Chapter 210
Things seemed to be as Zhou Mingyang expected.

Although the road on the right they were walking on was very difficult with ravines and ravines, but they did not encounter any danger along the way.

"Everyone, take a rest first!"

The vice-captain chose a safer place for everyone to rest temporarily.

After all, one-third of the distance has already been traveled, and the Northern Wilderness is full of crises, so it is necessary to maintain sufficient physical strength at all times.

Qiu Qing handed the water bag to Zhou Mingyang, and said softly, "Mingyang, drink some water."

"Thank you!"

Zhou Mingyang smiled slightly, took a few gulps from the water bag.

The rest of the people also took out food and drinking water to eat and drink, trying to replenish their strength as soon as possible.

Suddenly, the earth trembled, and everyone was shocked.

Zhou Mingyang pulled Qiu Qing behind him, and said with full vigilance: "Everyone, be careful, something is coming."

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Accompanied by bursts of noise, huge black shadows appeared one after another in the ground around them:
Everyone stared intently, Qiqi gasped, and a guide exclaimed:

"No, this is a savage monitor lizard. Why are there so many monitor lizards? Is this a monitor lizard lair?"

That's right, the big yellow lizard the size of a house that appeared in front of them was the savage monitor lizard.

There are not only barbarians in the wild, but also all kinds of wild beasts, and this giant lizard is one of them.

Originally, although the monitor lizards were powerful, Zhou Mingyang and his group were not low in strength, and it was very easy to deal with seven or eight of them.

But now it's not a matter of seven or eight lizards. Looking around, there are densely packed monitor lizards, and it is conservatively estimated that there are nearly a hundred of them.

Even Zhou Mingyang's scalp felt numb for a while, he gritted his teeth and said: "Everyone follow me, I will open the way and break through with all my strength."

After speaking, the spiritual power surged all over his body, his hands quickly formed seals, and wind blades shot out one after another, slashing at the giant lizard in front of him.

The wind blade was so sharp that it actually cut through the strong leather armor of the monitor lizard, hurting them, and the crimson blood spurted wildly, as if it was raining blood.

But the monitor lizard is not a cat or a dog after all, so it is impossible to be killed so easily.

On the contrary, because of their injuries, their ferocity was completely aroused, and they let out piercing screams.

For a moment, all the monitor lizards went crazy and launched a crazy attack on Zhou Mingyang and others.

Zhou Mingyang and the others also came out with spiritual spells, bombarded wildly, and after fighting with the giant lizard for a while, they lost four lives and finally broke through the encirclement with all their might.

Zhou Mingyang is a spiritual cultivator of the wind system, and he is proficient in auxiliary spiritual arts. After breaking out of the encirclement, he blessed everyone with various speed-up spiritual arts, which greatly increased their speed.

Although the monitor lizard's speed was not slow, they were too large to catch up for a while.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

Just as everyone let out a sigh of relief, when they thought they had escaped from the sky, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and then there were screams among the crowd.

"Ah! It's the Devouring Arrow, not a barbarian."

A Tianjiao of the Dianxingzong uttered a heart-piercing roar.

The powerful force attached to the Soul Devouring Arrow brought him flying backwards.

A monitor lizard opened its mouth wide and bit him in one bite. Then Tianjiao's screams stopped abruptly, and he was bitten to death by the monitor lizard and swallowed him.

The same thing happened to other Tianjiao.

After a wave of arrows rained, there were only four people left in Zhou Mingyang's team, which was the result of Zhou Mingyang's protection.

In the face of the Soul Devouring Arrow, even the mightiest of the Zhenhai realm can only dodge it.

Such intensive shooting, coupled with the fact that it is now night, is simply a nightmare for those of them who are in the Tribulation Realm or even in the Concentration Realm.

It has to be said that Zhou Mingyang is worthy of being a generation of arrogance, and in the face of such a crisis, he is still able to stay calm.

The three people he saved had been fully considered, needless to say Qiu Qing.

The other two, one is the vice-captain and the other is a guide, both of them are very important.

For this reason, he didn't even go to save his fellow disciples.

Now even a fool can figure it out, they have been tricked.

This is the Northern Wilderness, there are no experienced scouts and guides who are familiar with the environment.

It is very difficult to survive with him and Qiu Qing alone, maybe they accidentally rushed into the barbarian tribe.

At that time, he will become a delicious meat in the mouth of the barbarians without being shot by others.

Of course, these are easy to say, but it is possible to understand everything in such a short time.

And making accurate judgments and decisive choices is not something everyone can do.

There is a devouring arrow in front, a monitor lizard in the back, and the canyon on the left
Zhou Mingyang had no choice but to wrap his spiritual power around everyone, relying on the speed advantage of the wind-type spiritual cultivation, he flew to the right with all his strength.

In a ravine, Zhou Mingyang and the others, who were temporarily out of danger, hid in it.

Except for Qiu Qing, the four of them were all scarred, especially Zhou Mingyang, who had six arrow wounds all over his body.

Although it was just a scratch, it was dripping with blood and looked very oozing.

He forcibly improved his strength and ran all the way with three oil bottles, bleeding a lot.

So as soon as he got rid of the pursuers, he found a place to hide and heal his injuries, otherwise he might lose too much blood and die.

Qiu Qing was so distressed that she was about to cry. After carefully cleaning his wound with water, she applied the wound medicine for him.

Simply there is no poison on the arrow, otherwise the situation will be even worse.

"Damn it! Who the hell is it?"

Zhou Mingyang gritted his teeth angrily, he was careful and did not expect to get caught.

If it was designed by the barbarians, then he would not be so angry, but the Soul Devouring Arrow is a weapon of the human race, and it is very precious.

Even if they were captured, it would be impossible to have so many, not to mention that there was a special code on the archery device, and the barbarians would not be able to use it even if they were captured.

It was obvious that someone was plotting against them.

The deputy captain said in a deep voice: "The person who can arrange people to set up an ambush in the Northern Wilderness must have a high status in the army.

Moreover, these spirit-eating arrows are very precious, but the waves of arrow rain just now came like they don't need money.

Not only is this person not low in status, but he is also very rich. Captain, have you offended anyone? "

Among them, the one who can use such a big battle to kill must be the people of the Dian Xingzong.

Otherwise, with the strength shown by the other party, it would not be so troublesome to want the life of an ordinary soldier like him, which is just a matter of one sentence.

Zhou Mingyang frowned, thought for a long time, then shook his head and said:
"I have some enemies, but it is absolutely impossible for them to have such great energy, and it is even more impossible for them to kill me in such a strange way."

In the spiritual world, very few people would kill people in this way.

They either asked the strong to take action, or sent people to beat them up.

Using so much manpower and material resources to set up an ambush is simply a thankless task.

You know, just those soul-devouring arrows shot out just now are enough to invite a strong man in the spiritual realm to kill him.

Qiu Qing said worriedly: "What should we do now? This place is beyond the scope of our map, and now we are blind!"

"We can only wait for dawn. Action now will do us all harm and no benefit."

The deputy captain let out a long sigh, so depressed that he was about to vomit blood.

They were brought to the pond by the fish!
Thinking of his old brothers who died tragically, his eyes were red.

He punched the loess hard, and said angrily: "Damn it, we didn't die by the hands of the barbarians, but we died under the schemes of our own compatriots.

If you let me know who did it, even if I risk my life, I will never end with him. "

"Oh, I haven't been here either."

The guide sighed, with a miserable expression on his face, and reminded: "Water is very important here, please don't waste it."


Everyone nodded in unison. They were not fools. After Qiu Qing finished bandaging, Zhou Mingyang sighed, gently hugged her in his arms, and said:

"Outside I have set up a camouflage barrier, and there are early warning methods. Everyone sleeps for a while to recharge their batteries, and then find a way to go back after dawn."


(End of this chapter)

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