My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 122 Cause and Effect

Chapter 122 Cause and Effect
Princess Peach Blossom sighed a long time, looked at Lei Ling whose eyes were bloodshot with anger, and comforted her with a smile: "Ling'er! Grandma is fine, after so many years, these devils have done nothing to get me."

"Grandma! Grandson is sorry for you! Grandson almost killed you."

Lei Ling's tears trickled down.

Princess Peach Blossom was obviously haunted by demons, and she ran to fight people desperately for herself, which caused her demons to erupt.

If he hadn't discovered it by chance, his grandma might have turned into a monster.

"Okay, okay, good grandson, don't cry, grandma is fine!"

Princess Peach quickly pulled Lei Ling into her arms again, comforting her softly.

"Grandma! What's going on? Which bastard used such vicious means to deal with you? Tell me, I'll let my little aunt beat him to death!"

Lei Ling's eyes were filled with angry flames, and he secretly swore in his heart, no matter who that person was, no matter how strong he was!
he wants

Princess Peach Blossom was silent for a while, and finally said: "That person's strength and the forces behind him are too strong, even Ningxue's attack is useless!

Speaking of which, this is also my own sin. Back then, I went with my ancestor to a big power as a guest. One of their young masters took a fancy to me and asked someone to propose marriage to my ancestor.

The two parties discussed and initially agreed, because the ancestor has a very high status in my family, so he agreed, and the marriage contract was basically finalized.

I was young and energetic back then, and I didn't like that young master, so I secretly asked him out in the middle of the night and killed him directly."


Lei Ling was dumbfounded, isn't this too tough?

If you don't like it, just go home and make trouble, after all, it hasn't been settled yet!It's a big deal to run away from marriage!
Didn't you kill people directly?
"I originally wanted to kill someone and run away, but someone found out. The ancestors were outnumbered and not their opponents. They could only exchange a huge amount of resources for my life.

Because the things that the ancestor took out were too rich, that force reluctantly agreed.

But the condition is to make a marriage contract directly, and when I reach the age of 20, I will hold a big wedding and be a widow for the young master!
At that time, I was focused on pursuing the peak of martial arts, and I didn't think about getting married and having children, so I agreed.

Originally, the matter had been resolved, but the young master's grandfather was upset, and secretly planted a demon seed in my Dao Heart, and it was too late for the ancestor to find out! "

"Maybe this is one of the conditions!"

Lei Ling's eyes changed, and a gloomy look flashed in Princess Peach's eyes.

She shook her head slightly, and continued: "Later, the ancestor felt guilty, and found me the Pure Mind Refreshing Jade and Buddhist relics to help me resist the demons in my heart.

With the protection of these two treasures, although my cultivation speed has been severely slowed down and I have withdrawn from the Tianjiao sequence, my life is finally saved. "

Lei Ling knew the rest. Princess Peach Blossom met her grandfather when she went out to relax, and the two fell in love.

Afterwards, Princess Peach Blossom strongly regretted the marriage, and her dynasty must have paid a huge price to compensate that power.

In addition, the Lei family was too weak, so Princess Peach turned against her family and married Long Yue.

Later, in order to help Lei Han improve his aptitude, she took out the Pure Heart and Refreshing Jade in exchange for that precious treasure.

With the Buddhist relics alone, she was already somewhat unable to suppress the devil. In addition, Lei Han directly gave away the treasure, which caused her mood to fluctuate violently, and her situation became even more unstable.

Only then did a series of things follow.

It can be said that the culprit that caused his grandfather's disappearance, Lei Han's mother and son separated for many years, and even trapped him in Los Angeles for many years was that force.

"damn it!"

Lei Ling cursed inwardly, he didn't ask Princess Peach Blossom the name of that power.

After all, he is too weak now, even a dynasty can only use compensation to solve the problem, and its strength is comparable to that of the dynasty at the last time. This is not what he can deal with now, and he can only take revenge later.

"Grandma, this heart-seeding demon is extremely powerful. Although I killed seven of them just now, their essence was also taken away by other demon heads. If you go back to the demon seed and lie dormant for a while, new demons will be bred again." Head! With my current strength, I still can't completely wipe them out."

Lei Ling's face was solemn. Although the Purifying Mantra is extremely miraculous, it also needs to be cultivated and supported by its own strength.

Those twelve devils devoured a large amount of the spiritual power of Princess Peach Blossom, and each one was comparable to the power of Zhenhai Realm, so they were not so easy to destroy.

Even if he hadn't mobilized the remaining inheritance power in his body to help, he might not be able to beat them.

Princess Peach Blossom was not disappointed at all when she heard the words. Now this situation is something she never dared to think about before.

She hugged her tightly, and said softly: "This is already very good. In the past few decades, I have never felt so relaxed like today. This is all thanks to Ling'er."

"Although I can't completely destroy them, I can temporarily seal them so that they can't harm you again! Grandma, sit down."

Lei Ling struggled to get up from Princess Peach Blossom's arms. After Princess Peach Blossom sat upright, he quickly formed a seal with both hands while reciting the mantra of purifying the mind.

As his gestures changed, streams of milky white energy flowed out of his body, condensing into a simplified seal.

"go with!"

Accompanied by Lei Ling's soft drink, the seal directly penetrated into Princess Peach's body.

A milky white halo immediately emerged from Princess Peach's body and enveloped her.

A shrill and strange cry resounded through the bamboo house.

Princess Peach Blossom was overjoyed in her heart, and a dazzling light bloomed in her eyes.

The demon had been crazily extracting her spiritual power for many years, but it stopped just now.


After finishing all this, Lei Ling let out a sigh of relief, wiped off his sweat, and said, "Grandma, I have temporarily sealed the demon seeds in your body with the clean sealing technique just now, so I'll let someone call Qiaoer here." , Let's see if she can solve this damn thing completely!"

Soon, Jin Qiaoer was taken to Princess Peach Blossom's bamboo house.

In front of her elders, the little girl changed from her usual arrogance and became extremely well-behaved.

After Lei Ling briefly explained the situation to her, she frowned and said after pondering for a moment: "Dao heart seeding demons is a very cruel method, but everything has two sides.

Although the devil seed has drawn a lot of grandma's spiritual power and bred the devil, but it is not all bad, it can make grandma's spiritual power more solidified!
There was once a hero who was planted with demon seeds when he was young and suffered a lot, but he never gave up, and even used the demon seeds as a means of training his cultivation.

His accumulation was getting thicker and thicker, and finally he directly swallowed the demon head and squeezed out the demon seed.

The spiritual power in the demon seed has the same origin as the host, so there is no problem of rejection.

With the help of this incomparably powerful spiritual power, his realm has risen rapidly, and he has directly condensed the twelve demon spirits!In the end, he overwhelmed many arrogances and successfully proved the Tao! "

Jin Qiaoer was talking eloquently, and accidentally found that Lei Ling and Princess Peach had strange eyes. She tilted her head, not understanding why they looked at her like that.

Fortunately, she is an intelligent spirit body with a superb memory, so she can find out the problem after thinking about it.

She ouched, and quickly covered her small mouth, her face immediately turned red to the base of her neck, and she wished she could find a crack in the ground to get in.

Unknowingly, like Lei Ling, she called Princess Peach Blossom Grandma
Lei Ling laughed, stood up and relieved the little girl: "Qiaoer, do you know how to turn back?"

"Know one thing, in fact, the relationship between the demon seed and the host is like the two ends of the balance.

It's just that it's heavier, so the host's spiritual power will flow to it, and the more spiritual energy the host absorbs, the faster it will flow.

Conversely, if the spiritual power of the host is depleted, the spiritual power of the demon seed will also flow to the host.

In order to prevent this from happening, those devils will take the opportunity to come out and make trouble.

After the demon heads leave with a large amount of spiritual power, they will cause the spiritual power of the demon seed to become empty. This will not only prevent the spiritual power from flowing back to the host, but also attack the host when it is weak, thus turning it into a monster!
In this case, there are two ways to deal with it. The first is to break through the spiritual realm!
Because when breaking through the spiritual realm, a lot of spiritual power is needed to supply the god-seed in the body, so as long as you can keep your heart and block the attack of the devil, you can drain the devil-seed.

The demon boss is connected with the demon seed's life, and once the demon seed's spiritual power is exhausted, it will draw the spiritual power of the demon boss to supplement it.

In this way, not only can the devil and the devil be eliminated in one fell swoop, but also breakthroughs can be made continuously, and even twelve devil spirits can be bred based on the origin of the devil!
There is another method that is more troublesome and wasteful.

It is the host who frantically consumes spiritual power while resisting the harassment of the demon head, so that the energy consumption of the demon seed will also be exhausted. "

In order to cover up her embarrassment, Jin Qiao'er said a lot, which made Lei Ling and Princess Peach amazed. Even Princess Peach, who is the princess of the dynasty, didn't know these secrets.

"Grandma! If you want to advance, I can help you with the Purifying Mantra. Although I can't destroy them, I can still suppress them!" Lei Ling said confidently.

Although their family's spiritual veins have been exhausted by Lei Ningxue, Princess Peach Blossom was born in a dynasty after all, so it should be possible to find a spiritual vein or even directly use the dragon vein.

"Let's talk about this matter later, now that the demon seeds in my body have been suppressed, don't worry about it for the time being."

Princess Peach Blossom was not in a hurry to break through, she probably still wanted to wait for Lei Ling's grandfather to come back, or she wanted to protect her grandson for a while longer.

 Burning out, thank you all for your support! ! !The academy plot will start tomorrow, but I have run out of manuscripts.
(End of this chapter)

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