My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 180 Plan Failed

Chapter 180 Plan Failed
Lord's Mansion of Hero City
Lei Ling had lunch with a few girls. He didn't ask too much about the situation of the barbarians these days. After all, he didn't know anything about wars, and the things he arranged were progressing steadily. The next thing was to wait for the news. .

After drinking and eating, he wiped his mouth, and asked a little speechlessly: "Is Huangfu Yunfei still out of customs?"

It has to be said that Huangfu Yunfei is a very badass, he guessed that once he arrived in Hero City, Lei Ling would find all kinds of reasons for him to deal with the barbarians, so before he arrived, he said that he had a feeling and wanted to retreat for a while time.

As soon as he arrived in Hero City, he immediately went to the cultivation tower here to retreat.

Although this is shameless, it is very useful, but Lei Ling didn't expect him to be able to last for such a long time.

Shi Yu shook his head helplessly and said, "Not yet!"

"Hmph! How shameless."

Jin Qiaoer snorted softly, looked at Lei Ling expectantly and said, "Lei Ling, I want to go shopping today, if you want to go, I can count you in."

"The situation in Hero City is getting more and more tense, you should stop running around."

Lei Ling shook his head slightly, seeing Jin Qiaoer's small mouth pouted, and said softly: "Qiaoer! This is an extraordinary time, you have to be good, you know? Don't eat what strangers give you, I promise you , after this period of time passes, I will definitely take you to have fun!"

Jin Qiao'er rolled her eyes and said speechlessly, "This lady is not a child, how could she recklessly eat something given by a stranger?"

"Sister Qiaoer, didn't you eat the fried chestnuts given by Aunt Gardener yesterday!"

Shi Xue blinked her big eyes and looked at her innocently.

Jin Qiaoer's face turned red immediately, and she quickly explained: "That's different, the chestnuts are glutinous and sweet, they are delicious."

Her voice became smaller and smaller, she lowered her head and did not dare to meet Lei Ling's eyes.

"Shi Yu, watch her carefully from now on."

Lei Ling sighed helplessly, Jin Qiaoer is delicate and cute, many people like her, and she often receives a lot of snacks.

Usually, it's fine, but now the Hero City seems to be one-hearted, but in fact, the forces are intricate, there are everyone, and there may even be remnants of the Chen family and his own enemies mixed in.

Although the little girls were secretly protected, they were not afraid of [-] but just in case, he would not allow any mistakes.

This is not playing a game. If you fail, you can start again. When a person dies, he is dead. Even if he destroys the world to avenge her, what's the use?

"Young master! The information is here."

A gust of wind blew by, and Shi Ying's figure slowly appeared, and Lei Ling's complexion instantly became solemn. After scanning the information, his complexion was so gloomy that he almost dripped water.

He had planned this battle for a long time, and Zhang Shao added it later.

Among the millions of troops that launched the sneak attack before, they included elite experts from various schools. More than half of the Zhenhai Realm experts went, and even brought four spirit treasures.

When the army retreated, these people lurked on the spot, and Lei Ling launched a big battle later, attracting all the troops from the periphery of the barbarians, and dragging them to the battlefield.

The purpose is to create opportunities for the latent troops to carry out ruthless massacres when the reinforcements in the central part of the barbarians have not arrived and the troops of the outer tribes are empty.

All the previous plans went smoothly, including the subsequent attack on the temporary safety zone constructed by the barbarians with Lingbao, which was a great success.

The Northern Wilderness is very large. Although the barbarians sent a large number of masters to kill most of the lurking troops, the powerful people in the sea town of the four families activated their spirit treasures and acted quickly.

It is still difficult to hunt down if they want to escape. In addition, they use a random attack method, so it is impossible to guess their route, and it is difficult to kill them.

This tactic is very simple, but the barbarians have been fighting against the heads of the human race for countless years, so it is impossible to expect that the human race can attack their camp, especially after the destruction of the Chengtian Dynasty, the defense is even more lax.

The Four Great Empires only thought about how to defend before, so they didn't think about this, which is why it has such a miraculous effect.

But what happened afterwards was out of Lei Ling's calculations. Facing such a bloody massacre, the barbarians didn't let gold-level fighters or priests take action.

Instead, let the silver warrior carry barbarian treasures to continue hunting, which is tantamount to directly abandoning the outer barbarian tribes.

"Is this too cruel?"

Lei Ling sighed for a long time. He had to say that he underestimated the ferocity of the barbarians too much, and also underestimated their IQ.

Although a large number of barbarian tribes were destroyed this time, his main goal was not achieved, and the barbarians did not violate the agreement:

"Hey, after paying such a high price and planning for so long, it still failed in the end. I really want a protagonist aura!"

Seeing his disappointed look, Shi Yu asked with concern: "Master, are you alright?"

"It's okay! It's just a little bit lost."

Lei Ling waved his hand. He is very eager to succeed. The guardians of this battle must be watching nearby. Once the barbarians send gold-level existences to hunt down the hidden troops, they will definitely take action.

At that time, he can use this as an excuse to provoke a war, and many people from the four major families can come back with the directional teleportation talisman.

If he succeeds, the sense of accomplishment will be enough to make him happy. The most important thing is to prove that even without the aura of the protagonist, he can still win every battle.

However, the ideal is full and the reality is very skinny. Without the halo of the protagonist, he can't pretend to be forceful.

In the past, he was able to win because of his absolute superiority and absolute suppression.

It's like an adult beating a child with a hammer. Now that the situation has changed, he can't do it anymore.

After reading the information, Jin Qiaoer comforted: "Lei Ling! Why are you so frustrated? No one always wins! How old are you! It's already very good to be able to make it like this.

And you didn't lose, it's just that the result didn't achieve the effect you expected. You are not a god, so how could everything go in the direction you set? "

Lei Ling gently hugged her in his arms, and sighed, "You're right, I'm too sensitive, and plans can never keep up with changes, Shi Ying, send a signal to let people from the four major families use the directional teleportation talisman Withdraw back, and notify Zhang Shao and the others to withdraw the troops outside the city one after another."


Shi Yu asked in a low voice: "Master, what should we do next? Should we withdraw?"

Lei Ling paid a terrible price for the Northern Expedition to the barbarians. If he left like this, all his previous efforts would be in vain, and he would not be able to explain a lot of convenience.

The most important thing is that now everyone knows about this matter, if they stop here, Lei Ling will lose all face.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the barbarians were not completely angered this time. Although the barbarians' offensive will be fierce in the future, the four empires will definitely be able to keep them.

Lei Ling frowned, and asked strangely: "Withdraw? Why did you withdraw? I haven't started the performance yet?"

"Ah? Didn't your plan fail? Do you still want to fight the barbarians?"

Shi Yu looked at him in surprise, even Jin Qiaoer struggled to stand up from his embrace, and said earnestly: "Lei Ling! Don't hold on, it's easy for the barbarians to destroy us without foreign aid, don't give up on yourself, okay?" ah!"

"When did I say there is no foreign aid?"

Lei Ling rolled his eyes and said triumphantly, "I still have a backup plan!"


All the girls were stunned, even Shi Xue covered her little mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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