My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 121 Dao Heart Seed Demons

Chapter 121 Dao Heart Seed Demons
early morning
Lei Ling wanted to greet Princess Peach Blossom after breakfast, but was told that Princess Peach Blossom was still in seclusion.

He came to the bamboo house with some worries, stayed there for a while, finally sighed helplessly, and turned to leave.

At this moment, his heart throbbed inexplicably!
"Huh? The aura here seems to be a bit different?"

Lei Ling closed his eyes and concentrated, and his brows were almost knit together after careful perception:
"No! Why is there a demonic energy? Could it be that grandma has lost her temper?"

He practiced the mantra of purifying the mind, and had a keen perception of demonic energy.

Although there was an enchantment around the bamboo house, he still caught a trace of magic energy.

Being obsessed is not a joke, if it is someone else, he can ignore it, but this is his grandma!

Lei Ling called out softly, "Grandma, are you alright?"


"Grandma! I'm coming in!"

Seeing that Princess Peach Blossom didn't respond, he became even more anxious. He broke his heart, tore open the barrier with his bare hands, and rushed in.


As soon as he rushed into the bamboo house, Lei Ling couldn't help gasping!The bamboo house was actually filled with strong demon energy.

Princess Peach Blossom crossed her legs and closed her eyes, clasped her hands together, and muttered something.

There is a string of Buddhist beads between her hands, exuding a soft halo, which seems to help her block the erosion of inner demons.

Taishang star, the strain never stops

exorcise evil spirits, protect life

Wisdom is clear, peace of mind

The three souls are forever, and the soul is not lost

Seeing the devilish energy rushing towards him, wanting to corrode him, Lei Ling snorted coldly and recited the Mantra of Purifying Mind.

The milky white light immediately lit up, illuminating the entire bamboo house, and instantly wiped out all the magic energy.

After getting rid of the overflowing demonic energy, he walked up to Princess Peach Blossom, put his fingers together, and lightly tapped on the center of her eyebrows.

Gray sky, gray sea.

This is a space filled with the breath of death.

The only color is a pink peach blossom, on which sits a beautiful woman.

Around her are twelve demon heads in various shapes.

some firstborn double horns
Some have vertical eyes
Some have fangs
Some nostrils are everted
Without exception, these monsters are very ferocious and terrifying.

Facing the beautiful woman among the peach blossoms, they made all kinds of scary expressions while making strange and piercing sounds.

The beautiful woman's eyes were slightly closed, and she was reciting scriptures. Her whole body was shrouded in pink light. No matter what they did, she would not move like a mountain.

This is the state of mind of Princess Peach Blossom!

The mantra of purifying the mind is broad and profound.

Lei Ling obtained the power of inheritance, and after some time of comprehension, he was able to project his own consciousness into the mood of others.

At this moment, his whole body was shrouded in milky white light.

He stood there, and the surrounding space regained its color, and the gray quickly faded away.

The sky turned blue and the water became clear and transparent.

His appearance quickly attracted the attention of the devil, and was also noticed by Princess Peach Blossom.

She opened her beautiful eyes and saw that it was Lei Ling who came, her expression changed drastically, and she shouted: "Ling'er, how did you get in? Get out, it's dangerous here!"

"Uga! Wuga!"

A demon uttered a strange cry and rushed towards Lei Ling.

It became bigger and bigger in the air, its mouth was like a water tank, and it actually wanted to swallow Lei Ling in one gulp.

"act recklessly!"

Lei Ling snorted coldly, put his index finger and middle finger together, put them next to his mouth, and recited the mantra of purifying the heart.

In an instant

Princess Peach Blossom's mood shook violently.

A god manifested in the sky, with his head touching the sky, his feet on the ground, and he slapped the devil.

Just heard a loud bang!
The terrifying demon was directly blown up by him, and a large amount of essence spewed out and scattered in all directions.


Princess Peach Blossom's eyeballs almost fell out, isn't that too fierce?

Others don't know, but she knows how terrifying these twelve devils are!
Even a strong man in the spiritual realm, or even a strong man in the holy realm, couldn't get rid of it for her.

Now that she was killed by her grandson after meeting her face to face, she was a little suspicious of life.

"Uga! Wuga!"

Seeing that their companion had been beaten to death, the other eleven devils let out shrill screams one after another.

They opened their mouths and sucked violently, and actually sucked all the essence into their bodies.

Then, under Lei Ling's shocked eyes, they merged with each other and turned into a demon god.

This demon god also had his head up to the sky, his feet on the ground, and with his monstrous demon power, he charged towards Lei Ling, and the white god naturally went up to him.

The two giants, one black and one white, you punched and I kicked, and they just went straight to it.

Although the mind-cleaning mantra is powerful, Lei Ling has only practiced it for a short time. These demons are all transformed by extremely powerful mind demons, and Lei Ling can't eliminate them for a while.

"You bloody bastards, how dare you bully my grandma, I'll let you know how powerful I am!"

Seeing that he couldn't attack for a long time, Lei Ling turned his heart and began to mobilize the inherited spiritual power left in his body.

Blessed by this power, the white giant's strength increased several times, and it threw dozens of punches in a row, breaking up the black giant. Eleven monsters screamed repeatedly and fled at high speed.

"Want to go? It's not that easy!"

When he gained power, he frantically recited the Mantra of Purifying the Heart, and the giant's body burst into light, instantly turning into six divine swords, and flying out.

Its speed was more than ten times faster than those demon heads, and six demon heads were eliminated in an instant.

It's a pity that the remaining demons got the supply of Jingyuan, and their strength increased sharply, so they still escaped.

"Damn it! Don't run away, you bloody bastards!"

Lei Ling was so angry that he cursed, after all, this was Princess Peach's heart demon, and there was nothing he could do if they hid.

"Ling'er! Is it really you?"

Princess Peach Blossom floated in front of Lei Ling on the petals, and Lei Ling was as powerful as a god descending into the world, she was a little afraid to recognize him.

Lei Ling smiled: "Grandma! It's me! This is not a place to talk, I'll go out and wait for you first."

With a wave of his hand, the six divine swords instantly shattered, and a light rain fell from the sky, dispelling all the remaining gray dead energy.

After doing all this, Lei Ling calmly exited the state of Princess Peach Blossom.

"Ling'er! You just now."

Princess Peach Blossom opened her eyes, and asked immediately, the scene just now was really unbelievable.

Regarding his grandma, Lei Ling didn't need to hide anything, he just told about the Purifying Mantra.

"There is such a wonderful spirit technique? Ling'er, grandma would like to thank you! If it weren't for you, grandma might be in danger."

Princess Peach gently hugged Lei Ling into her arms, and gently stroked his little head.

"Grandma, you are serious. It is only natural for your grandson to help you! But why do you have such a powerful demon?"

Lei Ling was very puzzled, there were a total of twelve devils!
That is, Princess Peach Blossom, if it were someone else, I'm afraid she would have been possessed by the devil.

"Alas, grandma was plotted against by evil people back then, and she planted demon seeds on my Dao heart!"

Princess Peach Blossom let out a long sigh, Lei Ling's body stiffened, and he jumped up from her arms, shouting angrily, "Who! Who is so vicious!"

Because he practiced the mantra of purifying the mind, he asked Jin Qiao'er a lot about the demons in his heart and his obsession with demons.

He has also heard of this heart-planting demon.

In this world, in addition to spiritual cultivation, there are also magic cultivation. They practice magic skills and use magic, which is extremely cruel.

And this heart-seeding demon is a method they love to use very much.

They searched for Tianjiao and planted demon seeds on their Dao heart.

Once the demon seed is planted, it will continue to absorb your strength and grow rapidly. If you want not to be sucked dry by it, you have to practice hard.

But the faster you practice, the faster it absorbs. This is a vicious circle!
If you are sucked dry and hang up, the heart seed demon will fail.

But if you hold on, the demon species will start to condense the demon head.

When the monsters condense to a certain number and are strong enough, they will try to devour your soul and occupy your body completely.

At this time, the dao heart seeding demon is successful.

You will increase in strength, become a monster and return to that demon cultivator, become his tool, and execute any of his orders unconditionally.

(End of this chapter)

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