Chapter 152
"This is?"

Luo Xuan trotted all the way to catch up with Feng Xinghan and the others. When she entered the deepest hall, she was stunned by the sight in front of her. Her mouth was so long that it could almost stuff a casserole.

Dragon Temple

It is the place where the dragon people worship the dragon god

The environment here is beautiful, and most of the vast space is lakes.

In the middle of the lake, a golden dragon stood upright with boundless domineering power.

Looking from top to bottom, more than half of its body in the water is on the water surface, not floating, but standing!

The dragon was so big that even with its short claws, it was enough to reach the bottom of the lake.

Luo Xuan looked around, but couldn't see where the dragon's tail was, so she quickly covered her mouth with both hands.

It took some time before she looked away from the dragon and let out a long breath.

Only then did I realize that Feng Xinghan was actually sitting on the side with a troubled expression on his face, he frowned and asked, "Brother Xinghan, did you come here just for this dragon?"

This dragon is made of pure gold, and the gemstones embellished on it are all high-grade spiritual materials. If you look closely, you can still see a faint halo on its body.

In addition, it is huge, and its value is definitely far more than the sum of the treasures outside.

"No, what I want are those two things on his paws!"

Feng Xing pointed to the box on the front paw of the giant dragon, and said helplessly: "The sculptor who carved this dragon back then had reached the pinnacle of skill, which gave this dragon a touch of aura.

After countless years of worship and sacrifice by the Dragon Clan, this aura gradually grew, and finally sublimated into Longwei, which accumulated in its body.

The swamp dragons use this power to protect the two treasures. Once I take the bag, I will be wiped out by the power of the dragon. "


Luo Xuan frowned, stared at Shenlong for a while, gritted her teeth and said, "How about I use the Star Chain to steal it from a distance?"

Feng Xinghan's eyes couldn't help but light up when he heard the words, but after pondering for a moment, he still shook his head:

"Although your star chain is powerful, at its current level, it may not be able to stop Longwei.

And it is your natal spiritual weapon, if you steal it from a long distance, Longwei can directly shatter your soul through the chain. "

"It's all the fault of that damned Lei Ling. If he hadn't provoked the dragon soul to fight us, I could have coaxed the dragon soul to take those two things. I don't know how much time I would be wasting now."

Xia Mingyue stomped her feet angrily. When Luo Xuan heard her words, her face showed joy, and she hurriedly asked, "Sister Mingyue, do you have a solution?"

"There must be a way. After all, we have been preparing for so long, but it is too time-consuming."

Xia Mingyue sighed, and continued: "Now we can only take a large amount of Dragon's Breath Pill to make the dragon's breath on us more and more intense.

Then sacrifice some spiritual power to the Shenlong statue every day, let it have some of our power in its dragon power, so that it will not be attacked, but this time is too long. "

"how long?"

"At least ten years!"


Luo Xuan couldn't help gasping!

Ten years in this damn place?
Moreover, one has to dedicate spiritual power every day, which is equivalent to wasting ten years of cultivation!

For ordinary people, this might not be a big deal, but for a genius like them, ten years is enough to get them out of the main force.

And it is still their golden period.

"Even if I waste ten years, I must get that thing."

Feng Xinghan's eyes were firm, he looked at the two boxes on the dragon's claw, squeezed his fist, and said softly to Luo Xuan: "Xuan'er, if you want to leave, I can give you a key, and you can buy the things outside. Feel free to use it."

"I'll be with you."

Luo Xuan shook her head slightly, and looked at Feng Xinghan affectionately: "Where is Brother Xinghan, Xuan'er is there!"


Feng Xinghan called out emotionally, and stretched out his hand to embrace her in his arms.

Luo Xuan also smiled and prepared to snuggle up.

Just at this moment, an untimely voice came over.

"What do you couple want to do? I'm not dead yet!"

Lei Ling walked in swaggeringly, glared at the two of them fiercely, then looked up at the dragon, couldn't help feeling awed, and exclaimed: "My God, isn't this so big?"

Different from his relaxed and freehand style, Feng Xinghan and the others saw him appearing, their complexions changed at the same time, and they hurriedly distanced themselves from him, looking at him with full attention.

"Lei Ling, where's my brother?"

Luo Xuan's face was frosty, and Lei Ling appeared here, so wouldn't Luo Yi be in danger?
Lei Ling shrugged, and said nonsense: "He took the treasure and left first! Oh yes, before he left, he asked me to bring you a message, telling you to stop being flamboyant, otherwise he will not recognize you as a sister gone."

"You bastard!"

Luo Xuan's pretty face turned pale with anger, all fools knew that Lei Ling was talking nonsense, how could Luo Yi leave without a key?

Feng Xinghan pulled her behind with a gloomy expression, fixed his eyes on Lei Ling, and his momentum rose steadily: "Lei Ling, I am very happy that you have survived until now, because I can finally kill you with my own hands. "

"You can pull it down! Don't pretend to be aggressive, can you? Do you think you are still that arrogant Feng Xinghan?"

Lei Ling sneered disdainfully, Feng Xinghan suffered everywhere during this trip, although there were his factors, but the bigger reason was that his protagonist's aura was not effective!
Otherwise, the dragon soul has now become his little brother, and the two treasures on the dragon's claws are already in his hands.

Feng Xinghan's face changed slightly, and he opened his mouth to say something, but before he could say anything, Lei Ling had already appeared in front of him and punched him on the head.

Although Feng Xinghan had already been fully alert, but Lei Ling's speed was too fast, he had no time to get out of the way, so he could only cross his hands and carry it head-on.

Lei Ling's current strength is comparable to that of the Zhenhai realm, how can his fist be so easy to catch?
Feng Xinghan was blown away without a doubt.

He jumped seven or eight times on the surface of the lake, using both hands and feet, and gliding on the surface of the lake for a long distance before using the lake water to relieve his punch.


He spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Lei Ling in shock: "Are you a body repairer?"

Seeing this scene, Luo Xuan and Xia Mingyue ran away one after another, looking at Lei Ling in disbelief.

This is too fierce, right?

He actually hurt Feng Xinghan with one move.

And what did Feng Xinghan say?
Body repair?

They are not Xiaobai, they know some things, they are very clear about what the word body repair means.

"Your power is so weird, this is."

Lei Ling didn't pretend to be coercive as usual, but frowned at Feng Xinghan. When his fist hit Feng Xinghan just now, he obviously felt a little resistance.

That power was very weird, it took off [-]% to [-]% of his strength, but it seemed a little familiar.

Suddenly his complexion changed, he pointed at Feng Xinghan and said in shock, "You have practiced magic skills!"

That power is magic power. He has fought against the devil in Princess Peach Blossom, so he recognizes this power.

On this big road, besides spiritual cultivation, there are also demonic cultivators, and the one who planted the demonic seeds for his grandma is the demonic cultivator.

Compared with spiritual cultivation, the cultivation speed of magic cultivation is extremely fast, and it can even be described as cheating.

But the side effects are also very large. Although Moxiu will not really be like the devil, he will deny the six emotions and become bloodthirsty.

But most of their personalities are more extreme, decisive in killing, advocating violence, and they are easy to go crazy.

And their methods are very evil, such as cultivating demons with the Dao Heart, refining corpse puppets, Wanhun banners, six-infant demon children, etc., are all methods of demon cultivators.

It is hated by the world, and there have even been sieges by tens of thousands of races.

Xia Mingyue and Luo Xuan were also taken aback when Lei Ling said the word "magic art", and Qiqi turned their attention to Feng Xinghan.

Seeing that he didn't refute, I couldn't help but gasped, but I wasn't too scared. After all, although the devil's methods were cruel, he was also human.

And after so many years of improvement, some side effects of magic skills have also been weakened.

Up to now, although demon cultivators are rare in remote areas like Longyue Empire, there are still many in the wider world outside.

Especially Xia Mingyue, she is from overseas, she is well-informed, and even has some magic cultivator friends.

They just didn't expect Feng Xinghan to hide so deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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