My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 191 Special Operations Behind Enemy Lines

Chapter 191 Special Operations Behind Enemy Lines
On the outskirts of the Northern Wilderness, in a cave

A white light flickered, and a group of ten people walked out of it.

"Unexpectedly, Young Master Ling still has a backhand."

Huangfu Yunfei looked around in surprise, and said with a little admiration.

That's right, this group of people is Lei Ling and others. The people who had ambushed before secretly set up a short-distance teleportation array here. Except for Lei Ling, the rest of them are all in Zhenhai Realm, which belongs to high-level combat power.

So Lei Ling activated a teleportation formation to maximize his combat power and engage in special operations behind enemy lines. The battlefield was too dangerous and bloody, so it wasn't suitable for him.

"That's right! After all, it's a war, so how can we not leave behind!"

Lei Ling laughed heartily, quite complacently, his eyes swept over the four people brought by Huangfu Yunfei intentionally or unintentionally.

The four people he brought were obviously of higher quality than the people he brought along, no matter in terms of age, cultivation, or even appearance, they were much better than Ji Qiang and others.

Especially the girl in the pink dress, named Lingyin, not only looks sweet, but I heard that she is ranked fourth in Wushuang Jiange, and she is very powerful.

It's just that his character is too arrogant, except for Huangfu Yunfei, he doesn't pay attention to others at all.

Lei Ling took out a map from his pocket, handed it to Huangfu Yunfei and said, "This is the topographic map drawn by the latent army before, let's study it."

After a few people circulated it for a while, Huangfu Yunfei frowned and said: "The tribes on the outskirts have basically been destroyed by our army. How about we go to the middle?"

"Just to my liking."

Lei Ling nodded, and said: "Everyone, be careful. Although neither side will send out spiritual masters, there are exceptions. We have entered the hinterland of the barbarians."

Everyone moved around Beihuang quietly under the cover of night. This was Lei Ling's first visit to Beihuang, and so did the others.

There are loess sand dunes everywhere, very barren.

Except for one or two endless vines occasionally, other plants are rarely seen.

Even the water source is not very much, and it is very turbid. Fortunately, Huangfu Yunfei has a storage ring and brought a lot of supplies, otherwise the pampered Young Master Lei would have to go home clamoring.

"There is an enchantment."

Several people searched for the traces of barbarian activities all the way, and traced outside a cave, Huangfu Yunfei reached out to stop the crowd, inspected the surroundings carefully, frowned and said:
"The barriers of the barbarians are different from those of the human races. They can only be broken by force. When the time comes, everyone will use all their strength to kill the people inside and evacuate as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the spiritual power surged all over his body. With a wave of his big hand, a sword light flashed, and there was only a click, and the barrier immediately shattered.

Eight figures flew in and started a bloody massacre.

Under Li Yue's protection, Lei Ling also entered the cave, observing it with great interest as if traveling.

This place is like an underground fortress, with a total of ten floors, and each floor has a lot of rooms dug out and illuminated with torches.

The barrier was broken, and the barbarians beat gongs and drums, rushed out holding bone axes and bone clubs, and fought with the eight people.

Because of the successive sneak attacks before, the barbarian tribe did not only have a few women and children like before, and left behind many powerful barbarian warriors.

Facing a large number of barbarians, Huangfu Yunfei walked leisurely among them with his hands behind his back.

The spiritual power in his body condensed into flying swords, frantically harvesting their lives, and no one could come within three feet of him.

"Damn! Isn't this too handsome?"

Lei Ling couldn't help cursing inwardly, he really wanted to use the force of the shock to collapse this place and bury this dog alive.

Li Yue suddenly gasped in surprise and said, "I didn't expect there to be silver-level barbarians here."

Lei Ling followed her gaze, and sure enough, he saw a tall barbarian shining with silver light. He was holding two bone axes and was fighting Ji Qiang.

Among the ten thousand races, the human race is at the bottom in terms of combat effectiveness due to their physique.

Ji Qiang was only at the beginning of the Zhenhai Realm, and he was attacked and beaten by the barbarians. He was beaten back and forth, and he had no strength to fight back.

Judging by that posture, it is estimated that he will be cold in less than half a stick of incense.

The sound of fighting alarmed Huangfu Yunfei, just when Lin Yue was about to help, he pointed at the barbarian and said lightly, "Go!"

The powerful spiritual power condensed into five flying swords and shot at the silver barbarian in five different directions.

It pierced his body in an instant, and the powerful impact forcefully nailed him to the wall.

Seeing this, Ji Qiang bowed his hands gratefully to Huangfu Yunfei, then his eyes flashed ferociously, and he rushed to the silver barbarian with a flash of light in his hand, and chopped off his head.

"It's really amazing!"

Lei Ling was secretly startled, and finally understood why Huangfu Yunfei had so many followers.

This guy is not only powerful, but also very good at being a man.

He could have killed the barbarian directly, but he only seriously injured him, and sealed his cultivation, allowing Ji Qiang to kill him.

This not only helped Ji Qiang, but also gave him a great contribution, which can be described as a double favor!I'm afraid Ji Qiang's heart has gone to him now.


Without the silver barbarians, the other barbarians were meat on the chopping board in front of the eight township masters, and they were quickly slaughtered.

Everyone didn't dare to stay longer, and quickly evacuated. Lei Ling was surrounded by Huangfu Yunfei's aura, with a look of admiration in his eyes, and said excitedly:

"Wow! Brother Yunfei, you are too awesome, what kind of spiritual technique was that just now? It's so handsome."

Huangfu Yunfei smiled lightly and said: "This is the Wushuang Sword Qi of my Wushuang Jiange. If Young Master Ling wants to learn it, I will teach you personally after you join the Wushuang Jiange."

"Then I'll thank you in advance."

Lei Ling made a look of ecstasy, suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed to the distance, and exclaimed: "Look, what is that?"

"It's the barbarian food delivery team."

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger, with surprise in their eyes.

There were more than 50 carts in that team, and endless vines were piled up on them. What is it if it is not a barbarian food transport team?
Now that the barbarians are short of food, if one of their food transport teams can be wiped out, it can resist the destruction of ten tribes.

Huangfu Yunfei took out the map, studied it carefully, and said:
"There is a canyon five miles ahead of them. We can set up an ambush there, make a quick decision, and destroy them."

Lei Ling said with some concern: "It seems that there are quite a few silver-level barbarians in their team! Are you sure?"

"What are you talking about? Senior brother Yunfei is the spirit child of my Wushuang Jiange. Not to mention silver-level barbarians, even gold-level barbarians are capable of fighting. We are all kinds of masters! Please don't bring us with you Can you compare it with the trash that came here?"

Lingyin gave him an angry look, and the expressions of Li Yue and the others all changed. Although they were very angry, they didn't make a sound.

They all came from small sects, and they couldn't afford to offend the Tianjiao of Wushuang Jiange.

And even though Lingyin's words were harsh, they were right, in front of people like Huangfu Yunfei, they were indeed nothing.

They didn't dare to make a sound, but Lei Ling was not afraid. The corner of his mouth curled up and he said with a sneer:
"Believe it or not, when I return to Hero City, I will have you stripped naked and hung on the city wall?"


Lingyin's eyes glared, murderous aura shot out all over her body, Huangfu Yunfei hurriedly held her down and scolded: "Lingyin, don't be unreasonable."

Then he smiled apologetically at Lei Ling and the others, cupped his hands and said: "Young Master Ling, everyone, Lingyin has a bad mouth, but she has a very good heart. Please don't be as knowledgeable as her."


Lingyin snorted heavily, turned her head away, and ignored Lei Ling and the others.

Lin Yue and the others forced a smile to express that it was okay, but Lei Ling said relentlessly, "Stinky bitches, please be careful what you say to me in the future, this is not your Wushuang Jiange."

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, let's divide the work."

Huangfu Yunfei hurriedly held down the ringtone that was about to explode, apologized to Lei Ling again, and said:
"According to my observation, there should be five silver-level barbarian warriors and one silver priest in the grain transportation team. I will deal with two of them, Lingyin will deal with one, and the next two of you will be killed if you can, and delayed if you can't.

The rest are responsible for killing ordinary barbarians, Young Master Ling!You're in charge of dealing with the lowest barbarians, right? "

"Of course there is no problem. My young master is brave and invincible. It is a trivial matter to single out a silver-level barbarian."

Lei Ling patted his chest, as if I was already invincible.

Everyone shook their heads and remained silent, apparently already used to his bragging habits.

Lingyin wanted to sneer, but was stopped by Huangfu Yunfei.

It can be seen that this chick still listens to Huangfu Yunfei's words, maybe the two of them still have an affair.

(End of this chapter)

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