My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 111 It's No Use Who Comes!

Chapter 111 It's No Use Who Comes!
"Six Zhenhai Realm experts! Isn't this too exaggerated?"

"After all, Feng Xinghan is a peerless talent with a bright future. Someone has bet heavily on him, so it is reasonable to help him!"

"These people should just want to rescue Feng Xinghan's close relatives, the Feng family is doomed to die today!"

To be able to suppress the whole audience so easily, naturally it can only be the Zhenhai Realm's great powers, but they dare not stay for a long time, the close relatives of Feng Xinghan wrapped in their spiritual power will fly away.

"Have you finally made a move?"

Seeing the six men in black showing their might and sweeping away everything, and they were about to rescue Feng Xinghan's close relatives, Lei Ling not only didn't show any anger, but showed a strange smile on his face.

His lips moved slightly, and he spat out two words: "Do it!"

In an instant, a sudden change
A water-blue barrier rose up, covering the entire audience, blocking the way out of the six mighty ones.

In the sky, streams of true spirits descended and intertwined with each other, manifesting powerful spiritual spells one after another, attacking the six masked men in black.

"not good!"

The six of them exclaimed in unison, hurriedly dispersed their spiritual power hands, cast out their spiritual spells one after another, and even sacrificed their natal spiritual weapons, trying to resist.

But how could the power of the Lingbao be something that their low-level Zhenhai Realm masters could resist?
What's more, this is a spirit treasure in a fully recovered state!

A Da Neng's chest was directly pierced by the ice spear, falling from the sky like a kite with a broken string.


Another Da Neng's whole body was frozen, fell from the air, and fell into powder.


There was a loud noise, and the body of a Da Neng who wanted to break through the barrier to escape was exploded directly, and the blood condensed into ice flakes and fell down.

This was simply a massacre, and all six mighty sea-suppressing realms had no power to fight back in front of Lingbao, and all of them died.

As if the picture was frozen, everyone stopped moving!

Dazed, puzzled, shocked, frightened.
He even began to doubt his life, this is the power of Zhenhai Realm!

The empire's top combat power, even among the four major families, is also an ancestor-level existence, so he died like this?
The people on Lei Ling's side were also rubbing their eyes in disbelief, a total of six Zhenhai powers attacked powerfully, and the coercion alone made them almost breathless.

Some people even peed their pants in fright, but in such a short period of less than ten breaths, they were all dead.

The area became extremely silent, without a single sound.

Even the people who eat melons don't talk about it anymore, each mouth grows so big that it can almost fit a fist in it!
Feng Zhengyang and some of Feng Xinghan's close relatives were all ashamed, their last hope was shattered.

"act recklessly!"

Although Lei Ling's voice was not loud, at this moment it was like thunder on the ground, exploding in everyone's ears, bringing them back to their senses instantly!
Everyone looked at him in horror, everyone's hairs stood on end, and their bodies were cold, who the hell is this!Killing six Zhenhai realm powers in one fell swoop, this is too fierce, too cruel, right?
That's right!

All of this is a game set up by Lei Ling. Feng Xinghan has been operating in the imperial capital for many years, and has inextricable relationships with many forces. Some even bet heavily on him and want to support him at all costs.

Although others are not in the imperial capital and cannot organize manpower to fight against him, Lei Ling is sure that someone will take the risk and come to rescue his close relatives.

So he asked the Zhao family to secretly revive the Lingbao, hoping to take this opportunity to greatly weaken Feng Xinghan's power.

Before, he killed fiercely and talked a lot, just trying to lure this group of people to make a move, but they all held back.

This made Lei Ling suspicious, thinking that maybe he was thinking too much.

After all, Lei Ningxue's strength in the Spiritual Realm is there. Although she can't make a move casually, no one can guarantee that she won't make a move!So he was ready to give up.

Just now, when he was about to order to kill Feng Zhengyang and his father, he was also making a final test, but he didn't expect this group of people to really appear.

"Show me, which force is it!"

Lei Ling winked at Lei Xuan, Lei Xuan hurriedly nodded, and quickly ran to the man in black who still had a dead body to check, for fear that he would anger the evil star if he moved too slowly.

"Ma'am, it's too cruel!"

"This nima is really an eye-opener. Zhenhai Realm Da Neng killed as soon as he said it, and even killed six in one go. It's so fucking enjoyable!"

"In the future, if you see Lei Ling, you should take a detour, this person is simply crazy!"

The melon-eating people who came to their senses now only dare to discuss in a low voice, for fear of accidentally angering this terrible human being.

Lei Ling looked at Feng Zhengyang who was stupefied, he chuckled, and reached out to pat his old face:

"What? Do you think you'll be safe with the assistance of Zhenhai Realm experts? Let me tell you, I, Lei Ling, want you to die, and no one can save you!"

After he finished speaking, he looked up at the void, and a terrifying aura burst out of his body, shouting: "If you have the guts, you take action again! If you have the guts, use the Lingbao to save it! Let's see if this young master can make you come and go! !"

"Master Ling, please spare me! I am willing to sentence the family to be your dog!"

"I am willing too, I am still a virgin, as long as you spare my life, I am willing to do anything."

"I know where our family's hidden treasure is, and I'm willing to trade this for my life!"

"I know where the Feng family's arrogances are hiding, as long as I spare my life, I will take you there immediately."

Even six of Zhenhai Realm's great experts died, and Lei Ling's unscrupulous shouting made the Feng family completely lose the will to resist!They are full of ugliness, and they want to use the information they know in exchange for their lives.

"Ah, very good!"

Regarding their performance, Lei Ling nodded with satisfaction, sent someone to untie them, and sent them a pen, ink, paper and inkstone to write down the information they knew.

"Brute! You bastards!"

Feng Zhengyang and his father, the elder of the Feng family, cursed loudly. They never expected that there would be so many weak bones in the family, and even some core figures would fall apart.

Of course, there are still some hard bones who are not afraid of death, and yell along with them.

But no matter how insulting they were, those people turned a deaf ear and quickly wrote out all the core secrets they knew.

According to the informants of these people, the secret room of the Feng family was quickly found.

Seven or eight teenagers were searched out. These people were all the sons of the Feng family, and they were even trained by Feng Xinghan. They were the future hope of the Feng family.

Feng Zhengyang secretly hid them in the secret room in order to leave a trace of blood, this kind of treatment, even Feng Xinghan's own sister did not have it.

Seeing that they were searched out, Feng Zhengyang, the Great Elder, and some hard bones of the Feng family seemed to be drained of all their strength in an instant, and collapsed on the ground.

Their last hopes are dashed, Feng family!It's over!

(End of this chapter)

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