My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 316 Overbearing Lei Ling

Chapter 316 Overbearing Lei Ling
"Junior Martial Uncle, it's me who just wanted to spoil Junior Sister Qiu Ling's innocence, me and me."

At the end of Cai Mi's speech, he lowered his head blushing, feeling really ashamed to speak any more.

Lei Ling glanced at the crying girl sitting beside her.

This young girl has delicate features and delicate features, gentle and pleasant, she is indeed a rare beauty.

He rubbed his chin, pondering in his heart: "Could it be that Cai Mi is really on his mind?"

Seeing that Cai Mi didn't make any excuses, the young man was also slightly taken aback, and then a look of joy flashed in his eyes, and said righteously: "Uncle Lei Ling, you see he has admitted it himself, we must make him pay the price, don't you think so! "

"That's right, Cai Mi is so daring, he must pay the price."

"Castrate him! Let him never have bad thoughts again."

"Yes! Castrate him, castrate him."

"Castrate him!"

"Cast him!"

Listening to the lively melon-eating crowd, you have reached a consensus in this way, and you are going to castrate yourself.

Cai Mi was about to burst into tears, and he wailed, "Don't! You'll admit to beating and scolding me, but don't kill me! Little uncle, you must save me!"

Lei Ling scratched his head, now everyone thinks that Cai Mi belongs to him, if he doesn't save it, it will definitely chill the hearts of many people.

But this guy actually admitted it himself, and he didn't even know the simple truth of being lenient when confessing, being imprisoned, being strictly resisted, and going home for the New Year.

How can he save this?

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he said with a serious face: "Since Qiu Ling is already Cai Mi's person, why not make the mistake and let them become a husband and wife, Cai Mi, are you willing?"

A look of ecstasy flashed across Cai Mi's face, he nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "I am willing, I am willing."

He was willing, but the others were immediately unhappy: "Uncle Lei Ling, what are you talking about? What do you mean that Junior Sister Qiu Ling is already a member of Cai Mi?
Although Cai Mi was full of lust, but Junior Sister Qiu Ling resisted to the death and did not let him succeed, and could he make mistakes?You are conniving criminals. "

"That's right, Uncle Lei Ling, although Cai Mi is yours, you can't cover it up like this, right?"

"Uncle Lei Ling, you have the highest seniority here, and you should uphold justice, but you have to be reasonable!"

"That's right, Master Lei Ling, Cai Mi's actions are beyond the law of nature and must be severely punished."

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation, and they all spoke out to criticize.

"Isn't it justified? Don't be ridiculous, you people, who doesn't have blood on their hands? If you want to make trouble, just say it, don't punish those who have nothing."

Lei Ling's sharp eyes swept over everyone one by one, and said with a sneer:

"Talk about reason with me, play moral kidnapping with me? You frankly found the wrong person. This young master has never been reasonable in his work. Take them all down for me."

The Tianjiao of Wushuang Jiange have long held their breath in their hearts!
Wushuang Jiange is the largest faction in Nanzhou, and few people dare to provoke them. These people don't care about indiscriminate, and directly beat Cai Mi into a pig's head, which is also hitting their faces.

After Lei Ling gave the order, they rushed forward, those people didn't even resist, and let them subdue themselves, with a calm expression on their faces.

"Uncle Lei Ling, what a majesty!"

Accompanied by a familiar voice, Hua Yang walked over with a group of people.

With a wave of his hand, these people surrounded Lei Ling and the others again.

Lei Ling raised his eyebrows, these people brought by Huayang are not just cats or dogs.

Not only the arrogance of his Tianxiao Lingfeng sect, but also the top figures in the sect attached to Tianxiao Lingfeng sect, as well as his allies, are quite a force.

"Huayang! What do you want to do?"

Lei Ling's gaze became more and more fierce, no wonder the group of people looked confident, it turned out that Hua Yang had backed them!

Hua Yang chuckled. He glanced at Cai Mi who was sitting on the ground covered in injuries, and then at Qiu Ling who was crying, and said as it should be:
"Of course it's upholding justice. There must be something to reason with, right? Since you don't want to uphold justice, Uncle Lei Ling, I can only do it for you."

"Do you dare to fight with me?"

Lei Ling smiled coldly, his whole body was filled with murderous intent, and there was a tendency to strike directly when there was a disagreement.

At this moment, Huayang was a little stunned. The battle was imminent, and the strength of the Nanzhou coalition was already weaker than that of the Black Beast Alliance.

At this time, no one dared to fight, but seeing Lei Ling's posture, it seemed that he really wanted to do something!

Was he not afraid of public outrage?

Doesn't he want to go out?

"Cai Mi, whoever hits you, call me back. With me around, no one dares to do anything to you."

Lei Ling glanced at Cai Mi, saw that he was squirming, but didn't move, and added:

"If you don't beat me, I don't need them to eunuch you, I will turn you into a eunuch in minutes."

As soon as he heard that he was going to become a eunuch, Cai Mi suddenly slapped his hands on the ground and jumped up as if he had been spat out.

He grabbed a subdued disciple by the neck, scratched his ears, and yelled, "I want you to hit me, I want you to hit me!"

Under this beating, the hatred and grievance that had been suppressed in his heart all burst out.

Fatty Cai seemed to have gone crazy. He beat those who had beaten him before, causing them to scream.

Hua Yang frowned, and before he could speak, one of his confidantes formed seals with both hands, and wanted to use spiritual skills to restrain Cai Mi, and when he moved, Lei Ling also moved.

When he cast the spirit spell, a blade flashed, and the next moment, his throat was directly pierced.

That Tianjiao covered his blood-spitting throat and stared at Lei Ling in horror.

Although Lei Ling didn't kill someone, no one thought that he would actually dare to hurt someone.

"That flying knife!"

Seeing the flying knife returning to Lei Ling's hand, all the masters including Hua Yang showed surprise on their faces.

From above the flying knife, they sensed a trace of Lanling Muxue's breath.

"What? Scared?"

The corner of Lei Ling's mouth curled into a strange arc. His Little Thunder Flying Knife was originally made by Lan Ling Muxue himself.

When accompanying Qing Hongyu, because he performed very well, Qing Hongyu blessed her ancient characters for his flying knife.

Its power is no longer comparable to before.

Of course, what everyone was afraid of was not his throwing knife, but Lanling Muxue.

Lanling Muxue has always been detached and rarely meddles in other people's business, that's why Huayang dared to design Cai Mi.

Before, everyone was telling Lei Ling that he had an unusual relationship with Lan Ling and Mu Xue, and now they took out such a throwing knife.

There's no guarantee that he won't be able to invite Lan Ling Mu Xue!
In the battle of the flame space, Lanling Muxue showed terrifying and incomparable strength.

If she made a move, one person might be able to slaughter the Tianxiao Lingfeng faction completely.

(End of this chapter)

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