My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 113 Disposal Completed

Chapter 113 Disposal Completed
Seeing them biting dogs, Lei Ling rolled his eyes, and suddenly he had a plan in his heart. He pointed to a few people who scolded the most fiercely and said: "You guys, whoever slaps Feng Zhengyang, or if you slap the elders, I will Just spare anyone's dog's life!"


Those few people showed hesitation, after all, they are the Patriarch and the First Elder, scolding is already too much, slapping their mouths is too much, after all, they are the Patriarch and the First Elder!

"I'll count to three! If you still hesitate, die!"

Before Lei Ling could start counting, one of the short boys yelled, "I'll slap! I'll slap!"

Then he struggled to stand up, ran to Feng Zhengyang, squatted down, and slapped him.


Feng Zhengyang let out a shrill scream, not because of pain but because of humiliation, this is his junior!
The short boy broke his heart and gave him another blow

"Yes! Your life is saved!"

Lei Ling nodded in satisfaction, and made a promise readily. When he heard that he could really survive, the Feng family all started to move.

"I fan too!"

"And I!"

"I'm coming too!"

Ever since, under the shocking eyes of everyone, the Feng family immediately went mad, the blood aroused their ferocity, the mouth smacking developed into a beating, and they were beaten to death.

Even those Tianjiao teenagers joined in

Lei Ling, who was the instigator, couldn't help but gasped when he saw it, his head was dripping with cold sweat, and he couldn't help turning his head away.

Isn't this too immoral?Sure enough, some people would do anything to survive.

"Feng Xinghan! This time I'll see if you're black or not!"

Lei Ling sneered in his heart, he didn't do all this out of bad intentions, but for a purpose.

He wants to blacken Feng Xinghan!
Feng Xinghan's state of mind has changed after he insulted him in the Ten Thousand Snake Mountains before. This time, even a sage would have to go crazy if he did it this time?

As long as he becomes black, he will deviate from the path arranged by the heaven, and the result can be imagined!

Even if this would make his rage go full and he would go crazy, Lei Ling didn't care. Could it be that he could directly break through to the Spiritual Realm?

"You guys are doing really well!"

Lei Ling applauded, summoned a member of Lei's family and said: "These people, abolish their cultivation, destroy their dantians, and send them all to my shop, as slaves, and sell them to other countries!"


The man took the order and led some people to take away more than 200 people. These people didn't shout, after all, they were lucky to be able to save their lives!

In addition to those who were hacked to death before and those who were sent away now, there are less than fifty people left in the Feng family. These people are all hard bones, and of course there are some babies.

"Well, how to deal with you!"

Lei Ling sized these people up and down repeatedly, thinking about how to use them to stimulate Feng Xinghan better.

"You can kill or cut casually, Lei Ling, you are so devoid of conscience, God will accept you sooner or later."

"Yes, God will accept you sooner or later!"

"Lei Ling, you must die!"

Lei Ling sneered at these people's scolding, and said with a sneer in his heart: "I'm an enemy of the sky, I'm afraid that I won't be against Daozi!"

"Kill all the men first!"

He waved his hand, and didn't bother to continue arguing with this group of people, and directly ordered the killing.

When the knife and ax were raised, another wave of human heads rolled to the ground, and the rest of the women and children collapsed in fright and cried out.

"The children are sent to the dantian and sent to the mountain village. As for these girls, they are still pretty! Sell them to Hualou!"

Lei Ling chuckled, but he didn't believe it, Feng Xinghan didn't go crazy like this!
It would be best to bring someone to kill him desperately, so that Lei Ningxue would have a reason to do so.


"Is this too cruel?"

"Feng Xinghan's mother and younger sister are both inside, sending him to Hualou is to drive Feng Xinghan crazy!"

"Anyway, no matter what, Feng Xinghan's mother, I've decided."

"Count me in, I'll be with you."

"Take me!"

Although Feng Xinghan has a lot of friends, he also has many enemies. Many dandy brothers don't like him, and they all want to add insult to injury at this time!
It's exciting to think about being the godfather of the famous Feng Xinghan!
Even Lei Ling was a little moved, if he became Feng Xinghan's godfather, then what face would he have to fight with him?

But he took a closer look at Feng Xinghan's old lady's face, and he backed off a little.

Feng Xinghan's old lady is a bit old, and looks very ordinary, he really can't let go of this.

But his younger sister is not bad, although she is several grades behind Jin Qiaoer and Shi Yu, but she is young!

"Leave his sister! Lock it up first, and wait for me to deal with it later!"

Seeing Feng Xinghan's younger sister, Lei Ling felt that it would be better to keep a hostage in case of emergencies, and maybe he could still trick Feng Xinghan at that time!

At this time, Shi Yu appeared out of nowhere, tugged at his sleeve, and said cautiously: "Master, the Zhao family sent someone to report that all the shops of the Feng family have been sealed up, and everyone has been arrested."


Lei Ling turned around and stretched out his hand subconsciously, wanting to touch her little head, but Shi Yu shrank back and hid, with a little fear in his eyes.

After all, she was just a ten-year-old girl, and it was already remarkable that she could remain calm in such a bloody scene.


Lei Ling withdrew his hand hanging in the air in embarrassment, and sighed helplessly.

This little girl should be scared, which is understandable, after all, even he was a little scared of everything before.

When Shi Yu shrunk his head, he regretted it in his heart. Seeing Lei Ling's embarrassment, he was so guilty that he almost cried: "Master, I'm sorry, I."

Lei Ling didn't care, he gently hugged her into his arms, and gently stroked her little head: "Are you scared?"

Breathing the familiar smell from him, the fear in Shi Yu's heart gradually dissipated. This is still the young master who loves her so much. She rubbed him in his arms affectionately, and whispered, "I'm not afraid now!"

"It's not that the young master is cruel, it's just that if I don't deal with them today, my Lei family may end up like this in the future! This is a world of the jungle, and whoever is soft-hearted will die!"

Lei Ling wasn't really hard-hearted, and he couldn't bear it either.

But he sympathizes with the Feng family, who will sympathize with him in the future?
Since it is already immortal, then do it completely!
Even if he failed in the end, he would first let Feng Xinghan taste the pain of family ruin.

"By the way, where did Qiaoer hide?"

Lei Ling looked around, but he didn't find Jin Qiaoer, so he asked worriedly.

Shi Yu snickered and said, "Miss Qiao'er was so scared that she cried and ran home."

Hearing this, Lei Ling smiled wryly, and said helplessly, "I didn't want to bring you here at first, but there will definitely be many such things in the future. It's a good thing for you to meet sooner!"

"I know! I will never be afraid again!"

There was a firm light in Shi Yu's eyes.

Seeing that she had stabilized, Lei Ling let go of her, pinched her fair and tender face, and said, "Go and tell the people in the Li family that the store of the Feng family has been handed over to them. As for the people, it's not Feng." Let the family members let them go, and kill all those with the surname Feng."


Shi Yu responded, and hurriedly ran to deliver the message.

(End of this chapter)

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