Chapter 211 Collapse
"Jingle Bell!"

There was a crisp sound, and Zhou Mingyang and the others stood up from the ground with a swipe.

The warning barrier that Zhou Mingyang set up earlier was triggered.

It is daytime now, so they can clearly see the scene in front of them.

With a scream, Qiu Qing threw herself into Zhou Mingyang's arms, trembling all over.

The deputy captain was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, his face was as white as paper, he kept shaking his head while moving back, shouting "impossible, impossible".

The guide was even worse, his neck tilted, and he passed out immediately, with streams of unknown fluid flowing out of his lower body.

Even Zhou Mingyang was terrified, and beads of sweat kept slipping from the corner of his forehead.

"What the hell is this shit?"

He, who has always been refined, couldn't help but swear, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

The sky and the ground were covered in red, and they rushed over like a tide.

Zhou Mingyang and Qiu Qing crushed the Thousand Miles Escape Talisman immediately, but were horrified to find that the Talisman didn't work.

Their hearts immediately sank to the bottom of the valley.

"The special code has an enchantment."

Zhou Mingyang cursed, not daring to waste any time, picked up Qiu Qing, wrapped everyone with the force of the wind, rushed into the sky, and flew away into the distance.

"It's the red blood savage, we have broken into the territory of the savage beast, and we can't run in anymore."

The vice-captain roared loudly, Zhou Mingyang's eyes froze, and he knew he had been fooled.

The northern wild beasts and the barbarians have their own territories, and they generally do not invade each other.

They only considered avoiding the ambush last night, but they didn't notice it.

It was not normal for such a large group of monitor lizards to appear before, but now a swarm of red-blooded savages appeared again.

There is no doubt that they have broken into the wild beast area, and there must be someone behind the scenes to lead the wild beast to them.

"Damn! Is this the plan from the beginning?"

Zhou Mingyang glanced back, his scalp felt numb for a while.

The red blood savage insects, the females are flying insects, and the males are ground insects. Once they reach a large scale, they will truly overwhelm the sky and cover the earth.

Moreover, their speed is extremely fast, far beyond what monitor lizards can match.

These things are the most terrifying creatures in the wild.

Their carapace is very hard, although the attack power of a single body is not strong.

But once the scale is formed, even if the strong in the holy realm encounter it, they can only flee.

Although Zhou Mingyang is a spiritual cultivator of the wind system, but with three oil bottles, his speed has been greatly slowed down, and it is estimated that he will be caught up soon.

But if he gave up the vice captain and guide, then he would become truly blind.

"Please lend me your strength."

After hesitating for a moment, the corner of his mouth moved slightly, and he said this in a voice that only he could hear.

In an instant!
His speed increased by more than ten times, and he opened the distance from the red-blooded barbarian swarm, and flew towards the canyon.

As long as they leave the territory of the savage beasts, the red blood savages will disperse on their own.

"Boo! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!"

Zhou Mingyang flew away desperately, and when he was about to leave the wild beast's territory, the terrifying spirit-eating arrow shot towards him again.


He cursed and could only temporarily fall back to the ground.

But doing so is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst!
Although there is no need to worry about the attack of the devouring arrow for the time being, the red blood savages are getting closer and closer. Once encountered, they will be eaten up in an instant.

Qiu Qing held a spear in her hand, and asked in a deep voice, "Famous Yang, what should I do?"

Although she forced herself to be calm, her body still trembled unconsciously. She was just a spiritual cultivator who had crossed the Tribulation Realm. How had she ever seen such a battle?


Zhou Mingyang cursed secretly, and within a moment, the red-blooded savages chased after them, and he seemed to be able to hear their crawling sounds.

His eyes froze, and he slapped the vice-captain and the guide with two palms.

He had already guessed that there was a ghost among them, otherwise how could their hiding place be discovered?
And how could those people arrange the devouring arrows so accurately?
Even if they knew they were going to run towards the canyon, it was impossible to know the specific route, right?

The vice-captain only felt a sharp pain in his chest and spurted out a mouthful of blood. Before he could even say a word, Zhou Mingyang gave him an angry palm and killed him on the spot.

But when Zhou Mingyang patted the guide with his other hand, a strange smile appeared on the corner of the guide's mouth.

"not good!"

When Zhou Mingyang's hand touched his body, he suddenly let out an exclamation, tipped his toes, and quickly swept back.

At the same time, layers of silver barriers appeared in front of him.


A frenzy flashed in the guide's eyes, and there was a bang, and a huge explosion occurred centered on him.

For a moment, the earthquake shook the mountains, and a huge mushroom cloud rose, which even the people in Hero City could see.

But now is the time when humans and barbarians are fighting, and it is not uncommon for explosions of this level to occur, so everyone is no stranger to it.

It's just that the strong in the holy realm are desperate.

Affected by the explosion, the swarm of red-blooded savages temporarily stopped, and there was even a little commotion.


In a ravine, Zhou Mingyang spat out a mouthful of blood. At this moment, he was blown to pieces like a blood man.

Even one of his ears was blown off, which was extremely miserable.

Although he chose to run away immediately, but he wanted to protect Qiu Qing, his speed was severely slowed down, and the range of the explosion was too wide, it was impossible for him to dodge.

Even in order to protect Qiuqing, he had no choice but to resist.

"It turned out to be a spiritual bomb, which lunatic is it?"

Zhou Mingyang let out a heart-piercing roar, and his whole body was about to collapse.

Just now he had resorted to life-saving measures, but he was still blown up like this. Even Qiu Qing was so shocked that he vomited blood and passed out.

Of course, he can't be blamed for this, who would have thought that someone would use a spirit bomb to deal with a person who has crossed the Tribulation Realm?

You know, that is a terrifying thing that can kill even a strong man in the spiritual realm!

"Sasa Sasa!"

After a short pause, after finding that there was no danger, the red blood barbarian swarm moved again.

Zhou Mingyang gritted his teeth, hugged Qiu Qing, and a layer of silver light lit up all over his body, wrapping them and flying towards the canyon.

"Boo! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!"

As soon as they were lifted into the air, the spirit devouring arrows flew towards them again, but at this moment, a strange scene happened.

When the devouring arrow touched the silver light on Zhou Mingyang's body, it bounced off.


Like a madman, he let out an angry roar, and the silver light turned into several flying swords, flying towards the direction of the devouring arrow.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Accompanied by a few explosions, the arrow rain stopped abruptly.

Zhou Mingyang, who was not hindered by the spirit-devouring arrow, increased his speed several times, and finally threw off the red-blooded savage worm completely, and rushed out of the savage beast's territory in one go.

"Cough! Cough!"

Running wildly all the way, Zhou Mingyang led Qiu Qing, relying on memory and maps, and finally returned to the place where they found an ambush before.

The silver light disappeared, and he spat out a mouthful of blood mist with a puff.

It happened to spray on Qiu Qing's face, Qiu Qing slowly opened her eyes, saw that she was hugged by a blood man, she screamed in fright, and punched him.

Zhou Mingyang couldn't dodge in time, she punched her on the chest, and with a wow, another mouthful of blood spewed out. Seeing that Qiu Qing was about to make a move, he hurriedly said: "Senior sister, it's me!"


Qiu Qing's fist was hanging in the air, she looked at Zhou Mingyang in shock, and apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mingyang, you should quickly take a healing elixir."

As he spoke, he hurriedly took out the healing elixir from his bosom and handed it to him. Tears gushed out like a fountain.

She was so guilty that she wanted to give herself two mouths, Zhou Mingyang tried his best to save her, but she actually hurt him.

This is the younger brother who gets along with him day and night!I didn't even recognize him.

"Eat it! I've already eaten it."

Zhou Mingyang shook his head, and did not take the healing elixir that Qiu Qing handed over.

He gasped and said, "Senior Sister, I'm afraid this time we are in danger!"

Qiu Qing pursed her mouth, Zhou Mingyang refused to eat, so she could only eat by herself.

After adjusting her breath a little, her face was a little bloody.

She stretched out her hand to support Zhou Mingyang, and said anxiously: "Mingyang, what's the matter? Didn't we escape? I'll go back the same way with you on my back."

Zhou Mingyang smiled wryly: "This person has used so much manpower and material resources, how could he let us go back the same way?
I'm afraid the road is already full of various traps, and now that I have been severely injured, I am unable to break through. "

Qiu Qing burst into tears, "Ming Yang, I'm sorry, I'm the one who dragged you down!"

"Senior sister, don't cry, it's not your fault."

Zhou Mingyang gently wiped away her tears with his hand, shook his head and sighed: "We underestimated that person from the beginning, this time he was well prepared for the ambush, we have been led by the nose all the time."


Qiu Qing sighed for a long time, regretting a bit: "We would have chosen the road on the left if we knew it earlier, at least there are no wild beasts there."

"I'm afraid there are ambushes on the three roads. From the beginning, he didn't ask us to do multiple-choice questions. What he set up is a sure-fire situation!"

Zhou Mingyang struggled to stand up, raised his head and shouted: "Come out! I know you are here, and now I have run out of cards.

You want my life, I can give it to you, just ask you to let my senior sister leave, and more!Please tell me who you are and why you want to kill me, I don't want to just die in a daze. "

(End of this chapter)

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