My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 200 Shocking Layout

Chapter 200 Shocking Layout
city ​​of heroes

Lei Ling was like Jin Qiaoer possessed, eating Hesse nonsense.

Although he tried to gnaw on the treasures of heaven and earth for a few months before retreating, but at that time he was practicing.

Moreover, there are many kinds of Tiancaidibao, each with different tastes, plus physical pain, so there is no special feeling.

But this time he really endured it for more than a month. The bell sound turned over and over again and he could cook barbecue and fish soup. Not to mention that what she cooked was just average, no matter how delicious it was, three meals a day for a month, he would still miss it. Spit.

But she doesn't allow you to eat anything else, and when Lei Ling wants to eat some dry food, she always looks at him with resentment.

As a result, Lei Ling could only secretly reduce his food intake, and this period of time has ruined him.

"I'll go! Lei Ling, you starved to death and reincarnated! Save some for me!"

Jin Qiaoer said angrily, she found out that she couldn't beat Lei Ling, which was a great shame for a foodie.

"Qiaoer, stop making trouble."

Shi Yu shook his head helplessly, took out his handkerchief and wiped Lei Ling's mouth with some distress: "Master, you must have suffered a lot during this time, right?"

Lei Ling burped after eating for a while, touched his belly, and sighed, "It's hard to explain! Forget it, let's not mention it, you should have someone go to the teleportation array to watch. Once Huangfu Yunfei comes out, the next Report in a moment."


After Shi Yu responded, he hurriedly found someone to do it, and Jin Qiaoer puffed up her mouth and said:

"Lei Ling, there are a lot of important people coming to Hero City, do you want to meet sometime! My grandma has wanted to see you for a long time."


Lei Ling's complexion changed slightly, and he coughed lightly and said, "Qiaoer, I'm usually nice to you, right? Don't trick me?"

Jin Qiao'er's grandmother is so fierce, and she is still a strong person in the holy realm. If he really wants to mess with him, he really has nothing to do. He can't completely turn against her, right?

"What? Are you scared?"

Jin Qiaoer smiled and said: "Don't worry! My grandma has a good impression of you. Of course, this is all thanks to my lady's good words for you."

Lei Ling breathed a sigh of relief, took a sip of the juice, and was still a little uneasy: "That's good! You can quickly introduce her to me, lest I accidentally break her taboo when I arrive."

As he said that, he couldn't help reaching out and touching Jin Qiao'er's little head. Although this girl sometimes likes to tear down his platform and argue with him.

However, she is still very sensible when it comes to serious matters, and she has a frightening background, but she has never bullied others. There are almost no people who don't like this kind of girl.

Jin Qiaoer tilted her head and thought for a while, then said: "My grandma is known as Granny Jinhua, she is unparalleled in medicine, has a wide range of friends, and has a good personality, but she hates casual men the most, um. You understand."

"That's okay! My young master has always kept himself clean, and he is still a boy!"

Lei Ling lifted his chin quite complacently, then his eyes lit up, he laughed and said: "Let me tell you! If it weren't for my virgin body this time, Huangfu Yunfei and Lingyin would be in danger."

As soon as she heard the gossip, Jin Qiaoer regained her spirits immediately and urged: "Tell me and listen!"

Shi Yu and Shi Xue also looked at him curiously.

After Lei Ling briefly explained what happened before, all the girls were dumbfounded, and the way they looked at him became extremely strange.

Jin Qiao'er said dumbfoundedly: "I'm going, Lei Ling, are you too vicious? Huangfu Yunfei is fine, but Lingyin is a girl after all! What kind of person will she be if this gets out?"

"Cut! I was saving people, okay? You haven't seen them drinking, don't mention enjoying it."

Lei Ling chuckled, not intending to keep Huangfu Yunfei and Huangfu a secret at all.

I was even thinking about how to spread the word about it.

When he mentioned wickedness, he thought of Jin Dabao, only then realized that Jin Dabao was not there, and asked suspiciously, "Qiaoer, where did your brother go?"

This time, the faces of the girls became even more strange, Shi Yu sighed and said:
"Young Master Jin has had a miserable time, and now he is hiding in the training room and dare not come out."

"Huh? What's going on? Someone is making trouble for him?"

Lei Ling's complexion changed immediately, and he became a little unhappy.

This city of heroes is his territory, and Jin Dabao is also his man, so it's not giving him face to trouble him.

"Didn't I tell you before! My grandma hates that kind of casual man the most.

My brother is lustful, so he wasn't welcomed by her since he was a child, and this time he treated Sister Qingcheng so badly, Grandma Grandma took him over and taught him a lesson when she first arrived.

Afterwards, I found someone to catch him every day, and tortured him in different ways. In the end, it was Miss Ben who let Grandma let him go. But within two days, Sister Qingcheng came again.

I beat him several times a day, which made my brother fat several times. I begged for mercy, but it didn't work. He really had no choice but to retreat. "

Jin Qiaoer rubbed her small forehead, expressing great sympathy for Jin Dabao's miserable life.

Lei Ling originally wanted to help him get ahead!But now he is a little dumbfounded, the young couple is fighting, and he can't help even if he wants to!
After pondering for a moment, he stroked his chin and asked, "What kind of cultivation is this Wu Qingcheng? Is it powerful?"

"Zhenhai Realm! She is the third senior sister of Tianxiao Lingfeng School, a generation of spiritual girls."


Lei Ling couldn't help taking a breath, he never thought that Wu Qingcheng was so powerful, she was actually a spiritual girl from a top sect.

For Jin Dabao, I don't know whether it is luck or misfortune?
Surprised, he asked with some dissatisfaction: "Is this woman a little too much? I have endured your brother for so long before, and now she is so stubborn, how angry is she?"

Jin Qiaoer sighed helplessly and said: "Actually, it's not my fault for sister Qingcheng, my brother's fat man is really wicked.

Sister Qingcheng is the proud daughter of a generation, the goddess in the hearts of countless men, but she was not only defiled by him, but also gave birth to a child. The girl became an aunt, and became the laughing stock of the entire Nanzhou. If I had hacked him to death. "


Now Lei Ling didn't know what to say, so he could only say helplessly: "Forget it, this is your brother's housework after all, and it is really inconvenient for me to intervene. Since she didn't intend to kill your brother, let her Toss it slowly! One day you will calm down."

"One of them is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. My brother is actually very happy in his heart. Don't look at my brother's cowardice. If he is not willing, few people can bully him."

Jin Qiaoer shrugged and was not too worried about her brother.

She looked around, took out the talisman to activate the barrier, and asked in a deep voice, "How is that going?"

"It's very successful, it can even be said to be an unexpected success. From tomorrow, we can spread all kinds of news. When Huangfu Yunfei comes back, the whole Nanzhou will be completely ignited. At that time, the Northern Wilderness will not No more barbarians."

There was a smug smile on the corner of Lei Ling's mouth, everything in the cave was arranged by him in advance.

The latent troops set up many teleportation arrays in the Northern Wilderness, and after he came back with Jin Dabao, he began to lay them out.

The skin of the Tianheng beast and the bones of the strong man were all brought out from the swamp by him, and they are all things that have been around for a long time.

As a wise spirit, Jin Qiaoer is naturally proficient in the god-shaped script. Through the map of the northern wilderness collected in the Hero City, he recruited several Fengshui masters and painters to cooperate with Jin Qiaoer to create a map leading to the ancient Great Saint's cave.

After that, Shi Ying and Qian Shang led people to sneak into the Northern Wilderness secretly through the teleportation array, and arranged everything, like the stone room before, he prepared several.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, except for Jin Qiaoer, Shi Ying, and Qian Shang, all other participants were silenced.

It's just that he didn't expect that such a good thing as Lingzhu was hidden in that skeleton.

Lei Ling set up such a shocking situation because he wanted to mobilize all the forces in Nanzhou to attack the barbarians together. No one could resist the temptation of the ancient Great Sage Cave Mansion.

At that time, the talents of all races will also gather here, and under the bloody wind, he can still carry out a wave of harvest, which can be said to be multiple in one fell swoop.

Jin Qiao'er asked solemnly: "Everyone must keep this matter in their stomachs, and absolutely must not talk nonsense, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted."

"Now even if it is leaked, few people will believe it. Most of the time, people will only believe things that are beneficial to themselves."

Lei Ling smiled and pinched her small face, and then said seriously: "But we must not let others know that we made the fake, at least we must ensure that they cannot get any evidence, otherwise they will have to take my The skin must be peeled off."

(End of this chapter)

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