Chapter 184
On the way back, Pi Ergou suddenly received a call from Bao Lei, director of the Township Enterprise Office.When he saw the name Bao Lei suddenly, he knew that Bao Lei was the undercover agent he had sent to Lao Zhang's side.She called, and it is estimated that there is a report.Thinking about it, he hurriedly answered, "Sister Bao."

"Ergou, are you in the country or in the city?" Bao Lei's voice on the phone was a little hurried.

"I just came back to Dana Village, do you have something to do?"

"Okay, I'll come over right away! However, to avoid people's eyes and ears, I can't go directly into the village. You can wait for me at the entrance of the village!"

After hanging up the phone, Pi Ergou asked Toda Huilixiang to drive out the car, and the two drove to the road at the entrance of the village to wait for Bao Lei.After a while, Bao Lei arrived in a hurry on a battery car.

The two met together and walked to the corn grove by the roadside to talk. Bao Lei said: "Ergou, the head of Liang Village in Tiankeng Village has been torturing Secretary Zhang for several days because of the cooperative. Finally, Secretary Zhang agreed. Pilot cooperatives in Danai Village and Tiankeng Village! Is this news useful to you?"

"I've already heard from Village Chief Pi about the cooperative. The key point is, what is the purpose of Village Chief Liang's promotion of cooperatives?"

"The Liang family opened a pharmaceutical factory in Jiuxing City. I think it should be to establish their own Chinese herbal medicine base? At the beginning, Secretary Zhang only planned to conduct a pilot project in one village of Tiankeng Village. Later, Village Chief Pi got the news and decided to Find Secretary Zhang and request that Danai Village also be used as a pilot cooperative!" Bao Lei threw a big thunderbolt.

After a long time, it turned out that Pi Cannon himself was crying and calling to come?

Thinking of this, Pi Ergou said with great admiration: "Sister Bao, your news is very timely! Your performance is very good, not bad! I have opened a bank card in my own name, and I will pay you regularly every month. Put the income of your one-acre field into the card. The password is six zeros, and you can change the password later! Now there are 30 in the card, which is the net income of this batch!" He then handed over the bank card to Bao Lei.

Bao Lei is also a smart person. She is the director of the township enterprise office, so she must not use her own card for financial transactions.Otherwise, the tail will be exposed when the above checks.Therefore, everyone knew that Bao Lei didn't talk nonsense, so she stuffed the bank card into her bag.

Bao Lei grew up so big, she had never earned so much money.Now she has 30 yuan on her body, and she gets excited just thinking about it, and she doesn't know how to spend it.

To be honest, she was a little worried at first, whether Pi Ergou would fool her.I didn't expect him to keep his word, and he was not vague at all.After thinking about it, when she looked at Pi Ergou again, there was a layer of mist in her eyes.Another news broke out: "Wang Xingyan, do you know? She is Lao Zhang's third wife. Didn't Wan Shanhong regain the power of mayor recently? After Wang Xingyan found out, she was very upset. She made a special trip to find her yesterday. Me, to discuss a plan to deal with Wan Shanhong. As for me, I pretended to conspire with her, and asked her what kind of tricks she had, and guess what happened?"

"Ah, what's the matter?" Hearing this, Pi Ergou sweated for Wan Shanhong.

"Actually, what Wang Xingyan is really afraid of is not Wan Shanhong. What she is afraid of is you. It is precisely because of your appearance that you have become Wan Shanhong's backer, making Wan Shanhong even more powerful. Then, Wang Xingyan asked me to use bitter tricks to pretend to break into Your camp, after gaining your trust, use beauty tricks to take evidence of doing homework with you, and then sue you for rape!" Bao Lei poured beans out of the bamboo tube, revealing Wang Xingyan's conspiracy.

Pi Ergou couldn't help but gasped, and said in his heart that he was meowing, fortunately I was ahead of Wang Xingyan and won Bao Lei into his camp with two acres of heaven-defying notoginseng.Otherwise, if Bao Leizhen listened to Wang Xingyan's instigation, then he would be ruined.I'm afraid that when the time comes, something will pull the leather cannon off the horse and pull Wang Hongshang to the top.What led the villagers of Danai Village to get rich, what made them rich, and so on, all returned to zero and became a dream.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat and said, "Sister Bao, it's fortunate that you are mine. Otherwise, you are so beautiful, I would have fallen into your hands as soon as you got out!"

When Bao Lei heard him praise her around the corner, she was immediately very happy and said happily: "You bastard, why am I so beautiful? I'm so ugly, even if I show you naked, you won't take a second look!"

"Who said that? I think it's very good-looking? It has a round face, elegant demeanor, and fair skin. It looks like a prosperous husband at first glance!" This guy said sweetly.

"Ergou, don't think of me so high-class, I... have talked to someone for three years when I was in college, and I am no longer an old flower—" Bao Lei mentioned the past with a sad expression.She suddenly changed the subject: "If you want to marry a wife, will you care about faults?"

"This, you should use ability as a ruler. If you have ability, you can pursue pure and flawless girls. If you don't have that ability, it's good to have a wife. It's useless even if you care, isn't it?"

"You are a super big cow in our place, you will definitely care, right?"

"Ah? Sister Bao insists on breaking the casserole and asking the end, even a man would care about it! Who wouldn't want his daughter-in-law's first time to be left to him?"

"Yes, I know!"

"I think Sister Bao is not in a good mood, so I'll reward you!" As he said that, Pi Ergou suddenly hugged Bao Lei and caught her lips. Seeing that Bao Lei didn't object, he kissed her like crazy.

Kissing and kissing, Bao Lei burst out laughing, and said, "You guys, you are so funny! But I'm very happy to give you a kiss, really!"

"Then give me another kiss!" he said, looking for his tail.

"Ah? No way, you're taking advantage of me. Goodbye!" After finishing speaking, Bao Lei walked out of the corn grove and rode back to town.

As for Pi Ergou, this guy knew that Wang Xingyan was going up against him, so after careful consideration, he felt that it was necessary to vaccinate Wan Shanhong.He ducked back into the passenger cab, and he dialed a phone number. After connecting, he said, "Sister Wan, Lao Zhang's little wife, Wang Xingyan, has started to mobilize. The purpose is to suppress me. She's here for you." , you have to be careful with this person!"

"Wang Xingyan, this is not a good thing. Because she is the daughter of the director of the township enterprise, even Lao Zhang is afraid of her! By the way, how do you know?"

"I have my own intelligence network. Yesterday, Wang Xingyan found someone who wanted to use a trick to get into my camp, and then used a trick to make money for me. After taking evidence, I will be charged with strong crimes. It's an old routine, but it works!"

"Oh? Who is Wang Xingyan looking for?"

"As long as you know it's happening, it's not convenient to disclose who it is on the phone! I'll tell you later when I have a chance!"

"Well, Ergou, there is a big news that I want to tell you, I guess you should know it!"

"You're talking about a co-op pilot, right?"

"Yeah, Village Chief Liang did it, and Secretary Zhang is not very optimistic about it. He only approved small-scale pilot projects in Tiankeng Village and Danai Village! What do you think of this cooperative?" Wan Shanhong discussed it said in a tone.

"I definitely don't agree with this! It is impossible for me to help Pi Da Pao to gain political achievements. Even if it is established in a closed and poor mountain village like Danai Village, it will be difficult for him to find a large area of ​​land for lease with Pi Da Pao's ability. Boss, I’m not bragging, he only begged me to rent a field, and only I have the ability to eat a large piece of farmland! But, I won’t rent it from him, just to see if he can fly into the sky?” Pi Ergou said arrogantly.

"Haha, you bastard. The times are different now. Simple household contracting cannot make our villagers rich. Only cooperatives are the best way out! Ergou, think about it the other way around, if it weren't for the skin you hate If Da Pao is the village head, if you change someone you like to be the village head, will you support it?"

"Sister Wan, let me tell you the truth. If Pi Dapao hadn't been the village head, I would have strongly supported it! Like in Danai Village, the main laborers have gone out to work to earn money, leaving the old, weak, sick and disabled at home. Guarding two acres of land, a lot of fertile fields are left idle and have not exerted their due value! If the cooperative system is implemented, most of the idle fields will be collected, and then I will rent them out and distribute dividends to the villagers every year. This is a good way to get rich Road!" While talking, Pi Ergou remembered that Wan Shanhong had no idea about his plan to support Wang Hongshang as the next village head of Danai Village.

"I understand what you mean. You guys want to take off the village hat of the leather cannon, right? Then tell me, do you have a suitable candidate for the village head?" Wan Shanhong told the truth, She herself was in a hurry in Baiyang Town for the real power that a mayor should have, and finally got the real power back, and then ran out Wang Xingyan to confront her.She will be busy in the future.As for the village head of Danai Village, she really didn't think much about it.

"Hi, it's not convenient to talk on the phone. I'm going into the city tonight, and I'll talk to you then?"

To Pi Ergou's proposal to meet, Wan Shanhong felt troubled and said: "Tonight, it's like this. There was a medical incident in our hospital, and Secretary Zhang called me to take charge of it. I want to keep an eye on it in the hospital. You may not be able to get away at night! Let’s come tomorrow!”

"Um, all right, then come tomorrow!"

Putting away the phone, the two drove home.Pi Ergou remembered that Jin Lan and Jiang Xuemei both had something to report, so he called Aunt Jin Lan and said, "I'm free now, you said you have something to report, what's the matter?"

"Ergou, I'll come over right now and report to you face to face!"

After a while, Aunt Jinlan hurried over on a battery car.After entering the door, she went straight to the bathroom, and when she went in, she found that Pi Ergou was on top. She did not avoid suspicion, and immediately said: "Ergou, Bai Xing is in a hurry to ask for a batch of Sanchi, but the ground can dig up to a thousand catties. She asked It costs two thousand catties! If all of it is given to Bai Xing, Guang Jiaojiao won't get any points, I can't decide how to divide it, it's up to you to arrange!"

"I thought it was a big deal, right? It's okay!" Hearing this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, what Aunt Jinlan said next almost made Pi Ergou stumble: "Ergou, I... I'm sorry for you! Wow, woooo, I'm done, what can I do now, woohoo!"

Seeing Aunt Jinlan crying, Pi Ergou knew that something was wrong.He hurriedly asked: "Aunt Jinlan, don't cry, what happened?!"

"I received a call from Bai Xing last night. She said that she had a lot of cash on hand and she would not transfer the money. She asked me to get the cash. Then I got the payment of 30 yuan and went directly to your house when I came back. I didn't expect you to be away. I I brought 30 in cash back to my home, and I thought I would give it to you the next day. I never expected that Huang Renping, the prodigal son of my family, would take it away. I found him in the morning, and he said he owed gambling money, so he took it to pay off the debt. !” After finishing speaking, Aunt Jinlan burst into tears.

"Xiami, is there such a thing?" Hearing this, he was taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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