Chapter 311
"Well! I've seen it all. You are indeed not a ruthless scumbag."

Qing Hongyu pulled Lei Ling into her arms, let him sit on her lap, gently raised his chin with her index finger, and said with a wink like silk:
"Later, my sister will definitely repay you well."


Lei Ling is also an old driver at any rate, but his face was flushed red by Qing Hongyu, and he felt that he was too humiliated.

And now in this posture, it would be fine if he swapped with Qing Hongyu.

If someone sees this look now, will Young Master Lei still be a man?
"Xiaoheng, seal the meeting room, and no one is allowed to let me in."

Lei Ling was very hopeless, and secretly gave Xiao Heng an order.

It's not that he doesn't want to rise up!

It's really that the love red jade is too strong, and the result of Xiongqi is to be pressed to the ground and rubbed.

He smiled awkwardly: "How dare I ask you to serve me! Let me serve you!"

"Hmm! Last time you did the Flood Dragon Exploring the Sea really well. Unexpectedly, you know a lot at such a young age, and your skills are also very good."

Qing Hongyu didn't tease Lei Ling any more. After gently pushing him out of her arms, she looked around the conference hall and said with emotion:
"Your Eternal Shenzhou is really good. It is very concealed. Otherwise, Lanling Muxue would definitely not let me out easily."

"Sister Hongyu, what kind of abilities does Sister Mu Xue have? She seems to be able to see through everything! Also, is there any problem with your eyes?"

Lei Ling sat next to Qing Hongyu, changed the topic directly, and asked the question he had always wanted to ask.

Previously, Qing Hongyu and Qing Hongyu had been doing double cultivation crazily in order to run out of time, so they had no time to ask.

Now he naturally cannot let go of this opportunity.

Moreover, Eternal Shenzhou is his treasure, and it really belongs to him, unlike those golden fingers that were snatched.

Either it can only use a little function, or it can't be used directly. He doesn't want Eternal Shenzhou to be missed by this guy.

I thought that Qing Hongyu could solve his doubts, but who knew that Qing Hongyu shook her head and said:
"I can't tell you much about her, and I don't know much.

Originally, I thought my existence was very secret, but I didn't expect that she already knew about it. Even what I wanted to do was calculated by her. To be honest, I'm a little afraid of her now.

As for the eye problem, I can tell you that we are not blind!
Why you close your eyes is also a secret. Of course, the sister you serve is very comfortable. If you really want to know, I can tell you secretly. "

"just forget it!"

Lei Ling waved his hand and said bitterly, "Curiosity killed the cat, I shouldn't ask."

When Qing Hongyu said that, she was already warning him.

Lei Ling is not a fool, from this point of view, Lan Ling Mu Xue is far more terrifying than he imagined.

My current strength and influence are not strong enough, it is better not to ask nonsense, lest I accidentally get burned.

"Well! You are still so smart. This is what I like about you. If you don't die, you won't die! If you die, sister, I will be very sad."

Qing Hongyu mopped her chin with her hands, looked at Lei Ling, and said with distressed expression: "It's hard to find a good double cultivation partner like you!"

"I'll go! Big sister, I'm not dead yet, so you plan to cuckold me?"

Lei Ling's face turned green instantly, with Qing Hongyu's personality, let alone his death, even if he is still alive, this guy is likely to find another partner for double cultivation.

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Lei Ling's eyes: "Sister Hongyu, I can warn you that it doesn't matter if I die, but if I'm still alive, you must not cuckold me, otherwise don't blame me for not caring about us." mutual affection."

"Yo! I haven't seen you for a few days, but you've learned a lot! What? You still want to kill me?"

Qing Hongyu looked at Lei Ling with great interest, as if what you could do to me.

"Ha ha!"

A strange smile appeared on the corner of Lei Ling's mouth, but he didn't say anything.

Just looking at Qing Hongyu like this.


The two looked at each other for half a stick of incense, Qing Hongyu suddenly giggled, reached out and tapped Lei Ling's forehead lightly:

"The little bastard is quite jealous, alright alright, my sister, although I play crazy on the bed, but I am not a flamboyant scum, besides, if I act recklessly, Lan Ling and Mu Xue will not agree. "

"Hey! My sister is so charming, I even fell in love with you, how could I not be jealous!"

Lei Ling chuckled, hugged Qing Hongyu, and snapped his fingers. The next moment, the two of them had already appeared in Lei Ling's bedroom.

([-] words omitted here)
Profound Sky Secret Realm, Black Beast Alliance camp.

The people in black and the high-level officials of the orc clan gathered together, all of them looked dignified.

They were going to mobilize troops from outside and use crowd tactics to overwhelm the Nanzhou coalition forces.

But they couldn't get in touch, so they had to send someone to investigate, but what they saw was one piece after another of destroyed camps.

"How is that possible? Why?"

Tianjiao of the Tiger Clan grabbed a man in black who went out to make contact and roared angrily.

The man in black didn't dare to resist, so he could only continue to say: "Looking at the traces, it should be attacked by a large-scale iron-billed black crow."

Tianjiao of the giant pig clan questioned while playing with throwing chicken legs in his mouth:

"Even if they were attacked by the iron-billed black crow, it's impossible for all the camps to be attacked?"

"Naturally someone guided it on purpose, isn't Lei Ling the best at this?

And he has the Eternal Shenzhou, if he finds a large-scale iron-billed black crow, it will be no problem to achieve this level. "

It was a woman who spoke, and when she spoke, everyone fell silent.

She is a female of the fox clan, half of the blood of the blue-eyed wise fox, and has a very high intelligence.

She gave the Black Beast Alliance a lot of extremely valuable suggestions before.

The people in black who went to investigate nodded and said: "That's right! We checked, and all valuables in the camp have been taken away."

Tianjiao of the Tiger Clan, after putting down the man in black, frowned and asked: "Quan'er! There are many Nanzhou prisoners in these camps! Will Lei Ling even ignore them?"

"I've researched some of Lei Ling's information. He is a decisive person, and he has no taboos in doing things. What should be discarded, he will discard without hesitation."

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Quan'er's mouth: "Of course, now is not the time to talk about these things.

Now that a large number of camps outside have been destroyed, the sweeping plan we made before can no longer be implemented.

However, although there is no support from external troops, our number of masters is far more than that of the Nanzhou Allied Forces.

The phoenix nine-leaf lotus, the phoenix fire crystal, and a large number of elixir in the flame space must not be let go.

It has not been many days since the closure of the Tianxuan Secret Realm. For the current plan, we must seize the space crack and block the only retreat route of the Nanzhou coalition forces.

Even spending 20 years with them here is worth it. "


As soon as Quan'er said this, everyone hesitated.

20 years is nothing to those strong men of the older generation, but it is different to them who are arrogant.

This is their prime time!
How can it be wasted here?

An orc Tianjiao questioned: "What if we block the space crack and Lei Ling repeats his tricks?"

Quan'er smiled slightly and said: "The news that he destroyed our camp and caused all the captives to be wiped out spreads, let Nanzhou find trouble with him!
At the same time, we will send experts to monitor him, and if he dares to repeat the old tricks, we will ambush him and let him taste what it is like to be pinched by the Profound Sky Beast and us! "

"we agree!"

After everyone discussed for a long time, the man in black took the lead in expressing his opinion:

"There are many Profound Sky Beasts in the Profound Sky Secret Realm that allow us to sharpen ourselves.

There are still so many Nanzhou Tianjiao fighting us, staying here will not only make us useless, but will make us stronger.

As for cultivation resources, we can grab them!Women can too! "

"Okay! I agree too!"

"I agree!"

"Just do it!"

All parties quickly reached a consensus, the Tianjiao of the Black Beast Alliance gathered, and the people in the camp that had not been destroyed began to move towards the space crack.

(End of this chapter)

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