The strongest village doctor

Chapter 537 Old Zhang's Decision

Chapter 537 Old Zhang's Decision

Lao Zhang learned that Chunhua was free, so he couldn't help but look at Chunhua more.She said in her heart that this little daughter-in-law is not bad, she looks like a docile and sweet kind of woman, not to mention her thin skin and tender flesh, she is also very docile.Lao Zhang married two wives, the first was skittish, and the second was too strong.Lao Zhang thought it over, to marry a wife with a more docile personality.

Thinking of this, Zhang Dakuang nodded in satisfaction and said, "Chunhua, how old are you this year?"

"The secretary asked you something!" Li Chunzhu tugged at Chunhua.

Chunhua was right, she trembled when she saw an official.At this moment, her legs and feet were sifting through the chaff, and she was too scared to speak.As soon as Li Chunzhu reminded her, she blushed and replied, "Two, 22!"

"Wow, so young! That, Chunhua, don't be nervous, just treat it as your own home, ah." Zhang Dakuang said with satisfaction.

"That's right, Chunhua, don't be afraid. Go to the bathroom and help Secretary Zhang wash the clothes!" Li Chunzhu was afraid that Chunhua would not be able to hold her back, and her work would fall short, so she hurriedly sent her to work.

"En." Chunhua agreed, then went to the bathroom with her head down.

"The spring flowers are not bad, they are very cute at first glance. Ah, hehe." Old Zhang said with a smile.

"Secretary Zhang, try it for a few days first, if you are not satisfied, then let her go!"

"Okay, okay."

Li Chunzhu got up immediately, went to the bathroom, saw Chunhua put the changed clothes in the footbath, and washed the clothes diligently.

"Chunhua, the secretary's house has a washing machine, so you don't need to wash it by hand. You child!" Li Chunzhu couldn't laugh or cry.

When Lao Zhang heard the news, he stepped forward, and when he saw Chunhua washing clothes by hand, he was also happy and said, "Chunhua, there is a washing machine."

"Secretary, this underwear is white, and the shirt and socks are black. Using the washing machine will stain the clothes. I'll wash them separately!" Strange to say, Chunhua's legs and feet stopped shaking as soon as she got busy.

"Hehe, not bad, not bad." Hearing this, Lao Zhang was even more satisfied with Chunhua's performance.He said in his heart that this little daughter-in-law is handsome, with delicate skin and tender flesh, as long as she is willing, he really wants to marry her.It's impossible for a man to live without a wife.

In the past, when Lao Zhang was ambitious, what he wanted most was political and political marriage. He hoped to take advantage of the power of the woman's natal family to rise step by step.So he married the powerful Xiaojiao and his wife Wang Xingyan.As a result, he left after three years. The old man, Wang Sanyang, was an upright man and never let him go through the back door. Old Zhang's wishful thinking fell through.

Now Lao Zhang has figured it out. To find a wife, he must find someone who can live.

After seeing off Li Chunzhu, Lao Zhang looked at Chunhua's slender back, and couldn't help feeling a little restless.God is sorry, Lao Zhang hasn't had a married life for a long time, if he doesn't release it, he will explode.

After ten o'clock in the evening, Chunhua finished washing her clothes, started tidying up the kitchen, and then mopped the floor.In just one hour, Lao Zhang's house was completely new, and the house was well organized.

Chunhua didn't go to the bathroom to take a shower until eleven o'clock.When it was over, she went into the room to rest.

Lao Zhang slept in the next room, tonight he tossed and turned on the couch, his mind was full of Chunhua's delicate face, slender willow waist and her body.Thinking about it, Lao Zhang's consciousness sprouted again.

Lao Zhang couldn't stand it any longer, so he came out, stood in front of Chunhua's door, hesitated again and again, and finally made up his mind to knock on the door: "Chunhua, are you asleep?"

"Secretary, what's the matter with you?"

"Chunhua, I can't sleep, you, that, give me a massage, okay?" Zhang Dakuang said wistfully.For some reason, when he saw this little daughter-in-law from the countryside, he immediately fell in love with her.This little daughter-in-law looks docile and well-behaved, judging from her face, she is full of chin and heavy mouth, she doesn't look like that kind of tricky and mean woman.

"Ah? Secretary Zhang, I'm scared?" Chunhua said tremblingly.

"Oh, well, forget it." Lao Zhang was a little disappointed, and returned to the couch listlessly, closing his eyes and sulking, suddenly, a pair of slender hands stretched out to his back, and began to pick it up.

Zhang Dakuang opened his eyes and found that it was Chunhua who was helping him with the massage, and he immediately said excitedly: "Chunhua, thank you for your hard work!"

"Hmm!" Chunhua's first zero-distance contact with an official, her whole body was tense, and her voice trembled.

"Chunhua, can you tell me the reason for the divorce?" Seeing that she was so nervous, Zhang Dakuang deliberately changed the subject.

"Report to Secretary Zhang, the matter is over, can you not tell me?"

"Okay, let's not talk about it!" Now Lao Zhang's impression of Chunhua increased a bit.Not saying bad things about others behind their backs, what does this mean? It means that Chunhua is a kind-hearted woman.

"Secretary Zhang, how old are you this year?" Gradually, Chunhua let go and was no longer so nervous.

"Chunhua, I'm 49 this year. If you don't dislike me, I want to marry you as my wife. Of course, you don't rush to answer, just tell me when you think about it, okay?" Lao Zhang looked at Chunhua expectantly and said .

"Ah? Secretary Zhang, um, I'm from the countryside, so I'm not good enough for you?" Originally, Chunhua came to old Zhang's house to be a nanny, which was arranged by Li Chunzhu, with an impure purpose.Therefore, once Zhang Dakuang really took a fancy to her and wanted to marry her, she would be filled with guilt instead.

She even wondered if she should tell Lao Zhang the truth.

If you tell Lao Zhang that all of this was planned by Li Chunzhu, there is no doubt that the future of Li Chunzhu's family will come to an end.

If she kept it from Lao Zhang, Chunhua's conscience would be hard to bear.After all, she is not like Suying, who is ruthless and will do anything for her own benefit.

How to do?
For a while, Chunhua was fighting with heaven and man, and fell into a dilemma.

"Chunhua, I'm an old man, and a third-married man. As for you, you're only 22 this year. When you marry me, it's me who loves you, not you who love me. Don't you understand." Zhang Dakuang has experienced two failed attempts. Marriage, if he remarries, he will definitely choose a woman like Chunhua who is docile and has no plans.

"Well. Then let's get together for a while, and if it's suitable, we can talk about marriage later, okay?" Chunhua really can't agree to Lao Zhang right now, since she and Da Zhuang haven't divorced yet.

"Okay, okay." After finishing speaking, Lao Zhang's mind became agitated, and suddenly he hugged Chunhua, and said emotionally: "Chunhua, I liked you at first sight. Give it to me, okay?"

"Ah? Old Zhang, this can't be done, can't it?" Chunhua didn't know what was going on, but as soon as she was hugged by Old Zhang, she lost her strength.Zhang Dakuang is the leader of Baiyang Town, and he is willing to marry her, which is a great joy for her.

"Chunhua, I will be responsible for you. How about we go get the certificate tomorrow?"

"It's agreed, let's stay together for a while before coming back!" Chunhua acted coquettishly, and then blushed.

"Chunhua, I can't wait, it's just you, I'll marry you in a while!" As he said that, Lao Zhang kissed Chunhua, kissed and kissed, and the two of them did something bad...

The next morning, Chunhua got up early with a satisfied smile. As for Lao Zhang, he was the groom's official last night, and his face was filled with a happy smile.The two are like a family, washing and making breakfast together.

At 08:30 in the morning, Lao Zhang went to work happily.As for Chunhua, she returned to the Liangkeng group.First, he went to Liang Shisheng's house to look for Suying. When he asked Liang Shisheng, Liang Shisheng shook his head: "You look for Suying. She stayed at my sister's house last night and hasn't come back yet!"

Chunhua turned to the bachelor Goudan's house.

The next scene I saw almost shocked Chunhua's jaw!In the bedroom, Goudan and Suying are going crazy!

"Sister-in-law Suying, you..." Chunhua said in her heart, oh my god, isn't the dog afraid of being exhausted to death? Are these two people matching eyes now?

(End of this chapter)

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