Chapter 314 Cai Mi
In the Profound Sky Secret Realm, with the passage of time, the closure of the Profound Sky Secret Realm is getting closer and closer.

Both the Black Beast Alliance and the Southern State Allied Forces are gathering troops to prepare for the next final battle.

Lei Ling took the Eternal Shenzhou and moved into a temporary camp. Now the Black Beast Alliance also has a large number of high-level offensive flying boats, and he doesn't want to shoot at them.

He also didn't attend the meeting of the Nanzhou Allied Forces, but after the meeting, he called Cai Mi for questioning.

Cai Mi sat there, frowning, and sighed again and again: "Little uncle, this is troublesome!"

"what happened?"

Lei Ling took a sip of tea, and there was no trace of worry on his face. In fact, even if he couldn't get out, it didn't have much impact on him.

After all, there is everything in the Eternal Shenzhou, and he had to retreat after going out.

"The formation formed by the Black Beast Alliance is called the Great Zhoutian Yin-Yang Bagua Formation.

This formation is one of the top formations of the Yin-Yang Tianzong, with infinite power, coupled with their large number, I feel that we will be able to get out. "

Cai Mi had an unlucky look on his face, as if his own father had died. Seeing Lei Ling's calm look, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked:

"Little uncle, could it be that you already have a way to break the formation?"

"How is it possible, do you really think I am a god?"

Lei Ling rolled his eyes, very angry.

Cai Mi looked at him suspiciously, and asked very puzzled: "Then why do you look confident? Could it be that you have a special way to get out?"

"No, but even if I can't get out, I don't really care."

Lei Ling shrugged, stretched his waist and said: "This place is actually pretty good, I don't need anything.

If everyone can't get out, then living here for 20 years is not bad.

When everyone runs out of cultivation resources and has no daily necessities, I will be the king here. "

"I'll go! Little uncle, your brain circuit."

Cai Mi swallowed, wishing he could get down immediately and write a big letter to Lei Ling.

Lei Ling took the fruit that Shi Yu had cut, and continued to ask: "Hasn't Fang Yuan found out where it is yet?"

During this time, Lei Ling has been asking Cai Mi to track down Fang Yuan's whereabouts.

First, it was to cover up people's eyes and ears, so that people would not have doubts about him.

Secondly, he was really worried that Fang Yuan was not dead!
"No! That kid seems to have evaporated from the world!"

Cai Mi shook his head with a depressed face. During this period of time, there were too many people who asked him about Buyer Fangyuan's information.

There are even people from the Black Beast Alliance, and the prices they offer are sky-high!
But he just couldn't find it, and he was so anxious that he wanted to jump off the building.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, and he asked treacherously: "Why don't you go ask Senior Sister Mu Xue?
Based on your relationship with her, I believe you can find out something.

As long as there is a little information, I can follow the clues and find that kid. "

Lei Ling rolled his eyes and said angrily, "You want me to die? Isn't she also your senior sister? Why don't you ask yourself?"

Cai Mi chuckled, and scratched his head in embarrassment: "I'm just saying this casually! Little uncle, you really don't plan to go out?"

"If you can go out, you must go out, what I just said is the worst case.

By the way, I have something I want to entrust to you to handle. You let me know that Fang Yuan might be hidden by Huayang. "

Lei Ling's eyes flickered with coldness, Hua Yang had an enmity with him, and they often tried to harm him both openly and secretly.

Lei Ling has always been a man who has revenge, and if it wasn't for Lan Ling and Mu Xue not wanting to expose Qing Hongyu's identity, he would have let Qing Hongyu hack the grandson to death with a sword.


Cai Mi's face turned bitter when he heard this, and he felt a little embarrassed: "Little uncle, we are engaged in information, what we are looking for is a word of mouth, if this fake news is released, my golden signboard will be easily destroyed! "

"I asked you to say it's possible, but didn't you say it's certain?"

Lei Ling glanced at him, and there was a bit of chill in his voice:
"Of course, I don't care if you don't do it, but from now on, the friendship between us will not count."

"Don't! I'm just saying that casually! I'm going to pass it on, and I'm going to pass it on."

Cai Mi became anxious when he heard that Lei Ling is now not only his cash cow, but also his backer, and he feels more and more that the safest thing is to stay by Lei Ling's side.

If Lei Ling turned his back on him, then he would be at a great loss, and he might even be retaliated by Lei Ling:
"Junior uncle is so powerful, that kid Huayang dares to fight against you is purely courting death. Don't worry, little uncle, I will help you to beat him to death."

"Well! Come on."

Lei Ling's face looked better now, he waved his hand, signaling Cai Mi to go to work.

Looking at the fat body leaving, his eyes gradually turned cold.

Lei Ling has not figured out what special ability Cai Mi has.

During this period of time, he has been making indirect remarks, wanting to see if he knows that he has obtained the Phoenix Nine Leaf Lotus.

Judging from his performance, unless he also has Oscar-level acting skills, he should not know.

But his attitude today made Lei Ling a little angry.

"Master, Senior Brother Cai seems to be..."

Shi Yu came up, and his expression was also a little ugly.

She manages Lei Ling's belongings, and Lei Ling gave Cai Mi a lot of money back and forth!

But this kid didn't know how to be grateful. He knew that Lei Ling and Hua Yang had a feud, so he didn't help at all during this time. Even Lei Ling offered him to help just now, but this kid was pushing back and forth.

"After all, Hua Yang is the senior brother of Tianxiao Lingfeng Sect. It is reasonable for Cai Mi not to want to offend him."

With a wave of Lei Ling's hand, after closing the tent, he turned around and said, "Well, if you want to be me, you have to be completely devoted to me.

This Cai Mi, treat him as a normal cooperation partner in the future, and give him any remuneration, and don't need to pay more. "

"Yes, Master!"

Shi Yu hastily bowed to salute, but her body trembled unconsciously.

Lei Ling's words were talking about Cai Mi, but also for her.

Obviously, what she did behind Lei Ling's back did not let Lei Ling down.

In her mind, she couldn't help but think of Jin Qiaoer who was alive and kicking. Although she looked carefree, she often confronted Lei Ling.

But Lei Ling has always loved her the most.

Apart from her being naturally likable, the big reason is that she always puts everything on the table and never secretly does anything behind Lei Ling's back.

"I'm really smart, but I was mistaken by my cleverness!"

Shi Yu secretly sighed in her heart, looking at Lei Ling's back, she secretly told herself in her heart that she would never do what she did before in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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