My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 190 Huangfu Yunfei leaves the customs

Chapter 190 Huangfu Yunfei leaves the customs
City Lord's Mansion, Reception Hall

Lei Ling looked at the four people in front of him, with a kind smile on his face: "Everyone came from afar, thank you for your hard work."

These four people, three men and one woman, should be under thirty in age, and each of them has extraordinary bearing.

Each of them has the cultivation level of Zhenhai Realm. At this age, this kind of cultivation level can already be called the top talent in the four empires.

"Young Master Ling, you don't have to be polite. I will come to attack the barbarians under the order of my teacher, and I will obey Young Master Ling's orders."

The four of them did not show the slightest contempt because of Lei Ling's low cultivation level, but respected them very much.

The series of things that Lei Ling did could not help but be disrespected by them, and before leaving, the headmaster also repeatedly told him not to make this evil star unhappy.

"Sit down!"

Lei Ling nodded and was about to say something when a maid ran in and saluted, "Master, Huangfu Yunfei is asking to see you."

"Huh? He's out of customs? Invite him in quickly."

Lei Ling was slightly startled, he didn't expect this dog to choose to leave the level at this time.

Hearing the words Huangfu Yunfei, the expressions of the four of them changed at the same time, obviously they all had heard his name before.

When the elegant young man in white clothes came in, the four of them hurriedly stood up, bowed and saluted: "See Senior Brother Yunfei."

"You don't have to be too polite."

Although Huangfu Yunfei didn't know the four of them, he still nodded with a smile, and then clasped his fists at Lei Ling and said, "Thank you, Young Master Ling, for that pot of Enlightenment tea, Yunfei really benefited a lot this time!"

Lei Ling cursed inwardly, it really was the problem with his own tea leaves, this dog is worthy of being a Daoist, even a piece of the worst tea leaf made him feel comprehensible.

Although he was very upset in his heart, he didn't show any regrets on his face, he laughed and said:
"Small idea! This is all thanks to Brother Yunfei's own talent, and the Dao Enlightenment tea is just icing on the cake."

"No matter what, Yunfei owes you a favor, and it will be rewarded in the future."

Huangfu Yunfei originally just said it casually, but Lei Ling seized the opportunity and hurriedly waved his hand and said: "Brother Yunfei is too polite, why don't you take the reward token?"


Huangfu Yunfei was immediately dumbfounded, Lei Ling said before that the Enlightenment Tea was to repay him for giving him advice on what to do, so this favor is actually not repayable.

What I said just now was just a polite way of saying, I didn't expect this guy to climb up smoothly.

In front of so many people, he couldn't bear to pretend to be stupid, so he could only take out his own token from the storage ring, and said with a serious face: "How can this be done? I have suffered so much. Well, if you don’t report it, it will affect your future cultivation, Young Master Ling should accept it.”

"Okay! In order not to affect Brother Yunfei's cultivation, then I will reluctantly accept this token."

Lei Ling got up and put on a very embarrassed look, but his hands were not slow at all, he snatched the token and put it in his arms.

The eyes of Ji Qiang and the others turned red with envy, this is Huangfu Yunfei's token of gratitude!Its value is simply inestimable.

After Huangfu Yunfei sat down, Lei Ling introduced aloud: "Brother Yunfei, these four are the geniuses who came to help me defeat the barbarians, and they are all chivalrous generation!"

The four of them hurriedly stood up and bowed with fists in their hands, introducing themselves: "Lin Yue of Chiyun Palace, Dai Yan of Xiaoxiang Gate, Zhongshi of Shuangji Pavilion, Ji Qiang of Golden Light Cave."

"Wu Shuang Jiange, Huangfu Yunfei."

Huangfu Yunfei returned the gift with a smile. He is the spirit child of Wushuang Jiange. Although he is at the Zhenhai Realm with them, his combat power is the same as theirs, and his status is far superior to theirs.

So instead of communicating with Lin Yue and the others, he turned around and said to Lei Ling, "Young Master Ling, I came here this time to invite you to kill the barbarians together, I don't know."


Lei Ling's complexion changed slightly, and he frowned and asked, "What does Brother Yunfei mean?"

"Now that the human-barbarian war has begun, many of my senior brothers have come, and Ling Shao has also come to help. We should do our part to fight the barbarians. I don't know if Ling Shao is willing to go outside the city with me to kill enemy?"

Huangfu Yunfei's words made Lei Ling's face turn cold in an instant, is this mother wanting his own life?
He said coldly: "Brother Yunfei, you let me go out to fight the barbarians in a purple mansion, do you want me to die?"

Huangfu Yunfei hurriedly said: "Young Master Ling misunderstood, we are only on the fringe battlefield and will not go to the main battlefield.

And the powerful barbarians are all dealt with by us. It is enough for Young Master Ling to deal with some black iron-level barbarians as much as possible. Of course, if Young Master Ling is unwilling, just pretend I didn't say anything! "

Lei Ling cursed inwardly, you fucking said that, if my young master doesn't go, then this cowardly shit pot will be on my head.

Immediately nodded and said: "That's it! Well then! We will set off tomorrow, and I will arrange a good place."

"Okay! I'm going to prepare now."

Huangfu Yunfei's eyes lit up, fearing that he would go back on his word, he hugged everyone, turned around and left.

The other four didn't dare to neglect, stood up and cupped their hands and said, "Young Master Ling! Let's go get ready too."

Lei Ling nodded with a smile, and after they left, his face gradually became gloomy.

Huangfu Yunfei should not be so stupid to take the opportunity to kill himself.

If he went with him and something happened, he would be charged with murdering the hero of the human race, and he couldn't bear it at all.

Then what is his purpose for letting himself go?Is it really so simple to practice?
During dinner, Lei Ling told everyone what happened at noon, and wanted to ask them what they thought.

Shi Yu was in a hurry at that time, holding her mouth and pleading: "Master, you'd better not go, it's too dangerous outside, what will you do if you get hurt?"

"It's okay, my young master is brave and invincible, who can hurt me?"

Lei Ling waved his hand. He is not afraid of any danger. With his current strength, even if he encounters a gold-ranked barbarian, he is sure to escape.

And the Eternal Shenzhou is hovering high in the sky, ready to support him at any time.

What annoys him now is that he can't figure out what tricks Huangfu Yunfei wants to play.

"Huangfu Yunfei probably wants you to retreat in spite of difficulties."

Jin Dabao rolled his eyes, and said with a sneer, "This is his usual tactic, to show his formidable strength and frighten people's hearts, so as to achieve the effect of defeating others without fighting."


Lei Ling frowned and thought for a while, and felt that what Jin Dabao said made sense.

If he was really an ordinary second-generation ancestor with a cultivation level of only Purple Mansion Realm, then after learning about Huangfu Yunfei's family background, he would have knelt and licked him long ago.

Now he doesn't have any, Huangfu Yunfei probably thinks that he doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, so he wants to take this opportunity to let himself feel his incomparable strength up close.

After all, in the eyes of the world, he is just a small character in the Purple Mansion Realm. Although the Feng Xinghan he won is a peerless arrogance, he is only in the Purple Mansion Realm, and he doesn't know how he won.

If it were most of the Zifu Realm, or even the Concentrating on Transcending Tribulation Realm, if they saw Huangfu Yunfei's powerful strength, they would probably choose to quit.

There may even be demons in the heart. If someone has a weak heart, he might be enshrined as a god directly.

"Then play with him, just to see what this so-called Lingzi is capable of."

Lei Ling sneered coldly, and was going to find an opportunity to bully him, even if he couldn't bully him, he would have to suffer.

Jin Qiaoer puffed her mouth and muttered, "Lei Ling, you'd better be careful, you are now on the must-kill list of the barbarians."

"It's okay, I've been fully prepared a long time ago, and Huangfu Yunfei is such a dick, he will definitely protect me."

Lei Ling shook his head indifferently, those princes and buddies from the Four Dynasties had contributed a lot of good things to him.

If it hadn't been for those Erques who didn't have storage rings and put all their things in the room, he probably wouldn't have won so easily that night.

Shi Xue wiped her small mouth and asked, "Master, how long are you going? I'll prepare dry food for you."

"This time I'm going to take them to the Northern Wilderness, so it may take quite a few days, so you should prepare as much as possible."

Lei Ling smiled and patted Shi Xue's head. Although Huangfu Yunfei had a storage ring, he still had to prepare some dry food himself. He would never entrust his fate to others.

Shi Xue nodded: "Okay, I'll do it later."

Seeing that Lei Ling was always looking at him, Jin Dabao was so frightened that the fat on his face trembled, he hurriedly said:

"Young Master Ling, I have to prepare some potions recently, so I won't accompany you. When you return triumphantly, I will give you a big surprise."

"Well, okay! Take care of things here."

Lei Ling nodded, he did have the idea of ​​taking Jin Dabao with him, after all, this fat man is a thief.

However, his cultivation was his flaw, so he was a little hesitant, since he was asked to say that, he didn't bother to force it, anyway, it was impossible to take Huangfu Yunfei away in one wave.

(End of this chapter)

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