My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 317 Each Demonstrates His Abilities

Chapter 317 Each Demonstrates His Abilities (Two Chapters In One)
"Lei Ling, do you think that with Lan Ling Mu Xue backing you, you can do whatever you want?"

Hua Yang narrowed his eyes slightly. It happened so suddenly, so he didn't react for a while.

After calming down now, he did not retreat but advanced, and took another step forward, righteously said:
"Although your Wushuang Jiange is strong, you don't want to bully the weak. My Tianxiao Lingfeng faction is not a vegetarian, and the talents of all sects and sects are not cowards."

Lanling Muxue may be the strongest in this mysterious sky, but how about going out?

If they really dared to bully the weak and slaughter the disciples of various sects today.

After going out, even Lan Ling and Mu Xue will be in disaster.

What's more, whether Lei Ling can invite Lan Ling and Mu Xue to talk about it!

"Huayang, don't play double standards with me here."

With a throwing knife in his hand, Lei Ling pointed at those who were being whipped by Cai Mi, and said:
"These people beat me to send Tianjiao for no reason. They are not bullying. Could it be that we are bullying when we take revenge?"

Hua Yang frowned, and said in a deep voice: "The reason why they acted was because Cai Mi bullied Qiu Ling, it's justifiable."

"Oh? Then Cai Mi was beaten, isn't revenge justified?"

Lei Ling looked at Hua Yang with a half-smile, spread his hands and said, "Aren't you still using double standards? I want to ask you, who is bullying the weak?"

Hua Yang was a little dumbfounded by what he said. Although he knew that Lei Ling was making unreasonable words, he didn't know how to refute for a while.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the confidants around him hurriedly stood up and said, "Lei Ling, don't exchange ideas with us here, let alone, we don't need to pursue the matter of beating people for the time being.

But it's a certain fact that Cai Mi bullied Qiu Ling, right?Don't you Wushuang Jiange give an explanation? "

"Confession? You beat him and scolded him too. That's great. I'll just go back and lock him up for two days."

Lei Ling shrugged, glanced sharply at the Huayang group, and said with a sneer:
"What? Do you still want to kill him for an attempted molestation? At worst, the young master will just pay the chick some money.

Besides, it's still a matter of how things are going!Maybe it's this little girl who fell in love with my nephew Cai Mi and wants to molest him!

And I don't look like Xiao Nizi is perfect!What's the big deal? "


Hua Yang and the others were confused by what he said again, but what Lei Ling said was not completely unreasonable.

In a situation like this, if the woman's background is much stronger than the man's, she must be killed directly.

But if the status of the two parties is equal, the most they can do is to beat them up violently, and then ask for some compensation, and the man's elders will give some punishment.

For example, Wu Qingcheng and Jin Dabao, Jin Dabao took care of her, didn't they still get married in the end?
What's more, really counting, this Qiu Ling's status is much lower than Cai Mi's!

As for not being perfect, it was Lei Ling's ignorance. In his opinion, there should be no innocent girl who would use her innocence to make trouble!
No matter what the final result of this matter is, it will be bad for her reputation after all.

Lei Ling swaggered up to Qiu Ling, at this time Qiu Ling had stopped crying.

She looked at Lei Ling standing in front of her, her face was full of horror, and she stammered and asked, "Uncle Lei Lei Ling, what do you want to do?"

Seeing this, Cai Mi hurriedly stopped, rushed over at an unbelievable speed, stood in front of Qiu Ling and said:

"Uncle, this matter has nothing to do with Junior Sister Qiu Ling, it's all my fault, please don't embarrass her!"


Lei Ling was almost fainted by this stupid pig!

This fat man usually looks very clever, why is he so stupid today?

This kind of pig teammate, even if he is a king, he can't move it!

He pointed at Cai Mi and cursed: "Fatty Cai, are you f---ing lost? Do you know what you're talking about?"

"I am. I."

Cai Mi was scratching his head and cheeks anxiously, not knowing how to explain it.

Not only Lei Ling was dumbfounded, but also the melon-eaters present were also dumbfounded.

This melon is quite big and sweet, but until now, I don’t understand it!

Qiu Ling suddenly let out a long sigh, with a bit of mourning on her face:
"Actually, Brother Cai and I have been together for a long time."


This sentence is like a blockbuster that completely stupefied everyone who was already stupefied. Isn't the amount of information too much?
Even Lei Ling, who claimed to be invincible in the world, couldn't figure out what was going on for a while.

He thought it was Hua Yang and others who set up a trick to trap Cai Mi.

But now it seems that things are far more complicated than he imagined!
Hua Yang looked at Qiu Ling sharply, and asked coldly, "Qiu Ling, do you know what you're talking about?"

"Ha ha!"

Qiu Ling let out a miserable laugh and stood up. She looked at Huayang, then at the group of senior brothers who had been beaten into pig heads by Cai Mi, and finally looked at her again, looking back at her Cai Mi anxiously:

"I'm a bad woman, a watery bad woman, I've had a lot of men, they've talked to me, but I know they just want to put me in bed."

As she spoke, her fingertips gently slid across Cai Mi's fat face, and a touch of tenderness flashed in her eyes:
"It's just that I didn't expect you to be real to me. I'm so happy, really happy."

"Don't say it, don't say it, you are a good girl, and in my heart, you have always been a good girl."

Cai Mi hugged her uncontrollably, and burst into tears.

"What's the matter with this Nima?"

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, but still don't understand.

However, Lei Ling understood somewhat, and looked at Hua Yang who had a somewhat anxious face.

He sneered, his lips moved slightly, and the sound transmission brought him the Wushuang Jiange Tianjiao.

A group of people immediately surrounded Cai Mi and Qiu Ling to protect them.

Lei Ling looked at Qiu Ling who was gently stroking Cai Mi's head, and said with a faint smile: "Qiu Ling, if you have anything to say, just say it, with this young master around, no one can hurt you.

You will follow us from now on, and when we leave here, I will let you enter the Wushuang Jiange. "

"Thank you little uncle."

Qiu Ling's eyes were full of surprises. Originally, she only stood up when her head got hot.

She already felt a little regretful just now, but Lei Ling's words were undoubtedly a shot in the arm, making her completely relieved.

She pointed to the confidant next to Hua Yang and said: "He is the one who asked me to frame Cai Mi, and he said that if I disagree, he will let me disappear into the Mysterious Sky Realm without a sound.

My seniors also advised me to listen to him, hehe, who made the Tianxiao Lingfeng sect so powerful!
It's just that I didn't expect that the person he wanted to frame was Cai Mi, let alone that Cai Mi was willing to admit it for me. "


When the melon-eating crowd heard the words, they all turned their attention to Hua Yang and the others, and they were all very annoyed. They were almost used by Hua Yang as gunmen.

Lei Ling looked at Hua Yang coldly, and asked with a half smile: "Nephew Hua Yang, do you have anything else to say?"

"Zhou Zhong, is what she said the truth?"

Hua Yang turned around and looked coldly at his confidant Zhou Zhong. Zhou Zhong was already drenched in sweat, and he knelt down with a plop, crying:
"Brother, I'm sorry, I was wrong. I just designed Cai Mi in a fit of anger. I'm willing to be punished."

Lei Ling sneered, and said in a strange way: "Threatening junior sisters from other factions and murdering comrades, this is a serious crime of beheading!"


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a puff, and Zhou Zhong's head fell to the ground.

Hua Yang wiped off the blood on his hands, and looked at Lei Ling coldly: "Uncle Lei Ling, are you still satisfied?"


Everyone couldn't help but gasp!

Isn't this Huayang too ruthless?

This is his confidant!Kill it if you say kill it?
Isn't he afraid of chilling the hearts of his subordinates?
"Why did you really kill someone?"

Lei Ling looked at Hua Yang in shock, swallowed and said: "I'm just saying that, in fact, this nephew is not guilty of death!
After all, it didn't cause any catastrophe, and even made a good story.

This young master is the most merciful, just punish him casually, why do you kill people at the slightest disagreement?

Are you a spiritual cultivator or a demonic cultivator? "


Hua Yang was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but today he saw Lei Ling's powerful mouth.

He didn't want to talk nonsense with him, and he had no face to stay any longer, so he snorted coldly and walked away.

This time, he really stole the chicken and lost the rice, and he was ashamed.

After Hua Yang left, Lei Ling's eyes fell on those people who gang-beaten Cai Mi before.

Those people immediately knelt down and kowtowed.

"Uncle Lei Ling, please forgive me! We know we were wrong."

"We were also threatened by Zhou Zhong. I beg Uncle Lei Ling to spare our lives for the sake of Junior Sister Qiu Ling!"

"We don't dare anymore, we admit to beating and punishing, and beg Uncle Lei Ling to save our lives."

With Hua Yang gone, they completely lost their backing, what would they have to fight against Lei Ling?
They conspired to frame Wushuang Jiange Tianjiao, and Lei Ling wanted to kill them, so no one could say anything.

"Senior Uncle Lei Ling, my senior brothers are forced to do nothing, please spare their lives."

Qiu Ling also pushed Cai Mi away, knelt down, and kowtowed for them.

Seeing this, Cai Mi was heartbroken, walked up to Lei Ling and asked in embarrassment:
"Uncle, can you see if you can?"

"This is your business. Since you don't blame me anymore, I won't hold on to it."

Lei Ling smiled and waved his hands. He took Wushuang Jiange's arrogance, turned and left. Before leaving, he left a sentence:

"However, what happened to this matter, after I get out, I still want to ask the elders in the pavilion to investigate, maybe there is some behind-the-scenes manipulator that hasn't been dug out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, those people who had originally looked happy fell limply on the ground.

Once Lei Ling said this, they would definitely not survive tonight, Hua Yang would not allow this matter to be involved in his head.


Such a word appeared in their hearts.

The Mysterious Sky Realm is full of dangers.

A general attack will be launched in a few days. If they escape separately, Huayang may not be able to intercept them all.

Even if you are trapped in this Mysterious Sky Realm, it is still better than being dead!
Maybe, what opportunity can be found to rise against the sky!
At night, Lei Ling ordered someone to call Cai Mi to his tent.

Looking at the little fat man with a blue nose and a swollen face, he asked a little strangely:

"Cai Mi, what happened today? What is the situation between you and Qiu Ling?"

Cai Mi sighed for a long time, picked up the tea bowl on the table, gulped it down, and drank it down. He said bitterly: "Actually, I had a relationship with Qiu Ling, and it was on a stormy night. "

Lei Ling's mind was full of black threads, and he quickly reached out his hand to stop him: "Stop, stop! My time is limited, please make a long story short, thank you."

"Huh? Oh! All right!"

Cai Mi looked displeased, and said helplessly: "Anyway, there was a period in the previous experience.

Later she left inexplicably, leaving a letter asking me not to look for her.

The name she was using was not her real name, and of course I was not using my real name.

In addition, she told me not to look for her. Although I was sad, I still respected her wishes and did not look for her, so I slowly let go.

This morning, I suddenly received a love letter, anyway, it expressed all kinds of admiration for me, and invited me to her place as a guest.

Originally, I definitely wouldn't go. Huayang held a grudge against me, and this was probably a trap he set for me.

But I recognized the handwriting on the letter. I took out the letter Qiu Ling left for me and compared it, and found that it was exactly the same.

At that time, I was so excited that I almost exploded. As soon as my head became hot, I rushed over, and then something happened. "

Having said that, Cai Mi sighed a long time, put on a look of a lover, and continued:
"Well, I actually love her very much. This is the grievance between me and Huayang. He was also affected. Naturally, I can't harm her."

"It turns out that's the case. No wonder you seem to have taken the wrong medicine. You would rather be wronged than protect her."

Lei Ling smiled wryly and shook his head. Seeing Cai Mi's anxious look, he had a thought, and said with a smirk, "What? That little girl is waiting for you to go back and relive your old dreams?"

Cai Mi smiled, and said with a happy face: "Hey! To tell you the truth, my little uncle, Ling'er has already explained to me that she left because she was afraid that I would dislike her for not being perfect.

In fact, I don't care too much about this. Compared with big girls, I like married women more!

She has promised to marry me and will live with me tonight. "

Lei Ling rolled his eyes when he heard this, and cursed with a smile: "Get out, get out! You perverted pig."

"Farewell, I'll come back tomorrow to say hello to you old man."

Cai Mi hurriedly bowed to Lei Ling, and ran away in no time.

After watching him go, the smile on Lei Ling's face gradually narrowed, and even became a little gloomy.

Judging from Qiu Ling's performance today, she is definitely a scheming woman, and extremely smart.

I'm afraid that when she left the letter back then, it was not because she was afraid that Cai Mi would dislike her for being incomplete, but because Cai Mi used a false identity to make her feel that Cai Mi was not good enough for her.

In the Tianxuan Secret Realm, she might have recognized Cai Mi long ago.

After all, Cai Mi is often by his side, and recently everyone is chasing him to sell information, and the exposure rate is still very high.

From this point of view, this incident was likely caused by Qiu Ling's self-recommendation.

After all, writing love letters and seducing things is too lame. Hua Yang is not a fool, so it is impossible to use such low-level tricks.

Qiu Ling was sure that Cai Mi could recognize his handwriting, and at the same time, she also left a way out for herself, and did not directly recognize Cai Mi in the letter.

At the beginning of today, she still pretended to be bullied. It was not until Lei Ling came and suppressed the audience forcefully, even making Hua Yang and others speechless, that she came forward to tell the truth.

She didn't dare to identify Hua Yang, but identified a close friend of Hua Yang's, and even pleaded to save her senior brother.

It can be said that the loss has been minimized!
"No! Is it possible that this is a trick?"

A flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in Lei Ling's mind, everything went smoothly today.

Huayang is not a fool, how could he lose so badly?
Moreover, even if he enforced the law impartially and Qiu Ling didn't stand up for this kind of thing, Cai Mi wouldn't be in any serious trouble.

At most, he just suffers some flesh and blood, and loses some face. After all, he is the ninth-ranked direct disciple of Wushuang Jiange, so he can't really be cracked, can he?
"Buy a nail by my side? Or do you want to get all kinds of information about Cai Mi?"

Lei Ling's gaze became colder and colder: "If you're playing tricks with me, I'm afraid you've found the wrong person."

Lei Ling is a villain without the aura of the protagonist. In this world where the protagonist is flying all over the sky, he can survive until now because of his unimaginable prudence.

Although sometimes his wild thoughts will scare him to death, but it is very, very difficult for others to plot against him.

Just imagine, even his personal maid lives under his surveillance all day long.

Even the woman who slept with him, he was always on guard.

How could he trust others so easily?
He will rack his brains and suspect everyone and everything, even if the idea is outrageous.

As long as there is a possibility of threatening him, he will not let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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