My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 209 See through?

Chapter 209 See through?

Eternal Shenzhou, Eternal Hall

This is the place where the masters of the Eternal Shenzhou in the past dynasties discussed matters with their subordinates.

Majestic, majestic and magnificent, there are steps one after another in the hall, and there is a platform for every hundred floors, and then a hundred floors.

On the third platform, there is a golden throne, a seat that only the owner of the Eternal Shenzhou can sit on.

Sitting on the throne, Lei Ling looked down at a group of men in black kneeling below, with a faint smile on his lips:

"I believe you have all seen it these days, in the eyes of your family, you are just a bunch of dogs.

No one will take you seriously. Although the Northern Wilderness is barren, there are also many special products, and the rarest things are the most expensive.

Now the demise of the Northern Wilderness is a foregone conclusion, and the resources of the Northern Wilderness will be developed.

The major dynasties will definitely send new people to replace you. If you don't want to be excluded, you can only submit to this young master. "

Everyone knelt down on the ground and said in unison: "I will swear allegiance to Young Master Ling to the death."

They are all smart people, if Lei Ling hadn't been protecting them during this time, their old faces would probably have been trampled flat.

The power of Zhenhai Realm?
It is indeed a top combat power in the empire, but when it comes to the dynasty, or even the entire southern state, they are nothing to this group of old guys whose potential has been exhausted.

Lei Ling is very powerful now, with the support of the Lei family, the Jin family, and the two dynasties invited by Princess Peach Blossom.

There are also the dancers, the Huangfu family, and even the friendship of Wushuang Jiange, plus his terrifying Eternal Shenzhou.

No matter which aspect they consider, they can only choose to submit to him.

Otherwise, even if they are not seized by their own family, they will be wiped out by Lei Ling, the two hundred and five.

"Very good! Although you are all the ancestors of the great aristocratic families, the powerful people at the pinnacle of Zhenhai Realm used to be very powerful figures.

But in the current city of heroes, it's nothing. If this young master wants to, even if he is a master of the holy realm, he can invite several of them.

The reason why I chose you today is because you are members of my four great empires, and I need absolute loyalty. "

Lei Ling stood up, his arrogance burst out, and he said loudly: "This young master has always been very clear about rewards and punishments, as long as you do your best for this young master, your benefits will be indispensable.

Even if you die, your family will get enough compensation. With this young master covering you, you will still be able to dominate among the four great empires in the future. "

Having said that, his voice paused, and his bastard air was replaced by a terrifying murderous air.

Even the ancestors of Zhenhai Realm were so overwhelmed that they were a little out of breath, and they all looked shocked.

I don't understand why I am so powerful in Zhenhai Realm, but I am so embarrassed by a small Purple Mansion Realm.

Lei Ling said murderously: "If you dare to betray me, even if you just slack off my orders, then I will destroy your entire clan."

"I will definitely do my best to complete Ling Shao's mission to the death."

Everyone was so frightened that their faces turned green. Even a little slack would destroy the whole clan?Is this too exaggerated?

They all regretted a little in their hearts, and felt that they might as well hand over their rights!At least their family will not kill them!

Everyone knew that Lei Ling wasn't trying to scare them.

The young masters of the Four Great Dynasties just asked his maid to cook a meal, and then he killed them all. Now there are still several people whose heads are hung on the city wall!

Even if the people from the Four Great Dynasties came, they were not taken down.

This kind of ferocious behavior can no longer be described as forceful, it is simply insane.

If you betrayed him, it would be normal to ransack your family and exterminate your family.

"very good!"

Lei Ling took out the ghost jade crystal, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I believe that the heads of each of your families have told you how to use this thing, so hurry up, and I will take you to do things after finishing it."


hero city
Zhou Mingyang and his party of 16 people took the map given by General Zheng and took advantage of the night to enter the Northern Wilderness.

Among these 16 people, eight of them are in the Transcendence Tribulation Realm, and they are all the arrogance of the Star Sect.

Six of the remaining eight are old scouts from the Concentration Realm.

The other two are survivors of the previous hidden troops. They have been active in the Northern Wilderness and are more familiar with the terrain here.

This is the standard equipment of the scout team, with Zhou Mingyang as the captain and one of the old scouts as the vice-captain.

When everyone left the camp and was about to enter the exploration area, the deputy captain ordered:

"Captain, the barbarians are very brutal. The area we will explore next is an unknown area, so be careful."

"I got it."

Zhou Mingyang nodded, took out a small jade bottle from his arms and said to everyone:
"This is the Breath Concentrating Pill, which can help you to restrain your breath and eliminate the smell. Everyone take one."

"This is good stuff!"

There was a little surprise in the deputy captain's voice, as an old scout, he naturally knew about Xianxi Pill.

But this thing is very expensive, and it is generally not equipped.

With Xianxi Pill, their trip will be much safer.

Taking advantage of the darkness and the body protection of the breath restraining pill, everyone explored very quickly. In less than half an hour, they finished exploring the first small area.

The exploration area of ​​each scout team is divided into ten equal parts, as long as these ten small areas are explored.

Regardless of whether the barbarians were found or not, they could return to the camp and wait for the next instructions.

"Wait a moment."

When everyone explored the third area, Zhou Mingyang stopped them from moving forward, frowned and looked around, and said in a deep voice, "There's something wrong here."

The vice-captain walked up to him and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Mingyang squatted down, stretched out his hand to squeeze a little soil, twisted it on his fingertips and said: "I found some traces of people's activities along the way, and they seemed to be carrying some heavy objects.

But there are obviously traces here, but they are deliberately covered up, and there may be an ambush. "


The deputy captain also frowned. He took out the map and looked at it and said, "There is a canyon not far ahead. If there is an ambush, it is indeed an excellent place."

Qiu Qing, Zhou Mingyang's senior sister, asked nervously, "Then what should we do now?"

"Be careful sailing for thousands of years, you must make a detour."

Zhou Mingyang studied the map and said: "If you want to go around the canyon, there are two roads. Let's all study it and see which one to take."

Qiu Qing looked at it for a while, then said thoughtfully: "From the map, it seems that the road on the left is easier to walk, why not choose the left?"

"Senior Sister Qiuqing is right. The road on the left seems to be much easier to walk than the road on the right, and the distance is also much shorter than the road on the right."

"That's right, just choose the left."


People from Dianxingzong expressed their support one after another, and even a few old scouts also expressed their approval.

A guide also nodded and said: "I seem to have been here before. The road on the left is very flat, it is really easy to walk, and it is not easy to be ambushed."

Zhou Mingyang and the deputy captain looked at each other and said, "I'll choose the right."

Everyone was stunned, but they didn't expect that the deputy captain nodded and said, "I'll choose the right side too."

"Ah? Why?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Zhou Mingyang chuckled and put away the map: "If I'm not mistaken, it is estimated that the traces on the road before were deliberately left by someone.

The traces here are also deliberately covered up, in order to let us know that there is an ambush in the canyon ahead. "

"What? How is this possible? Are they crazy?"

Qiu Qing and the others looked in disbelief, the deputy captain smiled and shook his head and said:

"Of course they are not crazy, after they let us know that there is an ambush in the canyon ahead, we will definitely choose to take a detour.

A road that is easy to walk, has a short distance, and is not easy to set up an ambush, and a road that is difficult to walk, and has a long distance. Fools will also choose to walk. I am afraid that this road is the place where they focus on ambushes. "


Everyone suddenly realized, and finally figured it out.

"Everyone, speed up, so that they don't find out that we have seen through their tricks, and jump over the wall in a hurry."

After confirming the route, Zhou Mingyang took the lead and walked to the front, with the appearance of opening the way for everyone, which moved everyone deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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