My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 142 The Collapsed Deans

Chapter 142 The Collapsed Deans
time flies

Fifteen days passed in a blink of an eye, and the headmaster and others appeared outside the cultivation tower again, each with a dignified expression.

None of them expected that Lei Ling would stay in the cultivation tower for fifteen days, during which time the speed of spiritual energy not only did not weaken, but increased to thirty times.

After such a long period of high-load operation, some small problems have appeared in some of the spirit-gathering formations in the spirit-gathering tower. If this continues, it may collapse directly.

"Dean, what should we do? If the Spirit Gathering Array collapses in a large area, then the cultivation tower will be closed for a long time!"

Dean Nan was so anxious that he wanted to bang his head against the wall, Lei Ling is from their west courtyard!
And now that Guang Ruofeng is seriously injured, he is still the first person in charge of the academy, if something happens to him, he will be the first to suffer.

The corner of the dean's mouth twitched, wishing he could slap him to death, this guy can't think of a single idea, he knows how to chase him all day long, if he has a good way, would he still be here watching?
"Some students have already started to protest, especially the Tianjiao on the leaderboard. The fifteen days have seriously affected their training plans. If this continues, there may be serious problems."

Dean Bei frowned and asked another question. The Great Dean squeezed his fist, gritted his teeth and ordered: "Close all the spirit gathering formations."


Dean Nan clasped his fists in relief, and the dean finally spoke.

As long as the Gathering Spirit Formation is closed, then everything has nothing to do with him!

This was an order personally issued by the chief dean, even if Lei Ling failed to break through because of this, Princess Peach Blossom and the others would only seek the chief dean's bad luck, and had nothing to do with him.

However, soon he was dumbfounded, because the spirit gathering array couldn't be closed!
"what happened?"

The dean held down Dean Nan's shoulder, and roared loudly: "Can't you even do such a small thing? What's the use of you?"

"President, it's not my fault! I've closed the spirit gathering array, but there seems to be some treasure on Lei Ling's side, which can draw a lot of spiritual energy. The strong suction makes the gathering spirit array passively operate, but the flow rate of spiritual energy is not as fast as before. Bigger, only about three times the usual size."

Dean Nan was slobbered by the dean of the first, with an innocent face, he had already greeted Guang Ruofeng's relatives tens of thousands of times in his heart.

If it wasn't for the conflict between his brain tics and Lei Ling, then he would not have been injured by Princess Peach Blossom, and Lei Ling would have gone to the East Court, so this unlucky blame would not have fallen on him.

"Meet the deans."

Another five days later, when the headmaster's eyes were red, and he was about to rush into the training room to interrupt Lei Ling, a little girl grabbed a sugar figurine, walked over bouncingly, and greeted everyone very politely. I made a salute.

Seeing this little girl, Dean Nan looked overjoyed and exclaimed, "Jin Qiaoer!"

"Is it me? What's wrong?"

Jin Qiaoer looked at her dean in a daze, and asked suspiciously.

Dean Nan looked at her expectantly, and asked as kindly as possible: "What are you doing here?"

Seeing that everyone was staring at her with red eyes, Jin Qiaoer shrank her head in fright, and replied weakly: "Little aunt is leaving tomorrow, I'll ask Lei Ling to see her off."


Dean Nan let out a strange cry of excitement, and Jin Qiaoer threw the sugar figurine straight away in fright, and ran away without a trace.

The complexions of all the deans changed drastically, and Qi Qifei chased after him.

This time Jin Qiaoer was even more frightened. She took out a large number of acceleration talismans and pasted them on her body frantically, and finally even took out several ten-mile escape talismans.

All the deans were so anxious that they were about to scold their mothers. There were too many weird talismans on Jin Qiaoer, and some harmless spiritual spells couldn't trap her at all, but they didn't dare to hurt her!

Don't say that she is from the Jin family, just call Lei Ningxue little aunt at her, and give them a chance, but they dare not, so they can only shout and chase after her.

practice tower
Lei Ling's whole body was wrapped in the ocean of spiritual energy. The little unicorn in his body had already turned into a golden cyclone, absorbing the spiritual energy frantically, and the ancient runes on his body also appeared, emitting a dazzling light.

During these 20 days, he practiced crazily. When he was hungry, he ate the natural materials and earth treasures in the storage ring, when he was thirsty, he drank the spiritual liquid, and when he was sleepy, he stopped practicing the exercises, and only let the little unicorn swallow the spiritual energy alone.

Therefore, his cultivation level has been steadily increasing, and now he has built a three-story purple mansion, and his physical strength has also been improved to a certain extent.

This rapid upgrade is impossible for most spiritual practices.

Because their bodies simply cannot bear the influx of such a powerful aura.

It's like letting an innate realm swallow the holy fruit, the powerful spiritual power will tear his meridians, smash his dantian, and even make him explode to death.

But Lei Ling has reached the level of copper skin and iron bone, and his body is strong, so he doesn't have to worry about this kind of problem at all.

Although this may cause instability in the realm and lower combat power, he doesn't care.

His main direction of development is physical cultivation, and spiritual cultivation only needs to improve the realm as soon as possible.

He doesn't need to develop to the extreme like those Tianjiao, but also use fighting to hone himself, and he doesn't even bother to learn spiritual skills.

of course
Even so, it is impossible for him to consume such a large amount of spiritual energy.

Most of the spiritual energy was absorbed by the two ancient characters in his sea of ​​consciousness. The power of shock is a separate force that needs to be cultivated and strengthened alone. It is not like the mantra of purifying the heart, which can be transformed by spiritual power .

On the main road, Jin Qiaoer let go of her girl and ran at a high speed, shouting in her mouth: "Oh, don't chase me, I didn't do anything bad, the bad things were all done by Lei Ling, go find him."

"Miss Qiaoer, don't run away, we won't hurt you."

Several vice presidents were chasing madly behind, wrapped in the light, and they should have caught up with them at their speed.

But Jin Qiao'er doesn't know where there are so many ten-mile escape talismans, as long as they want to catch up, they just use one, and they disappear in an instant.

"Wuuu, you lied to me. I've heard that it was Lei Ling who made you close the training tower. You didn't dare to trouble him, so you wanted to bully me. Huuuu, I'm so pitiful!"

Jin Qiao'er was taken over by Lei Ling, and her personality has become a little more cautious. In addition, Shi Yu has been whispering in her ears for the past few days that the young master caused a big disaster, that the young master caused trouble, etc., and she was always a little flustered.

But he wasn't too scared, after all, Lei Ling was responsible for everything.

When she was frightened by Dean Nan and the others before, she was just instinctively afraid to run away, but she didn't expect that they would all mobilize and chase her, and even used several trapping spells.

Coupled with the fact that they met in the cultivation tower, she naturally thought that the elders of these principals were red-eyed and wanted to vent their anger on her, so they could only run away desperately.

"Why did I go to the imperial capital to find my little aunt?"

Jin Qiaoer was running, suddenly her eyes lit up, and she cursed herself for being too stupid.

If she could get to Lei Ningxue's place, would she still need to be afraid of these Zhenhai Realm brats?
At this moment, a ray of light suddenly fell from the sky and shone on her, directly fixing her in midair. Jin Qiaoer, who hadn't reacted yet, was still kicking her two calves quickly.

When she found herself suspended in mid-air, she hurriedly took out a large number of forbidden talisman seals, but none of them worked, even the ten-mile escaping talisman lost its effect, so scared that she rubbed her eyes and burst into tears.

"Woo, help! Lei Ling, you bastard, come and save me, I don't want to be beaten!"

"Miss Qiaoer, we really won't make things difficult for you."

The headmaster landed beside her with a bitter expression on his face. In order to catch Jin Qiao'er, he even used the Lingbao. If it gets out, it will make people laugh!

Jin Qiaoer showed her eyes and asked timidly, "You really don't want to hit me?"

"Miss Qiao'er is so cute, how could we hit you?"

The dean forced a smile, trying to make himself look amiable.

Jin Qiaoer frowned, took a peek at Dean Nan who was not far away, and pursed her mouth: "Don't look down on me, but I'm actually smart, don't lie to me."

It was Dean Nan who frightened her at the beginning, and he was the one who chased her the hardest. He even threatened her that if she didn't stop, he would hang her up and beat her, so Jin Qiaoer was very afraid of Dean Nan.

"Drag Du Kuan over there and beat him hard."

The chief dean was very angry at the foolish dean Nan before, but after finally waiting for Jin Qiaoer to come, he was so scared that he ran away for more than two hours, and hated him for a long time.

Seeing Jin Qiaoer glance at him with some fear, she exploded on the spot.

The other principals and deputy deans also hated this idiot to death, and the chief dean kicked him to the ground as soon as he gave an order, and he was punched and kicked violently when he surrounded him.

(End of this chapter)

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