Chapter 536

"Let me tell you the truth, even if there is no waste, it is not as good as before." Ergou pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

"Ah?" Hearing this, the two women were so surprised that you looked at me and I looked at you.

"Hmph, if I didn't say it earlier, I'd waste my expression!" Chunhua gave Pi Ergou a vicious look, pulled Suying up and left.

As soon as Chunhua arrived at the door, Toda Erika stepped forward and slapped her firmly across the face.The beating caused sparks in Chunhua's eyes, and she said angrily, "You are crazy, why did you beat me?"

"Dare to be disrespectful to my boss, what do you want to beat you for?" Li Xiang glared at Chun Hua fiercely and said.

"Okay, you wait!" Chunhua knew that this woman was Pi Ergou's bodyguard with extraordinary skills.Chunhua had no choice but to swallow her anger, dragged Suying up, and left in despair.

The two women walked under the big locust tree, and Suying laughed bitterly: "Chunhua, you asked me to give Pi Ergou, Pi Ergou can't afford it. What do you think should be done?"

"Listen to Pi Ergou, find a bachelor in the village!"

"Ah? Who are you looking for?" Suying's face turned pale.But she was reluctant to part with the 10 yuan, and when she felt ruthless, she just closed her eyes as if she was bitten by a dog and passed it.

Chunhua thought for a while, then suddenly slapped her thigh and said: "Our Liangkeng team, that guy named Goudan, he is 40 years old and hasn't married yet. Why don't you call him back?"

"You said Goudan, that guy is a brick mover, he looks so strong, I'm a little scared?" Su Yingxin said that Goudan is quite honest, and he can't speak when he meets a woman.However, Goudan has been working as a coolie for many years, and has a scary appearance. Just one arm is thicker than an adult's thigh.Looking a little scared.

"What are you afraid of? Goudan is very honest, and he can't speak when he sees a woman. You should help him and let him enjoy it for a while!" Chunhua teased.

"Okay, you can call him back and talk about it!" Su Yingxin said that for 10 yuan, the only way is to let the dog take advantage of me.

Seeing that Suying agreed, Chunhua found out Goudan's phone number.I called out according to the number, but I didn't expect to get through.Immediately, she said excitedly: "Goudan, I'm Chunhua, where are you?"

"Sister Chunhua,—" Goudan, despite his strong looks, is as timid as a mouse, even when talking to Chunhua, his tongue stutters.

"What about me, son of a bitch, I found you a woman, do you want it?" Chunhua almost snickered.

"Ah? Yes, yes, spend--do you want to spend money?" Goudan stammered.

"It doesn't cost you a penny! It's Suying who wants to be with you. She sees that you are [-] years old and you don't have a wife. She pities you and lets you enjoy it!" Chunhua said with a big thunderbolt.

"Huh? Really, really?"

"It's a puppy who lied to you! Come back quickly, there is no such shop after this village!"

"Ok, ok, ok, I, I'll be back right away!"

Seeing that Goudan was so excited, Chunhua pulled Suying, crossed the flowers and crossed the willows for a while, and came to Goudan's house to wait for Goudan.

Goudan’s house, like Piergou’s, lived in a mud-and-tiled house in the 80s. The house was dilapidated, and the walls were cracked.Suying looked scared and said: "Chunhua, such a dilapidated house, if it falls down, I will die?"

"No, this kind of house is very strong, and it will survive the wind and rain for hundreds of years!"

The two waited for half an hour, Suying waited anxiously and said: "Chunhua, Goudan is a coward, I don't think he will come!"

"Sister-in-law Suying, Goudan is a good person, he is just too honest. After all these years of being single, it's normal to feel a little inferior. Wait, wait!" Chunhua persuaded.

The two waited for a while, and when Chunhua saw that Goudan hadn't appeared, she called Goudan.

It wasn't until four o'clock in the afternoon that the bachelor dog was late.I saw that girl riding an old bicycle, with a dark complexion, standing at the gate of her own courtyard, not daring to come in.

Seeing this, Chunhua hurriedly stepped forward and encouraged, "God, come in!"

"I, I don't... dare not!" After finishing speaking, Goudan turned around and left.

"Goudan, are you so timid? You're with Miss Suying, she's here to serve you, come on, come in!" Chunhua couldn't help but grab Goudan and drag her into the bath In the middle of the day, he laughed and said: "God, today is your day of great joy. Go in and take a shower and change into decent clothes!"

Seeing Goudan went into the bathroom, Chunhua turned her head and told Suying, "What are you waiting for, go to Goudan's bedroom to get ready?"

"Chunhua, I, I've never done this before, a little scared?"

"What are you afraid of, it will pass as soon as you close your eyes!"

Unable to withstand persuasion, Suying went to Goudan's bedroom.Unexpectedly, Goudan is quite clean, and the bedroom environment is not bad, it's not bad.

Not long after, Goudan came out of the shower, but his eyes were full of fear, and he didn't dare to enter the door.

Seeing this, Chunhua smiled angrily and said: "God, are you afraid of a big man? It's really useless, go in quickly, and Suying won't give it to you later, and I will tell you to be a bachelor for the rest of your life!"

"Chun, Chunhua, I, I'm afraid, I'm afraid!" Gou Dan's thick arm touched the dog's head, his face was shaking with fright.

"Hey, Goudan, don't you shake? Suying is here to serve you, not to harm you. What are you shaking? Let me in!" Chunhua grabbed Goudan and forced Goudan into the room.

Chunhua left the door open on purpose, ready to take pictures with her mobile phone.But she waited for a long time, and Goudan just stood in front of the couch and trembled. In the end, it was Suying who took the initiative, and the matter was done.

After taking several photos in a row, Chunhua went back home.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Chunhua had just finished eating when she received a call from Li Chunzhu.Li Chunzhu told her to go.

When he came to Li Chunzhu's house, Li Chunzhu said excitedly: "Chunhua, good news. Liang Er told Lao Zhang about being a nanny. Lao Zhang agreed to the interview, let's go!" Li Chunzhu took Chunhua into the car and drove to the town in a clothing store, and helped Chunhua choose a set of fashionable clothes.He took her to the hair salon to have her hair done, and after she got a new look, she took Chunhua and went straight to Zhang Dakuang's house.

Recently, Wang Xingyan is divorcing Zhang Dakuang, Zhang Dakuang's house is empty, a big man has no woman to take care of him, life is difficult.Therefore, when Liang Er proposed to hire a nanny, Zhang Dakuang immediately agreed.

Calling to open the door, Li Chunzhu smiled and said, "Secretary Zhang, I brought you the man. Chunhua, come in!"

Lao Zhang glanced at Chunhua, and saw that Xiao Xifu was so young, with thin skin and tender flesh, at most in her twenties, handsome and well-behaved.Immediately, he liked it a little, and he greeted warmly: "Chunhua, come in and sit down!"

Seeing Chunhua pinching the hem of her clothes outside the door, Li Chunzhu dared not enter.He had no choice but to step forward, forcefully drag Chunhua into the door, and push her to sit on the sofa.

"Secretary Zhang, a little daughter-in-law from the countryside, has never seen the world and is a little shy. However, she is very diligent, smart and quick-witted. The most important thing is that she has just divorced and is currently single!" Li Chunzhu introduced enthusiastically.

(End of this chapter)

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