long-term dealings with hunters."

The guide's answer stunned the rich man, because he never thought that any animal could know the opponent's situation so well except for humans, and all this just happened in front of him.

This is the wise wolf family!

8 Plan the next step at any time and prepare for success
In ancient times, the earliest humans discovered that other animals had companions, but they were alone, so they asked the creator, "Why am I the only one so lonely?"

The Creator replied: "Because I only gave you wisdom, and you are the best animals I have created."

Humans were puzzled, and then asked: "Is there no other excellent animal that is as intelligent as humans?"

After thinking for a long time, the Creator said: "I think an excellent wolf is the only creature that can walk, talk and play with you!"

Therefore, the Creator gave wolves to human beings, and said to them: "You become brothers to each other, and you should support each other and go to all parts of the world."

Due to the constant conflicts between humans and wolves, they could not accept each other as their friends, so they returned to the Creator.The creation had no choice but to declare: "From today on, you will each go your own way, and I will never interfere with your affairs again."

So humans and wolves set off separately.

Although the Creator knew that the wolf was a very good animal, even he did not expect that the main factor that made the wolf one of the most successful and long-lasting mammals in the world coexisting with human beings was the wolf family's coping with change. Ability.

Wolves rely on their sense of smell and vision, and follow clues such as footprints to find prey, and then approach the prey as quietly as possible.If a wolf finds that the opponent is in a more favorable situation, it will immediately abandon the prey in front of it and look for other targets.Once the prey caught by the wolf escapes, the wolf will chase after it, but if it cannot be caught immediately, it will quickly give up the idea.When the wolf is very close to the prey, it will bite the parts that cannot be kicked by the hind legs of the prey, such as the buttocks, flanks, shoulders, neck or ears.Before the pack shares its prey, wolf leaders sample nutrient-rich parts such as hearts, livers and lungs.

Wolves maintain a high degree of vigilance at all times, paying great attention to observing changes in the environment around them, paying attention to any opponents and prey that appear within sight, and never miss any opportunity to attack.

Wolves have a keen sense of smell, making them better at capturing hunting opportunities.It is never reserved for rich land or abandoned for poor land. It can always hunt for food under various harsh environments and conditions, showing strong vitality and adaptability.

The population of the earth is increasing and it is almost out of control.Faced with this problem, human beings either did not pay enough attention, or could not find a good solution.

In contrast to the wolves, they will carry out "wolf population control" on their own according to the reproduction of the group, and adjust the ratio of the number of groups by themselves in a limited space to maintain a balanced relationship with nature.For example, when a wolf pack needs new members due to dwindling numbers, they will welcome "lone wolves" to join them.

It should be said that the wolves know more deeply than us humans that the only constant in the world is the principle of "change".The cowardly are terrified by this, and the fickle ones rejoice because at this moment of "change", they have the initiative, can constantly adapt to the change, and survive in the "change", the most wonderful thing in the world Of course it belongs to them.

As wolves continue to exercise their various survival skills and intuition to mature, they are rarely threatened by other animals in nature.They are natural strategists, always planning the next step, preparing for success, waiting for the opportunity to come, and expressing themselves.

9 Pay attention to details, find the right entry, and be good at concealment

When hunting, wolves are very cautious, and generally do not expose themselves to let their prey be aware of it.They are good at starting from the subtle, pay attention to details, and are good at concealment.Wolves can see a completely different world, they can see far away, and wolves can also predict the next move of other animals in advance.

We all know the story of the "wolf in sheep's clothing", although this story shows the wolf's cunning and greed.But if we look at it from another angle, we can also see from the behavior of "clothing in sheep's clothing" that wolves are good at observation, good at concealment, and pay attention to details.

In nature, there may be traps everywhere, and life may be in danger at any time. If you are not careful, you may fall into the trap or become the food of the enemy.Therefore, the wolf pays attention to every detail it sees, and observes the surrounding environment all the time, and any disturbance cannot escape the eyes of the wolf.

Let's take a look at Seton's true and vivid description of the wolf's patient observation and attention to detail.

A wolfhunter branded a calf to death with a branding iron.Two weeks later, the wolfhunters placed the dead cow in a clearing.Right now, the flavor of the beef is at its best, perfect for tasting, ideally delicious—neither too fresh nor too ripe.Of course, this is from the point of view of the wolf's food.The wind carries the delicacy of beef far away.

That night Yellow Wolf and Little Blackmane came out to dinner.At the beginning, they didn't know where to go.Later, the smell of beef came over like a heat wave. When they smelled it, they ran against the wind and saw the pile of beef in the moonlight.

If it had been a dog, it might have run towards the calf's carcass immediately; if it had been an old-time wolf, it might have done the same.However, this yellow wolf would never do that.The continual war with man has made it perpetually wary, and it trusts nothing and no one but its own nose.It slowed down, came to a convenient observation point, and stopped.It wiggled its nose vigorously and sniffed for a long time.According to the wind blowing, it carries out the strictest compositional analysis, judging all the nearby and probable factors.It tested it with its best test method, cleaned all the nasal membranes again, and checked the wind again.

This time the inspection was carried out with the most reliable nostril, and the result was the same as last time.It starts with a hearty 70% flavor of the original calf.Next is the smell of grass, bugs, wood, flowers, trees, sand, and other things it doesn't like, at 15 percent; the smell of its children and itself, the absolute but neglected one, at 10 percent; The smell of human footprints, 2%; the smell of smoke, 1%; the smell of leather stained with sweat, 1%; human body odor (not identifiable in some test samples), 05%; iron Smell, there is a little trace.

Although, as the author said, wolves cannot clearly distinguish the specific proportions of various odors.But there is no doubt that they are fully alert to all kinds of smells.Once wolves smell people in dead animals or other places, they will not touch them easily, but use other methods to try.

The wolf's characteristics of starting from the subtleties, observing carefully, and being good at concealment are also a manifestation of its wolf nature and a reason for its survival.

10 Turn individual disadvantages into group advantages
Wolves are very strategic when hunting animals. Wolves never run aimlessly around their prey, screaming wildly.They will always formulate appropriate strategies, and through continuous communication with each other, they will exert collective strength and transform individual disadvantages into collective advantages before putting their action plans into practice.

When the critical moment comes, each wolf understands its own role and can accurately understand the expectations of the collective. What they value is the wisdom and strength of the collective. Their collective advantage, that is, the group effect, is No other animal can match it, and sometimes even the smartest human beings can't match it.

Wolves never act by luck. They always act after they are fully sure of the action plan to be implemented.The cohesion, team spirit and training of the wolf pack become the decisive factors in determining their survival.Because of this, wolves are rarely really threatened by other animals.

However, a lone wolf is different. Without a group, the individual strength of a wolf should be said to be insignificant. This kind of wolf is also the most dangerous in nature.They often have to constantly look for a group, or create a new group, so that they can survive.

Antelope is one of the fastest running animals on the grassland. Even cheetahs can rarely catch antelope, let alone lions, tigers and other animals, but wolves do.Wolves have always relied on a variety of strategies to successfully prey on antelope.For example, they will patiently wait for the opportunity to hunt and kill the antelopes after they are full. At this time, the antelopes cannot run fast at all.Other animals, on the other hand, would rush forward as soon as they saw their prey appear. The chance of success for such animals is very small.

A well-organized wolf pack will adopt a serial pursuit strategy.Since the wolves are not as fast as the antelopes, they will ambush a group of wolves at a certain distance in advance. At first, a group of wolves will chase them and drive the antelopes to the predetermined direction. After chasing for a certain distance, the second group of wolves will continue to chase the antelopes. group.It kept chasing like this until the antelope was exhausted and could no longer run fast, then the wolf began to bite and kill the antelope.When a wolf kills an antelope, it does not start eating immediately, but continues to kill other antelopes, because they have to leave enough food for the wolves behind.It is impossible for other animals to learn this combat strategy of wolves.

In order to sneak up on the flock of sheep at night without being discovered by the herders, the wolf first howls at a position relatively far away from the flock, so that the shepherd dogs will rush to the direction of the howling wolf.Relying on their superiority in numbers, the wolves can kill these shepherd dogs in a short period of time.Without the shepherd dogs, it is not easy for the herdsmen to discover the sneak attacks of wolves.

Under normal circumstances, wolves rarely attack animals that are stronger than themselves.But once these animals violate their interests, they will rise up and resist.Sometimes, food is scarce on the grasslands, and some lions that cannot catch prey will snatch food from some small-scale hunting wolves.

For their own survival, the wolves will also fight back against the lions.But even if a group of wolves besiege a lion, it will bring great losses to themselves.Because they don't have any advantage over lions.Wolves will not attack strong male lions, but those lionesses and their children who take care of their cubs, as well as those who are old, weak, sick, and disabled.

(End of this chapter)

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