Chapter 179 Massacre
City Lord's Mansion of Hero City, Temporary War Room of the Allied Forces of the Four Nations
Lei Ling met alone with Zhang Shao, Marshal of the Longyue Empire. This man is over a hundred years old this year, and he has climbed up to the position of marshal step by step from a small soldier.

With his outstanding military exploits, he even married the princess and completed the counterattack.

Although his cultivation is only at the Tribulation Crossing Realm, he is extremely good at using soldiers, and even Lei Dingguo is his student.

Before the sand table, Zhang Shao explained the situation to Lei Ling one by one.

Lei Ling is completely a layman when it comes to matters such as formation of troops, but fortunately, he can barely understand what he said:

"Now the outer forces of the barbarians have been drawn to the battlefield, right?"

Zhang Shao nodded and said: "Yes! That's right, the battle has entered a stalemate. Although the barbarian fighters are powerful, we are extremely well prepared this time, but they rushed to the battle, so the barbarians did not gain the upper hand this time. .

We have enough troops and are constantly investing in troops. They can only frantically mobilize manpower to come for reinforcements. According to reports from spies, even some barbarian tribes in the central region have started to act, but it will take time. "

Lei Ling squeezed his fists, his eyes flickered coldly, and asked in a deep voice: "Marshal Zhang thinks the time is ripe?"

Zhang Shao pondered for a long time: "Enough!"

"Okay! Immediately send a signal to tell them to attack at midnight. In addition, deploy a large number of troops and hit me hard!"


Zhang Shao gave Lei Ling a meaningful look, straightened his somewhat hunched waist, and strode out.

He knew that from this moment on, there would be an unprecedented bloody storm in this land, and the degree of tragedy might be even higher than the destruction of the Chengtian Dynasty.

Regardless of the outcome, the word Lei Ling will definitely resound throughout Nanzhou, and he will also be remembered by many people.

After he left, Lei Ling studied the sand table for a while, and felt that he should often ask Zhang Shao for advice on how to arrange troops, so that it would be easier to surround and kill Daozi in the future.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Accompanied by bursts of explosions, countless specially-made signal symbols dyed the sky above Hero City a fiery red, like a howling charge.

The gate of the Hero City opened, and a large number of soldiers poured out to join the battle group. The barbarians could only passively increase their troops.

At the same time, in some caves and lands in the Northern Wilderness, a large number of human troops emerged and carried out a bloody massacre against the barbarian tribes.

The barbarian tribes on the outskirts of the Northern Wilderness, the young and powerful barbarian warriors were basically taken away and sent to fight against the human race.

Those who remained were women and children, but these human elites did not show any mercy, they slaughtered them all, and even threw their heads into the cesspool.

The ruthless killings continued to be staged in the Northern Wilderness, and even tended to spread to the central part.


"There is chaos in the barbarian camp."


"There has been a riot in the barbarian army, and it seems to be retreating."


"The barbarians blew the horn of the bull and began to retreat."

Battle reports sounded in the war room one by one, and everyone's face was flushed with excitement. The barbarians were actually repulsed by them.

This is not the previous one!

They have been preparing for that battle for a long time, and the barbarians only came with a vanguard army, and it is certain that they will win.

And this time it's a real battle!

Both sides invested a lot of troops, and there were countless casualties, yet they won again?It was almost like a dream.

Although Zhang Shao was mentally prepared, his blood was still boiling. He never expected that Lei Ling's plan would actually succeed.

Lei Ling stood up abruptly, and said softly, "Increase your troops and pursue them with all your strength."


Zhang Shao responded and said a few words to the messengers around him.

The marshals and generals of the other three countries, you look at me, I look at you, they are a little hesitant.

Huang Wenyue, the Marshal of the Luotian Empire, said, "Young Master Ling, don't chase after the poor! We have won a big victory, why don't we keep the fruits of victory and make some adjustments for now?"

"That's right, although the barbarians have retreated, we have suffered heavy casualties, and the soldiers are also exhausted, so it is not appropriate to fight any more."

"Yes! Young Master Ling, cleaning the battlefield and treating the wounded is the top priority!"

Many generals and representatives of the mercenary group spoke out in support of Huang Wenyue.

Especially the representatives of the mercenary group, they all accepted the mission issued by Lei Ling.

After this battle, they had already earned enough money, and they didn't want to increase casualties anymore, and they even had the idea of ​​retreating.

"Are your special codes mentally retarded? Do you think they are really the barbarians we repelled? Do you have any brains?"

Lei Ling slapped the table, pointed at Huang Wenyue's nose and scolded: "Especially you idiot, you are also a marshal after all, right? Are you out of your mind?

If the barbarians were so easy to win, they would have been wiped out hundreds of times, damn it!I advise you to give me an order quickly, otherwise there will be no good fruit for you in the future. "

After speaking, he gave Huang Wenyue a hard look, flicked his sleeves, and walked away.

"This, this kid is too rampant, right?"

Huang Wenyue was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at him. After all, he was also the grand marshal of the empire. Even Emperor Luo Tian never talked to him like that?

What's more, being pointed at his nose by a brat, if someone hadn't pulled him, he would have almost lost his temper.

The other people also had unkind faces, but most of them dared not speak out.

This time, the Longyue Empire almost came out in full force, not to mention the mercenary regiment, even the other three empires would give them three points, and Lei Ling also had that terrifying Shenzhou.

Many people know Lei Ling's character. If these two hundred and fifty get angry, no matter what, if they go to their imperial capital and make a fuss, then it's okay?
Marshal Wei Zhengtian of the Gale Empire frowned and said: "Old Huang, please be safe and don't be impatient. Although Young Master Ling's words are harsh, there is some truth to them. Someone came to report before that there seems to be a flickering fire in the Northern Wilderness. There should be something strange."

"Huh? Old Zhang! What's going on? You must know, right?"

Huang Wenyue's complexion changed. Since he was able to sit on the Marshal, he is not a fool. When Wei Zhengtian reminded him, he also became suspicious, and everyone turned their attention to Zhang Shao.

Zhang Shao smiled slightly and said, "Hehe! Hurry up and order the pursuit! I will tell you the details later."

The so-called defeat is like a mountain. The barbarian warriors are all well-developed limbs and simple-minded things. They don't know what an orderly retreat is. When fighting, they always rush and fight.

Coupled with the fact that the two sides are now in a mess, the retreat will be even worse.

Chased and killed by the human army all the way, they rushed directly to their border camp, forcing the priests to beat the bull drums to fight again.

The priests did not expect that the human army would choose to fight to the end, unable to mobilize troops to return to aid, they could only order reinforcements on the road to rescue.

Such efficiency is too low.

There are countless tribes of barbarians, and the reinforcements on the road are already close to the central area, so it is impossible to know where the outer tribal camps are.

Coupled with the brutal nature of the barbarians, there were often battles between the tribes.

I don't care too much about the affairs of other tribes, so I can't catch up.

In desperation, the barbarians could only send silver priests and silver warriors to form small teams to escort women and children to those tribes that had not been attacked.

Concentrate them in the temporary safety zone they built, and then escort them to the rear.

As for the elite troops of the human race in the northern wilderness, they can be wiped out in minutes after the central army is assembled.

At the beginning of the plot, the priests really went according to their ideas. The silver-level masters acted quickly, and basically gathered a large number of women and children without being attacked by the human army.

But soon, the seven security zones they built were attacked one after another.

All four spirit treasures were attacked in one round, and the safe zone was directly reduced to ruins, and the silver priest, silver warrior, and a large number of barbarian warriors, including women and children, were blasted to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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