Chapter 181
Above the city of heroes, in the sky
The Eternal Shenzhou is shining with dazzling light, and the nine pairs of huge eternal wings are frantically absorbing various energies.

Lei Ling stood on the top of the Shenzhou, with his hands behind his back, with a serious expression on his face. In front of him, a picture of the wild and desolate sacred tree appeared.

The wild sacred tree is not the towering tree as imagined, but a decayed old tree.

It stands alone on a piece of scorched earth, silently bearing the baptism of the sky thunder.

However, such a rotten old tree was able to survive the crazy bombardment of the sky thunder.

A series of thunderbolts hit it, but it couldn't do any harm to it.

In the year when the barbarian sacred tree passed the catastrophe, it had to withstand hundreds of thunders every day. After the catastrophe, it would be rejuvenated and live for another hundred years.

If the cycle continues like this, I believe that one day it will be able to comprehend the Dao of Heaven and Earth, overcome the fear of the shackles of the Dao of Heaven, and use the body of a tree to prove Dao and ascend.

"The Wild God Tree is really powerful! If possible, I don't want to attack you, but who made my plan fail?"

For a long time, Lei Ling sighed a long time, with a firm light shining in his eyes, he said in a deep voice, "Xiao Heng, let's do it!"


The Eternal Shenzhou moved in response to the sound, and slowly split apart from the bow to the middle part of the ship, revealing the terrifying weapons hidden inside.

Lei Ling was also teleported to the main control room of Eternal Shenzhou.

This was the first time he had entered the main control room. Seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but screamed: "Damn it, is this a fucking space battleship?"

The main control room of the Immortal Shenzhou is very similar to the space battleship in the movie of the previous life.

In front of him was an incomparably huge screen. The Wild God Tree was clearly displayed in front of his eyes, and he could zoom in and out at will.

But there are no complicated buttons here, and he is the only one in it.

"Master, the miracle is ready, please inject power into the crystal ball in front of you."

"Master, with the current state of the Eternal Flying Ship, it can only amplify the two powers of thunder, fire, and power. May I ask if you want to continue?"


"Everything is ready, the energy amplification starts, ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times, a hundred thousand times."

"The miracle is ready!"

"The target is locked, please confirm the target again, master."


"Master, please give the launch order."

"Target Savage God Tree, launch immediately."

"The order is confirmed, and the miracle is launched."

The power of thunder and fire formed a thick beam of energy light, pierced through the clouds, and shot into the depths of the Northern Wilderness.


Accompanied by bursts of deafening roars, the entire Northern Wasteland was shaken.

Many not-so-sturdy houses in Hero City were cracked by the shock.

"Oh, you fell to my death!"

Jin Qiao'er was sitting there holding a bag of chicken popcorn and eating happily!

I was so shocked that I fell into a squat, the chicken popcorn was scattered everywhere, and tears were about to flow: "My chicken popcorn."

"Go, don't worry about the chicken rice, the house is going to collapse."

Shi Yu grabbed her by the nape of her neck, pointed her toes, and flew out.

Everyone was stunned and didn't know what happened.

Suddenly, someone pointed at the energy beam in the sky and slanted towards Beihuang, and shouted, "Look, what is that?"

At the same time, everyone noticed the vision in the sky, and the terrifying energy fluctuations made them all swallow hard.

However, the performance of the two sides is indeed quite different.

Most of the human race are puzzled, curious, and some gloat.

The barbarians, on the other hand, were nervous and terrified, because the terrifying energy column was shot towards the Northern Wilderness.

Especially those priests even let out ear-piercing screams.

Some people with advanced cultivation base can vaguely see the Eternal Shenzhou shining with golden light in the sky along the attack.

"Lei Ling actually directly attacked the Wild God Tree, is he crazy?"

"What kind of airship is that? Why can it release such a powerful force?"

"He wants to force the barbarians to take the initiative to tear up the agreement and destroy our four countries! This is really going to change the world!"

Holy Land of the Northern Barbarians
The Wild God Tree suffered a terrible attack. At this moment, it changed from its decayed appearance and turned into a big emerald green tree.

It frantically waved its branches, desperately resisting the sudden attack. The previous shock was caused by its forced manifestation of its real body.

Miracle is one of the most powerful attack methods of Eternal Shenzhou. It can amplify the master's power. Of course, power is conserved. First of all, it must have enough energy, so in order to prepare for this attack, Lei Ling paid a huge price .

In addition to the energy absorbed by Eternal Shenzhou himself, he also purchased a large number of spiritual beast inner alchemy, natural materials and earthly treasures, and everything that contains spiritual power.

All the brains are thrown into the eternal furnace to provide energy for the eternal heart.

This is completely an attack piled up with money, and the price even makes him feel pained, even heartbroken.

In addition, every time the miracle is used, it needs a cooling period of one year, and some other attack methods of the Eternal Shenzhou will also be affected.

So he would rather pay huge casualties than use it immediately. Unfortunately, his plan failed, so he could only choose to give it a go.

When the energy consumption was about the same, Lei Ling didn't even look at the Wild God Tree, and directly turned the Eternal Shenzhou into the second form, and fled quickly.

Although the Wild God Tree may not be able to attack him because of his body and Thunder Tribulation.

But the barbarians have a gold-level existence that is comparable to the spirit realm!There are even holy masters.

Although there were guards blocking him, he still chose to run away in the first place based on the principle of being careful first.

If he hadn't accidentally teleported to the Northern Wilderness out of fear of bad luck, he would have used the Wanli Escape Talisman.

The second form of Eternal Shenzhou is a single-person form. After abandoning its huge body, its speed becomes extremely fast.

Sitting on the golden throne, Lei Ling was careful not to thump. The power displayed by the barbaric sacred tree was too terrifying. When he manifested his real body, the spiritual power of the entire Northern Wilderness was gathering towards him.

Tianjie's attack is determined according to the strength of the victim.

For a long time, the wild sacred tree scattered its spiritual power in the Northern Wilderness Continent to deceive Heavenly Tribulation.

This is also the reason why a large number of endless vines grow in the barren land of the Northern Desolation.

When the year of crossing the catastrophe comes, he will shrink his spiritual power to prepare for emergencies.

Lei Ling's attack just now was too powerful, forcing it to gather its spiritual power and manifest its real body to counter it.

As his strength increases, the power of Heavenly Tribulation will naturally increase accordingly, just now he has received a double blow.

The power of Heaven's Tribulation will only be strengthened, not weakened, so even if the power of miracles disappears, the Wild God Tree will not dare to attack Lei Ling with the exhausted spiritual power, and can only desperately fight against Heaven's Tribulation.


After flying tens of thousands of miles, Lei Ling exhaled heavily, and landed on an unnamed mountain peak: "Xiaoheng, you can recharge your energy in the sky! I will call you if necessary."


Xiao Heng responded, operated the Eternal Shenzhou, and got into the clouds.

The Eternal Shenzhou consumed a lot this time, and the stored energy was almost exhausted, so she had to replenish it as soon as possible.

"Hey, the barbarians should go crazy now, right? It's a pity they didn't catch those damn guardians."

Looking in the direction of Beihuang, Lei Ling let out a long sigh, with a little bit of cold light in his eyes.

The agreement signed between the barbarians and the Four Great Dynasties back then was that gold-level and above masters were not allowed to take action against people from the Four Great Empires, and the foundations of the Four Great Empires were not to be harmed.

According to Lei Ling's previous idea, the massacre plan was used to force the barbarians to send out the gold ranks, and even the masters of the holy realm attacked the masters of the human race who were wandering in the northern wilderness.

Although this is dangerous, the guardians will definitely help out due to their duties.

Most of those Zhenhai Realm powers can take the opportunity to use the directional teleportation talisman to send them back.

After that, Lei Ling could use the excuse that the barbarians violated the agreement to attract armies from various dynasties to attack the barbarians.

It's a pity that the plan didn't work out, so we can only use the current violent method.

Although the wild sacred tree has existed for a long time, in the final analysis, it is just a tree after all, and its spiritual intelligence is not high.

Having suffered such a big loss, they would definitely not choose to forbear. In addition, no one knows how many times such an attack will come to Lei Ling, so the barbarians will definitely tear up the agreement, gather a large army, and take the initiative to launch a full-scale war against the four empires .

In this way, there is nothing wrong with those guardians.

The war agreement in Nanzhou is witnessed by all ethnic groups. If it is only a small breach of contract and has little impact, most people will not care about it. At most, they will condemn it and pay compensation or something.

But if a full-scale war is directly launched like this, the agreement must be torn up in advance, so that all parties know and are prepared.

If it is a sudden attack, it will be beaten by all ethnic groups.

(End of this chapter)

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