Chapter 183
"Hey, you yellow-faced woman, how can I raise a mistress? You're talking nonsense, if you want to show evidence!" Pi Dapao thought he had done a perfect job, so he was full of stubbornness.

"Hmph, I know you need evidence. Except for the one you asked for last time, calculate how long you haven't touched me. Piergou...ah no, I watched people on TV say that if you haven't touched your wife for a month , then I’m going to hunt wild food outside!” Jiang Ying made a slip of the tongue and almost sold Ergou.

Hearing what the mother-in-law said, Pi Dapao immediately breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that his mother, Xipi, thought Huanglianpo had caught the evidence.That's it.Thinking of this, Pi Dapao burst into laughter and said: "You yellow-faced woman, you are so ridiculous. What was said on TV is accurate. I touched you once a few days ago, why didn't I touch you? Hey, you woman , What do you want me to say to you, I used to beg you every day, and you still threatened me. Now that I am old and my function has degenerated, you wronged me for eating wild food outside!"

From the looks of these two couples, Pi Dapao had a sharp mouth.This girl has been the head of the village all year round, so it's impossible to talk without two people.In comparison, Jiang Ying is much more talkative.Pi Dapao said a few words, which made Jiang Ying lose his temper.My heart softened and said: "Old man, I have the right to trust you again. If you dare to mess around, I will tear off your eggs and eat them!"

Pi Dapao passed the test smoothly, secretly proud of himself, turned around to see Pi Ergou present, and was surprised: "Ergou, sit in the room, I have something to see you!"

When Pi Ergou saw Toda Huilixiang following him, he cut to the chase and said, "Cun Chief Pi, I have something to ask you too. How about I talk to you first?"

"Okay, then you talk first!" Pi Dapao said heartily, you boy, if you want to get land from the village cheaply, then you have to cooperate with me to set up a cooperative.I want you to rent out the farmland in the village in batches!

"The factory land at the entrance of Mount Danai is about 1 square meters. Secretary Zhang said that the price per square meter cannot exceed [-] yuan. Does the village chief know about it?"

"Well, I know. I can sell it to you for 1 yuan per square meter! But I have conditions!" After finishing speaking, Pi Dapao threw a big thunderbolt.

"Ah? Secretary Zhang personally issued instructions. Village Chief Pi, do you still have to set conditions?" Hearing this, Pi Ergou scolded him heartily. .Let's just say, no way.How can you take away such great political achievements.This cooperative is a good policy, but we can only wait for Wang Hongshang to take over and let her enjoy this political achievement!If I give you the leather cannon, then how can I bring you down, you think I'm stupid?

"Boss Pi, listen to me! Recently, the town is planning to launch a pilot cooperative, and our Danai Village is very lucky to be qualified for the pilot. This cooperative plan is for the farmers to get rich. The previous contracted production is of course Good, but it is outdated. This method makes the farmland scattered, which is not conducive to industrialization! Now the era is developing rapidly and entering an industrial society. Our rural areas cannot be left behind, right?"

"Ah, the above came up with a plan for cooperatives. Cooperatives, as the name suggests, gather the farmland in the village and put it under the management of the village committee. They package and sublease the rent, and the rent is divided into dividends. In this way, the economy develops, farmers get benefits, and they Going out to work, you can earn money, and the idle land at home has a share of money. It’s not too good!" Pi Dapao didn't know what Pi Ergou was thinking, and thought he would raise his hand in approval.

"Then next, you pack and rent the collected farmland to me. If I don't rent it, you won't sell my land, right?" Pi Ergou looked at Pi Dapao with a confused expression.

"Oh, Boss Pi, that's not what you said. Your heaven-defying vegetables and heaven-defying notoginseng, don't you want a large piece of land to rent? We set up a cooperative to cooperate with a boss like you who has a big project in hand. Ah, it can be said that it is tailor-made for you! You should be happy, right?" As he spoke, Pi Dapao said in his heart, it's strange, what is this little bastard thinking?In the past, if he didn't rent other fields, his kid would cry and ask for it.Now pack it up and rent it to him, and his kid will still argue!
Seeing Pi Dapao in such a hurry, he felt like jumping over the wall in a hurry.Pi Ergou said with a hidden knife in his smile: "Mr. Pi, this cooperative is a good policy. The problem is, buying land belongs to the land, and the cooperative belongs to the cooperative. Those are two different things. Why do you want to tie them together?"

This guy is right.However, judging by the tone of his voice, he is not opposed to the cooperative plan.Yes, for a boss like him who needs to lease land on a large scale, logically, he should agree with both hands and feet.He had no reason to object, did he?
Even if these two things are not tied together, Piergou will probably rent fields from the village by then, right?I heard earlier that his hotels in the city are opening more and more, and his store in the medicine market is also blooming with sesame seeds, growing steadily.This requires him to rent a large area of ​​land, he needs farmland, a large area of ​​farmland!

Another one, Secretary Zhang in the town made it clear that he would sell it to Pi Ergou for 1 yuan per square meter.

If he forcibly tied the conditions and Pi Ergou ran to Secretary Zhang to complain, then he would be in bad luck.

After some consideration, Pi Dapao had no choice but to give in and said: "Okay, okay? I won't tie the conditions!" Then, Pi Dapao called out to Jiang Ying: "Fucking mother, bring the land sale contract!"

After a while, Jiang Ying brought up the two prepared contracts, but Pi Ergou ignored them and threw them to Toda Huilixiang.Toda Erika stood behind him, she picked up the contract and looked at it carefully for a while, then heard her say: "Boss, you can sign it!"

"Is that right? I'll add the area and the unit price! It's [-] square meters, right?" After confirming that it was correct, Pi Dapao filled in everything that needed to be filled.

Both parties signed and pledged, and when the leather cannon was finished, there was also the big seal of the village committee that looked good.

After receiving the contract, Toda Erika put the bank card she had prepared on the table and said, "This card contains 200 million, and the password is 123456!"

As agreed before, Toda Erika will pay for the factory land.

The factory land was bought, and Pi Dapao also received 200 million land sales.He urged, "Boss Pi, the land matter has been overturned. Now let's talk about the cooperative, right?"

"Mr. Pi, I have a truth about the cooperative. I don't know if I should tell it or not?" Pi Ergou said while looking at Pi Dapao with a smile.

"Please tell me!" Pi Dapao said heartily, Niang Xipi, this brat, what kind of medicine is he selling in his gourd?

"Mr. Pi, the cooperative is a good policy, but it's not suitable for our Danai Village to experiment with. Think about it, Danai Village is the largest village in Baiyang Town, with a population of 9 to [-]. It is also one of the best huge villages. With such a large population, in the case of a pilot project, the project hastily launched. If the project with the money cannot be found and cannot be rented out, so many people can’t drink the northwest wind? The risk is too great, I don’t agree This aggressive plan!"

Did this little bastard take the wrong medicine?Could it be that he wants to rent the land?

This... what's going on?I'm not deaf, am I?
In an instant, Pi Dapao panicked. He felt that his brain was not enough, and said stammeringly: "No, Ergou, you don't want to rent fields from the village? If you don't rent fields, then you have so many hotels in the city. Where do you get the heaven-defying vegetables? And your big customers in the medicine market, which batch of heaven-defying herbs to buy?"

"Major Pi, can you be realistic? Danai Village is so big, the area of ​​farmland alone must be 5 mu, right? The annual rent for one mu is [-] yuan, and the farmland I rent is less than [-] mu. I’m already heavily in debt. Where do you think I have the financial resources to rent it out?” Pi Ergou thought about it, but the reason for crying poor was more convincing.In this way, Pi Cannon's dream of political achievements can be completely shattered.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Pi Dapao's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted and said, "Isn't it okay to rent in batches?"

"Let me tell you this, at least within a year, I have no plans to rent large tracts of land!" He said heartily, meowing, I have no choice but to lie in order to prevent the cooperative from piloting in Danai Village .

"Ah? I can't even pay the rent first?" Pi Dapao said with a dejected expression.He said in his heart that if he really wants to set up a cooperative, only Piergou has the demand for renting large tracts of land.Village head Liang of the opposite village asked for a cooperative, and in the morning he sent his confidant Jin Liang.I hope that Jin Liang can dig some inside information from this old treacherous mouth.Unexpectedly, the old villain was very tight-lipped, and he laughed for a while, Huang Jinliang spent the dinner money for nothing, and brought back no news.

"No, no. I owe tens of millions now, and if I owe more money, the risk is too great and the pressure is too great. My little heart can't bear it!" Pi Ergou cried out in pain.

Pi Dapao's old face instantly stretched longer than the horse's face, and he glared and said, "Little bastard, aren't you cheating on me?!"

"Mr. Pi, what's the matter with you? Why are you making such a big fuss? You guys set up the cooperative, so why blame me?" He pretended to be stupid for a while and became dazed.Cursing in my heart, you bastard, do you think I am two hundred and five?I have a project, why do I want to help you earn political achievements?

"Hey you little bastard, if I knew you didn't rent land, why would I sell you the land? Aren't you cheating me?!" Pi Dapao jumped his feet angrily.

"Buying land belongs to buying land, and renting land belongs to renting land. They are two different things, okay? The money for buying land is cleared. How can I cheat you?"

Seeing the two men quarreling, Jiang Ying hurriedly stepped forward to put out the fire and said, "You old bastard, the second dog only bought the land and gave you all the money. Why are you getting angry at him? You old bastard, you don't accumulate money." Diande, if you go to Huangquan Road, you will be a lonely ghost!"

"Yellow-faced woman, do you want to intervene? Go away!" Pi Dapao also hoped that the cooperative pilot would be successful, and he could get some kickbacks from Pi Ergou so that he could buy a car for Liu Yan.

"Cun Chief Pi, my aunt Jiang Ying is beautiful and virtuous, why are you being so cruel to her? Calm down, ah." Seeing Pi Dapao's anger, Pi Ergou didn't know what Le Cheng was like.With a bang, he stood up and walked away with Toda Erika.

(End of this chapter)

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