My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 126 Mermaid! ! !

Chapter 126 Mermaid! ! !
After about a quarter of an hour, there was a sound of footsteps.

A woman with a book in her arms walked into the large classroom, without the cheers, applause, or even people of the past.

The woman couldn't help but let out a little gasp, took out the class schedule from the book, read it carefully and confirmed that it was her class, and became even more confused.

Lei Ling was sitting on the podium drinking wine!Hearing the voice, he turned his head and looked over, his eyes lit up.

The woman who came into view was about 20 years old, her hair was sea blue, her eyes were the same, she was tall and graceful, she was actually a beautiful woman of different ethnicity.

The beauty also saw him at this moment, she frowned slightly, and asked, "Who are you? Why are you sitting on the podium?"

"If you look carefully, don't you know?"

Lei Ling motioned her to take a look at his clothes with his eyes, the beauty's expression changed after hearing the words and taking a closer look.

But she didn't show fear like the others, nor did she have the slightest intention to flatter her.

Instead, he sneered and said very bluntly: "You are the second generation ancestor Lei Ling, right? What? You haven't had enough trouble in the emperor, and you still want to come to my Longteng Academy to play wild?"

"Hey! Is your mouth quite poisonous? Do you believe it or not? I asked someone to strip you naked and hang you on the gate of the college?"

Lei Ling laughed, feeling very puzzled in his heart. Although this woman is very beautiful, she doesn't make the students so crazy, does she?

After all, most of those who can come to Longteng Academy are rich or expensive, and they are not bumpkins who have never seen a beautiful woman in eight lifetimes!

Xia Mingyue was so angry that her eyes burst into flames. She has been in Longyue Empire for so long, how has anyone ever talked to her like this?
She stretched out her jade finger and pointed at Lei Ling and said angrily: "Don't think that with Lei Ningxue backing you, you are nothing special. There are also spiritual experts in my clan, so you dare to touch me?"


Lei Ling frowned, and looked up and down the beautiful woman in front of him.

As for Xia Mingyue, he only listened to Gu Wei's brief introduction, and hadn't investigated her before.

So I don't know much about her.

But since she said that there are strong spirits in her family, it must not be the power of the Four Great Empires:
"Which clan are you from? What is the purpose of coming to Longyue Empire?"

"Hmph! Why should I tell you?"

Xia Mingyue snorted softly, and replied very bluntly.

Lei Ling's gaze was lightning, and the corner of his mouth curled up: "You don't need to say it, but this is my young master's territory after all, I want to deal with you Yi! Like! Reverse! Palm!

Don't say that there are experts in the spirit realm in your family, as long as I don't do too much, it is impossible for the experts in your family to risk their lives with the masters of the spirit realm for you!Not to mention that there are other forces behind me. "


Xia Mingyue was so angry that she wished she could slap the second ancestor to death.

She is not a fool, so she naturally knew that what Lei Ling said was right, and once a strong man in the spiritual realm of her clan came over rashly, it would easily attract the guardians to chase after him, after all, there was an agreement.

As for letting Zhenhaijing's strong man come over to stand out, that's purely looking for abuse.

no way!She could only tell her background through gritted teeth: "I'm from the murloc family!"


Lei Ling was taken aback for a moment, and then his heartbeat increased several times!

Isn't this Nima a mermaid?

He looked at Xia Mingyue with red eyes, and jumped to her side in excitement.

After circling her several times, he asked with some doubts: "Isn't the murloc half human and half fish? Why do you have legs? You haven't lost your voice, have you?"

"What are you talking about? If I don't manifest my real body, I will naturally have legs!"

Xia Mingyue frowned, thinking that the big boy in front of him might have some brain problems.

Think about it too, if he had no problem with his brain, could he do so many insane things?

"No wonder those dogs are so crazy, it turns out this guy is a mermaid!"

Lei Ling rubbed his chin, he understood the thoughts of those young girls.

This is an alien beauty!And it's still a mermaid!
Nanzhou is located in a remote area, far away from the sea, even their slave market has never brought mermaids.

Rare is precious!

Not to mention that Xia Mingyue herself is a great beauty, her unique mermaid status alone is enough to drive many people crazy.

Xia Mingyue was very unimpressed with Lei Ling, even hated it, and said impatiently: "Are you still busy? I'll go first."

"Why are you going? Aren't you here to give a lecture? I've been waiting for you here for a long time! Come to class! Just tell me the basic situation of the murlocs."

Lei Ling climbed back to the podium again, pouted at Xia Mingyue, motioned her to come on stage, and taught him face to face.


Xia Mingyue clenched her fist, so angry that she wanted to punch her.

This kid doesn't take himself too seriously, does he?
"Hurry up! If you continue to behave like this, I will go to the dean to complain! You are also a teacher after all, right? Give me a lesson!"

Seeing that she was not moving, Lei Ling urged her again.

Xia Mingyue was so angry that she almost gritted her silver teeth, she had no choice but to walk to the podium and start class.

"Since you want to hear about the murlocs, let me tell you something."

She put down the book in her hand and sighed helplessly.

Now Lei Ling is alone in the entire classroom, it would be a waste to talk to him about the lessons he prepared.

It's better to just say something about the mermaids and get away:

"Our mermaid clan is a very large group with many branches, among which the dragon fish clan is the most respected, and the shark clan has the most members!
Like other Sea Clans, we serve the Dragon People Clan."


Lei Ling's eyes lit up, isn't he a dragon man after his transformation?
And among the dragon people, the noble five-clawed golden dragon-level dragon people.

He rolled his eyes, and a plan quickly took shape in his mind.

"That's right! The Dragonman is the overlord of the sea, the emperor respected by all sea clans! You don't even know this, do you?"

Xia Mingyue nodded and said with some contempt.

"Of course I know, it's just that if you don't stay in the sea well, why does the dragon boss who serves you come to our human territory?"

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!Sea people rarely go ashore, let alone go to remote Nanzhou.

Xia Mingyue rolled her eyes and said angrily, "What's none of your business?"

"You are for the baby under Longteng Mountain, right?"

As soon as Lei Ling finished speaking, Xia Mingyue's expression changed, and then she immediately returned to normal, putting on a silly and innocent expression:
"What baby? I don't know what you're talking about! I came to Longteng Academy to teach purely as a hobby, and to spread the knowledge of the seabed for your human race."

"I only give you one point for you who pretends to be coquettish. I'm afraid that you will be too frustrated if I give you one point! Do you know how to pretend to be coercive?"

Lei Ling looked at Xia Mingyue with contempt. As a king-like existence, what he couldn't bear most was when others pretended to be bullying indiscriminately, thus ruining their reputation as a gang of pretenders.

He felt that it was necessary for him to teach this alien girl how to pretend to be a good girl:
"You should say that you have had a great dream since you were a child, that is to resolve the enmity between the human race and the sea race, and to promote an alliance between the two races.

You impressed the Emperor of the Sea with your sincerity. He personally appointed you as a goodwill ambassador and sent you to the Human Race to spread the culture of the Sea Race. At the same time, you also brought the culture of the Human Race back to the Sea Race, achieving the first exchange of cultures between the two sides.

If the effect is good, Neptune will allow you to lead more Sea Clans to exchange with the Human Clans, and finally promote the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two sides in an all-round way!
This is a great event with merit in the present age and benefit in the future!

So you gave up the superior life of the Sea Clan, even declined the marriage proposal of the Prince of the Dragon Clan, and resolutely embarked on the road to the Human Clan.

Over the years, you have traveled to various countries, spread the culture of the sea people, and learned the culture of the human race. The Longyue Empire is not your starting point, let alone your end point! "


Xia Mingyue was dumbfounded by what he said, she stood there in a daze, completely dumbfounded, what Lei Ling said made her adore herself a little...

At this moment, Lei Ling's voice suddenly increased several times, and he shouted sharply: "Tell me! What kind of treasure is there in Longteng Mountain!"


Xia Mingyue's head was still in a daze, and when he yelled at her, she instinctively answered.

As soon as the words came out, she felt bad, and quickly covered her mouth, but she still said two words.

(End of this chapter)

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