My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 206 The 3 Views Are Refreshed

Chapter 206 The Three Views Are Refreshed

the next day, early morning

After having breakfast on the Eternal Shenzhou, Lei Ling brought the girls to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, ready to take a look at yesterday's "battle situation".

Jin Qiaoer looked at the insight hanging above the City Lord's Mansion, and said speechlessly: "I'll go! Lei Ling, you are too exaggerated! Why did you block the entire City Lord's Mansion?"

"Safety comes first! They are the pride of the heavens, if they go out and get drunk, it will be troublesome."

As he said that, Lei Ling crushed the communication talisman in his hand, lifted the blockade of the City Lord's Mansion, and walked in first.

Inside the city lord's mansion, there is a mess all over the place.

Many houses and buildings have been damaged to varying degrees. On the grass, on the square, and even on the roof, there are some drunken geniuses lying on the ground.

"I'm going! Isn't this too crazy?"

Lei Ling was dumbfounded, Shi Yu and other girls screamed and covered their eyes.

Seeing them coming in, some guards and maids who were hiding came out one after another.

All of them shrunk their heads, with indescribable horror on their faces, they saluted Lei Ling together.

Lei Ling glared at them, and said angrily, "What's the matter with you? What the hell?"

A maid replied tremblingly: "My lord, those adults were all drunk last night, many of them went crazy, some of them competed in the square, seven or eight of them had their hands and feet broken, and some of the guards They went up to dissuade them, but they killed them with a single sword strike.

There were also people who took off their clothes and ran in circles around the City Lord's Mansion, shouting various slogans.

Many handsome guards and some pretty maids suffered and were dragged away by many people.

We were so scared that we could only hide quietly.

Last night everyone was having a drunken madness. It was really terrible, and the noise didn't subside until the middle of the night. "


Lei Ling was stunned for a while, and even regretted that he didn't stay to watch the play last night. Although seeing everything can store images, how can it be interesting to watch it with one's own eyes?
After ordering his subordinates to organize people to clean up the mess, Lei Ling cleared his throat and shouted loudly:

"Get up quickly! It's going to rain! Go home and collect your clothes!"

His voice was amplified by his insight into everything, and it exploded in everyone's ears like thunder.

Most of Tianjiao trembled and woke up instantly.

Lei Ling saw the chief housekeeper approaching him with a bruised nose and a swollen face. He forced his laughter to stop and asked, "Where's Huangfu Yunfei? The woman you arranged for him yesterday didn't cut corners, right?"

The big butler had a weird face, he hesitated and said: "Master Yunfei didn't want those women yesterday, he...he."

Lei Ling's complexion changed, and he asked in a cold voice: "What is he, tell me the fuck."

The main reason he made such a big battle was to punish Huangfu Yunfei.

The others are just an incidental matter, if Huangfu Yunfei is fine, then his work is wasted.

The head steward was so frightened that he was about to cry, and said very aggrieved: "Sir, it's not our fault! I followed your instructions yesterday and arranged all the people for him, and prepared some people to stand by!
But Mr. Yunfei didn't want anyone, so he embraced Mr. Qinguo's crazy confession, and he was punched several times by Mr. Qinguo, but he refused to let go. "


Lei Ling was dumbfounded, even Shi Yu and the girls were dumbfounded.

Huangfu Yunfei actually likes Wu Qingguo's?This taste is too heavy, right?

Lei Ling swallowed, and asked in disbelief: "Are you sure it's Qingguo not Qingcheng?"

"It's Lord Qingguo! The very... um... very plump one."

The butler originally wanted to say the fat one, but thought it was too rude, so he changed it temporarily.

After all, he still wants to live two more years!

"I rely on it, can't I?"

Lei Ling still couldn't believe it, he frowned and asked, "What happened after that?"

The butler didn't dare to hide it, and hurriedly said: "Master Yunfei is reciting poems and praising at the same time. Anyway, it's all kinds of confessions. Afterwards, Mr. Qingguo was moved, and after everyone's booing, he directly paid homage and entered the bridal chamber. .”


Everyone felt like being struck by lightning, and each of them was terrified by the lightning. Even if it was a drama, it wouldn't be so outrageous, would it?

"Lead the way, I want to see with my own eyes, if you spread rumors, I will kill you."

City Lord's Mansion, Lei Ling's Bedroom
This is the most luxurious room in the City Lord's Mansion, and last night it became a wedding room for a pair of "lover".

When Lei Ling rushed in anxiously, his figure shook, and he couldn't help but took two steps back. If he hadn't held on to the door frame, he would have almost fallen.

Huangfu Yunfei was already awake at this time, he was squatting in the corner like a wretch, with some tears still hanging on his face.

Wu Qingguo, on the other hand, was sitting on the edge of the bed, eating the chicken legs he got from who knows where, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"You you."

The balls of Lei Ling's eyes almost popped out, even though the butler said that he had a nose and an eye.

But he didn't believe it at all in his heart, after all, it was too bizarre.

But seeing the scene in front of him, he had to believe it, and this picture is too beautiful, right?

He felt that his three views had been completely refreshed.

"Hahahaha, boy Lei Ling, I heard that you are my husband's virtuous younger brother, right? Then don't call me sister from now on, call me sister-in-law!"

Wu Qingguo let out a terrible laugh, Huangfu Yunfei heard the words, a look of pain appeared on his face.

He opened his mouth to say something, but after being glared at by Wu Qingguo, he shrank back.

Lei Ling really wants to slap himself now, to see if he is dreaming, is this still the invincible Huangfu Yunfei?
In the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion, Lei Ling ordered Shi Xue to prepare a sumptuous meal for Huangfu Yunfei and Wu Qingguo, and also called Jin Dabao and Wu Qingcheng over.

Wu Qingguo put her arms around Huangfu Yunfei, kept adding vegetables to his bowl, and burst out laughing, obviously very satisfied with her husband-in-law.

Wu Qingcheng swallowed, and asked in a low voice: "Sister, are you really married to Huangfu Yunfei?"

"Then can there be a fake? We even entered the bridal chamber last night, didn't we, Mr. Xiang?"

When Huangfu Yunfei heard the words, he forced out a smile, nodded his head under everyone's gaze, and shocked everyone's jaws, he actually admitted it.

Seeing Huangfu Yunfei's statement, Wu Qingguo laughed and patted him on the back, glared at Jin Qiaoer who was eating, and said coldly:

"Little girl, I heard that you have a marriage contract with my husband-in-law, right? I don't like taking concubines here. If you dare to rely on my husband-in-law, don't blame me for turning against you."

Jin Qiaoer hurriedly smiled and said: "Sister Qingguo, don't worry, I will definitely not fight for you, Huangfu Yunfei belongs to you alone."

"Hahahaha, that's good, I owe you a favor this time, if you need help in the future, just ask me for help."

Seeing Jin Qiaoer being so witty, Wu Qingguo let out another burst of hearty laughter.

In fact, she was still very guilty in her heart, after all, Jin Qiaoer had a marriage contract with Huangfu Yunfei, and she was considered a third party.

So he made a promise, and even took out several gratitude tokens and gave them to Jin Qiaoer.

(End of this chapter)

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