My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 204 The Scary Blue Ling Muxue

Chapter 204 The Scary Blue Ling Muxue
"Judging from the map, the place where the great sage's cave is located is indeed an excellent geomantic treasure, in the shape of nine stars arching the moon, and there should be more mysteries in it."

A teenager rubbed his chin and muttered to himself.

There are also people who know astrology and geomantic omen in the field. Hearing what he said, they all nodded in agreement: "Yes, it is indeed a bit like nine stars arching the moon and there seems to be other terrains. Unfortunately, this place is in the hinterland of the barbarians, so it is impossible to observe it on the spot now. .”

"In this way, the credibility of this picture is very high!"

"Nonsense, what is high credibility, this is true."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and no one questioned whether the map was fake, and some people started to memorize it with their eyes wide open.

However, this map is very complicated, and there are many hieroglyphic annotations in it, and few people can memorize them all in such a short time.

Even if I write it down, I'm afraid I'll forget about it when the banquet is over.

Lei Ling secretly laughed in his heart, the location of the Great Sage Cave was determined after a long study by Jin Qiaoer and many Feng Shui masters.

In order to deceive these people, he really spent a lot of thought, and now it seems that the effect is still very good, there is no success for no reason, this is one of Lei Ling's mottos.

Seeing that everyone had seen enough, Lei Ling snapped his fingers, and the image disappeared immediately. He cleared his throat and said loudly:

"Master Ben has prepared a big lucky draw today. The invitations everyone received have unique numbers on them. I will conduct a lottery draw later. There are plenty of prizes in this event. I hope you don't miss it!"

Everyone present was either rich or noble, including the princes of the dynasty and the young masters of ancient families.

He has no interest in lottery draws or anything, and even shows a little disdain.

But when they saw the prize list on the projection, they were not calm, and some people's eyes were red.

The prizes that Lei Ling gave were not only the map copying board, but also various top-level spiritual materials, some of which they had only heard of the names, and had never even seen them before.

In addition, there are finished spirit weapons, each of which is at the Zhenhai level, and the quality is very high, which can be refined and used as a life spirit weapon.

Even Huangfu Yunfei's heart was a little moved when he saw it, but Lingyin rolled her eyes, and she had a new understanding of Lei Ling's prodigal family, so she couldn't help but say:
"Lei Ling, even though you got the treasure of the swamp dragon clan, you don't have to lose like this, do you?"

"Cut! To this young master, this thing is like a drop in the bucket, and a drop in the bucket."

Lei Ling glanced at her with the eyes of a local tyrant looking at a beggar, raised his glass and said, "Everyone eat and drink as much as you want, we won't go home until we're not drunk tonight."

Of course, he didn't run this lottery because he had a lot of money to burn, and of course it wasn't for pretending.

He wanted to use this to test the luck of these people. Daozi was protected by heavenly luck. Although this kind of random lottery could not be said to accurately measure the strength of luck.

But even if Daozi is unlucky, he can still enter the top ten, right?Combined with Shi Yu's observation and cross-analysis, many suspects can be found, and then they will be investigated slowly.

The music started again, dancers entered the arena one after another, and many beautiful girls came to accompany Tianjiao.

This is very common in Nanzhou, and everyone readily accepted it, but none of them did anything indecent.

"Brother Yunfei, I respect you!"

Seeing that everyone had finished toasting Huangfu Yunfei, Lei Ling raised his wine glass to toast him.

Huangfu Yunfei naturally drank it all in one gulp, he thought about it carefully and then praised: "Young Master Ling, this wine of yours is really good, not only is it fragrant and delicious, it seems to have added some precious medicinal materials, which has a great effect on the body Good thing."

"Brother Yunfei really knows wine! This wine is brewed according to ancient recipes, it is very precious, but since you like it, I will give you a hundred jars later."

Lei Ling laughed, and had to say that this Jin Dabao was indeed powerful. After adding the aroma of the wine, the wine became extremely mellow and delicious, and he couldn't drink enough, even if he drank a pot.

Moreover, this wine is not only harmless to the human body, but can increase the blood flow rate, refresh the mind, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

"Huohahaha, bring me a hundred jars too, this wine is so damn good."

Wu Qingguo picked up the wine jar, raised his head and took a few big gulps, then laughed loudly.

Lei Ling patted his chest very boldly: "No problem, you can drink as much as you want."

Tonight is destined to be a carnival night, because of the temptation of Lei Ling's lucky draw, almost no one left early.

All the arrogances were drinking and chatting, but something went wrong later on. The voices of some people who could not hold their alcohol gradually became louder, and at the same time they began to touch the maids around them.

As time went on, things started to go wrong for everyone.

Some people chase after the female cultivator they have a crush on and confess their love frantically.

There were also some people who dragged their close friends to pour out their bitterness, crying to death.

Some people even spoke out the secrets in their hearts.

What stole my brother's wife!
Assassinate fellow apprentice brothers!

He also said that he actually likes men.

In short, the whole city lord's mansion became a mess. Some female cultivators left quietly after receiving the prizes. Unlike the male cultivators, most of them didn't drink much, so they stayed sober.

Seeing that Huangfu Yunfei also started talking nonsense, Lei Ling gave some instructions to his servants to arrange more women for Huangfu Yunfei, and then left with Shi Yu.

Today, his goal has basically been achieved, and the big draw has also been drawn.

Afterwards, let these arrogances go crazy, and wait until tomorrow to catch the handle.

After temporarily arranging a few little girls on the Eternal Shenzhou, Lei Ling wandered to the top of the Hero City alone with the flagon in hand, wanting to take another look at the battle situation.

On the city wall, a beautiful figure stood quietly. She was wearing a moon-white dress, her blue hair fluttering in the wind, and the moonlight fell on her body, covering her with a layer of radiance, like a goddess coming to the world.


Lei Ling felt as if his heart had been touched by something, and he was deeply attracted by this girl just from one side.

The girl seemed to sense that someone was coming, she turned her head slowly, and slightly nodded to Lei Ling as a greeting.

At this moment, Lei Ling felt as if his heart had been pierced directly.

There is such a beautiful woman in this world?

Xia Mingyue, Wu Qingcheng, Luo Xuan, and the four great fairies are all top beauties, but in front of this woman, they all lose their colors.

She just stood there, as if the whole world was centered on her, but the girl seemed to be blind, and her eyes were covered with a white ribbon.

Maybe even God is jealous of her beauty!

But that doesn't diminish her charm one iota.

On the contrary, it is precisely because of this incomplete beauty that it adds a mystery to her and pushes her charm to a new level, which makes people unable to extricate themselves.

"You are strong."

Lei Ling froze there, before he could speak, the woman spoke first:
"Do you have several strands of power in your body, do you have both spirit and body cultivation? Unexpectedly, you will meet a second devouring body cultivation. You seem to be stronger than him, huh? This seems to be the power of ancient characters, huh? Two ancient characters ?”

At this moment, the girl Gujing Wubo finally showed a look of surprise on her face, she turned around slowly, and made a flattering salute to Lei Ling: "Wu Shuang Jiange, Lanling Muxue."

Lei Ling was already frightened and stupid at this time, his secret was actually seen through by this young girl at a glance.

You know, even the strong in the holy realm didn't see through his secret!
He now felt as if he had been stripped naked in front of this girl.

Now who dares to say that this young girl is blind, he was the first to hack her to death, this nima must have opened the eyes of the sky, right?
He squeezed his fist and wanted to kill someone, but when the girl gave her name, he gave up directly.

Lanling Muxue?

Isn't that Nanzhou No.1?

Even Huangfu Yunfei of the invincible style is willing to bow down, so he will kill him with his head?
After exhaling lightly, Lei Ling also saluted and said, "Longyue Empire, Lei Ling!"


The girl's face was even more surprised, and then she sighed faintly, and suddenly said: "It's no wonder you showed killing intent to me just now, it turns out that's the case, thinking about it, how can a person who can make such a big noise be like this?" What about the rumored second generation ancestor?

Don't worry, I will keep your secret for you, and I can even teach you the secret technique of heaven, so that you no longer worry about being seen by others. "


Lei Ling's expression was serious, without any excitement.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world, and he has no connection with Lan Ling Mu Xue, so why should he help him like this?
Is it because he is handsome?

"Fight with me."

At this moment, Lanling Muxue's temperament changed drastically, like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath, the terrifying sword energy almost pierced the sky and tore the earth apart.

(End of this chapter)

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