Chapter 876
"Okay, okay, then transfer to Ghost Island!" The undercurrents and reefs around Ghost Island are bad news for others.For the desperate Ergou, it is an excellent natural barrier.

Dong Zhili was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth, she took a long time to catch her breath and said that Ergou said that he would go and never return, so you still go?

At this moment, while Adai was feeding the child, she stepped forward and said, Ali, what are you talking about?
Dong Zhili told Adai that Pi Ergou wanted to be transferred to Ghost Island.When Adai heard this, she shook her head in fright and said, "I can't go, that's Ghost Island, and there are strong winds and waves!"
Dong Zhili translated her words to Ergou, but Ergou had made up his mind.The reason why he chose Ghost Island as his development base was because he had the ability to see through.He can see the hidden reefs within ten meters below the sea surface at a glance.It shouldn't be too difficult to find a good sailor with rich sailing experience to land on Ghost Island.

A Dai is a docile young woman, she knows that Pi Ergou can be entrusted to her for life.Think about it, this man can kill even a tiger weighing a thousand catties. With such strength, who else would she follow him?

The three people basically reached a consensus and agreed to transfer.

Ah Pao left behind three large ships, two [-]-ton freighters, and one large fishing boat.After Gene shot and killed the owner of the ship, Pao, all the property and women under Pao's name were taken away by Gene, and Pao's mother hanged herself.Currently, this large fishing boat is being used by Jin's big boss, Ah Chun.One of the [-]-ton freighters was driven by Jean to Garen City.

After discussing with Pi Ergou and Dong Zhili, they decided to use these two boats to escape.

Dong Zhili lived in Jean's house for two days and was very familiar with the terrain and room distribution of his house.According to Dong Zhili, the thug Jean did too many evils and felt very insecure.This person sleeps at night in the basement of the two underground floors.There is a secret passage in the basement leading directly to the harbor pier. If something goes wrong, you can escape from the secret passage.

For one thing, the front yard of Jean's house also has a row of basements in which a ten-man militia is stationed.

Five men of this militia carried guns, the rest used axes and hatchets.Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, it is best not to alarm them.Once the call is made, the only landline phone on the island will report to Garen City as soon as possible.Maybe even the pirate leader Jilong will provide reinforcements.

Therefore, Pi Ergou didn't plan to attack by force. He decided to find the entrance of the secret passage on the pier and sneak into the inner house of Jean's house through the secret passage.

The pier of Longdao is made of concrete, and there is a berm that is five or six meters high. If you want to board the boat, you have to go down the steps.It is the hardened berm that is so high that it is convenient for Jean to dig the tunnel.

Dong Zhili didn't know that Ergou had clairvoyant powers, so she worried that Jin was a treacherous ghost, and the secret exit must have been disguised.The berm was six meters high and several kilometers long, and it was dark at night, so it was almost impossible to find the secret passage.

"Dong Zhili, you are in charge of housekeeping. If there is any situation, immediately light a torch to warn!" Pi Ergou made arrangements, and with a flashlight on, he was about to get off the boat to find the secret passage.Unexpectedly, Adai was worried about him, and held his hand steadfastly, with dazzled eyes.

Pi Ergou smiled at her and said don't worry, I'll be back soon.

Getting off the boat with a flashlight, Ergou walked along the long berm to see through the past.The exit of the secret passage was quickly discovered. Gene was really cunning, and made the exit exactly like the pattern of the berm.The inside is also blocked with boulders, which is very strong.If Ergou didn't have perspective, he wouldn't be able to find it at all.Besides, if ordinary people found the secret passage, even if it was blocked by a huge boulder weighing more than a thousand catties, they would not be able to get in easily.

Ergou has five thousand catties of divine power, he punched twice, and the boulder was shattered by five thousand catties of divine power, turning into pieces one by one.After removing the debris, I found that this secret passage is not too small, and you can walk through it with your waist down.

After finding the entrance of the secret passage, Pi Ergou didn't stay long, ran quickly, returned to the ghost ship, and told the two women the good news of finding the secret passage.Seeing that he found the secret passage so quickly, Dong Zhili was very surprised and said: "My God, you are awesome!" She was happy, and kissed Ergou's forehead deeply.

Adai was worried at first, but she was also very excited when she learned that the tunnel leading to Jean's house had been found.

"Adai, wait on the boat!" Saying that, Pi Ergou took Dong Zhili with him.He was holding an axe, but Dong Zhili could actually hold the murder weapon, and she brought a hatchet.

With flashlights on, the two touched the exit of the tunnel, which was one meter above the ground.Pi Ergou supported Dong Zhili and carried her out.The two groped along the long tunnel.It was very cool inside the tunnel, Dong Zhili shivered a little, ah, suddenly she turned pale with fright and let out a scream. sea ​​snake.

This five-meter-long sea snake is highly poisonous, and if bitten by it, it is easy to die if it is not sent to the doctor in time.

Seeing this, Pi Ergou hurriedly protected Dong Zhili behind him, made a lightning move, and pinched the sea snake's seven inches.Pulling it off and flinging it violently, the sea snake dislocated its spine and immediately collapsed to the ground.Dong Zhili didn't hesitate, and cut off the snake's head.After the snake's head separated from its body, it jumped up more than one meter high with a whoosh sound.With quick hands, Er Gouyan slapped the jumping snake's head away, fell to the ground, and crushed it into a piece of meatloaf with an axe.

After clearing the sea snake out of the tunnel, the two continued to grope forward.Dong Zhili is most afraid of snakes, so Pi Ergou focuses on searching for snakes.Half an hour later, the two finally reached the end of the tunnel.There is an iron gate at the end to block it, Dong Zhili is in trouble and says Ergou, what should I do now?
Pi Ergou didn't say a word, he punched it with his fist, and with a bang, the iron door burst open.Dong Zhili knew that he was strong, but she didn't expect him to be so strong.His eyes widened in surprise: "Xiaolong, you are awesome!"

Entering through the iron gate, they found that there was a light in the basement. After turning on the light, both of them were shocked.I saw five or six guns hanging on a gun rack on one wall.Among them are three AK47 rifles and three rifles.There is a box on the ground. Open the box and see that it is full of bullets.

There was a safe next to it, and the door of the safe was smashed open with a fist, and several wads of cash fell out.Ergou picked it up and looked at it. He was pleasantly surprised and said, "It's a dollar bill. This is a dollar bill."

There are not many US dollars in the cabinet, about 47 to [-] US dollars.More Riel, Riel's purchasing power is not strong, so Pi Ergou only took the US dollar bills, put them in a bag, carried them on his shoulders, and each of them took an AK[-], loaded them with magazines, and prepared to send them to the basement. Second tier raid.From the bottom basement to the second floor, I found that this is a luxurious underground palace.On the sofa in the living room, live spring and palace are being staged.

Dong Zhili whispered to Ergou that this shirtless woman is Jin's third wife, Awasi.Ahwasi was very promiscuous, and had affairs with several men from the militia.

At this time, the two were rushing to the clouds, making harmonious sounds...

Seeing the two of them plowing the field so intensely, Dong Zhili couldn't help feeling dry and hot all over. When she looked at Pi Ergou, her eyes were full of longing.

Pi Ergou shook his head violently, put the gun on his shoulder, quietly touched behind the sofa, stood up suddenly, and punched the militiaman riding on it to death, his head exploded, and his brains splashed all over the floor.The woman below was about to yell hysterically when Pi Ergou slapped her unconscious.They tied her up with ropes and stuffed her mouth with her panties, making her speechless.

Gene's big boss, Ah Chun, was sleeping in the basement on the first floor. Hearing the abnormal noise below, he hurried down the steps to check.She saw the murderous Pi Ergou at a glance, but she didn't panic, and found that Dong Zhili was with him.She breathed a sigh of relief: "Ali, is he the foreigner who descended from the sky?"

"Sister Achun, he is the foreigner that Gene wants to hunt down. He is from the Celestial Dynasty, and his name is Xiaolong. He is so powerful that he killed Jean's brother Bang En! If you want, come with us immediately!" The Bonn that Dong Zhili said was the eye-catching white-fronted tiger that Jin regarded as his brother.

Ah Chun was shocked when he heard that this foreign boy had killed Bang En.One must know that this eye-catching white-fronted tiger was fed with human flesh, and its strength is so great that even ten big men can't stand it together.Unexpectedly, a young man from the celestial dynasty cleaned up.

"Ah Li, where are you going?" Knowing that Pi Ergou has super strength, Ah Chun was immediately excited.If she can really get rid of the clutches of the demon Jean under the leadership of Pi Ergou, then she will have no regrets for the rest of her life.

To Achun's question, Dongzhili answered according to Ergou's intention: "Sister Achun, the boss means to keep it secret first, and we will know when we get on the boat. Anyway, it's a safe place!"

"Ali, ask the boss, my daughter Axiu and my good sister Lanlan also want to leave!"

The Lan Lan in Ah Chun's mouth is Jin's second wife.Dong Zhili translated what she meant, and when Pi Ergou heard so many people, he shook his head repeatedly and said that Axiu can take it, but Lan Lan can't!Ergou ran away in a boat this time, and escaped from death, so he must be a reliable person.Ah Chun and Lan Lan are both Jin's wives. If there is a thought that doesn't work out and you inform Jin, then he doesn't know how he died.

When Ah Chun learned that Pi Ergou did not agree to take Lan Lan with her, she had no choice but to give up.Hurry up to wake up her daughter Axiu from her sleep. Axiu is 16 years old and works in the only bank in Longdao.He looks very cute and smart.Axiu has been influenced by her mother for many years and hates her cruel father very much.Therefore, the mother and daughter acted in the same way, and they didn't need to do ideological work. They were full of expectations when they learned that the boss from the Celestial Dynasty was going to take her away.

Axiu obeyed her mother's every word, wherever her mother told her to go, she would go there.

When traveling to a deserted island more than 1000 nautical miles away, the most important thing is to store food.Ah Chun opened his granary, which was full of bags of rice and flour, as well as boxes of edible salt and cooking oil.

(End of this chapter)

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