Chapter 307
A cold light flashed in Lei Ling's eyes, and he rushed towards Zhong Li like a cannonball.

It's no secret that Lei Ling is a physical trainer. When facing physical trainers, it's common sense to keep a distance.

But Zhong Li saw him rushing towards him, instead of sweeping back, he went forward instead.

"court death!"

Lei Ling let out a grin, and the divine power in his body poured into his right fist crazily, and the fist that shone with golden light ruthlessly smashed towards Zhong Li's head.

A sneer of disdain appeared on the corner of Zhong Li's mouth, he raised his right hand, and greeted him with a palm.

Looking carefully, there is a phantom of Tai Chi on the palm of his hand.

Lei Ling punched the Yin-Yang Tai Chi, it felt like hitting cotton.

Tai Chi spun, his strength was removed, and the golden light slowly disappeared.


Lei Ling was taken aback for a moment, the divine power in his body poured into his left hand, and he punched it again, Zhong Li also hit hard with his left palm.

Yin Yang Tai Chi appeared again, and the same scene appeared again.

A ruthless look flashed in Lei Ling's eyes, and he punched out dozens of times in succession.

But without exception, these fists were all blocked by Zhong Li.

"Hehe, boy, you dare to fight with me just because of you? What? You thought you got lucky and became invincible in melee combat if you became a body repairer?"

Zhong Li looked at Lei Ling with disdain, and said sarcastically, "In my eyes, you are nothing but a piece of rubbish."

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

Lei Ling was like a gambler who had lost a bet, his eyes were blood red, while roaring hysterically, he attacked Zhong Li like crazy.

"Hahahaha! Useless! Useless!"

While resisting Lei Ling's chaotic fists, Zhong Li laughed loudly:
"Unexpectedly, you are not only a trash, but also a mindless idiot, it's ridiculous!"

The surrounding members of the Black Beast Alliance also showed disdain:
"How dare a trash like this come over to pretend to be aggressive? I thought how strong he is!"

"That depends on who he's facing! With his strength, it's okay to bully the trash that bullies them in Nanzhou. Fighting with Senior Brother Zhong is pure courting death!"

"But his Dao heart is too fragile, right? Is this crazy? Another flower in a greenhouse!"

"Nanzhou's garbage can't compare with ours!"

Unlike the people of the Black Beast Alliance, most of the Tianjiao in Nanzhou are worried.

No matter what happened to Lei Ling before, his appearance really changed the situation of the battle.

With the joining of the flame army, they can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, once Lan Ling and Mu Xue were defeated, most of them would die here.

So they were all grateful to Lei Ling.


Lingyin drew out her two swords and wanted to save Lei Ling, but was blocked by the people around Zhong Li.

Huangfu Yunfei and the others were similar, they were all dragged tightly and couldn't get away at all.

And Lanling Muxue stood there without moving, as if she was watching a play.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

Lei Ling was still hammering like crazy, Zhong Li was also happy to make him go crazy.

It just happened to consume a lot of his physical strength, and when the time comes, I will restrain him with one move, and humiliate him again.

In the end, let him be tortured to death before he can vent his hatred.


Just as Zhong Li was resisting Lei Ling's chaotic fists and thinking about how to torture Lei Ling, he heard a click.

There was a piercing pain in his right hand.


A shrill scream resounded through the world.

"I'll kill you idiot."

Lei Ling broke Zhong Li's right arm with one punch, with the principle of taking advantage of your illness to kill you.

With a bang, he punched out again fiercely, and the air shattered.


Zhong Li spat out a mouthful of blood, and was thrown downwards by Lei Ling's punch.


Zhong Li directly collided with a mountain peak, causing smoke and dust to fill the sky.

But after all, he is the leader of the men in black, who can severely injure Lanling Muxue with a sneak attack.

It was impossible to be hammered to death so easily.

After about three or four breaths.

Zhong Li flew out of the smoke and dust, his left hand was covering his broken right arm, his body was covered in blood, and he looked at Lei Ling with resentment.


Whether it was from the Black Beast Alliance or the Southern State Allied Forces, their jaws dropped in shock.

Just now Zhong Li had the upper hand and teased Lei Ling like a cat playing with a mouse.

Why did Lei Ling break his right arm in just a blink of an eye?
"Master Uncle Lei Ling is doing great! Kill that thief!"

"Uncle Lei Ling, you are so handsome, I have already fallen in love with you!"

"Long live Uncle Lei Ling! You are the best."

No matter what the reason was, Lei Ling severely injured Zhong Li and vented his anger at the Nanzhou Allied Forces.

All the talents in Nanzhou cheered for him while fighting with Huo Ling.

Lei Ling naturally accepted all the orders, and even put on a leader's appearance, reaching out to greet them, his little chin almost went up to the sky.

"You fool me?"

Zhong Li is not an idiot, looking at the playful Lei Ling, how could he not know that he has been fooled by Lei Ling?
Zhong Li's Yin-Yang Tai Chi is very powerful, it can remove Lei Ling's power.

But in front of the power of the shock, it can't be compared.

In order to maximize the effect, Lei Ling did not use the power of shock at first.

Instead, he once again demonstrated his Oscar-level acting skills.

Putting on that bear look lowered Zhong Li's vigilance to a minimum.

At the moment when Zhong Li thought that he was sure of winning, he was thinking about how to torture him, and lost his mind.

Lei Ling poured the power of shock that had been condensed for a long time into his fist, shattered the shadow of Yin Yang and Tai Chi with one punch, and slammed it hard on Zhong Li's palm.

Ever since, Zhong Li was in a tragedy, his arm was broken.

Then he was punched and flew out.

"You're still pretending to be aggressive in front of this young master?"

Lei Ling twisted his neck, his eyes flickered fiercely, and said with a sneer:

"What kind of secret technique should you have used to hurt Mu Xue? Your spiritual power has been greatly damaged, and you still dare to pretend to be aggressive with this young master? Take your life."

"Protect senior brother!"

Seeing that things had changed, the man in black hurriedly stood in front of Zhong Li.

"Go away!"

Zhong Li's eyes were bloodshot, and he shouted back the people who wanted to support him. He was defeated by Lanling Muxue, so there was nothing to say, after all, Lanling Muxue's strength lay there.

But if he was defeated by Lei Ling, the second ancestor, would he still meet people when he returned?

"Even if I use the secret method, my spiritual power will be greatly damaged, and it will be easy to kill you!"

Zhong Li formed a mudra with one hand, and said softly, "Yin and Yang are reversed, and the spirit is reborn."

With the flipping of his handprints, a shadow of Yin Yang and Tai Chi appeared behind him.

The phantom turned, and his arm began to slowly recover.

"Respect your mother's head! Try my young master's Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect."

Naturally, Lei Ling wouldn't fight like the villains in the novel, and insisted on waiting for the opponent to complete the move.

He has always been, taking advantage of your illness and killing you, the idiot will wait for Zhong Li's arm to be reborn!
With a loud shout, he once again unleashed his incomparable Wan Jian Gui Zong.

The return of Wan Jian to the sect this time is far from being comparable to that of saving Wu Qingcheng.

He double cultivated with Qinghongyu, and got some Lanling Muxue's natal sword essence, which increased the power of the flying sword he condensed countless times.


Seeing the overwhelming flying swords flying towards him, Zhong Li's scalp also felt numb.

Especially when he was still on those swords, he felt some of Lan Ling Mu Xue's breath, which made his liver and gallbladder tear apart.

"The yin and yang mirror comes out!"

(End of this chapter)

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