My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 127 Cooperation

Chapter 127 Cooperation
Lei Ling used a little technique in psychology, although it is very simple, it is very practical.

Hearing Xia Mingyue say the word "Dragon Clan", he nodded in a daze. Isn't this mountain called Longteng Mountain?It is normal to have a relationship with the Dragon Clan.

"How dare you talk to me!"

Xia Mingyue was so angry that Lei Ling got out some of the secrets in her heart.

This matter was no small matter, murderous intent flickered in her eyes, spiritual power surged in her body, and she actually wanted to kill someone to silence her.

Lei Ling laughed contemptuously, without any fear:

"I advise you to think it over before you act. This is the Longyue Empire. As long as you attack me, you will be killed, and you Sea Clan can't stand up for you."


Xia Mingyue snorted coldly, and quickly withdrew her spiritual power.

Just now she was only motivated to kill in a moment of impatience.

Attack Lei Ling at Longteng Academy?

Even if he didn't bring a master in, Longteng Academy would protect him.

Even just now, she felt that she was locked by several breaths.

Lei Ling's eyes changed, and he was sure in his heart that the things in Longteng Mountain were prepared for Feng Xinghan.

If he hadn't appeared, then Feng Xinghan would have obtained the Dragon Fruit in the Ten Thousand Snake Mountains, and his body would be stained with dragon energy. Then he would cooperate with this mermaid, and both parties would get what they needed.

Even this mermaid is one of his girls, who will help him start the story of the sea clan in the future.

But his appearance disrupted all of this, just like the Purifying Mantra incident.

He took away Feng Xinghan's chance this time, and caused a butterfly effect, which even affected the treasures of Longteng Mountain.

"Mr. Mingyue! I have a key in my hand. It was obtained by my little aunt when she was looking for the treasure under Longteng Mountain. It should be related to that thing. How about it? Do you want to cooperate with me to get the treasure together?"

Lei Ling rubbed his chin, and directly told about the key.

Talk about business!

Naturally, one has to show one's bargaining chips, and to overwhelm others with power is called Ming Qiang.

Although he didn't mind robbing clearly, but in this situation, robbing clearly is definitely useless.

"You have a key?"

Xia Mingyue's eyes lit up when she heard the words, she stretched out her jade hand, excitedly urged: "Quick, show it to me!"

Lei Ling didn't speak, but just looked at her strangely, as if looking at an idiot.

Xia Mingyue's pretty face flushed slightly, knowing that she lost her composure in a moment of agitation.

Hastily withdrew his hand, pondered for a moment, and said aloud: "I can cooperate with you. There are three keys in total. I have one on me, and Xinghan has one on me. If you didn't lie to me, the key on you It should be the third one!
But our cooperation is limited to opening the door, and the rest is up to each other. "

"Cut~ You think I'm an idiot?"

Lei Ling rolled his eyes angrily, feeling that there was something wrong with this girl's mind:

"Don't fix those useless things, it's okay to cooperate if you want to, share the information you know."


Now Xia Mingyue is not happy anymore, she argued with reason: "Everyone has a key, why should we share the information with you?"

"You can't open the door without me!"

Lei Ling sneered, his eyes were like swords, and he stabbed at her:
"You just mentioned us, not me, which proves that you and Feng Xinghan have already shared information and even formed an alliance!
I ran to open the door for you without knowing anything?Are you stupid or am I stupid?
Either share information, or just shoot and break up, you choose. "

"Good! I can tell you what I know, but I want to see the key."

Xia Mingyue's eyes spewed fire, but she had no choice but to agree with Lei Ling.

Lei Ling didn't refuse either, and a jade box immediately appeared in his hand.

After taking the key out of the box and showing it to her, he quickly put it away: "Can we talk now?"


Xia Mingyue nodded. Although it was just a glance, she had already confirmed that the key was real:
"Actually, I don't know much about it. According to the legend of my family, there was originally a big swamp at the foot of Longteng Mountain, where some dragons lived.

There is a kind of treasure passed down from generation to generation in their clan, which is very powerful!

Later, some strong men moved their minds and formed a team to snatch it, but the group of dragons swore to die, and even sacrificed their lives and souls, condensing the supreme dragon soul to fight them.

Those strong men couldn't defeat the Dragon Soul, so they had to retreat temporarily, but they didn't give up, and used all-powerful means to move the mountains, fill up the swamp, set a seal, and prepare to come back after the Dragon Soul's power weakened.

But later they were retaliated by the Dragon Clan, and the family was wiped out, so the treasure remained in Longteng Mountain. "

"Is that so?"

Lei Ling frowned, it seemed that the rumors Elder Qingsong had heard had been changed.

From this point of view, there should be human races in that group of people, maybe even all human races, otherwise the thieves would not deliberately beautify them.

The dragon clan swore to protect it to the death, and the strong human clan would not hesitate to risk their entire family being wiped out to snatch something, it must be a peerless treasure!

He asked excitedly, "Do you know what treasure?"

"I know some, but I can't tell you this, and even if I tell you, you won't believe it.

What I can tell you is that after using our three keys to open the sealed door, there will be a road leading directly to the underground swamp!
Only those who have the key can enter it, and I can guarantee that we will be in no danger until we reach the swamp.

But after arriving in the swamp, everyone will settle down to their own destiny. After all, it was the territory of the previous dragon clan. Although countless years have passed, I am not sure whether the dragon soul will disappear or not. "

Xia Mingyue didn't reveal all the information, which was expected by Lei Ling. It's already pretty good for her to say this: "Have you found the door yet?"

Lei Ling also asked Jin Qiaoer to deduce the location of that thing with the compass.

But he couldn't figure it out anyway. Now that he thinks about it, it should be that group of powerful people used some means.

Otherwise, that thing might have been calculated by the people of Tianji Palace long ago.

Xia Mingyue nodded and replied: "I have some clues. After Xinghan returns, I believe he will be able to find the door soon."

Lei Ling didn't believe even a single feather of her words, so what does it mean to find Feng Xinghan when he comes back?
I'm afraid he found it after Feng Xinghan came back and planned how to plot against him, right?
He sneered secretly in his heart: "If you want to plot against your grandpa, you are too young! See how I play you to death."

"Are you okay? I'll go first if I'm okay. I'll let you know when we find the door!"

Xia Mingyue didn't want to stay with Lei Ling for half a minute. This kid is young, but he has a lot of eyes.

In just such a short while, he got so many words out of himself, if Xia Mingyue continued to chat with him, Xia Mingyue didn't even know what he would say!
"Wait a moment!"

Just as Xia Mingyue turned around to leave, Lei Ling suddenly called out to stop her.

At this time, Lei Ling changed from his previous idleness, and his expression became extremely serious. It can even be described as solemn and solemn:

"Since we are now a cooperative relationship, and you are still my teacher, there is a question that has troubled me for many years. Among the people I know, only you know the answer! I hope you can answer me seriously!"

Xia Mingyue was slightly taken aback, then nodded subconsciously: "You can ask, if you can tell me, I will try my best to answer you."

Lei Ling suddenly pressed Xia Mingyue's shoulders, staring at her with his eyes fixed on her, with a huge gossip, almost breaking through the roof and bursting the sky:

"How do you mermaids reproduce? Is it the same as ours or like fish?"

"Bah! You bloody stinky rascal!"

Xia Mingyue's pretty face flushed, and she turned around and left in anger. If her idol wasn't too burdened, she really wanted to scold this bastard to death.

Lei Ling chased after them, yelling loudly: "Mr. Xia, how did the murlocs reproduce? Tell me!"

Because his voice was too loud, and some students didn't leave before, they all looked over one after another, with indescribably weird eyes.

Xia Mingyue was so angry that her face turned pale, she hugged the book and almost ran away.

Lei Ling kept chasing after him, asking loud questions while chasing him, which aroused a lot of discussion among the students.

If Xia Mingyue hadn't returned to the dormitory through the teleportation array in the end, Lei Ling might have chased her to the ends of the earth.

 Thank you Huihui Ouba and Regret Moji for your rewards, as well as your monthly and recommendation tickets, thank you for your continued support!

(End of this chapter)

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