My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 104 My Invincible Battle Robe

Chapter 104 My Invincible Battle Robe (Happy National Day! Long Live China!)
Jin Qiaoer's savage and cute appearance instantly turned everyone over, and some kind-hearted people couldn't help but reminded: "Little girl, don't talk nonsense, people from the Lei family are not easy to mess with now!"

"That's right! Lei Ling is in the limelight now, it's best not to mess with them!"

"Did you hear me, little girl? Let me tell you, don't be ignorant of what's good and what's wrong. If you're sensible, follow us, Young Master Fei Wen, or you'll be nothing!"

The long-faced boy became even more arrogant when he heard the words of the crowd, and the young masters behind him also booed one by one, all kinds of obscenities were simply unbearable, and Jin Qiaoer was so angry that he reached out to get the war bear horn.

Lei Ling's face also became gloomy. It's fine for this group of people to bully men and women under his banner, but they even bullied him. Isn't this a bit too much?

And these dogs are too evil, right?For such a cute little boy, how could he have so many bad thoughts?

"Where is the little beauty? Fei Wen, if you dare to lie to me, I will not forgive you."

Before he had time to get mad, another group of sons rushed over. When the leader saw Lei Ling, he was instantly stunned.

His mouth was wide open, it took him a long time to swallow, and he stammered, "Brother Lingling?"

Lei Ling took a skewer of barbecued meat from Shi Yu, and ate there on his own, ignoring the man, but Shi Yu nodded to him and called out, "Master Luo!"

That's right!

The person who came was Lei Ling's number one younger brother, Luo Feng!

Before Luo Yuetian went to the Ten Thousand Snake Mountains, he arranged for someone to send him to the imperial capital.

Their family has made great contributions, so Luo Yuetian is going to take the opportunity to find a relationship to let him enter Longteng Academy.

After Luo Feng came to the imperial capital, he lived an extremely aggrieved life. After all, he was only the son of a small city lord, and he couldn't make a fuss here, so he could only behave with his tail between his legs all day long.

But since Princess Peach Blossom made a big fuss, as Lei Ling's most loyal little follower, he took off immediately, and the little brother didn't know how many he took.

Although Lei Feiwen is a dude, he is not without brains. Seeing Luo Feng's appearance, an inexplicable fear welled up in his heart.

He swallowed, and asked nervously, "Brother Feng, what do you call him?"

"Young master Feng! These two little girls are top-notch little beauties! You."

The long-faced boy didn't see the situation clearly, and introduced Shi Yu and Shi Yu to Luo Feng as if offering a treasure.

"I'm going to your mother!"

As soon as he was halfway through speaking, Luo Feng slapped him to the ground, and then kicked him violently.

After being kicked straight, he passed out, so he stopped his feet, and then came to Lei Ling's side nodding and bowing:
"Brother Ling, why haven't you contacted me since you've been in the capital for so many days! I've been looking for you all the time!"

Luo Feng was actually a little nervous in his heart, after all Lei Ling is no longer what he used to be, it's hard to say whether he recognizes him as a brother or not!


His words were like powerful punches, and they hit all the young masters so hard that they all fell limp on the ground, the crotch was steaming, and they were obviously scared to pee.

"Madman, you've come to the imperial capital, why are you still playing bullying? The times have changed, we have to keep pace with the times, you know?"

Lei Ling stretched, took out a large cloak from the storage ring, put it on his body, and then took out a forehead belt and tied it on his forehead.

When everyone looked closely, their expressions changed, and they saw that the cloak was embroidered from top to bottom.
"Lei Ningxue's nephew"

There are six big characters, and around these six big characters, there are rows of embroidered characters, big and small, about Lei Ningxue's favorite baby, Lei Ningxue's heart, the existence that Lei Ningxue wants to protect all his life, etc. Etc., almost all the spare space has been embroidered.

These characters are all embroidered with the hair of the Moonlight Beast, which has its own light source, which can absorb the moonlight and enhance the light especially in the moonlit night.

At this moment, Lei Ling's whole body was shrouded in the faint moonlight, like a fairy coming to the world.

He stretched out his hand to lightly brush the forehead band on his forehead, and the words embroidered on it also lit up. When everyone looked at it, they were all stunned. It was embroidered impressively: Hit me if you have the ability!seven characters.

With great difficulty, Jin Qiaoer stuffed her mouth full again, before she had time to swallow it!Being made to spit out again by him, Shi Yu covered her face with her hands in embarrassment, feeling a little ashamed.

But the others couldn't laugh at all. Although Lei Ling's appearance was exaggerated, every line of words on that cloak carried an absolute deterrent force.

Even the ancestors of the four major families, and even Emperor Long Yue, had to bow their heads and confess their cowardice when they saw it.

"I'll go! Brother Ling, isn't your big cloak too awesome?"

Luo Feng jumped up and down enviously, this is simply an invincible battle suit!

When the group of young masters saw it, they rolled their eyes timidly, and fainted from fright.

Still sober, he quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed, not even caring about the urine in front of them.

"Let's go, brother let you know what is called a cross-age second generation ancestor, no, he is a good young man!"

Lei Ling walked in the night market of the imperial capital arrogantly, wearing his invincible battle robe, stepping on a pace of disbelief. Because of the moonlight shrouding him, he was like a bright light in the dark night, extremely conspicuous.

Some hooligans wanted to go forward to find trouble, but after seeing the writing on his body, their faces turned pale with fright, and they ran away.

The other people were not much better, and they all stood aside to make a way for him.

No one doubted the authenticity of Lei Ling's identity, after all, he dared to impersonate so arrogantly, unless he was tired of work!

Lei Ling took Jin Qiao'er, Shi Yu, and Luo Feng, and just walked on the avenue in such a swaggering way. Everyone on both sides bowed and saluted:

"Greetings, Young Master Lei!"

The four words were continuous, resounding almost throughout the entire imperial capital, Lei Ling naturally accepted them all with a smile.

He just walked in the streets and alleys of the imperial capital, accepting salutes from thousands of people. At first, he was okay, but then many people's faces became weird.

Because after the guy finished a round, he turned back again, forcing them to make room for him again, and continued to bow and salute.

Lei Ling's mouth was like a leather shoe with a thread on it, it almost reached the ear.

After walking seven or eight round trips, it was dawn, and the originally hot street became much deserted because of him, but he still enjoyed it.

Shi Yu couldn't take it anymore, so he could only gently take his little hand, and begged softly: "Master! Let's go back!"

"Huh? What? Are you tired?"

Lei Ling smiled slightly, she hurriedly nodded repeatedly, but Lei Ling squatted down directly:

"Come up quickly, the young master will carry you!"


Shi Yu was about to cry, she had no choice but to climb up.

Jin Qiaoer didn't feel much because she had something to eat before, but after eating for so long, she was full even if she could eat.

Impatient now, seeing that Shi Yu didn't persuade him, he started spraying:

"Lei Ling, you have to limit your pretentiousness, right? It's almost time for lunch, how many days do you have to go?"

"Huh? Is it going to be noon?"

Lei Ling looked around in a daze, and scratched his head in embarrassment. He was so excited that he forgot the time: "Then let's go to my little aunt first! Crazy, do you want to come together?"

When Luo Feng heard that he was going to Lei Ningxue's place, he waved his hands in fright: "I'd better forget about it! I'm not ready yet! Don't turn around and scare me to pee again!"

"Well! That's fine. I'll come back to you in two days. You go and deal with those people yesterday! Um... send me a message to let them cut off their own tongue and cut off a hand! Make amends to my Qiaoer !"

Lei Ling's eyes flickered coldly, originally he didn't bother to argue with those idiots, but who made them keep their mouths dirty?

"Okay! I'll do it now! By the way, there are quite a few of your clansmen there! Do you want to do the same?"

Luo Feng promised and did not forget to remind, but Lei Ling sneered disdainfully: "Clan people? I can save their lives because of the love of the same clan."

"Okay! Brother Ling, I'll go first!"


Lei Ling waved his hand and watched Luo Feng leave. When Jin Qiaoer heard that his tongue and hands were going to be cut off, a flash of unbearableness flashed in her eyes, she stepped forward and gently pulled his hand, and whispered: "Lei Ling, will this be okay? How cruel? I have nothing to do, why don't I just forget about it?"

"Whatever it is, I don't even want to scold my Qiaoer! If I wasn't in a good mood today, I would have taken their lives."

Although Lei Ling's tone was not good, Jin Qiaoer's heart was warm and she snorted softly, "Who is your Qiaoer!"

With his head held high and his little hands behind his back, he hopped to the front, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help revealing a happy arc.

 Ask for some investment!Just give me one hundred points, thank you everyone!Happy National Day to everyone ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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