Chapter 875
It is dusk now, and red clouds are burning in the west.The primeval forest on the island is lush and lush, and the main business of the islanders is fishing. There is almost no one patronizing such a large primeval forest on the island.There was no ready-made road into the mountain, so he opened the way with the ax and hatchet he carried with him. It would be dark in an hour, and he had to get out of the forest before dark.

Only 15 meters into the forest, you will encounter a [-]-degree vertical cliff. The cliff is extremely hard granite with no grass growing on it.Pi Ergou planned to take a detour into the mountain, but found that the sandy beach several miles to the left and right was blocked by cliffs.As a last resort, I had to climb up the mountain.In the past, when he was sitting on [-] jin of divine power, he could fly directly up the cliff of more than ten meters.

Now his Yangshen is shattered, 15 catties of divine power is lost, and there is only residual divine power in his body, estimated to be less than four to five thousand catties.After retreating seven or eight meters, he took advantage of the momentum to rush up, but he only reached halfway.The last few meters were climbed up with the help of an axe.

He met an eye-catching white-fronted tiger!

The tiger was huge, as strong as a calf a few years old.Right on the edge of the cliff, he bared his sharp teeth at Piergou and let out a terrifying roar.With the roar of the tiger, animals of all sizes in the mountains fled in panic, startling tens of thousands of seabirds.When a large number of seabirds heard the roar of the tiger, they were frightened and died suddenly on the spot.

Pi Ergou climbed up the rock, but there was almost no place to stand on the edge of the cliff, and the ground was occupied by dense trees.He transferred the remaining divine power in his dantian to his palm, and slapped it out with one palm, crackling, and a piece of tropical forest as thick as the mouth of the bowl fell down.

Digging the groove, the remaining divine power should be about five thousand catties, which is enough.As long as he doesn't fight with Chen Yixin's Dzogchen monks from the Temple of Gods and Demons, he should be the most powerful one on Dragon Island.

The eye-catching white-fronted tiger jumped up in the air, crossed its front paws thicker than his thighs, and threw itself on its face without hesitation.If it was an ordinary person, they would be frightened on the spot, and their bodies would become stiff and unable to move.Pi Ergou is not an ordinary person. He saw a big tiger bumping into him three feet from the ground, whistling with the wind, seeing that the open bloody mouth could bite his head off in one bite. Huh, his fist was carrying five thousand catties of force. , stormed up.The iron fist hit the tiger's forehead, and the tiger slammed towards it at a high speed, as if hitting a steel plate. There was a loud bang, its head suddenly tilted to one side, and the huge tiger body bounced to the ground.

Seeing this, Pi Ergou was taken aback and meowed. Has this tiger become a spirit?

At this moment, the head of the eye-catching white-fronted tiger split open in the middle, and blood flowed out.The tiger became furious, suddenly stood up, and put its unusually thick paw on Ergou's shoulder.He didn't expect the tiger to still have fighting power after its head was split open, and in a daze, the tiger opened its bloody mouth and bit it with a roar.

Pi Ergou threw down the axe, stretched out his hands together, grabbed the tiger's upper lip with one hand, and pulled the lower teeth with the other, and pulled them open forcefully, only to hear the sound of bones being torn apart.Starting from the corner of the mouth, the huge tiger's head was torn in two, and blood spurted out for several meters.

The huge tiger's body began to twitch violently, its belly heaved continuously, the tiger's head was gone, and it was still able to breathe heavily from its throat.After more than ten minutes, the eye-catching white-fronted tiger was finally dead.Ergou has immortal energy to protect his body, and his shoulder was scratched by the tiger's claws, but he didn't scratch his flesh.

However, he also broke out in a cold sweat.This was the first time he had encountered such a ferocious tiger.No wonder, this tiger looked like it was raised by the village head Jean, and it was fed on human flesh. It was surprisingly strong and extremely ferocious.If it was a man with a mortal body, ten of them would not be enough to fit between his teeth.

Once the eye-catching white-fronted tiger died, animals of all sizes in the mountains quickly returned to their habitats.There are several wild boars, wild dogs, and flat-headed geese, all sneaking and peeping.However, the tiger is the king of the mountains, even if the tiger has turned into a corpse, all the beasts are still full of fear, and run away after looking at it from a distance.

Er Gou didn't have to worry about the dead tiger being eaten, so he picked up the hatchet and opened up a trail.In a low valley with dense vegetation, he found a rare hemostatic herb, dragon head grass.Dragon head grass looks strange, is a typical wind-pollinated plant, and its seeds are spread by wind.Generally, they grow together in one piece. This kind of vine-like plant has strong vitality. Wherever it goes, it can squeeze all other vegetation to death, and it can also entangle the roots of trees to death.

He measured it with his own eyes, and found that this large piece of dragon head grass was as big as two acres. If all of them were picked, it was estimated that tens of thousands of catties could be harvested.More than half of them were still seedlings, so he called out the Shenxiao Seal and used the Shenxiao Seal to pray for a spiritual rain.Fortunately, he lost his divine power, but the magic power of Shenxiao Seal is still as strong as ever.After a while, thunder and lightning flashed, and the rain began to pour down.

The Dragon Head Grass absorbed the spiritual rain, was nourished by the spiritual rain, and began to grow rapidly. If you look closely, you can see that the leaves are getting bigger and the tentacles are getting longer and longer.

I picked a few catties of dragon head grass and found a few handfuls of other herbs.Looking at the hazy sky, he saw a lot of chickens on top of the trees, poking their heads out to watch the excitement there foolishly.Er Gou slapped it with his palm, and the air wave set off directly knocked Shan Ji out.He grabbed a few yams and prepared to make chicken soup for A Dai.She is feeding on schedule now and needs to replenish her body.Just like that, Pi Ergou, carrying an ax and hatchet on his back, pushed the thousand-jin eye-catching white-fronted tiger off the cliff, grabbed a few pheasants, jumped, and easily jumped off the cliff.

Carrying the big tiger on his shoulders, under the cover of night, Ergou sneaked back to the ghost ship along the old road.

The two women on the boat went crazy, and Adai thought that Er Gou was desperately looking for Gene.She stood at the bow of the boat looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally a figure appeared from the dark night.The figure was tall and strong, and it walked very powerfully.After confirming that it was Ergou who came back, Adai burst into tears with excitement. She flew ashore for the first time, hugging him and crying.

Dong Zhili also followed quickly. Seeing Pi Ergou carrying a giant tiger on her shoulders, her complexion changed drastically: "This is Gene's tiger! If Gene finds out, he will kill you!"

A Dai was crying, and when Dong Zhili reminded her, she realized that the big lump on Er Gou's shoulders was the dead body of a tiger.She didn't bring it up in one breath, and fainted from fright.

With sharp eyes, Dong Zhili caught the fallen Adai.In a panic, he said: "Mr. Xiaolong, get on the boat quickly, if Jin finds out, the three of us will all die!"

Several people hurriedly moved the spoils onto the boat.

A Dai looked at this heavy tiger, she couldn't figure out how Pi Ergou killed this terrible mountain king alone.God, what a lot of strength that is, without a few thousand catties of strength, it is impossible to fight against a tiger.

However, this huge tiger didn't have any gun holes. It was certain that Pi Ergou broke the tiger's head with his bare hands!

When she looked at Pi Ergou again, her eyes were full of joy and admiration.For the first time, she stretched her eyebrows. As long as this man is around, she doesn't have to be afraid of the thug Gene.Originally, dinner was ready, and we waited for Ergou to come back to eat together.Seeing him bring back a few chickens, A Dai was busy slaughtering them again and boiled a big pot of thick soup.

During the meal, Pi Ergou was very preoccupied, and he had the idea of ​​transferring.Long Island is the home of the pirate leader Jilong. Jilong has his own arsenal, which can produce powerful machine guns.As things stand, he can't kill Jean.Gene is dead, and his brother will surely lead an army to hunt him down.

Ergou fought alone, without his own team, not even a decent munition.And Chen Yixin, his minions are frantically searching all over the place.So, no matter what, Long Island couldn't stay any longer.It doesn't matter to him, what about the two women, A Dai and Dong Zhili, A Dai still has a child waiting to be fed.He had to protect them from Jean.

After dinner, Ergou called Dong Zhili aside, and took the opportunity to give her the medicine, and asked Dong Zhili in a low voice, will you sail?
When Dong Zhili heard this, she was startled and said: "Are you planning to leave here?"

"Yes, Long Island is full of Jin's minions. He has a powerful pirate brother. We can't stay here anymore!" Pi Ergou has been fighting outside all year round, and he is very sensitive to the smell of blood.Knowing that Gene would be on board soon.

Gene has a terrible AK47, and now he has lost his divine power, only five thousand catties of Dali is left, and such a little divine power can't stop the bullets from shooting at all.Even if he is fine, what about the two women and the child?Thinking of the child who is waiting to be fed, this child is not yet one year old, she has just come into this world, if she dies like this, he will never forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"I know how to sail a boat, but Gene's eldest wife, Achun, is the first-class expert! Achun wanted to betray him a long time ago, and she hates Gene!" Dongzhili said with a big thunderbolt.

"Is she reliable?" If Ah Chun was reliable, he could sneak into Jin's house and steal his eldest wife out while the moon was dark and the wind was high.

"If you have the strength, Ah Chun is absolutely reliable. Ah Chun is the only woman on the island who can go fishing alone. She is more proficient in the sea area and waterways in this area than me!" Dong Zhili strongly recommended Ah Chun because Ah Chun What happened to Chun was the same as her. Gene shot her family and snatched her.

Coincidentally, Gene escorted a [-]-ton freighter to Garen City this afternoon, saying that he was helping his younger brother to receive a batch of arms.In fact, Jean's real purpose is to hunt down the whereabouts of the foreigner Pi Ergou.

Knowing that Gene had gone to the landside seaport city of Garen, Pi Ergou secretly delighted: "Tozhili, we are going to move out quietly, so we must make a plan first. We must first determine a foothold!"

Ergou only knew that going out from Pangsun Bay was the boundless Taiguo Bay.There are more than a dozen large and small islands in Kampuchea Village within hundreds of nautical miles along the coast of Taiguo Bay.He is not a native of this area, but his eyes are dark about the islands in this sea area.

"I know that there is an island in the western sea area. That island is half the size of Long Island, and there are no people on the island. Firstly, it is too far from the land. It will take three days and three nights, more than 1000 nautical miles, to drive from Long Island. Second, , there are a lot of hidden reefs around that deserted island, and there are scary undercurrents underneath, plus the hidden reefs block the way, it is very dangerous, and a cargo ship of tens of thousands of tons can be sucked in! It is called Ghost Island!" Speaking of Ghost Island, Dong Zhili's face Blow up and shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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