The strongest village doctor

Chapter 874 Saved Dong Zhili

Chapter 874 Saved Dong Zhili

In the afternoon, looking at the sun setting, Ergou thought no one would come, so he went back to the cabin and lay down to sleep.Raise your spirits first, good night action.

Unexpectedly, not long after, A Dai carried an injured woman back from the shore.The woman was wearing a kimono unique to Sakura Country, and she looked like a woman from Sakura Country.This woman is 25 and [-] years old, about the same age as Adai.It turns out that she is A Pao's legacy Tozhili!

In the past two days, Dong Zhili was captured by the villain Gene, who tormented her crazily.Her lower body was trampled to the point where blood flowed from time to time, and there were lacerations in the wound, which made her unable to walk due to the pain.

Pi Ergou subconsciously said, "Who is she?"

I never thought that Dongzhili could understand Chinese and communicate with Ergou in bad Chinese: "I am Dongzhili from Sakura Country, and I am A Pao's wife. Please take care of me!"

In this foreign country, he suddenly heard the familiar Chinese language. Immediately, Pi Ergou was very excited, his eyes brightened and said: "Dong Zhili, you can speak Chinese language. That's great! What's the name of this sister? Except Daughter, does she have other family members?"

"Her name is Adai. Adai's ex-husband went to sea a year ago and was eaten by sharks. She is now a widow on the island. There are only orphans and widows at home. Before you appeared, she was the object of torture by the village chief Jean at any time." !" Speaking of Adai's misfortune, Dong Zhili empathized with her and sighed for a while.

"Dongzhili, who made the wound below you?" Dongzhili mentioned a man named Jin just now, and she called Jin the village head.It seems that this person should be the owner of the three-story luxury wooden building, the owner of this island.

"Jin shot and killed my husband, A Pao, and snatched me away to be his fourth boss. In the past two days, he forced me all the time, and tortured me with other foreign objects. Fortunately, A Dai saved me, otherwise, I would have In a few days, I will be killed by Jean!" Thinking of the inhuman experience of the past few days, Dong Zhili's eyes were full of fear, and she was trembling with fright.

At this time, Adai asked Dong Zhili to send a message to Ergou while watching the wind: "The village head Jean has three AK47s, two rifles, and two short guns at home. He has boxes of bullets at home. In addition, he also There is a younger brother named Jilong, who is a bandit on the sea. Jilong has thirty bandits under his command!"

Dong Zhili translated Adai's words, and Pi Ergou took a breath and said, "No wonder Jean is so arrogant."It turned out that he had a strong backup.

"Little brother, what's your name? Gene and his militia team chased you all over the island, why didn't you escape from Long Island by boat?" Dong Zhili sweated for him.


It turned out that this island had a name, it was called Dragon Island.Faced with Tozhili's series of questions, Ergou was well prepared, and his real name must not be revealed.He made up his mind to remain anonymous, and that required a new name.He had already chosen a new name, and said, "My name is Xiaolong, you can just call me Xiaolong. As for why you don't run away, Dragon Island is so beautiful, it's suitable for retirement here. I plan to take root in Long Island, and I won't leave!"

Dong Zhili is a native of Sakura Country and understands Chinese Mandarin. She claims to be the wife of the ship owner A Pao.Pi Ergou couldn't confirm with Adai for a while, but Adai didn't understand his language.Therefore, he still opened his mouth. He couldn't fully trust Dong Zhili until he had a thorough understanding of Dong Zhili's details.

As soon as he heard that he was not leaving, Dong Zhili's eyes lit up and said: "Xiaolong, you are welcome to Dragon Island. However, the island owner here, Jin, is a murderous demon. Not only does he have a younger brother who is the leader of the pirates, he also raised him privately on the mountain. He killed a big tiger. He fed the big tiger with human flesh! The big tiger only listened to his orders, and he would bite whoever he asked. Xiaolong, I don’t recommend you to retire on Long Island! If you really want to live in seclusion, you can go to Phu Quoc Island! "

The Phu Quoc Island that Dong Zhili mentioned is the largest island in Cambodia, [-] nautical miles from Kampot City on land, and [-] nautical miles from Long Island.It takes three days to sail from Long Island to Phu Quoc Island.

Before Pi Ergou came to Cambodia, he had a detailed understanding of this impoverished country, and knew some of the situation of Phu Quoc Island.As the largest island in Cambodia, Phu Quoc Island has a total population of more than 300 million.There were a lot of people there, so it must be the place where Chen Yixin's minions focused on investigation.So, he smiled and shook his head: "Fuguo Island has too many people, and I don't like places with many people. By the way, what is the population of Long Island? Does the wasteland on the island have owners?"

"Dragon Island has a total population of 2. There used to be [-] to [-]. It turned out that Jin ruled the island, and a large number of people were forced to leave. The remaining fishermen must accept Jin's rule. If you want to say that the owner of the wasteland, on the surface It is owned by the state, but in fact, the entire island belongs to Jean. Even the fishermen have to get permission from Jean to go to sea. Most of the fish caught by the fishermen have to pay tribute!" Speaking of the various atrocities committed by Jean, Toshiba Li was furious.

"Dug, Gene is so cruel. This dog is so crazy! Does the Cambodian government care about it?" Hearing of Gene's atrocities, Pi Ergou gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Xiaolong, Dragon Island is a zone of no control. At the beginning, Tai Kingdom claimed to have ownership of Dragon Island. Later, Faguo colonists came and were designated as a colony by Faguo. After Faguo left, Cambodia took over Dragon Island. But Taiguo The country is not reconciled, and the two countries have been fighting for several years, but there has been no real hammer. In this way, Long Island has become a no-management zone. It has become the rear area of ​​the pirate leader Jilong, but Jilong's lair is not in Long Island!" Dong Zhili She has been with the ship owner Ah Pao for seven or eight years, so she has a very clear understanding of the situation in Long Island.

Hearing Dongzhili keep mentioning the pirate leader Jilong, Pi Ergou has to weigh it up now.With his current strength, although he lost most of his 15 jin of divine power, it is not a problem to get rid of the big bully Gene.

What he was afraid of was not Jean, but Jilong, the pirate leader behind him.Jilong has a team of 30 people, and even Cambodia can't do anything about him.Presumably this person is a bit of a weight.He has just arrived and has not yet gained a firm foothold, so no matter how cruel Gene is, he must be coiled, or lying down, and he cannot act recklessly.

After all, once Jilong pulls the team over, it doesn't matter if he dies, he will kill Adai and Dong Zhili.

"Dongzhili, according to your introduction, the pirate leader Jilong is very powerful?" Pi Ergou was thinking about his next move.

"Xiaolong, this person is very cruel and cruel. At the beginning, he only robbed houses and robbed passing freighters. Later, he became bigger and started an arms business. It is said that he built his own in the Biandan mountain range at the border between Tai and Cambodia. The secret arsenal that produces weapons exclusively for Africa!" Dong Zhili said in fear.

"Okay, I got it!" Pi Ergou roughly understood the situation of Long Island, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.With Dong Zhili's introduction, at least he won't be blind and don't know anything.

Next, he asked Dong Zhili to take off her skirt and inspected the wound below her.Seeing that the wound was very deep, it was estimated that the perverted Jean had cut it with a foreign object.With a slight touch, Dong Zhili gasped in pain.First, send purple fairy energy to his wound to help Dong Zhili relieve the pain.At dusk, Pi Ergou went ashore very quickly without telling Adai.

He avoided the sight of the village chief Jean's house, and walked far away from the beach. In the inland of Long Island, there was a large virgin forest.He just wanted to go to the primeval forest to check the situation and see if he could gather a handful of herbs to stop bleeding.

(End of this chapter)

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