My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 151 Very Fierce, Very Violent

Chapter 151 Very Fierce, Very Violent
In the ancestral land, resplendent and magnificent, extremely luxurious.

The ground and walls are paved with gold bricks, inlaid with various precious gemstones.

Even the lighting system uses expensive luminous pearls.

Big piles, piles of gold, silver and jewelry can be seen everywhere.

After Feng Xinghan and the others came in, they were blinded by the blow.

Although these people don't take money too seriously, when the money reaches a certain amount, it can still drive them crazy.

After all, the role of money is still very large in the empire.

With money, you can buy heaven, material and earth treasures, as well as talismans and spiritual weapons.

Especially Luo Yi!
He is the prince of the empire, if he can get these treasures out and dedicate them to the empire.

Even if it is one thousandth, the position of crown prince and even the future throne will be his.

"Is this too exaggerated?"

Luo Xuan swallowed her saliva, reached out and picked up a string of top-quality jade bead bracelets, and put them on her hands.

She is a person who knows the goods, and every item here is a top-grade treasure, even the decorations in the palace are inferior.

Xia Mingyue was even more unscrupulous, she picked up more than a dozen pieces in a row, and dressed herself up in jewels.

In an instant, she changed from a beautiful teacher to a standard rich woman.

"Back when the powerful human race came, the Swamp Dragon Clan should have left all the treasures they had collected in their ancestral land. These are just the most common ones, and the real treasures are behind them."

Feng Xinghan didn't care about those vulgar things, he quickened his pace and continued to move forward.

As he said, the things along the way became more and more precious, and in the end even spiritual weapons and high-level spiritual materials appeared.

"Damn, this is the spirit weapon of Zhenhai Realm! There are still so many?"

"This is Yanxin wood, the top material that can be used to create Lingbao."

"This is the Soul Sky Crystal that can enhance the power of the soul."

Everyone's exclamation came one after another, and the things they took before were thrown away long ago.

After loading and changing things, I wish I could find a few storage rings.

Feng Xinghan's gaze was firm, he was not tempted by these things, and walked straight into the depths.

After Xia Mingyue picked up a few things, she didn't stay too long and followed closely behind.

Luo Xuan and Luo Yi will be much slower.

The two brothers and sisters rummaged through piles of treasures, trying to find a storage ring, and pretended to be happy.

However, storage rings were too rare, and they couldn't find them, so they could only keep replacing what they found to ensure that they got the best ones.


Feng Xinghan and Xia Mingyue walked in front of a golden gate, their bodies trembling slightly, they both knew what was behind it.

"Aren't they coming?"

Xia Mingyue glanced back and asked with a frown.

Feng Xinghan snorted: "It's fine if you don't come, the two of us are enough! Let's do it!"

"it is good!"

Luo Yi rummaged through piles of treasures, grinning directly to the base of his ears, his eyes were blood red.

These things he took are priceless treasures.

Take out a few random samples and hand them over to the family, and the ancestors will even let him become the emperor directly.

At that time, it is not impossible for him to exchange the remaining things for resources, advance to the Zhenhai Realm, and even hit the Spiritual Realm.

At that time, he will be able to lead the Longyue Empire to its peak, even unify the four kingdoms, and build a dynasty again! ! !

His life will be extremely beautiful!

His name will surely be left in history!

His deeds will surely shock the past and the present!

"The opportunity is rare, you must bring more."

Luo Yi felt ruthless, the key was in the hands of Feng Xinghan and Xia Mingyue, he didn't think they would bring him here again.

In order to carry as much stuff as possible

for a better future

He even started to swallow some spiritual materials like beads.

"Brother! You"

When Luo Xuan saw Luo Yi's crazy behavior, the blood in her eyes instantly faded a lot.

She looked down at the treasure in her arms, and then at Luo Yi. After a few back and forth, she shook her head with a wry smile, and threw everything away.

Given her relationship with Feng Xinghan, will there be no chance to come again in the future?

Even if he doesn't come, will Feng Xinghan not give it to her?
If she marries Feng Xinghan in the future, wouldn't all these things belong to her?
However, she was corrupted by greed, and she didn't even think about such a simple thing.

If Luo Yi hadn't gone mad and frightened her, she wouldn't know how long she would be lost!
"Oh, it seems that my practice is still not enough!"

Sighing for a long time, Luo Xuan took a longing look at the treasures all over the floor, turned her head resolutely, and went to chase Feng Xinghan.

"Mine, mine, all mine."

After Luo Yi ate the first bead, he went crazy and swallowed everything he could fit into his mouth.

After Luo Xuan left, he became even more unscrupulous, even taking advantage of a certain flower
"Damn it! What are you doing?"

Lei Ling had a big gold chain and a big gold medal on his body, and walked over with an unrecognizable pace.

Seeing the scene where Luo Yi stuffed things into his body, he was stunned.

Is this too cruel?
When watching "Dead Grass" in his previous life, he felt that He Huan stuffed some Pai Gow chicken legs in it, which was already awesome.

But compared with this Luo Yi, he is nothing compared to the big witch!
This Luo Yi, dare to stuff a spiritual material with a big head into it

Hearing someone speak, Luo Yi trembled all over, and subconsciously turned his head to look.

His face went from astonishment to horror, and finally his face was frosty, with murderous intent.

He hurriedly stood up, put on his pants, his eyes were like poisonous snakes, fixedly staring at Lei Ling.

His previous appearance was really indecent, if it spread, it would be embarrassing, so he had to kill Lei Ling.

Lei Ling saw that his body was surging with spiritual power, and his murderous aura was soaring, how could he not know what he wanted to do?She hooked her fingers at him with disdain: "What? Want to do it? Come on! Come on! Let Dad teach you how to be a man."

"Suffer to death!"

Luo Yi let out a loud shout, fully activated his spiritual power, and displayed his mysterious body skills, intending to give Lei Ling a one-hit kill.

But as soon as he displayed his spiritual skills, his complexion changed drastically, and he staggered and fell to the ground.


Seeing this scene, Lei Ling was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

He covered his stomach with his left hand, pointed at him with his right hand, bent over, and laughed until tears came out:

"How many things have you stuffed into your mother's body? You can't even use your spiritual skills, oh my god! You really laughed to death."


Luo Yi struggled to get up from the ground, opened his mouth to spit out a few things, his eyes were burning with raging anger, his hands were in seals, and he was about to perform spiritual skills.

At this moment, Lei Ling's figure suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes, and the next moment he was in front of him, and he punched him hard in the stomach.


Luo Yi let out a scream, and was directly thrown out.

A large amount of spiritual materials and spiritual weapons sprayed out from his mouth and back, Lei Ling was dumbfounded, isn't that too much?


Hearing a loud bang, Luo Yi's body was firmly embedded in the wall.


Big mouthfuls of blood mixed with spiritual materials were spat out by him.

He looked at Lei Ling in horror, as if he saw some peerless monster.

Even if he was hindered because he swallowed a lot of things, he wouldn't be defeated by Lei Ling's single move, right?

He didn't even see how Lei Ling made his move.

He is a master at constructing the eight-layer Purple Mansion Realm!
"Damn, you're too good, aren't you?"

Lei Ling watched him spit out a lot of things again, and couldn't help giving him a thumbs up.

With his ruthlessness, if he doesn't die, he will become a great weapon in the future!
Luo Yi broke free from the wall, and slowly fell to the ground. He landed on one knee and one hand, raised his head with difficulty, and looked at Lei Ling:

"I didn't expect you to hide such a powerful strength. This time I admit it. I won't meddle in the matter between you and Feng Xinghan. Let's go!"

"Are you mentally ill?"

Lei Ling looked at him speechlessly, thinking that this guy might be living in a dream.

He twisted his neck, picked up a dagger casually, weighed it in his hand, and walked towards Luo Yi step by step.

Luo Yi finally turned pale, and he looked at Lei Ling in disbelief: "You want to kill me? I am the prince of the empire, the president of the student union of Longteng Academy, how dare you kill me?"

It never occurred to him that Lei Ling wanted to kill him, after all his identity was there.

Now that the Luo family has two spirit treasures, they are in the limelight, even Feng Xinghan has to be polite to him.

He never thought that Lei Ling would kill him.

"You're a fart!"

Lei Ling walked in front of him and looked down at him condescendingly, as if he was looking at a bed bug: "Anyone who is my enemy will be killed without mercy! Don't say that you are just a mere prince, even if you are the emperor, you will die!"


As soon as Luo Yi said that he was waiting to die, his head flew high. He looked at his body in horror, never dreaming that he would die like this.

(End of this chapter)

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