My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 112 Public Opinion Matters

Chapter 112 Public Opinion Matters

"Young Master Ling, we have found the Book Collection Pavilion of the Feng Family, and there are quite a few exercises, spirit techniques, and spiritual techniques, as well as some alchemy and the like.

The treasury has also been found. There are four places in total, and there are many good things in it. How to deal with these things? "

After about an hour, the people sent out came back one after another.

After they gathered the information, the person in charge reported it to Lei Ling.

At this time, Lei Ling was crossing his legs and eating watermelon. Hearing this, he said without thinking, "Turn them into gold coins and donate them to the fundraising office. Let's support the border war!"

The person who came was slightly taken aback, then hurriedly nodded and said yes, and went down after a salute, feeling very puzzled.

He never thought that Lei Ling would deal with the property of the Feng family in such a way.

You must know that because of Feng Xinghan's relationship, the gifts received by the Feng family in the past few years are quite a fortune!Coupled with what they have earned in the past few years, even the heads of the four great families would be moved if they saw it.

And Lei Ling donated it so simply, which is simply too bizarre.

When the melon-eaters heard Lei Ling's words, they thought they had heard it wrong at first. After all, the distance was still a bit far away, and Lei Ling's voice was not too loud.

But when they saw that the person who reported it before issued a series of orders to sell these things in exchange for gold coins and donate them to the nearest fundraising point, they were not calm, and the eyes they looked at Lei Ling became strange. stand up.

"What's going on with Lei Ling? I really don't understand him, old man?"

"Maybe it's to please the royal family? After all, such a big commotion will inevitably cause the royal family's dissatisfaction!"

"No! If he wanted to curry favor with the royal family, how good would it be to send things directly to the palace? Why would he exchange them for gold coins and donate them to the collection office? Isn't that reasonable?"

There was a lot of discussion among the people eating melons, and they couldn't guess what Lei Ling was thinking. At this moment, a young man in a well-dressed man said:
"I know a thing or two about this. I heard from my father that this Lei Ling made it clear at the palace banquet last night that he did not want to see Long Yue decline, and even warned the Patriarch of the Lei family not to have any intention of rebelling against him. .

Unbelievable as it is, he was a deeply patriotic man. "


Everyone looked at Lei Ling in disbelief. This murderous man turned out to be a patriot?

This is simply the biggest joke in the world!Compared with this, they would rather believe that Feng Xinghan is a woman
But the facts were in front of them, and they couldn't tolerate their disbelief. The eyes of many people looking at Lei Ling softened a lot.

After all, most of them are ordinary people, and the life and death of the Feng family has nothing to do with them.

It is of great benefit for people like Lei Ling to be patriotic.

First of all
He will not trigger large-scale internal strife, leading to a decline in national power, which will affect the happiness index of the people, and even make the people suffer from wars.

After all, the Lei family has surpassed the royal family now, and they will rebel at any time.

As long as he is patriotic, he will more or less help the empire improve its national strength and resist foreign enemies.

For example, the current donation, you must know that this is the largest second generation ancestor of the current Longyue Empire, and even among the four great empires!The power he can use is too great.

The common people don't care about your family's struggles, arrogance, or dudes. What they care about is whether their lives are prosperous and whether the country is safe.

"That's right, I also heard that during the fundraising process of the various counties, the fundraising in Lanshan County was arranged by the Lei family.

They not only invited the Feixian Dance Troupe for a charity performance, but also held a charity sale, donating money, people, and places.

The amount of funds raised in Lanshan County is an astronomical figure, ranking first among all counties, and it is ten times that of No.2! "Another gentleman in Chinese clothes said out loud.

This time, everyone's eyes became softer, and some even clapped their hands.

"Yes! I heard that although Lei Ling is a dandy, he seldom bullies the common people. He even often donates a lot of gold coins to help the little beggars in Los Angeles. Moreover, he also asked his father to open porridge sheds in many famine areas to help the victims. Woolen cloth!"

All kinds of Lei Ling's glorious deeds were narrated with embellishment, and the eyes of the melon-eaters looked at him directly turned into reverence, even fanaticism, wishing to kneel down and kowtow to him to feel comfortable.

These young masters were naturally arranged by Lei Ling. He came through time travel and knew the importance of public opinion. There is an old saying that those who win the hearts of the people win the world.

Ordinary people are easy to be fooled, especially in this world where martial arts are respected, their education level is not high, and they are most likely to be led into rhythm.

Apart from Feng Xinghan, Lei Ling will meet more Taoists in the future. He has to take one step and think three steps. The big weapon of public opinion will definitely become his big trump card in the future.

When the dust settled, Lei Ling looked at the ugly Feng family with great interest, and wanted to see how shameless they could be, so he said aloud:
"You guys did a great job, I'm very satisfied. In this way, the rest of you scold Feng Xinghan together. Whoever scolds me well, I'll spare his dog's life!"

As soon as he was satisfied with being scolded, he could survive, those concubines and teenagers of the Feng family yelled at each other, all kinds of obscenities emerged one after another, almost scolding all eighteen generations of Feng Xinghan's ancestors.

"You bastards, my son Xinghan owes you a mountain of kindness, yet you are so shameless in order to survive! You are not worthy to be descendants of the Feng family!"

Feng Zhengyang was so angry that he yelled again and again, these people scolded so badly, it was unbearable to listen to!
However, instead of making those people feel ashamed, his reprimand made them target him.

"Feng Zhengyang, do you still have the face to say that? Your son is defiant because of his talent, and he turned against Young Master Ling and caused a catastrophe for our Feng family. You deserve death!"

"Yes, if it wasn't for your son, how could my father die? Feng Zhengyang! I want you to pay for it."

"Our Feng family has been passed down for a hundred years, and it is about to be destroyed now because of your son, Feng Zhengyang! I see how you have the face to go down and meet the ancestors of my Feng family!"

A sentence of vicious words pierced Feng Zhengyang's heart like a sharp knife, making this man who had worked hard for his family for half his life cry from heartache.

"Shut up, the Patriarch brought us from a small city to the imperial capital, and gave you a lot of cultivation resources, so that your strength will improve by leaps and bounds, you white-eyed wolves! Do you still have a conscience?"

Some people finally couldn't bear it anymore, and cursed one after another.

"So what? Have we begged him to bring us to the imperial capital? Have we begged him to give us cultivation resources? Compared with here, I like our old Fengjiabao even more!"

A young man retorted, so angry that Feng Zhengyang and the others almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Another girl also said aloud: "You father and son brought us here just to let us make money for you, don't talk so grandly.

If he, Feng Xinghan, really loves his family so much, why doesn't Wudao tea contribute a little?And why doesn't he refine the best medicine for us to help us improve our cultivation?Why don't you teach us how to practice yourself? "


Feng Zhengyang, the Great Elder, and some backbones of the Feng family roared angrily, these people are simply too shameless.

Even Lei Ling shook his head slightly, sighing inwardly, there are really too many shameless people.

(End of this chapter)

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