Chapter 315 Infighting
The next day, Cai Mi's news quickly had an effect.

After all, Fang Yuan was a disciple of Tianxiao Lingfeng Sect. Many people had suspected Huayang, but there was no evidence.

Now Cai Mi, the gold medalist, said after inquiring that it might be Hua Yang's fault, and everyone pointed their fingers at Hua Yang for a while.

The phoenix nine-leaf lotus is a divine object, except for Lan Ling Mu Xue, no one would want to have it.

Not to mention that there are still a lot of Phoenix fire crystals.

The Black Beast Alliance even sent someone to spread the word that as long as Huayang handed over the Phoenix Nine Leaf Lotus, the blockade would be lifted and the Nanzhou coalition forces would be allowed to leave safely.

Under Lei Ling's secret urging, many low-ranking disciples took up banners, went to Huayang to demonstrate and sit quietly.

Ask him to hand over Fang Yuan and Phoenix Nine-leaf Lotus to leave a way for everyone to survive.

"damn it!"

In the tent, Hua Yang smashed the teacup in his hand, his eyes almost burst into flames:
"This Cai Mi dared to frame me, I think he doesn't want to live anymore."

One of his confidantes said with a worried face: "Brother, we didn't participate in the war until later, which has caused dissatisfaction among many people. Now that this incident happened again, we are in an embarrassing situation!"

As soon as he said this, the faces of the Tianjiao of the Tianxiao Lingfeng faction present were a little ugly.

Apparently, they were still worried about Huayang preventing them from making a move before. During this time, they were always pointed out when they went out.

They couldn't even raise their heads, if it wasn't for Huayang's long-standing prestige, they would have given up serving them a long time ago.

"Hmph! Our Tianxiao Lingfeng faction is one of the four major factions. Just relying on some rumors and these small tricks will disgust us at best.

Some of you go and arrest Cai Mi for me, I want to see who gave him the courage to pour dirty water on me. "

Hua Yang snorted coldly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, everyone was bullying him, he had to show something.

Cai Mi is ranked ninth in Wushuang Jiange. In terms of strength alone, he is a third-rate figure.

It was easy for Huayang to catch him, but this chicken thief is ruthless. After he released the news, he guessed that Huayang would make trouble for him.

Early in the morning, he hid at Lei Ling's place.

Lei Ling didn't drive him away either. After all, this incident happened because of him, and he should keep Cai Mi because of emotion and reason.

"How to do?"

The expert who went to capture Cai Mi, learned that Cai Mi was at Lei Ling's place, he hesitated when he looked at me and I looked at you.

"Call Senior Brother Hua, we can't afford Lei Ling."

A Tianjiao shrugged, Lei Ling dared to kill all the Tianjiao in full view.

They don't want to provoke such a vicious existence.

In the Lei Ling tent
Huangfu Yunfei, Wu Qingcheng, Wu Qingguo's sisters, and Lingyin, a group of peerless Jiange geniuses gathered together.

Everyone gathered around the big table, eating and drinking, and chatted happily.

Cai Mi sat on the side in a ghostly manner, seeing so many people beside him, his hanging heart finally settled down.

After getting the news, Hua Yang quickly led someone to kill him. Seeing this scene, the corners of his eyes immediately twitched.

"Yo~~ Isn't this Nephew Huayang? Have you eaten yet? Do you want to sit down together?"

Lei Ling, who was sitting on the main seat, looked up and saw Hua Yang with a gloomy face, and smiled enthusiastically.

He called Huayang's nephew, making Huayang's gloomy face darken a bit, Huayang suppressed the anger in his heart, bowed and saluted:

"Uncle Lei Ling, I have something to ask Cai Mi, I wonder if I can let him come with me."

"Of course not!"

Lei Ling refused straight away. He wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and said:

"I said nephew Huayang, do you have any discernment? Didn't you see that we were having dinner?"


Hua Yang squeezed his fist, he looked at Cai Mi, then at Lei Ling, nodded and said:
"I see. No wonder Cai Mi dares to be so bold. It turns out that you are behind him!"

"I don't know what you are talking about, but if you have nothing to do, go away and don't disturb Master Ben for dinner."

Lei Ling dug his ears and waved his hands impatiently. Since they had already made moves with each other, he would naturally not save face for Hua Yang.

"Okay! Lei Ling! Remember it for me."

Hua Yang clenched his fists, but was not provoked by Lei Ling. After leaving a harsh word, he walked away.

But when he left, he gave Cai Mi a hard look.

Cai Mi was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he looked at Lei Ling wanting to cry but said:
"I'll go, little uncle, this Huayang seems to have a grudge against me!"

Lei Ling patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and comforted him: "Don't worry, there is this young master covering you, he can't touch you."

Huangfu Yunfei frowned slightly, sighed, and reminded: "Young Master Ling, you must not underestimate this person Huayang. This person has many methods and is good at formations and barriers. He is very difficult to deal with."

"It's okay, it's just a clown, come and drink."

Lei Ling shrugged indifferently, although he said so, he was still very vigilant in his heart.

Huayang is quite a leader, and he was the leader of the Nanzhou coalition before.

But now that he is strong and strong, if there is a real fight, Lan Ling and Mu Xue will also help out because of Qing Hongyu's sake.So he was expecting Huayang to take action against him.

Solving him here is much easier than going out.

Time passed day by day like this. I thought this matter would be over for the time being, but on the third day, something happened to Cai Mi.

Outside a tent, Cai Mi was surrounded by a group of people in disheveled clothes, who punched and kicked him.

Poor Fatty Cai didn't dare to fight back, so he could only hold his head and let them beat him violently.

Not far away, there was another nun sitting there crying and talking intermittently to the nun who was comforting her.

"Stop it all!"

After Lei Ling got the news, he rushed over with a group of people. Looking at Cai Mi who was shirtless and wearing only a pair of flowery pants, he couldn't help taking a breath!

"Little Martial Uncle! You've come, if you're one step late, I'll be beaten to death by them."

As soon as Cai Mi saw Lei Ling, he wanted to rush towards him, but the people around him would not let him do so.

A person kicked him hard to the ground, and then several people rushed up and tied him up.

His skills are so proficient that even compared to Lei Ling's hunting team, he is not far behind.

Lei Ling's eyes were angry, and with a wave of his hand, the disciples of Wushuang Jiange surrounded them. He looked at those and said angrily:

"You better give me an explanation, otherwise I promise, you can only crawl away today."

"Uncle Lei Ling! Cai Mi is so daring that he tried to indecently assault our junior sister Qiu Ling. We caught him, shouldn't he be beaten?"

A handsome young man held Cai Mi's fat face, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"I don't want to talk about what happened! I also said that you, sister Qiu Ling, are molesting my nephew Cai Mi!"

Lei Ling rolled his eyes, looked at Cai Mi, patted his chest and said, "Cai Mi, tell yourself what's going on, don't worry! With me around, no one would dare to touch you."

Unexpectedly, Cai Mi gave Qiu Ling an awkward look, and said hesitantly, "It's my junior sister Qiu Ling who molested me."


Lei Ling stared at him dumbfounded, and stood there for a long time without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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