My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 105 No Attribute Elemental Force

Chapter 105 No Attribute Elemental Force

"Ling'er, go to Longteng Academy after playing for a few more days! Don't go to the East Academy, go to the South Academy!"

Lei Ling and the others had lunch at Lei Ningxue's place, and Lei Ningxue left Lei Ling alone to talk.

With Lei Ling's current strength, under the mirror of Zhenhai, he is not afraid, so he has no interest in going to Longteng Academy:
"Little aunt, I don't want to go. Our family has a lot of spiritual skills and spiritual skills, and there are a lot of ancestors. Isn't it better than going to Longteng Academy?"

"Nonsense! How can the family compare with the college? In the college you can study systematically. If you want to go far, you don't just rely on your strength.

Knowledge of natural materials and earthly treasures, history and humanities all need to be dabbled in, and the college also has vocational teachings such as formations, alchemy, talisman seals, and forging.

There are also some very practical combat training courses, and regularly organize students to go out to experience, these can lay a good foundation for you!do you know? "

Lei Ningxue pinched Lei Ling's small face, and taught.

Lei Ling rubbed his chin thoughtfully. This is probably equivalent to the children in the previous life, one at school and the other at home, taught by their parents or hired a tutor.

"Well! Alright! I'll go and see what kind of knowledge this Dragon Academy has!"

Lei Ling thought for a while, nodded and agreed. After all, he doesn't have the aura of the protagonist, so he can't be like the protagonist, who can know everything by just reading a few books, and he also has experience in survival and combat in the wild.

"Actually, there is another purpose for letting you go to Longteng Academy." Lei Ningxue added.

"Oh? What purpose?"

Lei Ling's eyes lit up, and he looked at Lei Ningxue curiously, knowing in his heart that the hidden mission was about to be released! ! !

"Among the four great empires, the location of our Longyue Empire happens to be the imperial capital of the Chengtian Dynasty, so there are many legends, and one of them is Longteng Mountain, which is said to hide a treasure of the Chengtian Dynasty! "

When Lei Ling heard that there was a treasure, and it was also the treasure of the Chengtian Dynasty, Lei Ling's eyes turned red with excitement: "What treasure? Is it powerful?"

Seeing his financial obsession, Lei Ningxue shook her head helplessly, and sighed faintly:
"I don't know too well. I investigated for a while, but there was no result. Later, I got the Purple Fire Profound Thunder, so I didn't have much interest in it.

But that thing must be a big deal!I once released the aura of Purple Fire Profound Thunder to provoke it, and it responded once, not weaker than Purple Fire Profound Thunder!
With me as your backer now, you must look for it when you go to the academy! "

"Hmm! I'll ask Qiaoer later, she may know some news."

Lei Ling's eyes flickered, this thing was probably prepared for Feng Xinghan's badass!
Fortunately, he was not killed in the Ten Thousand Snake Mountains, otherwise this thing might be difficult to find, after all, people from all walks of life have searched for it for a hundred years and haven't found it.

"You take this thing."

Lei Ningxue took out a key from her cuff and handed it to him: "This is what I got from my previous investigation, it should be related to that thing!"


Lei Ling took the key and examined it carefully, but found nothing special, except that the word Chengtian was engraved on it.

He took out a jade box and put the key in it. Taking this opportunity, he wanted to ask about his advancement. After all, although he is currently very strong in physical training, it is easy to cause trouble if he is exposed.

He doesn't want to be made into a human pill!Therefore, it is still necessary to improve the realm of spiritual cultivation, and use the strength of physical cultivation as the trump card.

Immediately asked aloud: "Little aunt, the true qi in my body has been liquefied long ago, and I can gather qi and turn it into energy at any time, but my father insists that I wait for you to come out, what should I do now?"

"I'm keeping you here to tell you about this. If you want to advance to Qi-gathering Yuan at the ordinary innate level, you just need to keep compressing the true Qi in your body and let it liquefy as much as possible. You can try to impact.

And Tianjiao will continue to refine their true energy and get rid of impurities in this process, in order to obtain attribute power.

certainly!The disciples of the aristocratic family will complete it by taking Yuanrong Pill. You have taken Yuanrong Pill before, so if you advance to the advanced level, you can condense 100% of the attribute power, and you don't need other people's help at all.

The reason why big brother asked you to wait for me to come out is because he wants you to go another way! "

Lei Ningxue talked eloquently, and at the end, her face became serious. Lei Ling was startled, and asked aloud, "What way?"

"Gather non-attribute elemental power!"

Lei Ling was quite looking forward to it, but when Lei Ningxue said this, he immediately rolled his eyes: "I said little aunt, can we not joke?"

"Who are you kidding, the attributeless I am talking about is not the attributeless you think!"

Lei Ningxue shook her head and explained aloud: "The non-attribute energy condensed by ordinary people is because the spiritual energy of various attributes is mixed together and entangled with each other, so no attribute can be displayed!
And the non-attribute we condense is the real non-attribute, which is the purest elemental force, without any impurities and without any attributes! "

Lei Ling rubbed his chin, he understood somewhat, but he didn't understand the benefits of doing so: "Is there any use?"

"It's so useful!"

Lei Ningxue swiped casually, and a small bridge of spiritual power appeared where she passed, as transparent as water: "This is non-attribute spiritual power!"

Then with a flick of the plain hand, a purple light merged into the small spiritual power bridge, and the originally transparent small spiritual power bridge immediately turned into a small purple fire bridge: "This is the fire attribute spiritual power!"

Then she popped out a bright silver light, and the purple fire bridge turned into bright silver again, and the surrounding thunders flickered. Watching Lei Ningxue's magic-like demonstration, Lei Ling figured it out: "The elemental force without attributes can Accept the power of any attribute, and thus become the original force of the same attribute."

"Hmm! Children can be taught!"

Seeing that he understood, Lei Ningxue nodded in satisfaction: "That's right, in fact, strictly speaking, no-attribute elemental force is also a kind of attribute elemental force, no attribute!
Compared with other attributes of Yuanli, it is purer and more solid, and naturally there is no such thing as the mutual generation and restraint of attributes!

Of course, the main purpose of condensing the non-attribute energy is to integrate the heaven and earth spirits, especially the dual-attribute heaven and earth spirits, which must have no attribute energy. "

"Well, is that so?"

Lei Ling swallowed, there are really many ways in this cultivation!Fortunately, he has a prominent family background and someone to lead the way, otherwise he might have taken many detours!

"You have to think about it, to condense the non-attribute energy, you need to find the heaven and earth spirits, although any kind is fine, but the power you get can be strong or weak.

The spiritual power of thunder is extremely powerful, and it ranks first in attack among all attributes. If you directly condense the energy of the thunder attribute, your combat power will also be greatly improved. Of course, you can also integrate thunder-type spiritual things in the future! "

Lei Ningxue stroked her hair on her chest, and let Lei Ling make his own decision. After all, this was his path of cultivation. Without any hesitation, Lei Ling immediately replied, "I choose no-attribute Yuanli!"

If you want to compete with Taoists in the future, you must make yourself as strong as possible. Only by gathering non-attribute energy can you fuse dual-attribute spirits!This alone is enough for Lei Ling to make a choice!
"Okay! Then I will purify the true qi in your body, remove all attribute impurities, and then help you condense the primordial crystal! Step into the realm of gathering qi and transforming the primordial!"

Now that Lei Ling had made a choice, Lei Ningxue didn't waste any more time, she stretched out her hand to grab Lei Ling's wrist, and injected traces of spiritual power into it.


With the influx of her spiritual power, Lei Ling's dantian rioted, and his true energy shook violently. Fortunately, Lei Ling had already achieved the realm of copper skin and iron bones, and his physical body was extremely strong, otherwise he would have suffered a lot.

"Not coming out yet?"

Accompanied by Lei Ningxue's coquettish shout, Lei Ling's whole body actually shone with thunderous light, among which were faintly mixed with some colored light, which lasted for half a stick of incense before the light gradually dimmed.

"Very good! Ling'er, I have pulled out all the attribute power in your true energy. Now you hold your breath and focus on practicing the exercises. I will help you gather the Yuanjing!"

(End of this chapter)

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