Chapter 201
In the early morning of the next day, Huangfu Yunfei finally walked out of the teleportation formation. He was covered in blood, and even the seven-color sword had some cracks.

Apparently after a bloody battle, Lei Ling rushed over as soon as he got the news, but he was still a step late. After Huangfu Yunfei came out, he left Hero City directly with his seriously injured body.

The ancient great sage's cave is no small matter. Although Lingyin has already reported it, he must go back to the Wushuang Jiange himself, and at the same time he needs the sect to heal his wounds.

A few days later, Huangfu Yunfei publicly announced that he and Lei Ling had found a treasure map in the Northern Wilderness, and that there was the ancient Great Sage's cave in the Northern Wilderness.

At the same time, Wushuang Jiange issued an invitation letter to convene all the righteous factions to discuss the matter of defeating barbarians and obtaining treasures.

One stone caused a thousand waves, and the whole Nanzhou was directly fried.

Various legends about the Northern Wilderness have been unearthed. Some people say that in ancient times, the Northern Wilderness was a battlefield for the gods, and countless god corpses and artifacts were buried.

Some people also say that the Northern Wilderness is a treasure land. Many ancient great sages chose to build caves here, which contain various inheritances and treasures.

There are even legends that someone once proved Dao and ascended in the Northern Wilderness, and the barbaric sacred tree took root here, because he took a fancy to the extraordinary here, and wanted to use the magic of this place to prove Dao and ascend with the body of a tree.

When the Chengtian Dynasty attacked the Wild God Tree, it wanted to take this place into its pocket, and the treasure map was left by the Chengtian Dynasty.

In short, all kinds of news are flying all over the sky, and various forces have looked through the treasured ancient books one after another, and they have discovered some information more or less.

At this time, Jin Qiaoer, who is a wise spirit, stood up and publicly stated that there were indeed several great saints living in the Northern Wilderness.

Her words were like adding fuel to the fire, completely igniting the desire in everyone's heart.

The major forces in Nanzhou contacted each other, and the righteous and demons quickly formed a large army, and they rushed towards the Hero City in a transport flying boat.

Even the orc clan sent envoys to meet Lei Ling and expressed their willingness to fight the barbarians together.

"Damn! Isn't this a little too big?"

Lei Ling looked at the pieces of information in his hand and felt his scalp tingling.

Now the major dynasties and sects in Nanzhou have sent large armies over, and the orcs have also formed a coalition army to station troops on the border. As long as his side launches a general attack, their side will respond immediately.

Unlike before, all the people who came this time were the best of the best.

There were seventy or eighty experts from the Holy Realm alone, four to five hundred experts from the Spiritual Realm, and countless experts from the Zhenhai Realm.

It is estimated that even the wild god tree can be uprooted.

"The temptation of the ancient Great Sage Cave Mansion is beyond what you can imagine. They sent so many people here just to flatten the Northern Wilderness as quickly as possible, and then take the treasure. Otherwise, if it takes a long time, people from other states will probably They will all come to join in the fun."

Jin Qiaoer sat next to Lei Ling and ate the pastry Shi Xue made for her, kicking her calves happily.

"Huh! My dream came true so quickly, it's really unreal!"

Lei Ling let out a breath, and a little excitement appeared on his face.

During this period of time, he was not idle, and continued to carry out his god-making plan through Anbu.

Huangfu Yunfei was very interesting, and attributed all the credit for finding the map to him.

Of course, this is also a fact in itself, he is Mr. Wuxia, and he has the confidence in Lei Ling's hands, so he won't, and dare not take credit for this.

And this kind of credit is of no use to outsiders like them.

But it was different for Lei Ling.

He took this opportunity to make a big splash. He had spent a lot of resources before launching a war against barbarians.

Now that they have found the map to the ancient Great Sage Cave Mansion and attracted the Nanzhou army, the destruction of the barbarians is a certainty.

The people of the four empires have now recognized him as a god who descended to earth, and even some dignitaries have become his worshipers.

Under Anbu's activities, some places began to build temples for Lei Ling and sculpt a golden body.

As long as the Northern Expedition succeeds, he will be directly deified in the four great empires.

Jin Qiao'er put a piece of pastry into Lei Ling's hand, and said angrily, "Here you are! You can eat it if you want, I'm not a stingy person, you're drooling."

"I rely on!"

Lei Ling hurriedly wiped the drool off his mouth, and gave her an annoyed look.

I am looking forward to a bright future!It was interrupted by her.

He stretched out his hand and pinched her little face fiercely, and asked, "Your brother is still in the training room, hasn't he come out?"

Jin Qiaoer slapped his hand away, and said angrily: "Be gentle, if you bully me again, I will tell my grandma."

"A moment of excitement, a moment of excitement."

Lei Ling hurriedly apologized, he had hosted a banquet before Granny Jinhua waited for a group of powerful saints.

That old woman was indeed fierce, he showed his Oscar-winning acting skills, and with Jin Qiaoer's cooperation, he managed to win her favor and let her stand on his side.

If Jin Qiaoer went to file a complaint, all the previous efforts would have been in vain, and she might be severely punished.

Seeing that Lei Ling was subdued, Jin Qiaoer lifted her chin triumphantly, but she didn't feel unreasonable, and said with a soft snort:
"My brother came out once before, but after being beaten up by Sister Qingcheng, he hid back. Judging by his posture, he probably didn't dare to come out again."

"It's not an option to go on like this! Let's do it this way! I'll host a banquet tonight, and you invite Wu Qingcheng over for me, and I'll talk to her."

Lei Ling rubbed his chin, Hero City was about to explode, Jin Dabao couldn't be left idle like this anymore.

The moon is bright and the stars are shining

In the back garden of the City Lord's Mansion, Lei Ling ordered Shi Xue to prepare a table of sumptuous food and wine for Wu Qingcheng.

Looking at the elegant and refined woman in front of him, Lei Ling's eyes flashed with astonishment.

He knew that Wu Qingcheng was good-looking, but he didn't expect that she was so beautiful that she had already reached Xia Mingyue's level.

And because she had given birth to a child, she lost the youthful and immature look of a young girl, and gained the mature charm of a young woman.

Rao Lei Ling was used to seeing beautiful women, so he lost his mind for a while.

I couldn't help but exclaimed in my heart: "This shit is a serious Bai Fumei! That fat man Jin Dabao, this is the rhythm to reach the pinnacle of life!"

After a brief absence, Lei Ling quickly returned to normal, coughed lightly, took out an exquisite jade box, and said with a smile: "Well, sister-in-law, it's the first time we meet, this is my gift for you. "

Wu Qingcheng glared at him fiercely, and said unceremoniously: "Don't call me sister-in-law, I'm Wu Qingcheng, tell me, what's the matter with me!"

Lei Ling withdrew his smile, nodded and said: "Well, since you are so forthright, I won't beat around the bush anymore. I know something about you and Brother Jin. I have only one purpose for inviting you here today. I want to resolve this matter for you guys. resentment."

Wu Qingcheng's face was frosty, her red lips were lightly parted and she wanted to get angry, but Lei Ling stepped forward and said: "Don't get excited, just listen to me with peace of mind, okay?"


Lei Ling smiled slightly, not as knowledgeable as her, organized his words and said: "Miss Qingcheng, I know that you are the daughter of Tianjiao, with a proud heart, and marrying Brother Jin is like a flower stuck in cow dung.

It is human nature for you to be unwilling, but now that you have cooked rice from uncooked rice to cooked rice, and even have children, this matter has become known all over the world, no matter how much you make a fuss, it is useless.

You and Brother Jin have been engaged since childhood, and Jin Wu and his family are family friends, and you two can be regarded as childhood sweethearts. He has always been very kind to you, and I believe you have some affection for him, otherwise you would have hacked him to death long ago.

Since things can't be changed, why don't you try to accept it?
You are looking for a husband, not a lover. Although Brother Jin is a little fatter and not very handsome, he is very good to you, right?Isn't that enough?

Besides, the child is innocent. If you run away and chase him, you don't care about him. Wouldn't your heart ache? "

Speaking of children, Wu Qingcheng's mood obviously fluctuated a little, Lei Ling smiled secretly in his heart, and said while the iron was hot: "Although Big Brother Jin is not very talented in cultivation, his talent in medicine is extremely high, even you who are in Zhenhai Realm Tianjiao can handle it, think about how terrifying this is?
You can prove the Dao with three thousand avenues, please take a long-term view, I promise, one day, Big Brother Jin will also be able to stand proudly above all people and become a hero worthy of you. "

Wu Qingcheng snorted coldly with disdain: "How can you guarantee it?"

"Just because my name is Lei Ling! If you don't believe me, how about we make a bet?"

"Say! How to bet!"

A confident smile appeared on Lei Ling's face, and he made a gesture of the cross with both hands: "Ten years, we will limit it to ten years, and during these ten years, try to get along with him peacefully, and stop making trouble for no reason.

If ten years later, he becomes a hero worthy of you, then you must follow him wholeheartedly.

If he still looks like a bear, then everything is up to you, if you want him to die, you don't need to do it, I will have him killed. "

"Okay! It's a word."

Wu Qingcheng got up and left after saying a word, Lei Ling watched her gradually disappearing figure and shook his head slightly and sighed: "What a dishonest woman."

Jin Qiao'er said with a worried face: "Lei Ling, is it a little too big for you to be awesome? Let alone ten years, I think even if it is a hundred years, it is impossible for my brother to be worthy of Sister Qingcheng."

Lei Ling picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and smiled, "Haven't you understood? In fact, Wu Qingcheng has already accepted your brother in her heart, but she just needs a step down.

I said this bet is to give her a step up, winning or losing is not important, even if I lose, she will do nothing, she will even pretend to forget, and continue to be with your brother. "


Jin Qiaoer was stunned, she tilted her head and thought about it for a long time but she couldn't figure it out, and finally she didn't bother to think about it anymore, and started to eat big mouthfuls.

(End of this chapter)

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