Chapter 312

On the Eternal Shenzhou
Lei Ling leaned on the bed, looking haggard, as if he had been sucked dry.

Shi Yu was carefully feeding him the medicinal soup, her face was full of distress.

Jin Qiao'er was also holding a bowl of soup, drinking it spoonful by spoonful. Seeing Lei Ling's appearance, she couldn't help but rolled her eyes and said:
"Lei Ling, do you think that you are a physical trainer and you are made of iron?"

"You think I want to?"

Lei Ling drank a few sips of the medicinal soup, regained some strength, and said bitterly:

"I'm being forced too, okay? I. Forget it, I'll cry if I talk too much, so don't mention it."


Jin Qiaoer snorted softly, after finishing the soup in her bowl, she wiped her mouth and said:

"Now the Black Beast Alliance has sealed off the cracks in space, and they have also found evidence that you lured monsters and destroyed their camps.

Including our Nanzhou side, there are also many camps that saw the Eternal Shenzhou and attracted a large number of iron-billed black crows. Everyone is sure that you did it.

In those camps, after all, there are many Nanzhou Tianjiao, and now many people are quite critical of you.

Especially that Huayang, who jumped the most fiercely. If you hadn't turned the defeat of the Nanzhou coalition into victory, someone would have come to settle accounts with you by now. "

Lei Ling withdrew from Shi Yu's arms, curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Cut! What are you afraid of?
After a while, Shi Yu, you will release the rumors, saying that after everyone rushed to the Far West, the orcs and the men in black were left alone, and began to kill my Nanzhou Tianjiao.

After I learned about it, I took revenge for my Nanzhou Tianjiao and wiped out those camps.

You polish it yourself, anyway, just make me a big hero, just a big hero. "

Shi Yu smiled wryly and shook his head, took out a handkerchief, wiped his mouth for him, and asked worriedly: "So, will everyone believe it?"

"What can you do if you don't believe it? Anyway, those camps have been destroyed, who can they ask?
I have made great contributions to the Nanzhou Allied Forces now, and I have saved countless people. How dare they not be grateful?

Everyone just needs a reason, not the truth.

By the way, you ask Cai Mi to check for me, and write down those who dance fiercely for me. From now on, Master Ben will settle accounts with them slowly. "

Lei Ling finished drinking the soup and lay down again, Qing Hongyu was really scary.

Three days and three nights, a full three days and three nights, sleepless and restless, even Iron Man couldn't stand it!

He didn't even know how he survived.

"Okay! Young master, I'll ask Shi Xue to make some spiritual food for you."

After Shi Yu packed everything up, she told Jin Qiaoer, "Qiaoer, feed the young master later, don't steal it."

"Hmph! Miss Ben won't steal it!"

Jin Qiaoer made a funny face at her, conjured up a marshmallow as if by magic, and licked it happily there.

"Qiao'er, do you think what Lanling Muxue and Qing Hongyu said is true?"

Lei Ling was lying on the bed, looking at the roof. He was suspicious by nature, so he wouldn't believe whatever Lan Ling, Mu Xue and the others said.

Jin Qiao'er smacked her mouth, tilted her head and thought for a while, then said: "In my memory, there are some people who practice the Way of Forgetfulness.

This kind of Dao, everyone has a different way of practicing. For example, in ancient times, there was a ruthless man who practiced the Dao of Forgiveness. He used his blood as a guide to hunt down and kill all people related to him by blood.

Thousands of generations have been passed down, countless people have been killed, and in the end they have cultivated into the path of forgetting love.

There was another man, who was handsome and noble, and he used another method.

He had a relationship with many, many women, and when he fell in love to the extreme, he killed that woman with his own hands.

He kept talking and killing all the time, and finally he cultivated the way of forgetting love.

There is another person who has changed various identities, from emperor to beggar, he has done everything, experienced all kinds of situations in the world, and finally seems to have cultivated the way of forgetting love.

Of course, there are various other methods, but many people have not succeeded.

By the way, those people I mentioned before, although everyone says they have succeeded in cultivation, but no one can be sure whether they have succeeded, so it is not easy for me to judge. "

"I'll go! Cooperating with you said a lot of nonsense!"

Lei Ling rolled his eyes, and he had a new understanding of this way of forgetting love.

Sure enough, this is not the Tao that normal people can cultivate. He doesn't really want to get involved with Lanling Muxue and Qing Hongyu now, it's too dangerous.


Jin Qiaoer snorted softly, didn't bother to pay attention to him, and licked the cotton candy on her own.

"Has the space crack been blocked?"

Lei Ling muttered to himself, originally he was no longer planning to participate in the struggle between the Black Beast Alliance and the Southern State Allied Forces.

He planned to rush out after the space rift was converted, and then digest his gains properly.

But now the Black Beast Alliance has directly sealed off the crack in the space, preventing him from leaving, which is a bit troublesome.

He destroyed many camps of the Black Beast Alliance and greatly weakened their strength, making them unable to sweep the Southern State Alliance Army.

It is considered clever for the Black Beast Alliance to use this method of waiting for rabbits.

His method of attracting monsters has been exposed. I believe that there must be many masters of the Black Beast Alliance watching him in the dark.

As long as he dares to act recklessly, he will definitely be beaten violently.

This method is no longer available.

"What should we do?"

Lei Ling frowned more and more.

"Hey! Smelly Leiling, why are you silent all of a sudden? Are you trying to do something bad again?
I warn you!Don't hit me, or I'll bite you to death. "

Seeing that Lei Ling had been silent for a long time, Jin Qiaoer couldn't help but speak.

As he said that, he tightened his neckline, for fear that Lei Ling, a pervert, would mess with him.

Lei Ling was speechless, and just wanted to say something about her beautiful breasts and no buttocks.

But after a closer look, this guy has both, he can only swallow the words that come to his lips, he can't speak out of conscience, right?
Jin Qiao'er originally belonged to the type of Tong Yanju, following him these few years, eating well, drinking well, and developing even better...

"I'll go! Lei Ling, you don't really want to be a beast, do you? Are you going to kill yourself?"

Jin Qiaoer was just saying that casually, but there was a green light in Lei Ling's eyes when she looked at her, she was so frightened that she jumped up from her chair and ran to the door in a hurry:

"Lei Ling, calm down, by the way, quickly recite the mantra for purifying your mind!"


Lei Ling was so angry with her that he almost fell down, he was already in such a bad mood, how could he be so animalistic?I really don't know what's going on in this silly girl's head.

He breathed a sigh of relief and said impatiently: "Go out and play by yourself! Don't bother me here."

"Ah? Really! Then you have a good rest, I'm leaving!"

Jin Qiao'er was overjoyed when she heard this, and after closing the door, she jumped up and left.

Lei Ling was so angry that he rolled his eyes, and the anger in his stomach finally turned into a faint sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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