My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 141 Cultivation

Chapter 141 Cultivation
Longteng Mountain, the central practice peak

This is the core of the Spirit Gathering Formation of Longteng Academy, and more than [-]% of the spiritual energy gathers here.

On the top of the practice peak, stands a majestic tower.

The tower is divided into seven floors, enough to accommodate 300 people practicing at the same time.

Lei Ling wore his signature cloak and came out of the teleportation formation, exuding a powerful murderous aura all over his body, scaring everyone around him to run away, wondering who had offended this second generation ancestor.

"Oh my god, Young Master Ling is so murderous today! I've met him several times in the academy, but I've never seen him like this before."

A melon eater whispered.

Although Lei Ling has a flamboyant, domineering and ruthless personality, if you don't mess with him, he's easy to get along with.

On weekdays, he always looks like a fool, and will greet you when he is in a good mood.

But today he is a bit scary, his strong murderous intent is almost condensed into substance.

Even some of the Lei family and Li family children who had dealt with him did not dare to come forward to say hello.

"Master Ningxue is about to leave. Young Master Ling must be under a lot of pressure. Don't bother him, otherwise you won't know how he died."

"Forget it, I'd better go back to the dormitory first."

"Let's go, I'm leaving too."

The students who hadn't entered the training tower walked back one after another, lest they accidentally offend the second generation ancestor.

The Great Dean directly gave Lei Ling the token of the room on the seventh floor, so he didn't need to go to get the token anymore, and directly entered his exclusive training room through the teleportation array.

This is a room with a full [-] square meters, which depicts a large number of patterns, including gathering spirits, defenses, and even gravity formations to assist cultivation.


Lei Ling let out a breath, and as soon as he entered the room, the little unicorn in his body opened its eyes and began to swallow heavily.

These days, he would eat a lot of natural treasures and spiritual food every day, accumulating a lot of spiritual energy in his body.

But he has been desperately suppressing, just to wait until after entering the training tower, with the help of the huge amount of spiritual energy in the tower, to break through one after another.

"The Great Dean, the Great Dean! I hope you don't get too crazy."

Lei Ling sat on the futon, a smile finally appeared on his ugly face.

"Huh? Why does the aura seem to be much weaker today?"

On the third floor of the training tower, in a training room, a young man opened his eyes with a dazed expression.

several at the same time
Many students withdrew from the state of cultivation one after another, and the students on the first floor even rioted directly, and they couldn't breathe any spiritual energy.

"What's going on? Why is there no aura?"

"Is the college cheating money? I paid gold coins."

"Fraud, this is blatant fraud."

"Pay back! Pay back!"

"Pay back! Pay back!"

The students rushed out of the training room and surrounded the two starting platforms tightly. If the people inside were not all above the level of Concentration, they would have been dragged out and beaten violently.

The matter intensified, and gradually even the students from the fourth, fifth, and sixth floors joined in.

The maids in the training tower were so frightened that they crouched in the corner with their heads in their hands, fearing that they would be surrounded and beaten by the furious students.

"What? Something went wrong with the cultivation tower?"

"No way? Is the aura here exhausted?"

"This matter is no small matter, let's go! Go over and have a look."

The news spread quickly, and other students rushed over to see what happened.

Soon the practice peak was crowded with people, and there were still many people on the way.

For ordinary students, the cultivation tower is the biggest reason for them to stay in the academy.

Except for the top floor, as long as the others are willing to spend money, they can enter and practice.

The quality of aura in the cultivation tower of Longteng Academy is several times higher than that in the outside world.

There are also various auxiliary training formations, even if you practice in the four major families, it is not as good as here.

So something happened here, and the whole academy was almost about to explode.

Except for Guang Ruofeng, who was seriously injured and still unhealed, all the deans of the Fourth Hospital were present. Even the chief dean was alarmed and came here in person.

"what happened?"

The Great Dean stood outside the cultivation tower, looked up, and asked aloud.

Dean Nan bowed to him, frowned and replied: "I don't know yet, the cultivation tower is functioning normally, but the spiritual energy in each training room has indeed dropped significantly, and even the sixth floor has not been spared."

After pondering for a while, the Great Dean ordered, "Well, go and check the flow rate of spiritual power."

Although he was puzzled, Dean Nan didn't dare to ask more questions, and hurriedly ordered someone to check.

After a while, when the person who went in came back, Dean Nan was dumbfounded and exclaimed: "Twenty times the flow rate? How is this possible?"


The headmaster's eyes were sharp. He has been in charge of Longteng Academy for many years, so he naturally knows a lot of things: "Go and check, and see which training room the spiritual energy is flowing to."

"Dean, what's going on?"

The dean of the North Courtyard is notorious for gossip, so he approached cautiously and asked.

"This kind of situation has happened before. There was a damned master of the Tribulation Realm who used secret techniques to cover up his cultivation, cheated the inspection of the cultivation tower, and entered the cultivation tower to take the opportunity to break through the Zhenhai Realm.

The situation at that time was similar to today, most of the aura flowed to him, but it was not as scary as it is today!The flow rate of spiritual power is only seven or eight times faster. "

The killing intent on the headmaster's body surged, such a large flow rate, there will be problems!He secretly made up his mind that no matter who it was, he would have to pay the price.

Soon, Dean Nan came over with a sullen face, and whispered in the ear of the Great Dean, "The Great Dean, this is the training room No. 3 on the seventh floor."

"Huh? Lei Ling?"

The headmaster was slightly taken aback, he personally gave the token of practice room No. [-] to Princess Peach Blossom, so naturally he knew who it belonged to.

He looked up at the top of the training tower, and asked in a cold voice: "Who is in the training room? Is it an instructor from the Lei family? Isn't Lei Ling too rampant?"

"I've confirmed it, it's Lei Ling himself!"


The Great Dean looked at Dean Nan in shock, and suspected that there was something wrong with his ears. How could Lei Ling make such a big commotion?

"Many students saw that it was him, and he was still wearing that cloak, so there's nothing wrong with that."

When Dean Nan heard that the person in the room was Lei Ling, his reaction was even more exaggerated than that of the Dean!
After checking with many people, I hurried over to tell him.

At this moment, the headmaster was a little confused, if Lei Ling had lent the token to someone else, then he could have rushed in and killed him, even Lei Ningxue couldn't say anything.

But if it was Lei Ling himself, would it be different?
After all, he was the one who promised to give him the training room to practice. If he had only practiced for a day and drove him away, wouldn't Princess Peach Blossom explode?

"What the hell is this kid doing? He just gathers Qi and transforms energy, right? Even if he hides his cultivation, it's impossible for him to directly achieve great power, right?"

The headmaster frowned, even he couldn't figure out such a bizarre matter.

After pondering for a while, he sighed slightly: "Temporarily close the cultivation tower, open all the spirit gathering formations, let him practice first, and wait until he leaves the customs."

"But the students"

Dean Nan pouted at the group of students who were about to riot, with a nervous expression on his face.

The chief dean glared at him angrily. Guang Ruofeng was supposed to handle these matters, but unfortunately he has not recovered from his serious injury, and this dean Nan is a stickler. Ask him everything: "Compensate each of them with 200 points." , In addition, one month after the cultivation tower is opened, the cultivation fee will be discounted by [-]%."

 Thank you for your support, these two days are a bit busy, next week if the book is still there, I will try to make more???? I hope to give you a chance... Please support me a lot, if you can join the group, add the next group
(End of this chapter)

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