The strongest village doctor

Chapter 886 Discovering Mahogany

Chapter 886 Discovering Mahogany
Sensing someone posting it from behind, Ergou knew it was Ah Chun.

But with five or six people in the same room, even a small turning over can be noticed.

But she stopped here, if something happened, it would be embarrassing.

Early the next morning, Pi Ergou woke up and found that Ah Chun and the others got up early.Adai hugged the baby to feed Nai, and Axiu carried a load of buckets to fetch water, sweating all over.The sound of logging came from the top of the mountain. It seemed to be Ah Chun. She climbed up the rock early in the morning to cut trees.

As for Dong Zhili, she has a wound on her lower part, and she is busy making breakfast on the simple clay stove.The food stored from the fishing boat was only two bags of rice and one bag of flour. The five of them ate, and this amount of food would not last long.Fortunately, there are abundant aquatic products near Guidao, and if there is no food, they can fish for a living.There are also a large number of birds and beasts on the mountain. They have guns and can hunt wild game to satisfy their hunger.

What he has to do in the past two days is to build the wooden house. Now they cook in the open air, and many living things can only be stored in the open air.Once it rains, life is very inconvenient.

Seeing that he was up, A Dai quickly fetched water to help him wash his face.Ergou said that you are busy with your work, and I can wash it myself.

But Adai insisted on waiting for him to wash his face and squeeze the toothpaste for him.After washing up, Pi Ergou was planning to go to the top of the mountain to cut a tree and come back for breakfast.

A Dai came over with Niu Nai, and Er Gou drank it all in one gulp.Carrying a hatchet and an ax on his back, he strode to the bottom of the cliff and climbed up the rock holding the ivy.This cliff is more than ten meters high, and the stone is relatively loose, but such a height is not a problem for Pi Ergou.With two swishes, he rushed to the top of the mountain.

The golden morning light shone from among the tall leaves, breathing the fresh air, and looking at the sea in the distance, surrounded by the blue sea, Pi Ergou immediately felt refreshed.Although he fled to a deserted island, he was accompanied by women here, eating and drinking, and five women surrounded him. He was like the chief of a small tribe, and he was really happy.

He was thinking about something good, when he suddenly heard Ah Chun's voice from halfway up the mountain: "Xiaolong, come here!"

Ah Chun spoke the Mandarin of the Celestial Dynasty. Although the accent was a bit crappy, he could understand it.Ergou looked around and noticed that there was a gentle slope on the other side of the top of the mountain, and when the gentle slope went down, it was a deep canyon.The slope is full of towering trees, once you enter, it will block out the sky and block out the sun.

Achun opened a small path down the mountain, followed the path, and when he reached the middle of the mountain, he saw Achun holding a long saw and sawing a ten-meter-high tree there.

As soon as Ah Chun saw him, he said in blunt Mandarin, "Tree, it...doesn't move!"
She was afraid that Ergou would not understand, so while making gestures, Ergou knew what she meant at a glance.She said that the tree was very strange. After sawing for a long time, it couldn't move. It was very hard, as if made of iron.

Pi Ergou was taken aback. He picked up a handful of powder and smelled it, and he smelled a fragrance.Looking at this big tree again, it was one meter in diameter by visual inspection, and looking at the leaves, he was pleasantly surprised and said, Sister Achun, this is black rosewood, and rosewood is very valuable in the heavens!

Ah Chun looked excited when he saw him, but her bit of Mandarin was learned temporarily from Dong Zhili.She couldn't understand the more complicated Mandarin, so she looked confused and said Xiaolong, what's wrong with you?
Pi Ergou didn't care about Ah Chun's questioning, he walked around halfway up the mountain, and after counting, there were at least 20 Dalbergia japonica plants in the halfway up the mountain.These Dalbergia kings are all over [-] centimeters in diameter, and the tallest one is [-] meters.The trees are all over a hundred years old, and some are estimated to be more than a few hundred years old.

At this moment, Pi Ergou laughed, and said in his heart that he was meowing, so many rosewood trees, if they were brought to the Celestial Dynasty to sell.This is calculated by ton, ordinary trees are calculated by square, only precious mahogany is calculated by ton.A ton can be sold for hundreds of thousands, or even millions!
Last year, he mingled with Yuan Qiongyu, a jade idiot in the antique world, and Yuan Qiongyu took him to resell mahogany from Southeast Asia and Africa.There are 33 species of mahogany in five genera and eight categories recognized internationally.There are sea yellow and big leaf sandalwood in Tianchao.Big-leaf sandalwood is black rosewood. This kind of tree grows slowly and is extremely rigid, because it is extremely dense and heavy.Made into mahogany furniture, the price is very expensive.

Looking at the large black rosewood in front of him, Pi Ergou jumped up excitedly as if his blood had been pumped.This guy picked up the hacksaw and injected five thousand catties of divine power, and soon the thick saw teeth slid back and forth, and the powder of black rosewood sprayed out from the saw blade.It only took 10 minutes, and the towering Dalbergia chinensis with a diameter of one meter fell down.The huge canopy overturned, crashing, and when it hit the ground, it seemed that a small earthquake had occurred.

Ah Chun had been busy for half an hour just now, but he couldn't move the saw.As soon as Ergou came, he felled one within 10 minutes. Immediately, Ah Chun gave him a thumbs up and said, Xiaolong, you are so strong!

It's just that this big-leaf rosewood plant is too big. Pi Ergou removed the branches and leaves, pinched the head and tail for a while, and wanted to lift it with five thousand catties of power, but he just lifted it. It was as heavy as Mount Tai, and it couldn't be carried on his shoulders.

I had no choice but to find ivy as thick as an arm, hang the ivy on a barb, tie a knot at one end, and put it on the shoulder, dragging it like a cow plowing the field.

Fortunately, Ergou has five thousand catties of supernatural power, so it didn't take much effort to drag the yellow sandalwood up to the top of the mountain.

Next, just roll the yellow sandalwood down, because there is a path under the cliff, which is the only way for Axiu and the others to go to the water pool.Before throwing the wood down, Ergou shouted once to make sure there was no one below, and then rolled the extremely heavy rosewood down the mountain.Booming, the huge yellow sandalwood rolled down more than ten meters to the ground, and the super heavy weight smashed the ground into a big hole.

Ah Chun licked his tongue and said Xiaolong, this kind of tree is very expensive, isn't it?
"Expensive, super expensive! It can sell for a lot of money!" Ergou looked at Ah Chun excitedly.Ah Chun also looked at him affectionately, and the two stared at each other for several minutes.

Just now, she was being nonsense, but Dong Zhili grabbed the ivy and climbed up from the ground more than ten meters away.When she found out that Ergou and Ah Chun were dating, she blushed and slid down the mountain.

Seeing that Dong Zhili had ruined the good thing, Ah Chun couldn't bear the scare, slipped out of Er Gou's arms, quickly put on her clothes, and went down the mountain.

Pi Ergou's flames lit up, and he felt uncomfortably suffocated.He picked up the hacksaw and devoted his energy to logging.The sound of hacksaws sawing wood resounded on the mountainside.

At eight o'clock, I heard Dong Zhili calling his name from the foot of the mountain: "Xiaolong, it's time to eat!"

During breakfast, Ah Chun deliberately didn't look at him, and stayed away from him.Dongzhili knew that the two of them had heart problems, so she called Ergou aside and whispered Xiaolong, didn't you let Adai be your woman?How did you get on good terms with Sister Ah Chun again?

(End of this chapter)

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