My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 318 Jin Qiaoer Was Assassinated

Chapter 318 Jin Qiaoer Was Assassinated
In the dead of night, the big camp in Nanzhou was guarded by an enchantment, and the arrogances of heaven were not worried about sneak attacks.

So they are all in their own tents, recharging their energy and getting ready for the next big battle.

Lei Ling was lying on the bed, not practicing, thinking about various things in his head.

For example, did Fang Yuan die?
If he didn't die, why didn't he stand up to identify himself and snatch Phoenix Jiuyelian away?
What is his purpose?
Another example, is Qiu Ling a chess piece arranged by Huayang?

Will Cai Mi be instigated by her?
Or is there something wrong with Cai Mi himself?
And Lanling Muxue and so on.

The Profound Sky Secret Realm placed great restrictions on him, and he didn't have enough manpower to make use of it.

Lingyin, Wu Qingcheng and the others had no way of helping him to spy on someone.

In addition, Cai Mi is also in trouble now, for Lei Ling, it is tantamount to making matters worse.

Suddenly, the barrier outside his tent shook, and then a figure rushed in.

Lei Ling sat up immediately, his eyesight was amazing, he could see even in the dark, when he saw that the person coming was Jin Qiaoer in bear pajamas.

He couldn't help taking a deep breath, thinking in his heart: "Could it be that this chick has become enlightened and wants to engage in night raids?"


Unexpectedly, Jin Qiao'er burst into tears when she came in. She opened her arms and quickly threw herself into his arms, tears gushing out as if she didn't want money.

She was crying so hard that her tender body was still shaking uncontrollably, obviously frightened.

A killing intent flashed in Lei Ling's eyes, he popped a few sparks, lit the candle, gently stroked Jin Qiaoer's little head, and asked softly, "What's the matter, Qiaoer? Have you had a nightmare?"

After crying for a while, Jin Qiao'er sobbed and said, "Lei Ling, someone is going to kill me, I'm so scared."

"What did you say?"

Lei Ling's expression changed instantly.

The sudden louder voice made Jin Qiaoer tremble violently.

Lei Ling hugged Jin Qiaoer, stretched out his hand to gently wipe away the tears on her face, suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked softly, "Qiaoer, who wants to kill you?"

"I don't know, people have been giving me snacks before, but you told me not to eat things from strangers, so I didn't eat them. Later, I checked carefully and found that those snacks were indeed poisonous.

I thought I'd just ignore them.

But tonight, some men in black wanted to kill me, and I was almost beaten to death by them. "

While talking, Jin Qiaoer's tears flowed down again, the distressed Lei Ling hurriedly hugged her into his arms, comforting her softly.

Lei Ling was very cautious, in the Profound Sky Secret Realm, he had many enemies.

He himself is powerful and has a noble status. Most people dare not, and it is difficult to hurt him.

In this way, the few small oil bottles around him became good targets.

Their strength is not high, and it is very easy to kill them.

Moreover, if little people like them died, the Tianjiao who came to Wushuang Jiange would not be so angry.

Lanling and Muxue would not go on a killing spree for them.

It can also disgust Lei Ling, and even make Lei Ling feel sad.

The risk is much lower than the gain.

So after Lei Ling left Eternal Shenzhou, he handed over the little girls to Wu Qingcheng, Lingyin, and Wu Qingguo respectively.

These three people are all very strong, even if they encounter an opponent they cannot match, they can still resist one or two.

In this big camp, as long as there is a little movement, the Tianjiao around will be able to detect it.

I didn't expect that even if it was like this, there would still be people who would dare to do it.

"Qiaoer! What's going on, are you not injured? How is Wu Qingcheng?"

Lei Ling asked eagerly, the person who did the attack seemed to be not ignorant of the situation here, so he chose Jin Qiaoer, whom he loves the most, to attack.

"Tonight, someone from Tianxiao Lingfeng's sect called Qingcheng's sister-in-law away, saying they wanted to discuss something.

I slept obediently on the bed alone, but after a while, the barrier outside the tent was broken, and then several men in black rushed in, trying to kill me.

I was so scared, I couldn't call Dahei here, so I grabbed a handful of talismans from the storage ring and threw them over.

But it was useless at all. Fortunately, sister Qingguo arrived in time and drove them away, otherwise I would die! "

Jin Qiao'er leaned against Lei Ling's arms, briefly explained the ins and outs of the matter, and then stretched out her little arm.

There was a cut on her sleeve, Lei Ling's eyes froze again.

Hastily and carefully tore off her sleeve, there was a bloody wound on that tender forearm.

Although it was only a superficial injury, Lei Ling's heart was ruthlessly pulled, and a terrifying murderous intent spread instantly.

Seeing him looking like he was about to kill someone, Jin Qiao'er turned pale with fright, and hurriedly said:

"Lei Ling, don't worry, I've stopped the bleeding by myself, it doesn't hurt at all."

She just ran to look for Lei Ling because she was too scared. She didn't want Lei Ling to make a mess because of her.

First of all, she didn't want to cause trouble for Lei Ling.

Secondly, I don't want to see anyone die because of her.

Lei Ling let out a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand to gently pinch Jin Qiaoer's small face, and asked slightly reproachfully:

"Qiaoer, someone poisoned you, why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm fine. I'm smart. I can handle this little thing by myself."

Jin Qiaoer shook her head. Seeing the gentleness in Lei Ling's eyes, she subconsciously raised her chin, and said softly, "I didn't tell you because I was afraid of burdening you! Don't think about it." too much."

Lei Ling didn't say anything, but gently hugged Jin Qiaoer into his arms.

Although the little girl tried her best to restrain herself, her body still trembled unconsciously. I don't know if it was because of the pain in her arm, or because of the fear in her heart.

Jin Qiaoer is usually silly, but she is not without brains.

She knew that Lei Ling had been worrying too much recently, and she didn't want to burden him.

So even if someone wants to harm her, she chooses to bear it by herself.

Although Lei Ling was a little moved, it was definitely wrong to do so.

She escaped by chance this time, but will she have such good luck next time?
"It's really embarrassing for you, but this kind of thing will not be done in the future, whoever bullies you, who wants to kill you, or even who makes you unhappy, you have to tell me immediately, otherwise I will spank your ass. "

When she heard that Lei Ling was about to spank herself, Jin Qiaoer trembled in fright, as if she had thought of something terrible.

She nodded desperately in Lei Ling's arms, and promised herself again and again that she would never dare again.

"Does it hurt?"

Lei Ling took out the medicine box and helped Jin Qiaoer deal with the injury himself.

Although Jin Qiao'er grimaced in pain, she still shook her head and said, "It doesn't hurt. I'm not a child anymore, and I'm not afraid of pain at all."

"Well, Qiaoer is the bravest."

Lei Ling smiled slightly, and said suspiciously in his heart:
"Who is it? Huayang?"

Huayang had a conflict with him, and Wu Qingcheng was called away by people from the Tianxiao Lingfeng sect. There is no doubt that Huayang was very suspicious.

But would Huayang be so brainless?
Or is this outright provocation?
Huayang was protesting against him?
"No matter who it is, anyone who dares to touch my young master will be dead."

The corner of Lei Ling's mouth drew a cruel arc. He felt that he might be too kind, so that someone dared to provoke him.

He had to use more cruel methods to kill them, and use his blood to tell everyone that he, Lei Ling, was not easy to mess with.

(End of this chapter)

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