My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 325 Born Sword God

Chapter 325 Born Sword God (two chapters in one)
The next day, the Nanzhou coalition army assembled, and the transport airships carried a large number of low-level disciples and stood by at the rear.

The high-ranking Tianjiao is suspended in mid-air and divided into four groups, led by Huangfu Yunfei, Huayang, Wantu, and Xuangui respectively.

According to the original plan, Hua Yang should be the commander-in-chief of this battle, and all the people from all walks of life will rush to the battle according to the plan formulated by him.

After all, here, his formation skills are the highest!
But since Lan Ling and Mu Xue expressed their willingness to break the formation, the plan would naturally change.

The four groups of people changed from attacking to guarding. Once Lan Ling Muxue successfully broke through the formation, they would protect the transport fleet and rush out.

Lei Ling switched the Eternal Shenzhou into a small form. In addition to Shi Yu and other girls, there are also Wu Qingcheng, Lingyin, Cai Mi and Qiu Ling.

Originally, he wanted to call Shangwu Qingguo, but she wanted to accompany Huangfu Yunfei life and death, so Lei Ling didn't force it.

Lanling Muxue stood at the bow of the boat, she stood with her hands behind her back, her white dress like clouds fluttered in the wind, like a fairy coming to the world.

She stared at the big formation in front of her, and there was a very rare trace of solemnity between her brows.

Obviously, even if she wanted to destroy this peerless formation presided over by the masters of the Black Beast Alliance, it would not be so easy.

"Wow, little uncle, you are too awesome! Senior sister Mu Xue is willing to take you along."

Cai Mi's face flushed red with excitement, and a pair of small eyes moved back and forth on Lei Ling and Lanling Muxue.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't afford to offend these two people, he said later, "Did the two of you make some dirty deal?"

coming out.

Lei Ling raised his chin very proudly, he, Young Master Lei, is now a soft-fledged person.

With Lan Ling and Mu Xue supporting him in the future, who else would he be afraid of?

If the younger generation dared to bully him, let Lan Ling Muxue cut it, and if the older generation dared to bully him, let the elder Tianjian cut it.

On this three-acre land in Nanzhou, few people would dare to provoke him.

The space fluctuated, and a man wearing a yin-yang Taoist robe walked out of the Great Zhou Tian Yin-Yang Bagua Formation.

Looking at Lan Ling Muxue standing on the Eternal Shenzhou, she said with a disdainful smile:

"Haha! Are all the men in Nanzhou dead? Let a chick come over to break the formation?"

Even though he said that, the fool also knew that he was very afraid of Lan Ling Mu Xue.

That day, Lanling and Muxue were able to stand up to many masters of the Black Beast Alliance with her own strength!
Although he knew that he was deliberately ridiculing, Huangfu Yunfei and the others still had a bit of embarrassment after all.

After all, they are also arrogant and arrogant peerless arrogance!
It really hurts their self-esteem to hide behind a woman when something happens, even if this woman is too strong.

They felt humiliated, but Lei Ling didn't care, he jumped up and shouted:

"It's just a small formation, we can break it with any girl in Nanzhou!
what happened?Are you not convinced?If you are not convinced, you have the guts to find a woman and challenge her one-on-one?

If it doesn’t work, you can do it yourself!What the hell if you win, how about this young master be caught immediately? "


The man was so choked by him that he didn't speak for a long time.

It's not that there are no women in Zhongzhou who can single-handedly challenge Lan Ling and Mu Xue, but how can he call someone of that level?

As for him doing it himself, he wouldn't dare to lend him ten courage!
He probably belched as soon as he raised his hand.

When Lei Ling said this, the people in Nanzhou were shocked, after all, his words were very disrespectful to Lan Ling and Mu Xue.

Cai Mi and the others were even more frightened and trembled, for fear that Lan Ling and Mu Xue would cut them all down with a sword.

However, at the next moment, something stunned happened.

Lanling Muxue was very cooperative and challenged the man: "If you don't dare, you can ask a few more people to fight together."


In addition to the astonishment of many people, their eyes became a little dignified.

From this point of view, the relationship between Lei Ling and Lan Ling Mu Xue is really unusual.

"Hmph! If the masters of my sect are here, how can we allow you to be rampant?"

The man snorted coldly, feeling very aggrieved in his heart.

Yinyang Tianzong is the top sect in Zhongzhou, but now it is compared to people in the poor and remote areas of Nanzhou, who would not be aggrieved?

Lei Ling dug his ears, gave a disdainful cut, rolled his eyes and said:

"Cut! Who wouldn't say empty words? If it were my master, you would have been wiped out long ago."

The man shot with killing intent all over his body, looked at Lei Ling, and said viciously:

"Boy, I hope that when you are caught by us, your mouth will still be so powerful."

Hearing this, Lei Ling's eyes also turned cold, he clapped his hands and said:

"You are really brave. How dare you threaten me? Not only you are going to die now, but when I go to Zhongzhou, your whole family will die."

"Hmph! Let's do it according to our ability!"

That man was well aware of bickering, ten of them together couldn't beat Lei Ling, and he didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, he flicked his sleeves, turned around and wanted to go back to the formation.

However, at this moment, Lanling Muxue spoke again, and she said softly:
"If you withdraw the formation now, I can give you two days to escape from Nanzhou."

The man was slightly startled when he heard this.

This battle is a matter of life and death for the Nanzhou Allied Forces, after all, if they lose, they will be trapped in the Tianxuan Secret Realm.

After being hunted down by the Black Beast Alliance for 20 years, there are probably not many who survived.

But in the same way, this battle is also a battle of life and death for the Black Beast Alliance.

After all, this is the territory of Nanzhou, as long as they let go of a Nanzhou Tianjiao, the experts outside will know.

Twenty years later, it is impossible for them to sneak away. Even if there are experts outside to respond, they will surely suffer heavy casualties.

Originally, their original plan was to reach an agreement with the Nanzhou coalition forces after obtaining the Phoenix Nine Leaf Lotus, and let them leave in batches first.

But now that the Phoenix Nine Leaf Lotus has not been found, how could they leave?
"Lanling Muxue, I know you are strong, but if you want to destroy the Yin-Yang Eight Diagrams Formation we have set up by yourself, that would be tantamount to nonsense.

Even if a saint came, it would be fine!break!No!up! "

After the man finished speaking, he didn't stay for a moment, and with a flash of his figure, he returned to the Great Zhou Tian Yin-Yang Bagua Formation.

"He's right, the Great Zhou Tian Yin-Yang Bagua Formation is an incomparably powerful formation.

With so many experts mobilizing together, if an ordinary holy-level powerhouse breaks into it, it is likely that they will die inside, not to mention breaking the formation. "

Jin Qiao'er looked solemn, and said to Lei Ling in a low voice.

When she said that, she was also reminding Lan Ling Mu Xue that Jin Qiaoer was obviously not optimistic about Lan Ling Mu Xue either.

In the final analysis, Lanling Muxue was nothing more than a sea-suppressing realm power.


Lanling Muxue looked at the man's disappearing figure and let out a long sigh.

Lei Ling had confidence in Lan Ling Mu Xue, but Jin Qiaoer said that just now.

Now Lanling Muxue sighed again, he was also a little worried, and asked in a low voice:

"Sister Mu Xue, do you want to call a few more people to help?"

Lanling Muxue turned around and smiled at him, and said softly: "No, I can do it by myself. I sigh just because there are many arrogances today, and they will fall into my hands. Killing them who haven't grown up is a real shame." What a pity."

"Ah? Oh! Then be careful."

Lei Ling was taken aback for a moment, wondering where Lan Ling and Mu Xue's confidence came from. Could it be that she is already strong enough to challenge the strong in the holy realm?

Or did she know the weakness of the Great Zhou Tian Yin-Yang Bagua Formation?

Lanling Muxue let out a soft breath, and jumped into the air from the bow of the Eternal Shenzhou.

She quickly made various handprints with both hands, and chanted a language that no one could understand.

"what language is this?"

Lei Ling frowned slightly. Although he couldn't understand the language, he could feel a sacred and ancient aura from it.

Jin Qiaoer tilted her head and listened for a while, then suddenly her expression changed drastically, she covered her mouth, and exclaimed in surprise:

"This seems to be the sound of the divine language and sword. Mom, what kind of monster is Senior Sister Lan Ling?"

"What? Divine language and sword sound?"

People who heard the words Shenyu Jianyin and knew its origin were instantly stunned, and even Huangfu Yunfei was startled from ear to ear.

Looking at the doubts on Lei Ling's face, Jin Qiaoer explained in a low voice: "Shenyu Jianyin is a special language. Some people understand it from birth, and only they can speak it. Don't talk about learning it, even imitating it. Can't imitate."

"is it?"

Lei Ling didn't believe in evil, and opened his mouth to say something, but he really couldn't say it.

That feeling was like something stuck in his heart, so uncomfortable that he was about to vomit:

"Is this divine language and sword sound very powerful?"

Jin Qiao'er shook her finger and said: "The sound of the divine language and sword itself is not very powerful, but the people who master it are very powerful, and all of these people are born sword gods.

No matter what difficult sword art is, she can understand it at a glance, and she can even secretly learn other people's sword moves by observing other people's battles.

Of course, the more advanced the sword move, the longer it takes to watch it.

She can also see at a glance the flaws in other people's sword moves. Anyway, in terms of swords, she is the most peak existence. "

"I'll go! Isn't this too crazy?"

Lei Ling swallowed, he remembered that there seemed to be a protagonist in a novel in his previous life, he learned any martial arts after reading it, and his proficiency was automatically full.

Although Lanling Muxue is just a simplified version of him, only for swords, but this is awesome enough!

A natural sword god, she deserves it.

But then he wondered again: "Then why is she chanting scriptures now? Pretending to be coercive?"

"Keep your voice down!"

Jin Qiaoer was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she raised her hands to cover Lei Ling's mouth.

She took a sneak peek at Lan Ling Muxue who was still making seals and chanting, seeing that she didn't seem to hear, she put down her hand and continued:

"Those who have mastered the sword sound of the divine language have only one purpose for chanting the sword sound of the divine language, and that is to summon the divine sword within their bodies.

Take a good look at her, it will be of great help to you to practice swordsmanship in the future if you can take a look at her divine sword. "

Hearing what she said, Lei Ling suddenly noticed that Huangfu Yunfei, Wan Tu, Xuan Gui, Hua Yang, even Ling Yin, Wu Qingcheng and others were all staring at Lan Ling Mu Xue with burning eyes.

As Lanling Muxue continued to seal and chant, the surrounding spiritual energy began to riot.

A large amount of aura began to frantically gather towards her and revolve around her.

Lei Ling snapped his fingers, and a torrent of spiritual energy spewed out from the Eternal Shenzhou, galloping towards Lan Ling Mu Xue.

The spiritual energy in the Profound Sky Secret Realm is too mixed, how can it compare to the pure spiritual energy from the spiritual veins?

His own girl is working hard for him outside, and he has to do some small things within his ability.

With the help of Lei Ling's spiritual energy, Lan Ling and Mu Xue quickly stopped forming seals.

Looking at Lanling Muxue who was in the center of the aura vortex.

Everyone in the Black Beast Alliance was terrified.

Especially those men in black from Nanzhou even started to think about quitting.

Because in their Zhongzhou, there is also a natural sword god, and many of them have seen him show great power with their own eyes.

"What should I do? Escape?"

A man in black sent a voice transmission to the people in black.

"Don't panic, although she is a natural sword god, but a natural sword god is also strong and weak, her sword is definitely not as good as that one."

The man who just went out comforted: "Also, even if that person comes, he may not be able to break the Great Zhou Tian Yin Yang Eight Diagrams Formation formed by us."

"Yes! That's right, don't be scared by her."

"Use all your strength to mobilize the formation and fight."

At Lanling Muxue's heart, a small red whirlpool appeared.

A cold light flashed in her eyes, and she directly stretched her right hand in. At this moment, the world changed.

As she slowly pulled out her right hand, the spiritual energy surrounding her rushed into the vortex frantically.


When the red hilt was pulled out, everyone clenched their fists.

The surrounding temperature began to rise crazily, and even everyone who was a practitioner felt very uncomfortable.

"Get me out!"

Lan Ling and Mu Xue gave a coquettish cry, and pulled out the sword at once.

The surrounding temperature soared again, and the sky and the earth turned into a crimson color.

Lei Ling looked carefully, and saw that the sword was red all over, with red light shining.

There seems to be a phoenix pattern on it, and there are words engraved on it, but he doesn't know what the words are.

"What a beautiful sword!"

Looking at the unknown red Excalibur, even if he wasn't a sword repairer, his eyes showed obsession.


With a clicking sound, the sabers in the hands of many sword repairmen shattered.

Some spirit swords made of top-quality materials also let out bursts of wailing, scaring their masters to put them away in a hurry.

Exactly, as soon as the divine sword came out, Wan Jian cried out in mourning.

"No, this sword seems to be stronger than that one."

A man in black exclaimed aloud, he had seen the man using the Excalibur.

At that time, Wan Jian screamed, but there was no such thing as a broken sword!

"Whether it is strong or not is another matter, but this sword is indeed a greater threat to us than that one, because this sword is a divine sword that mainly attacks."

Another man in black said in a deep voice.

"Don't be distracted, run the big formation with all your strength, and activate the strongest defense. If we escape now, without the cover of the big formation, we will be killed by her."

(End of this chapter)

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