My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 123 Longteng Academy

Chapter 123 Longteng Academy
Longteng College is located on Longteng Mountain and is divided into four courtyards: east, west, north, south.

Among them, the east courtyard is the strongest, and most of the Tianjiao will enter the east courtyard, followed by the west courtyard, and the north and south courtyards are the worst.

Because Princess Peach Blossom made a big fuss in the east courtyard before, Lei Ling could only go to the west courtyard.

The west courtyard patrols the west of Longteng Mountain, where there are many peaks, and there are cableways between the peaks, which are connected layer by layer.

These ropeways are built with a material called Mingshu gelatin.

Mingshu gelatin is in a liquid state when collected, like water, it will become solid when heated, and it is extremely hard.

"I'll go, isn't this Nima a glass path?"

Lei Ling looked up at the cableways between the mountain peaks, and almost cried out.

This Longteng Academy is also well-intentioned. These ropeways should be used to exercise the courage of the students, and of course they look very beautiful.

In addition to the cableway, students can also use the teleportation array to directly teleport between the peaks, but each time they need to pay a fee of [-] gold coins.

Jin Qiaoer and Shi Yu were also arranged by Lei Ling to enter the West Courtyard. The two little girls have good qualifications, so it is necessary to study systematically here.

Lei Ling originally wanted them to follow him, but Jin Qiaoer clamored to experience the real student life, refused to live with him, and even dragged Shi Yu away.

Fortunately, Shi Ying is already in the Purple Mansion and she doesn't like any student life, so she chooses to stay by Lei Ling's side and obey, otherwise Master Lei would have no one to serve him.

People from the Lei family helped them with the admission procedures and other matters. Under the guidance of his servants, Lei Ling went directly to his dormitory through the teleportation array.

His current status is extremely noble, and he has always acted like a second-generation ancestor.

So Longteng Academy didn't dare to arrange him in the student dormitory, but assigned him to the classroom dormitory, and gave him a house of the highest standard.

This is a courtyard house located on top of a mountain. It is made of wood and has an excellent location. Behind it is a cliff, where you can watch the sunrise and even have a panoramic view of most of Longteng Mountain.

"Shiying, do you know how to make the bed, make the quilt, and do the laundry?"

After checking the courtyard, Lei Ling entered the main room and asked with a frown.

These things were originally done by Shi Yu. After all, he doesn't have the aura of a protagonist, so he really doesn't feel at ease handing it over to ordinary servants.

What if someone put poison on his clothes?Put something in his bed?

Shi Ying still cherishes words like gold.

Lei Ling nodded, and instructed: "When I'm not around, except for you, Shi Yu, and Jin Qiaoer, no one else is allowed to enter my room.

The cleanliness of the room and my clothes are all handled by you yourself, and you can leave everything else to the servants to do except for me!do you know? "

"Yes! Here, I alone is enough."

Shi Ying came from an intelligence background, and his personality was more cautious than Lei Ling's, so he had no intention of finding someone else.

Lei Ling was very satisfied with her words, it was the best if she could do this, after all this is not her home.

He took out a gold coin card and a token and handed it to her:

"Use the money in this card for daily expenses and purchases. You can use this to buy things you want to buy. You also keep this token. You just came here. Some people may not know you. When I do business, I just show this token."


Lei Ling: "."

There is a balcony behind the main room with cushions and tables.

Lei Ling still used the magical sitting posture of Emperor Donghua, leaned on the table, took out the peach blossom wine, and enjoyed the fine wine while admiring the beautiful scenery.

Shi Ying stood by and read the information in an emotionless voice: "Longteng Academy has four branches, east, west, south, and north, each of which has two major departments of martial arts and liberal arts.

The Department of Martial Arts mainly teaches spiritual skills, spiritual skills, and combat experience, etc. It is divided into the outer courtyard and the inner courtyard. If you have reached the Qi-gathering Yuan state, you can enter the inner courtyard for further study.

The liberal arts department mainly teaches history and humanities, knowledge of various natural materials and earth treasures, as well as various subjects such as formations, alchemy, talisman, and weapon refining. Each subject is divided into three grades: elementary, intermediate, and advanced.

Grade students can freely choose according to their own situation!

The college adopts the credit system!
Students are free to choose subjects and even skip classes, but if they do not complete the credits, they will be forced to withdraw after the end of a school year.

Those over the age of 30 will also be forced to drop out of school!Only when you break through to the state of concentration in the academy can you get the graduation certificate issued by the academy! "

"I'll go! Why does this look like a university?"

Lei Ling rolled his eyes straight when he heard this, and guessed that some big boss traveled over to do this again.

Of course, it is also possible that the boss here reincarnated into the world of his previous life. He swallowed, and asked with a little expectation: "Don't tell me there is such a thing as a student union here!"

"Yes! Dragon Academy has a student general meeting and four student branches.

The president of the student union has always been held by the Luo family, and the four major branches are held by the disciples of the four families!Originally, the student union has always been the only organization in Longteng Academy.

But then Feng Xinghan rose up. He forcibly created a force called Fengshen Temple and absorbed many talents. Although the strength was not as strong as that of the Student Union, it was not too inferior. "

Lei Ling was horrified, this shit really has a student union?It's getting more and more interesting.

Since Feng Xinghan created the Fengshen Temple, he can't fight alone.

Of course he has no plans to create new forces!Isn't this readily available?

He touched his chin and asked, "Who are the presidents of the five student unions here? How strong are they?"

"The five presidents are all strong in the Purple Mansion, Luo Yi from the Luo family, Lei Gang from the Lei family, Zhao Xiaotian from the Zhao family, Yan Hui from the Yan family, and Chen Ping from the Chen family!

Among the five, Luo Yi has the highest cultivation level. He has built an eight-story purple mansion and is working hard to build a ninth-level purple mansion! "


As soon as Lei Ling's eyes lit up, ordinary people could build a three-story purple mansion and prepare to attack their concentration.

But Tianjiao will continue to build, nine is the extreme number, if he can build a nine-story purple mansion, then he can be qualified to become the peerless Tianjiao.

Luo Yi can do it!At first glance, it is one of the stepping stones prepared by Tiandao for Feng Xinghan
He asked Shi Ying to read the information just for his bad taste, and wanted this chick to talk more.

But this guy is just like a robot, it's really meaningless to tease her, so I don't bother to continue to tease her:
"Let the intelligence organization collect information on the Fengshen Temple. I want to know the specific information of all the key figures, and the Liufeng Auction House will also inform you."


Lei Ling rolled his eyes, and finally couldn't help complaining: "How many words will you die?"

"will not!"

"I'm fine! You win!"

He has black lines all over his head, if he didn't know what kind of character this guy is, he would have suspected that she was playing tricks on him.

But after thinking about it, this is actually not bad, because there is already a talkative Jin Qiaoer by his side.

He would not be able to bear another one. Thinking of this, he felt more and more pleasing to Shi Ying's eyes. He took out a small bottle from the storage ring, handed it to her, and introduced: "This is Wudao tea, but it's just purple. , you want to take it! After I kill Feng Xinghan, I will get you a golden one."

Shi Ying's No Shadow or Trace is very useful. If he can enter the state of epiphany, maybe he can open a higher level.

Enlightenment tea is a top-notch treasure, so Lei Ling doesn't take it seriously. Shi Ying is from an intelligence organization, so he naturally understands other preciousness, so he knelt down on one knee and clasped his fists together: "Thank you, young master!"

"Yeah! Not bad, I finally said three words."

Lei Ling nodded in satisfaction, and secretly complained in his heart, it turns out that this guy is also a master who doesn't see rabbits and doesn't throw eagles!

"Go down! Master Ben wants to be alone for a while!"

He waved his hand, and Shi Ying's figure disappeared immediately and left quietly.

"I have been in the capital for so long, and you have never looked for me once, Xian'er, Xian'er! Have you really forgotten me?"

Lei Ling looked into the distance and muttered to himself. In his mind, a beautiful figure slowly emerged, it was his fairy!
It wasn't Luo Feng, let alone Luo Yujia, who had the best relationship with him when he was a child, but Bai Xian'er.

She always likes to follow behind her like a follower, calling herself Brother Ling sweetly.

Later, she was specially recruited into Longteng Academy, and the two lost contact.

Hearing that she had an ambiguous relationship with Feng Xinghan before, Lei Ling still didn't believe it, but he has been in the capital for so long and made such a big commotion, Bai Xian'er still didn't come to look for him, which shows the problem.

After taking a few sips of wine, he let out a long sigh: "It seems that time can really change everything! Xian'er, Xian'er! I hope you don't make the wrong choice, I really don't want to kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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