Chapter 205
It is naturally impossible for Lei Ling to fight Lan Ling Muxue, just kidding, he is not even sure that he can beat Huangfu Yunfei, so why beat this woman?
It would be a lot of fun if one was accidentally hacked to death by her sword.

After thinking for a while, he said aggrievedly: "Sister, with my current strength, I am definitely not your opponent. I am only 13 years old! You are bullying me."

Lan Ling and Mu Xuexiu frowned slightly, dissipated the aura around her, and said softly: "I am only fighting with you for learning, not for life and death, so you don't have to worry too much.

Of course, if you feel that your current strength is not enough, then I can wait for you. This jade slip records the secret technique of the sky, and this is the moon crystal, which can help you refine the five internal organs, and I will also give it to you. "

After Lei Ling took the two items, he couldn't help feeling a storm in his heart. Isn't this woman too sincere?

Of course, he wouldn't treat her as a fool. If she was mentally retarded, how could she become No. 1 in Nanzhou?

This woman should be the kind of extremely pure sword cultivator written in the novel.

She only wanted to prove the Tao, and wanted to improve herself from the battle, so she even gave away treasures to train her opponents.

This kind of people is admirable, but also very terrifying. They have unyielding beliefs and strong wills, and they are promoted in battle.

Even if they are defeated, they can still get up, and through continuous efforts, they will finally step on their opponents.

Even break through in battle and directly counter-kill the opponent.

The moon crystal stone Lei Ling heard from Jin Qiaoer that it is one of the few treasures of heaven and earth that can help him temper his internal organs. It is extremely rare and priceless.

He offered a huge reward to buy it, but he has not received it yet.

This girl actually gave it away as soon as she said it, without even blinking her eyes. You must know that I have just met her!
After putting away the treasure, Lei Ling wanted to give a gift in return, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find anything comparable to the moon crystal, so he couldn't help feeling agitated.

Seeing this, Lanling Muxue said softly: "Although the moon crystal is rare, it has no effect on me. I gave it to you in the hope that you can improve your strength as soon as possible so that you can fight against me. There is no need to return the gift."

"How can I do that? These two things are very important to me, and they are very precious. I must return the gift."

Lei Ling looked serious, thought for a while and said, "I don't know if the fairy has time, I want to invite you to the Eternal Shenzhou."

Lan Ling Mu Xue smiled slightly: "You can just call me Mu Xue, and lead the way."

She was also very interested in the famous Eternal Shenzhou, so she agreed directly.

Lei Ling rolled his eyes, climbed up the pole, and called Sister Mu Xue.

This is Nanzhou No.1!The legs are thicker than Huangfu Yunfei, so they must be hugged tightly.

Lan Ling and Mu Xue nodded with a smile, but she didn't refuse, which made Lei Ling feel elated.

On the Eternal Shenzhou, Lei Ling took Lan Ling Mu Xue around for a tour.

There were question marks in his heart, he didn't know what was going on with Lan Ling Mu Xue, even though he was blindfolded, he seemed to see it better than anyone else.

He really didn't know how to ask her, but he couldn't say, Hey girl, are you really blind or fake blind?
After walking for a while, Lanling and Muxue murmured softly, "I never thought this is the real Eternal Shenzhou."

Although her voice was very small, Lei Ling had sharp eyes and ears and could hear it clearly.

His face changed slightly, and he asked in surprise: "Sister Mu Xue knows about this Eternal Shenzhou?"

"I know something. According to legend, this Shenzhou is the vehicle of the Eternal Lord. It has existed for a long time. It can be traced back to the age of mythology. It is extremely mysterious and is the top flying boat."

When Lan Ling Muxue heard him ask, she didn't mean to hide anything, and spoke directly.

Lei Ling's heart trembled fiercely, he looked at her in disbelief, swallowed and asked, "Does the Age of Mythology really exist?"

The age of mythology only exists in legends, and it is said that it was an era in which gods coexisted.

Some people are born gods, and they can pick up the stars and take the moon.

These have always been told as stories to children, and almost no one takes it seriously.

"I don't know that either."

Lanling Muxue shook her head, without further explanation, she lightly brushed the wall with her fingers, and said softly:

"Whether the legend is true or not, this Eternal Shenzhou has indeed existed for a long time. It has self-healing functions and can absorb various powers by itself, so even though it has been damaged countless times, it still survives."


Lei Ling could tell that Lanling Muxue was hiding something, and wanted to trick her again, but found that she had already walked to the treasure house.

He had no choice but to temporarily suppress the thoughts in his heart, waved his big hand, opened the door of the treasure house, and led Lan Ling Muxue into it.

The treasure house of Eternal Shenzhou can freely adjust its size according to how many things are stored.

Because the Shenlong statue was too huge, Lei Ling asked Xiao Heng to open up a separate space to store it.

So this treasure house looks normal, not much different from ordinary treasure houses.

Lei Ling said very generously: "Sister Muxue, I don't know what you need, so you can pick a few yourself!"

Lanling Muxue nodded, she was not polite to Lei Ling, she walked slowly in the treasure house, wandering around several times, with a little disappointment on her face.

Obviously there was nothing she wanted here, suddenly she let out a light snort, and actually picked up a black brick from the ground.

He was very surprised and said: "This is the Nether Wood Essence? It's such a big piece, it's really rare!"

"Ghost wood spirit? What is it?"

Lei Ling frowned slightly, what Lan Ling and Mu Xue held was the black brick that he ^_^ snatched from Feng Xinghan before.

Jin Qiao'er didn't know what it was until now, so she kept throwing it in the treasure house, but she didn't expect Lan Ling and Mu Xue to recognize it.

Lanling Muxue stroked the black brick lightly, and explained: "In the Elf Continent, there are many magical trees, and one of them is called the Nether Tree.

A piece of wood essence is bred in the ghost tree that has grown for thousands of years. It is its essence. Elves often use it to make arrows, which can shoot through spirit spells, break through the spiritual barrier of body protection, and even destroy spiritual weapons. It is very powerful.

Because the Nether Wood Essence is too destructive, it has attracted the covetousness of all races.

They sneaked into the Elf Continent one after another, stealing ghost spirits to make weapons, which caused the ghost trees to become almost extinct.

Your Nether Wood Essence is so big, and its color is as black as charcoal. I am afraid that this Nether Tree is at least 10 years old. If you use it to refine it into a spiritual weapon, its power will be immeasurable. "


Lei Ling couldn't help but gasped!

He knew that this thing was extraordinary, but he didn't expect it to be so awesome!
He stared straight at the black brick in Lanling Muxue's hand, oh no, it should be said to be a ghost wood spirit.

It would be a lie to say that he doesn't feel distressed, but since the words have been said, he is also embarrassed to go back on his word.

And compared to Lanling Muxue's friendship, this Nether wood spirit is nothing.

Maybe he can get a reward token for it!Then I will make a lot of money, and said with a smile: "I got this thing by accident, and sister Mu Xue likes it, so take it."

After pondering for a moment, Lanling Muxue said softly: "This Netherwood Essence has a lot of effect on me, so I accept it, but I don't need so much, let me keep half of it for you! I will refine it into Six small flying swords, what do you want to refine? I can refine it for you by the way."

Lei Ling asked nervously, "Is flying knives okay?"

He immediately thought of Xiao Li Fei Dao, and when the time comes, he will fly out with a knife, killing people while talking and laughing, it will be so cool.

Lanling Muxue nodded and said, "Okay! You can draw me the style you want later."

After she finished talking, a token of gratitude appeared in her hand:
"The Nether Wood Essence is too precious, take this token of gratitude! You can ask me for help in the future."

Lei Ling was overjoyed, he didn't expect Lan Ling and Mu Xue to really take out the token of gratitude, this time it really made a lot of money.

He chuckled, and before he could even say polite words, he snatched the token:
I wanted to take the opportunity to touch Lanling Muxue's hand, but before I could touch it, I was bounced away by an invisible force.

At this time, he showed his Oscar-winning acting skills, as if he didn't feel anything, and showed a pure smile:

"Sister Muxue, do you need other materials to refine the spirit weapon? You can take what I have here at will, you are welcome."

"Need not!"

Lanling Muxue didn't bother with him, and shook her head slightly. After putting away the Nether Wood Essence, she hesitated for a moment and took out another token:
"This is my Wushuang Sword Token. You have good strength and talent. If you want to enter the sect, you can go to the Wushuang Sword Pavilion with this Token. With it, you can directly become an inner disciple and receive the treatment of a direct disciple. "

"Thank you!"

Lei Ling hurriedly obtained the token. In fact, he also planned to enter Wushuang Jiange before. After all, Huangfu Yunfei was there, and Wushuang Jiange is a top sect. He likes the backing the most.

Now that he has Lanling Muxue's token, it saves him the need to ask someone to trust him.

At that time, as long as he shows his incomparably realistic acting skills and bribes again, it will be much more convenient to deal with those who hide in the small sect and plan to use the aura of the protagonist to carry forward the sect.

(End of this chapter)

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