My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 308: Lei Ling Shows His Power 2

Chapter 308: Lei Ling Shows His Power 2
An ancient mirror flew out from Zhong Li's head. The front of the mirror was black and the back was white.

As soon as this treasure came out, the original crimson space faded and became black and white.


Zhong Li spat out a mouthful of blood, and swallowed lightly.

On the black surface of the ancient mirror, a black glow shot out, and with one sweep, Lei Ling's Wanjian Guizong was completely wiped out.

Lei Ling couldn't dodge in time, and was also swept by the black light, he felt his world spinning for a while, and he almost fell down.

Fortunately, his soul was powerful, and he was protected by the mind-purifying mantra. After shaking a few times, he recovered.

But even so, it made him sweat profusely!

"Yin-yang mirror? It can't be the legendary side, right?"

Lei Ling stared solemnly at the ancient mirror suspended in the air, and subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

Regardless of whether it is or not, this thing is very awesome and must be snatched.

At this moment, another white ray of light shot out from the yin and yang mirror, shining on Zhong Li.

Cooperating with his secret technique, Zhong Li's broken arm recovered miraculously.

"Are you all right?"

Zhong Li, who had recovered from his injuries, couldn't help but change his face when he saw that Lei Ling was fine after being swept by the black light.

He bit his fingertips, wrote a strange rune in the air, and said lightly: "Go!"

The runes merged into the Yin-Yang mirror, and the black glow on the Yin-Yang mirror bloomed again, shooting towards Lei Ling.

Now that Lei Ling is ready, naturally he won't simply let it shine.

With a flash of his figure, he dodged the black light and rushed directly towards Zhong Li.

But the black awn had a tracking function, as soon as he hid, the black awn also changed its direction, Lei Ling didn't check, and was caught again.

It stopped ten feet away from Zhong Li.

A smug smile appeared on the corner of Zhong Li's mouth, and he kept making seals with his hands, pouring one after another spiritual power into the yin and yang mirror.

The yin-yang mirror flew directly above Lei Ling's head, and the black light enveloped his whole body.

As Zhong Li continued to inject spiritual power, the black light became thicker and thicker, and Lei Ling's figure quickly disappeared into the black light ball.

"Not good! This is a soul attack, Senior Sister Mu Xue, hurry up and save Lei Ling, otherwise Lei Ling will be in danger."

Lingyin was blocked by someone, and she couldn't rescue Lei Ling at all, so she could only ask Lanling Muxue aloud.

Now only Lanling Muxue can save him.

However, Lanling Muxue didn't move at all, and even shook her head with a smile.

Everyone's heart went cold.

Seeing Lan Ling and Mu Xue shaking her head, they thought she didn't want to save Lei Ling.

Everyone felt that Lan Ling and Mu Xue were too heartless, no matter how Lei Ling came to save her too!

Although the strength is not good, but you can't do nothing, right?

At the same time, there was a feeling of sorrow for the death of the rabbit and the fox in his heart.

Lanling Muxue would not save her fellow martial uncle Lei Ling who came to rescue her.

Wouldn't they be even more hopeless?
If Lan Ling and Mu Xue ran away directly later, then
Taishang star, the strain never stops

exorcise evil spirits, protect life

Wisdom is clear, peace of mind

The three souls are forever, and the soul is not lost

Lei Ling silently recited the Mantra of Purifying the Mind, and milky white energy surged in his body.


There was a stabbing sound, and the black ball of light cracked a hole.


Zhong Li's eyes widened, and he sprayed out a mouthful of blood mist. The next moment, everyone saw a golden light shoot out from the black light ball, rushing towards Zhong Li in an instant.

Lei Ling grabbed Zhong Li's neck with one hand, grabbed his right arm with the other hand, and pulled hard.


The shrill screams resounded through the world again.

Zhong Li's arm that had just recovered was torn off by Lei Ling.

The fire of heaven's punishment spewed out from Lei Ling's hands, instantly turning Zhong Li's right arm into ashes. He looked at Zhong Li and said with a smirk, "If you have the guts, give me another try!"


Everyone gasped and looked at Lei Ling in shock.

They are all people who know the goods, and the yin and yang mirror that Zhong Li took out is a treasure against the sky, and the means of using it are also extremely terrifying.

Even if Huangfu Yunfei and the others were replaced, once they got caught, it would be very difficult to escape so quickly.

But Lei Ling rushed out in a matter of minutes, not only acted like nothing happened, but also restrained Zhong Li, tearing off one of his arms.

What kind of strength is this?
Many people couldn't help subconsciously looking at Lan Ling Mu Xue: "Maybe she just shook her head to mean that Lei Ling doesn't need her help?"

"Ah—why! Why!"

Zhong Li struggled frantically in Lei Ling's hands, he even took out the Yin-Yang mirror, and activated the killing move inside.

He still didn't kill Lei Ling.

Moreover, Lei Ling not only broke his ultimate move, but also took the opportunity to seriously injure his soul.

Even for those monster-level existences, I'm afraid it would be difficult to do it, right?
"Well, because of my status, my young master didn't want to haggle with you juniors, but you have provoked me again and again, so it's no wonder I bully the younger."

Lei Ling sighed for a long time, and after saying something old-fashioned, suddenly his eyes froze, and he punched Zhong Li's lower abdomen with a punch, directly piercing through.

The power of the shock rushed into his body frantically, breaking all the veins in his body.


Zhong Li let out an incomparably shrill scream, and writhed wildly in Lei Ling's hands.

"Senior Brother Zhong!"

The men in black cried out in surprise, and were about to rescue them, but they were frightened by Lei Ling's look and stopped in their tracks.

Every body trembled slightly.

Even Zhong Li lost, how could they beat Lei Ling?

Now their fear of Lei Ling has surpassed that of Lan Ling Mu Xue.

Although Lan Ling Muxue was strong, most of the people she killed were second-rate masters, and the real top masters were injured at most and never died.

But Lei Ling has really defeated Zhong Li now!And it was when Zhong Li used the yin and yang mirror at all costs.

People in Nanzhou don't know about it, but most of them have heard of the horror of the yin and yang mirror.

With this treasure, Zhong Li beheaded a wounded saint back then!
What is this concept?
As long as Zhong Li is willing to go out and play with his life, even those monstrous existences will be afraid.

Now Lei Ling not only defeated Yin Yang Mirror's attack, but also disabled Zhong Li.

Doesn't it mean that he can already stand shoulder to shoulder with those monsters?

Coupled with Lei Ling's bloody methods.

Rao is afraid because of their temperament.

Demons, among them, Lei Ling is an extremely ferocious demon.

Lei Ling's arm was inserted into Zhong Li's lower abdomen, and he was lifted up directly just like that.

He bathed in Zhong Li's blood, like an underground devil, and shouted:
"Heroes of Nanzhou, the leader of the thieves has been defeated, and the people of the Black Beast Alliance have been dispersed by the flame army. What are you waiting for? Kill me! Kill them all, use their blood, their lives, and tell everyone , I, Nanzhou, are not easy to mess with!"


The morale of the Nanzhou Allied Forces skyrocketed, and bloodthirsty lights shone in each of their eyes.

On the other hand, on the side of the Black Beast Alliance, except for a few extreme existences, most of them are ashen-faced and their morale is low.

What Lei Ling did was like two armies confronting each other and beheading the main general. It could greatly boost the morale of one's own side and hurt the morale of the other side.

Now everyone is divided.

The younger ones in the Black Beast Alliance are better off. Even if they are not Daozi, they are still Tianjiao, and their luck is not weak.

But those great talents of the older generation will be miserable, losing the halo of the protagonist.

Strength also builds up over time, and with bad luck, it would be a tragedy on a battlefield full of fire spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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