The strongest village doctor

Chapter 887 Food Crisis

Chapter 887 Food Crisis
Seeing that Dong Zhili asked about this out of the blue, Pi Ergou laughed and stepped aside.

Seeing that he didn't want to mention this matter, Dong Zhili didn't want to get to the bottom of it.After all, everyone escaped from Long Island, and fled to this uninhabited deserted island together in order to avoid the murderous Jean.There are five adults and one child, five of them are women, and only Pi Ergou is a man.

Besides, Pi Ergou is so good, he can do everything, and he looks super strong, which woman doesn't like it.Even Dong Zhili herself fell in love with this young man from the Celestial Dynasty without knowing it.

Thinking of this, Dong Zhili simply turned a blind eye.Everyone has their own shackles, even a hard-hearted person, he still can't escape the net of love, can't break free from the shackles of the seven emotions and six desires.In fact, she knew that Adai was already Ergou's woman, and it seemed that Ergou also respected Adai very much, and fled all the way here, it could be seen that he took special care of Adai.

Of course, Adai also has a deep affection for Pi Ergou.And she knew that when Pi Ergou was exiled on Long Island, the brutal Jean searched everywhere with a gun and threatened to kill him.It was Adai who risked her life to save Ergou.

After breakfast, Pi Ergou left Dongzhili and Adai to guard the base camp. He called Achun and walked out of the cave with an axe.In the sky outside the cave, the temperature will drop at night, the climate is shady and cool, and it is uncomfortable to sleep on the floor.

When the two walked to the canyon, Ah Chun suddenly felt anxious and wanted to go to the canyon.Seeing her headlong into the woods, Ergou was on the sidelines on guard. Unexpectedly, Ah Chun screamed after a while.Ergou dashed forward, and the scene that caught his eyes made his scalp explode. He saw a huge golden python tightly entangled Ah Chun.Ah Chun's neck, buttocks and belly were bound by the thick snake body, and it became tighter and tighter.

With a roar, Pi Ergou pulled out his sharp blade and pierced the huge snake's head.The golden python became furious, and his whole body wriggled faster. Er Gou pressed the snake's head to the ground, swung his big fists and smashed it violently. He smashed the golden python's head into a meat paste.The explosive force of the snake's body was gone, but the thick snake's body still had nerve reflexes, and it kept shrinking. Ah Chun couldn't lift it up in one breath, and passed out.

Seeing this, Ergou used a sharp knife to cut open the long snake's abdomen from head to tail, and then rescued Ah Chun.After waking her up with artificial respiration, Ah Chun touched his body, moved his hands and feet, and found that a piece of flesh had not fallen off his body.With a wow, she threw herself into his arms and burst into tears.

After going through a catastrophe of life and death, Ah Chun fell in love with Ergou at once.

The two walked along the small path that opened out, and found that the tide that filled the beach yesterday had receded, revealing a white sandy beach.A five-hundred-ton fishing boat is equivalent to a pole on the beach.Pi Ergou climbed onto the deck of the fishing boat from the ladder, and took a look at the sea to the east with binoculars, but found no suspicious ships.

After boarding the boat, a lot of mucus was smeared on Achun's body by the boa constrictor, which gave off a stench.Once on board, she headed straight to the bathroom to take a shower.

Pi Ergou came to a cabin and dismantled the Datong bunk from the welded part.This kind of solder joint is nothing to the skin, and it can be snapped off with one palm.Without much effort, the two iron shelves were easily disassembled.Move it to the deck, throw it on the sand, and go down.

He found a diesel generator in the corner warehouse.There are also chainsaws and electric drills, which can be used normally when connected to electricity.There are also packages of nails and other hardware tools in the warehouse.

He wants to build a wooden building, and the chainsaw and nails are necessary, and there are several barrels of diesel oil on board. Now, it is much faster to use a chainsaw to saw wood and build a house.

The two were affectionate, seeing that a new round of high tide was coming, the two went down to the warehouse and moved diesel generators, electric drills, chainsaws, wires and other tools off the boat.Ergou has five thousand catties of supernatural power, and he can lift a barrel of heavy oil by himself.Carry the heavy oil drum to the deck and hang it down with a rope.

Ergou can't fly with a sword now, but he is the best at working with strength.After moving these things back to the sky outside the cave, Pi Ergou's equipment has been upgraded, and he can work quickly and steadily with the pole.

In the quiet sky outside the cave, the roar of the diesel engine sounded. Pi Ergou connected the chainsaw to electricity, and sawed the felled rosewood into sections, and then sawed it into boards one by one.Since no woodworking planer was found, there was no way to plan the plank, so we had to make do with it.

The equipment has been upgraded, and Pi Ergou plans to double the size of the wooden floor.After all, there are six people, and they definitely want to settle here for a long time, and if possible, they can build a bigger house.

Half a month later, in September, a two-story wooden building rose from the ground.It is all made of expensive black rosewood. There are four rooms on the first floor, a kitchen and bathroom, and three rooms on the second floor. There are six bedrooms in total, which are bright and spacious.These five people worked hard day and night for half a month. Everything is good, but there is no plane, and the surface of the wooden boards used for the floor and walls is a bit rough.

The biggest advantage is that it is durable and has a light fragrance.You know, the black rosewood is a valuable mahogany material when it is brought to the Celestial Dynasty.On this deserted island thousands of miles away from the land, it is a kind of enjoyment to live in a house made of rosewood.

At this time, a serious problem was posed in front of Pi Ergou.During lunch, Adai called him aside and said that Xiaolong had finished eating the rice and flour.Starting tomorrow, there will be no food!
Although there will be such a day sooner or later, when A Dai tells him that there is no food.Er Gou was still a little panicked. There was still a batch of bluefin tuna on the fishing boat. However, he had a huge meal each time, and one person had to eat the amount of five people's meals.No matter how many fish products there are, it won't last long.

Ah Chun, Dong Zhili and the others knew that they were about to run out of food, so Ah Chun proposed to go fishing.Her opinion was vetoed by Pi Ergou. It was only half a month before they escaped from Long Island. The fleet of brothers Jin and Jilong must be searching the nearby waters.Once the established pirates are recruited, they will die miserably.

Pi Ergou sent a message that he could not go to sea for two months.

The four women followed Pi Ergou to live on Guidao, got along with him day and night, and established great trust with each other.In the hearts of the four women, Pi Ergou is the same figure as the backbone.He has established himself as a leader on this island.

What Pi Ergou said was equivalent to an imperial decree.

He said that if he can't go to sea within two months, then he can't go to sea.

Now that the house problem is settled, there are two big things to come.For this reason, Pi Ergou called several women together for a meeting.

At the meeting, Pi Ergou said that the first major event is the food crisis.There is still a batch of tuna in the cold storage of the fishing boat, but the fish alone cannot last long.

Adai looked at Ergou eagerly and said, Xiaolong, what do you say, we all obey your orders.Among the few women, Dong Zhili was the only one who could speak Chinese fluently.But after getting along for a long time, Adai, Achun, and Axiu, who don't know Chinese, quickly learned Chinese.Among the three women, A Dai is the most fluent, followed by A Chun, and A Xiu is the slowest.

But there is no problem with daily communication. Basically, Ergou no longer needs Dong Zhili's translation when talking to them.

Achun is also Ergou's woman, and they left indescribable figures in the cave, in the woods, on the fishing boat, in the pool, and even on the trees.

Ah Chun also said affectionately, Xiaolong, you are the owner of Ghost Island, and I will listen to your arrangements.If you say east, I will go east!
As soon as Ah Chun expressed his opinion, Dong Zhili also expressed his support for Pi Ergou.Pi Ergou cleared his throat and said, "Beauties, there is a nutritious wild vegetable called purslane growing everywhere in the sky outside the cave. The soil in the sky outside the cave is fertile. We can reclaim wasteland and grow purslane!"

When it comes to wild vegetables, Adai and Achun are very proficient, and they often go out to pick wild vegetables.Needless to say, purslane, wild shepherd's purse, lichen, and mushrooms are all rare delicacies.But growing vegetables by themselves, the two women looked confused.

"Xiaolong, we need seeds to plant purslane, where can we get them?" Dong Zhili asked a question that only a layman would ask.

Pi Ergou took out a pack of black granules, showed them, and said, "See, I collect seeds whenever I have time. There are quite a few here, all of which are purslane seeds!"

The seals of the seven Celestial Master seals on his arm are still there, and the Shenxiao seal can also be used normally.Using the spirit rain technique to grow vegetables, you can grow purslane against the sky.Recently, Pi Ergou has performed the spirit rain technique once a day.With the birth of the spiritual rain, the wild vegetables on the ground grew crazily, very fast.But just one point, there are too many weeds, which seriously affects the yield.

Therefore, as soon as the wooden building was completed, Pi Ergou announced to plant the land.

Several women saw that the seeds were available, and they all expressed their support by coincidence.

"Xiaolong, let's plant the land!" Ah Chun said with sparkling eyes.

A consensus was reached on the first major event, and Pi Ergou announced the second, which was black rosewood.Black rosewood is a very popular and precious mahogany in China. Furniture made of black rosewood costs millions.Therefore, Pi Ergou planned to cut down thousands of centuries-old black rosewood trees on the other side of the mountain.

So, next, Pi Ergou began to assign people: "Dongzhili, Axiu, and Adai, the three of you are in charge of farming. Achun and I mainly focus on logging. This is roughly the division of labor. Anyone who has an opinion can raise it." !"

(End of this chapter)

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