My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 212 Small Silver Tower

Chapter 212 Small Silver Tower
In Beihuang, above the cliffs of the nameless canyon, small caves were dug out by people.

Various powerful camouflage barriers were arranged at the entrance of the cave, making it difficult for people to detect it. This is the temporary camp of Lei Ling's assassination troops.

During the first surprise attack on the Northern Wilderness, Lei Ling left some troops behind to survey the terrain, build a camp, and set up a teleportation array.

After Huangfu Yunfei escaped from the Northern Wilderness, he sent people through the teleportation array to sneak in secretly and arrange everything.

These people consisted of Qianshang's Anbu and Qilin Legion's Xunlei Battalion elite, they were considered Lei Ling's most trusted subordinates.

Although Lei Ling's power is no longer what it used to be.

But every Daozi is not an ordinary character, so he must try his best to wear down their strength and luck.

Even if there were a large number of Zhenhai-level masters, he did not choose to force it with crowd tactics.

On the one hand, this may cause a lot of casualties, and on the other hand, it is easy to escape. The battle in the Ten Thousand Snake Mountains is vivid in his memory, so he has to be careful.

"Master Ling! Are you being too cautious?"

In the temporary camp, Lei Ling and a sea-suppressing master had already arrived.

After hearing Lei Ling's arrangement for them, all the ancestors felt their scalps go numb, and they all felt that Lei Ling was doing useless work and wasting resources!

Everyone was about to cry.

It's just a tribulation crossing realm, does it take so much effort?
Wouldn't it be enough to just bombard him to death with Lingbao?
Can he still turn the sky upside down?

"Have you ever seen a Transcending Tribulation Realm who survived the explosion of a spiritual bomb? And he is protecting a drag oil bottle?"

Lei Ling gave everyone a hard look, he was sure that Zhou Mingyang had a treasure on him, and that silver light was definitely famous.

Although he didn't say anything before, he always felt in his heart that Zhou Mingyang couldn't last.

You know, I arranged at least three oil bottles for him!
I didn't quench the poison on the Soul Devouring Arrow before, because I was afraid that I would accidentally kill the oil bottle.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Mingyang led them to escape one calamity after another, and even survived the explosion of the spiritual bomb.

This is no longer achievable by relying on some secret method to forcibly increase strength.

He must have resorted to some kind of power that did not belong to him.

"Act now! Remember, go all out, otherwise you may be the ones who die."

With a big wave of Lei Ling's hand, the crowd didn't dare to persuade them anymore, and immediately dispersed.

With his hands behind his back, he looked at the map in front of him, feeling a little excited in his heart. He was finally about to usher in his second golden finger:
"What will it be? It's so exciting!"

Zhou Mingyang waited for a while, seeing that no one came out, a look of disappointment flashed across his face.

After Qiu Qing cleaned out a clean place, she helped him to sit down and said, "Ming Yang, since they dare not come out, let's hurry up and exercise our energy to adjust our breathing!"

"Well! You first protect me for me"

Before Zhou Mingyang could finish his sentence, his complexion suddenly changed, and he rolled aside with Qiu Qing in his arms.

In the sky, arrows rained down. Looking up, these arrows were actually shining with red light.

In the sky, it was like a rain of blood.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There was a series of huge explosions where Zhou Mingyang was located, just like planes bombing enemy positions.

Blow up that piece of land directly into the sky.

Arrows rained wave after wave, continuously, and the bombing lasted for more than an hour.

Fortunately, this place is remote and close to the territory of wild beasts, otherwise the Nanzhou coalition forces would definitely send people to check it out.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, Zhou Mingyang could vaguely see Zhou Qing hugging Qiu Qing tightly in his arms.

Above him, there was a small silver tower floating, and the small tower shed silver light, covering them, allowing them to survive the explosion.


Zhou Mingyang spat out a mouthful of blood, and cursed in a gaffe: "Red Lotus Explosive Arrow, I hate your mother, I hate your mother——"

Although the attack power of the red lotus explosive arrow is not as good as that of the soul-devouring arrow, the power of their explosion will be superimposed on each other.

The bombing lasted for more than an hour, and its power was enough to blow up a small city to the sky.

Zhou Mingyang couldn't imagine what kind of lunatic he was facing.

To use this kind of battlefield killer to deal with a person.

"Boo! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!"

As soon as he finished speaking, another wave of arrows flew over.

This time the arrow flashed a light blue light.

In an instant!
The land that had been blasted into scorched earth was once again baptized by lightning.

Another hour of shooting, when the thunder and lightning disappeared, Zhou Mingyang half-kneeled on the ground, panting heavily.

The light of the small silver tower above him also dimmed a lot, Zhou Mingyang had already collapsed, and he cursed intermittently: "Lei Guang Slaying Demon Arrow, I am my day my day your mother——"

"Boo! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!"

Another wave of arrows flew in, this time arrows shining with dark green light.

Bursts of white smoke rose from the unrecognizable land that had been devastated, accompanied by a piercing sound.

After more than an hour passed, Zhou Mingyang was already lying on the ground, twitching all over, foaming at the mouth.

Qiu Qing's face was as white as paper, and she was trembling all over. She said tremblingly, "Why do you even have the rotten bones and heart-corroding arrows of the devil's way? Who are we facing!"

Looking at the crumbling silver tower that had lost its luster above her head, she shook Zhou Mingyang lightly, and cried out in a crying voice: "Mingyang, are you okay, wake up!"

"Cough! Cough!"

Zhou Mingyang coughed a few times, took out a pill from his bosom tremblingly, and swallowed it.

After a short breath adjustment, he struggled to sit up, and with a wave of his hand, the small silver tower fell back into his hand.

At this time, Zhou Mingyang was no longer as vigorous as before, he was like a defeated rooster, with his head shrugged.

After pondering for a while, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he sighed: "Come out, I have no strength to fight, I just ask you to let my senior sister go, I am willing to give this pagoda to you."

"Clang! clang! clang! clang!"

Four spiritual treasures appeared in the air at the same time, and auras of spiritual light hung from them, covering the area.

Every Lingbao exudes an extremely terrifying aura, ready to launch the strongest blow at any time.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Mingyang directly collapsed into Qiu Qing's arms. He didn't understand who he had offended.

It's too strange that there are so many tricks for four spirit treasures, isn't it?Could this man's head be squeezed by the door?
"Junior brother, if I don't leave, even if I die, I will stay with you."

With tears in her eyes, Qiu Qing firmly hugged Zhou Mingyang into her arms. Although her body was still trembling, her face was full of determination.

"It's really touching!"

A group of eight men in black slowly descended from the sky, the leader looked at Zhou Mingyang and the two, and sighed:
"I didn't expect you to be able to survive until now! It really surprised the old man.

No matter!As long as you hand over your small tower and all the treasures, I will let you go, and I can even personally send you back to Hero City. "

"Are you my three-year-old child?"

Zhou Mingyang gave him a disdainful look, and with Qiu Qing's support, he stood up.

Although he was seriously injured and even exhausted, his whole body exuded an unyielding aura.

After he glanced at the eight people, he sent a voice transmission to Qiu Qing and said: "Senior sister, I will attack them with all my might and kill them. If you take me to the wild beast territory, I don't believe they dare to go deep into the wild beast territory."

Qiu Qing's complexion changed slightly, she nodded and said, "Okay!"

"What? Do you want to go back on your word?"

Seeing that he had not handed over the small silver pagoda for a long time, the man in black waved his hand, and the power of the four spirit treasures exploded completely.

He laughed grimly: "I advise you not to make a fearless resistance, otherwise you will be wiped out in an instant."


Zhou Mingyang let out a wild laugh, he held the small silver tower in his hand, a terrifying aura emanated from him, he said domineeringly:
"You ants, holding a few rubbish spirit treasures to show off their power here, it's really ridiculous. Today I will let you see what a real magic weapon is."

(End of this chapter)

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